Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, October 07, 1789, Page 202, Image 2

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    property of such as maybe July licensed to reside
among them for the purposes of trade, and to
their agents, fadtors and servants ; butnoperfon
lhall be permitted to reside at their towns or at
their hunting camps, as a trader, who is not fur
nilhed with a licetife for thatpurpofe, under the
hand and leal of the Governor of the territory
of the United States north-weft of the Ohio, for
the time being, or under the hand and seal of one
of- his deputies for the management of Indian
Affairs ; to the end that they may not be imposed
tipon in their traffic. And if any peiTon or per-
Jbns lhall intrude thenifelves without such licence,
they promise to apprehend him or them, and
to bring them to the said Governor, or one of his
deputies, for the purpose before mentioned, to
be dealt with according to law: And that they
may be defended against persons who might at
tempt to forge such licences, they further engage
to give information to the said Governor, or one
ot his deputies, of the names ofall traders resid
ing among them from time to time, and at lealt
once in every year.
Article VIII. Should any Nation of Indians me
ditate a war against the United States, or either
of them, and the fame ffiall come to the know
ledge of the before mentioned Nations, or either
of them, they do hereby engage to give imme
diate notice thereof to the Governor, or In his
absence to the officer commanding the troops of
the United States at the nearest post. And should
any nation with hostile intentions against the Uni
ted States, or either of them, attempt to pass
through their country, they will endeavor to
prevent the fame, and in like manner give infor
mation of such attempt to the said Governor or
commanding officer, as soon as possible, that all
causes of mistrust and suspicion may be avoided
between them and the United States : In like
manner the United States lhall give notice to the
said Indian Nations, of any harm thatniaybe me
ditated against them, oreither of them, that ffiall
come to their knowledge; and do all in their
power to hinder and prevent the fame, that the
friendfhip between them may be uninterrupted.
Article IX. If any person or perfons,citizens or
fabjeds of the United States, or any other person
not being an Indian, ffiall presume to fettle upon
the lands confirmed to the said Nations,he and they
ffiall be out of the protection of the United States ;
and the said Nations may punilh hiin or tlieni in
ljjch manner as they fee fit.
Article X. The United States renew tliereferv
ations heretofore made in the before mention
ed Treaty at Fort-M'lntoffi, for the establishment
of trading posts in manner and form following,
"That is to fay, fix miles square at the mouth of the
Miami or Omie-river—fix miles square atrheport
age upon the branch of the Miami which runs in
to the Ohio—fix miles square upon the LakeSan
dufky where the fort formerly stood—and two
miles square upon each fide the lower rapids on
Sandufky-river : Which posts, and the lands an
nexedto them, ihall be forthe use andunderthe
government of the United States.
Article XI. The Post at Detroit, with a diftri(ft
of land beginning at the mouth of the liver Rofine
at the weft end ot Lake Erie, and running up the
southern bank of said river fix miles ; thence
northerly, and always fix miles weft of theftrait
until it strikes the Lake St. Clair, ffiall be reserved
for the Use of the United States.
Article XII. In like manner the post at Miche
limackinac, with its dependencies, and twelve
miles square about the fame, ffiall be reserved to
the sole use of the United States.
Article XIII. The United States of America do
hereby renew and confirm the peace and friend
fhip entered into with the said nations at the trea
ry before mentioned, held at Fort M'lntofh ; and
the said Nations again acknowledge them Tel ves
and all their Tribes,to be under the protection
ot the said United States, and no other power
Article XIV. The United States of America do
also receive into their friendfhip and protection,
the Nations of the Pattiwatimas and Sacs ; and do
hereby eftabliffi a league of peace and amity be
rween them refpeiftively; and all the articles of
this Treaty, so far as they apply tothefe Narions,
are to be considered as made and concluded in all,'
and every part expressly with them and each of
Article XV. And whereas in describing the
boundary before mentioned, the words, if ftricftly
eonftrucfted, would carry it from the portage 011
that bianch ot the Miami, which runs into the
Ohio, over to the River Au Glaize ; which was
neither the intention of the Indians, nor of the
Commissioners ; it is hereby declared, that the
line lhall run from the said portage diretftly to
thefirft fork of the Miami-river, which is to the
Jbuthward and eafhvard of the Miami village
thence down the main branch of the Miami-river
to the said village, and tlience down that river to
Lake Erie, and along the margin of the lake to
the place of beginning.
DONE at bort-Harxiar, on the Mujkingum, this
Ninth Day of January, in the Tear of our Lord
One Thou/and Seven hundred and Eighty.nine.
Jn Witness whereof the Parties have hereunto
iuterchanaeably set their Hands and Sea!r.
KONATIKINA, $ l L - b '
j KESHEYIVA. (1.. S.)
Chippeuias. •< PAUSHQUASH, (L.S.)
Ottavas. 5 ™' S S IA ' f l "*-;
Fattiwatimas. < WAPASKEA, (L Si
C NEQUEA. (L.' s.j
Dclavaus.OOrT r G ™ N ' D ' (L ' S '
, L . S,i
u )SOSkENE, L-S.l
Wyandot!. ■! jj £ ' 1 1 --S.j
DA'I ASAY, ;L. S.j
In presence of
JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. Com. ill United States Regiment,
and Brig. Gen. by Brevet.
I'.. DENNY, Enlign lit United States Regiment.
ROBERT THOMPSON, Ensign id U. S. Reet.
Be it remembered, That the Wyandots have laid
claim to the lands that were granted to the Shaw
anefe, at the Treaty held at the Miami, and have
declared, that as the Shawanefe have been so rest
less, and caufedfo much trouble bothto them and
to the United States, if they will not now be at
Peace, they will difpoflefs tliem, and take the
Country into their own hands ; for that the Coun
try is theirs ot Right, and theShawanefe are only
living upon it by their permiflion. They further
lay claim to all the Country Weft of the Miami
boundary, from the Village to the Lake Erie
and declare that it is now under their Manage
ment and Direction.
separate article.
W hei eas the VVyandots have represented, that
within the reservation from the Riverßofine along
the Strait, they have two villages from which
they cannot with any convenience remove ; it is
agreed, that they shall remain in the pofleflion
of the fame, and /hall not be in any manner distur
bed therein.
NOW KNOW YE, That I having seen and
conftdered the said Treaty, do, by and with the
Advice and Consent of the Senate, accept, ratify,
and confirm the fame, and every Article and Clause
thereof. IN TESTIMONY whereof, I havecau
fed the Seal of the United States to be hereunto
affixed, and signed the fame with my Hand.
GIVEN at the City of New-York, the
Twenty. ninth Day of September, in
SEAL th: rcar of our LORD One Thonfand
Unit'i'd s'tatis. Seve " Hrmdred and Eighty.nine, and
in the Thirteenth Tear of the Sove
reignty and Independence of the Uni
ted States.
By Command of The PreCdcnt of )
the United States of America, C
Secretary for the Department of War.
The African Prince now at Brighchelmftone,
cal "talents n yC3rS ° W 'P ofli:(lfed of amazinginufi^
1 his extraordinary genius has been presented
to the Prince of Wales, who intends to recom.
mend him to the profeffional concert, as an ac
ceptable novelty to the admirers and lovers of
He plays with exquisite mafcerfiiip on the violin.
e giandfather of this extraordinary youth
was committed to the care of a Dutch Captain
with diamonds to a great amount, and gold dust,'
to be carried to Europe and educated
After experiencing much barbarous treatment
fiom the avaricious Hollander, the unfortunate
Prince was fold, as aflave, to a Jamaica planter
The unhappy man met, however, with a kind
maiter to alleviate his misfortunes, and married
an African woman, by whom lie had the father
of this admirable boy. ratner
(Vjf'i' grandfather's demise, the father was
u CI 1 « U n lna ft er ' s favor, at wliofe ex
pence he was mftrudled in several lan-r Ua(r es
At the age of fifteen, he was permiaedlo 'take
a, voyagd to Africa, with proper teftlinnt,' 1 .
his birth ; but by a Angular fatality was'ft'
wrecked, and 101 l his documents P"
Beingconverfant infeveral languaees 1 1P ■
ed a subsistence by actingas interpreter to v 3 f
foreign Potentates in Europe. us
In thisfituation lie lived till the year t 77 9
When he was on the confines of Poland
the heart of aPoliih Count's daughter wh!,* 0 "
charmed with the « hair-bread?h eIW-
adventures of this second Othello. '
The Count gave him his daughter, who hm,
motherof ourmulical hero.
The father difcoveringio the child a verves
attachment to music, placed him under the eel/
brated Haydn in Germany, from whom he re'"
ceived his mulical education. From fuchcnltm
we may realonably presage perfection.
august 5.
Extratt of a Utter from Litchfield, An? ,
" This gay city presents very little orthnn
tice, except a wonderful pile of building
a cathedral. This cathedral is undergoing av7
ry neceflary tho expensive repair, directed L
that great artist, Wyatt. Had he never done an v
work before to render his name conspicuous as an
architect, the taste and genius displayed in the
alteration and modernization of the choir is f u (?i
cient to transmit his name to posterity with ado'
ation. A fubfeription is set on foot here for erect
ing a monument near the south door, to that Co
101 l lis of literature, the late Dr. Johnson who
was a native of this place. A similar compliment
has been mentioned to the memory of'our departed
Rofcius, but it seems to be the natural expecfta
ton of the inhabitants, that a certain lady in the
neighbourhood of Hampton, inMiddlefex, should
accoinplifh this long looked for mark ofrefpect to
Shakefpear's best commentator."
L xtr a(I oj a letter from Tangier s, June 1,
" The Kmperor Morocco's troops have gained
a great victory over the Arabs, in the province
of Teifna, and 600 of their heads have been fern
to Algiers This victory was proclaimed thereby
repeated discharges of cannon."
To the account of the battle between the Ruf
fians and Swedes at Undermalm, we have to add
these farther particulars. At the departure of the
Courier which carried the news of the KinoV vic
tory,the Kingwas on his route to Wilinanftrandt,
the place where the Rullians keep their principal
magazines, and which commands an entranceinto
their country. In the mean time, General Sie
grotli advanced with another corps towards Fre
dericklham to block up that place by land, while
General Kaulbars, with a tliird detachment went
up the river Kymene ; and Count Ekrenfward
was ordered to land from his fleet, a body of
5000 men, between Frederickfham and Hogforb,
to attack the Ruffian army, near the firft men
tioned place. From these different arrangements,
this campaign promises to be as bloody and deci
sive as the last was peaceable.
The following is reported to be the circum
stance to which the Duke of Dorset alludes, in
the second paragraph of his letter to the Count de
Montmorin :—The nobility of Brittany have ne
ver sent deputies to the National Aflembly, but
perceiving the troubles which were brewing, and
torefeeing the consequences which have ref'ulted,
they resolved to seize an opportunity of shaking
offtheir allegiance to France, and rendering that
Province more independent than it had hitherto
For that pnrpofe, rumour fays, they made a
proposal to the English Ambaflador, of putting
themselves under the protection of Great-Britain,
as a tributary Hate, to be governed by the old
feudal system ; and offered to place the port of
Brest in the hands of the English, as a recompence
for their services, and a surety of allegiance. In
order to accomplish their design, the Duke of Dor
set was to procure from his Court a fleet in readi
ness to protecfl the Province, and an armytoaffift
them in their endeavours to carry the attempt in
to execution.
Extra(} from the JOURNAL of the NATIONAL
July 29,
A report was made in the Aflembly, that the
Parliament ofßefancon had sent a deputation to
Vezoul, toa<ft with the Judge Royal in enquiring
into the late horrid maifacre, but that the people
had ri fen upon them and obliged them to return,
that, in consequence, the Parliament had iflue»
an arret, renouncing their jurifditftion, and hM
submitted the affair entirely to the consideration
of the National Assembly.
July 31.
The following motion made by Count Laliy>
in the National Aflembly, the 24th of July
and carried at one o'clock (aftermidnight) niuf
give a very favorable opinion of the head arm
heart of thatyoungNobleman, who makes sod) ■
tinguifhed a figure among the patriots of trance
'l he motion was as follows :
" The National Aflembly, considering, 1 3 J
from the firft moment of its formation, it has 110
adopted any resolution, that ought not to p lO
cure it the confidence of the people.
" Thar it has already established thole p n