iyES. Metfrs. Brown, Baldwin, Bland, Burke, Contee, Coles, Carroll, Gerry, Gale, Griflin, Jack son Lee, Madison, Mathews, Moore, Page, Park er Smith, (M.) Sumpter, Seney, Smith (S. C.) Stone, Schureman, Tucker, White. 2>. 'Mr.'Ames then moved to concur with the Se nate in their amendment. Objections were made to this, and on motion the House without coming to a decision. MONDAY, SEPT. 28. A meflage was received from the Senate ac quainting the House, that they had appointed Mr. Johnson and Mr. Izard a committee to join a committee of the House to wait on the Profi cient, and inform him that the Houses had resolved to adjourn the 29th }nft. to meet again on the firfl Monday in January. TheHouie according ly appointed Mr. Vining, Mr. Lf.e and Mr. Gilm ' N, a committee for the purpose. Read the report of the committee appointed to ascertain the amount of the compensations due to the members and officers of the House. Ihe House then proceeded to consider the a mendment of the Senate to the bill for fixing the feat of government. Mr. Madison moved a resolution, as a proviso totlie bill, thatnothingtherein contained should be construed to affecft the operation of the laws of Pennsylvania within the said diftriiffc of ten miles square, until Congress shall otherwise pro vide by law. This was agreed to. Mr. Madison moved to strike out of the a mendinent thole words which comprehend within the district such parts of the northern liberties of Philadelphia as are not excepted in the Penn sylvania acft of cellion. The question on this mo tion was negatived. Mr. Gerry then moved to refer the bill with the amendment of the Senate to the next felfion, and that in the interim, commiflioners should be appointed to examine the river Delaware, and to , report a proper lite for the eftablilhment of the feat of government. To-lhis motion it was objetfled that it was not in order, fmce the question for postponement had been decided in the negative 011 Saturday. Mr. Gerry defended the motion, as this was for a particular reference, the former for a general one, and therefore the question was a new one. The Speaker declared it not to be in order. Mr. Lee moved to Itrike out the claufc provid ing that the temporary residence should be in New-York. This was negatived. Mr. Boudinot moved to amend the amend ment of the Senate, by annexing to it a clause, providing that the feat of government might be any where 011 the Delaware within the State of New-Jersey and Pennsylvania, or either oftheni, above Philadelphia, and below Ilowell's ferry. Negatived. The main question of concurrence was then put, and the yeas and nays were as follow : AYES. Mejfrs. Ames, Benfou, Cadwallader, Clymer, Fitz fimoris, Floyd, Fofler, Gerry, G'lman, Goodhue, Grout, Hartley, Hathorn, Heifter, Huntington, Lawrance, Leonaid, I.ivennore, P. Muhlenberg, Partridge, Van Ranfellaer, Schureman, Scott, Sherman, Sylvcfter, Sinnickfort, Thatcher, Trumbull, Vining, Wadfworth, Wynkoop. 31. NOES. Mejjrs. Baldwin, Bland, Boudinot, Brown, Burke, Carroll, Coles, Contee, Gale, Griffin, Jackson, Lee, Madison, Matthews, Moore, Parker, S?ney, Smith, (M.) Smith, (S.C.) Stone,Sumoter, Tucker, White. "4. Amellagc was received from the Senate with tjie appropriation bill in which they have con curred with amendments—Also, the bill to re cognize and adapt to the constitution of tiie Uni ted States, the ordinances of the late Congress for the eftabliflnnent of troops on the frontiers, with sundry amendments. The amendments proposed by the Senate to the appropriation bill were agreed to by the House— Also, thofeto the other bill, excepting the seventh, which occafionecl conliderable debate. This a mendment was to strike out the two last fedtions, which refpeiSs the number of militia to be called into service, for the defence of the frontiers, from the States of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Georgia— and to insert in lieu thereof, a fetflion to empower the President of the United States to m]l out such numbers as he may find necellary for tliedefence of the frontiers generally. On mo tion to concur with this amendment, the ayes and noes were called as follow, viz. AYES. McJJrs. Renfon, Carroll, Clymer, Foster, Gilman, awrance, Lee, Madison, Parrridge,Sherman.Silvefter, Smith,(M.; "tie, Trumbull, Wadfworth. 16. aOKS. Mcjtrs. Baldwin, Bland, Boudinot, Burke, Cadwal :'fr, Coirs, Contee, Fitzfimons, Floyd, Gerry, Heifter, Jack £n, 1 ennard. Livermore, Matthews, Moore, Muhlenberg, Van ''i r tltaer, Schureman,Scott,Scney, Sinnickfon, Sumpter, 1 uckcr, White, si, 1 Report from the committee ofconferrence on | tp ciiiagreement between the two Houses, rei petfl ,ng the firft amendment to the bill for regulating r.'oceffes in the courts of the United States, fta ,lng that they had come to no agreement, was received. > liis bill was further amended by the Senate, and agreed to by the House. ihs committee to examine the enrolled bills, bought -,n a number which they had examined •"id found correct, to which the Speaker affixed his signature. , meflage was received from the Senate by tueir Secretary, informing the House, that they had come to a resolution, to defer the considera tion ot t'ne lalt amendment of the Iloufe to the bill for establishing the permanent feat of the Federal Government, to the next session of Con grels. Adjourned. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2s. A mclTage was received from the President of the United Stated, by tne Hon. Mr. Jay, with the following communicatidns, viz. UNITED STATES, SEPTEMBER 29, 1789. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives. His Mojl Chrijlian Majejly, by a letter dated the 7th of June lejl, adarejjed to the President and Members ojthe General Congress of the United States of North America, announces the much lamented death oj "' s f° n the Dauphin. The generous condutt of the French Monarch and nation towards this country, renders every event that may affefl his or their pro J ferity inter efling tons ; and I shall take care to a/Jure him of thefenfibility with which the United States participate in the affliclion which a lojs so much to be regretted.mujlhave occaftoned both to him and t0 thcm - G. WASHINGTON. United States, Sept. 29, 1780. Gintlemrn ofithr House of Representatives, Having Ycjlerday been informed by a joint committee of both Houjfs efCongrefs, that they had agreed to a rccefs to commence this day, and to continue until the jirfl Monday in January next, I take the eirliejl opportunity oj acquainting \ou, that con fide ring how long and laborious this session has been, and the reajons which I prejume have produced this rejo/ution, it does not appear to me expedient to rccommend anv mrafures to their conjideration at'prefent. G. WASHING TON. A message was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Secretary Lear, with four Ads of the Legitlature, which have received the approbation and signature of the President. Mr. Gekry introduced a rcfolution to the following purport, That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the House, and Secretary of the Senate, to transmit an attested copy of the Journals of cach House, to the Supreme Executive, and to each branch of the Lccrif latureof the leveral States, refpe&ively. This was adopted, and sent to the Senate for their concurrcnc<\ A meHage was rcccived from the Senate, informing, that they concur in the above relolution.—Alfo, the bill to eftabliih troop , &c. for the dcfence of the frontiers, was sent down by their Se cretary—the Senate infilling on their seventh amendment to fa:d bill. Also the rcfolution on the memorial of John White, concurred in, with amendments, which amendments were ac ceded to by the House. The Senate also sent down an ast which they had puffed in favor of the liaron de Glaubeck. The House then took up the above seventh Amendment, and on motion to adhere to the original fettions, the question being put was negatived. The question for concurring with the Senate was then carried in the affirmative, by a large majoiity. The House then pafled the bill inform, for allowing the pay of a Captain for a certain time,to Baron de Glaubeck : which be ing enrolled, was signed by the Speaker. The bufincfs afligned for the present feflion being finilhed, the Speaker, pursuant to Resolution, adjourned the House to the firft Monday in January next, then to meet at the city of New-York. ["The above, closes our account of the proceedings of the firft Session of Congrt f% under the New Constitution. Wehave aimed to be impartial and accurate —and as particular as our limits would admit. II the avidity with which the (ketches have been received and read, is not indicative of their intrinsic merit, it conveys these >deas very forcibly, that the Constitution is an objett of prime con fluence, and that the tranfa&ions of the General Government arc considered as highly intcrefting to the good people of this confe derated Republic. The original publication of these fkctches in the newlpapers of this city, has proved a fountain of information, to every part of the Union : The streams conveyed through the medium of the innumerable channels of Intelligence, with which these rising States are so highly favored, have served to give the government a more realized exigence, by bringing it home to the door of tvery citizen. This method of laying open to the full vuew of the people the proceedings of their political Fathers, is productive of the happiest eflfefts : It prevents innumerable impo sitions arising from mifreprefentat'.on and falfehood ; it unfolds principles, and exhibits characters in a just point of light; the people learn to know whom to trust, and to give honor to whom honor is due. May the Freedom of the Press always be justly prizecK and facrcdly preserved by the free citizens of the United States.] NEW-YORK, SEPTEMBER 30. The Pr esident of the United States has been pleased to no minate, and by and witli the advice and consent ofthe Senate, to appoint, JOHN JAY, of New-York, Chief Justice. John Rut l edge, of South-Carolina, James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, I W 1 l nam Cushinc, of Malfachufetts, /• Allociate Judges. Rorert, H. Harrison, of Maryland, l JofiN Blair, of Virginia, J Dijlritt of Maine. David Sewall, Judge—William Lithgow, Attorney—Henry Dearbourn, Marjhal. Dijlritt oj New-Ham psh i re, John Sullivan, Judge—Samuel Sherburne, jun. Attorney—John Parker, Mjrfhaf bijlrift oj Massachusetts, John Lowell, Judge—Christo pher Gore, Attorney—Jonathan Jackson, Mar/ha/. 0/" Connecticut, Richard Law, Judge—Pierpont Edwards, Attorney—Philip Bradley, A\arfhal. Dijlritt oj Pennsylvania, Francis Hopkinfon, Judge—Wil liam Lewis, Attorney—Clement Biddle, Mar/ha/. Diflritt of Delaware, Gunning Bedford, Judge—George Read, jun. Attorney—Allan M'Lean, Marshal. Diflritt of Maryland, Thomas Johnson, Judge—Jofcph Potts,* Attorney— Nathaniel Ramfey, Marjhal. Edmund Pendleton, Judge—John MarOiaU, Attorns —Edward Carrington, Marjhal. Dijlritt of South-Carolina, Thomas Pinckney, Judge— John Julius Pringle, Attorney—lfaac Huger, Marfha!. Diflritt of Georgia, Nathaniel Pendleton, Judge—Matthew M'Allifter, Attorney—Robert Forlvth, Marfha/. Diflricl of Kentuckey, Henrv Inness Judge—George Ni colas, Attorney—Samuel M'Dowell, jun. Marfha/. Dijlritt of New-York, James Duane, Judge —Richard Har rifon. Attorney—William S. Smith, Marshal. Dijlritt of New-Jersey, David Brearly, Judge—Richard Stockton, Attorney—Thomas Lowry, Marjhal. THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State. EDMUND RANDOLPH, Attor nfy-Gf.neral. SAMUEL OSGOOD, Postmaster-General, WILLIAM CARMICHAEL. Esq. Charc.es de 3 Affaires from the United States to the Court of Spain. * Mr. Potts was not atted upon, it having beenfuggtjlcd that there was a mijlakein the Uuijlian name. OFFICERS OF THE REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Lieut. Col. Commandant. Jofiah Harmar. And a Brigadier General by brevet, behaving been appointed such bv a Resolve of Congress, of the 31ft of July, 1787. Majors. John Palsgrave Wyllys, John F. Hamtramck. Captains. Jonathan Hart, David Zeigler, William McCur dy, John Mereer, David Strong, John Smith, Joseph Alhton, Eikuries Beatfv. Li f.ut esANTf. John Arsntlrbr.;?, Jonn Pra!t, Et encztr troth iagham, William Kersey, Thomas Doyle, William Peters, Jacob Kinfbury, Ebenczer Denny. Ensigns. Francis Lufe, Cornelius RykcrSedam, Nathan M: Dowel!, Abner Prior, Robert Thompson, Ala Hartihorn, John Jeffcrs, Jacob Melcher. Surceon'. Richard Allifon. Mates. John Elliot, John Scot, John 'Carmichael, Jo folia Sumner. OFFICER'S OF THE R AFViIIONOF ARTILLERY, Major Commandant. John Doughty. Captains. Henry Burbeck. William Eergufon, Joseph Sa vage, James Bradford. Lieutenant?. Johh Pierce, Mnfes Porter, William Mooi»e. Diick Schuyler, Mahlon Ford, Matthew Erntft, Edward Spear, Ebenezer Smith Fowle. Surge6n's Mate. Nathaniel Heyward. Extract of a letterfro?n Paris, July ij. u The Grenadier who foaled the outer barrier of the Baftile yesterday, has had a laurel crown decreed him : An old officer who was witness of his bravery and danger, tore frofri his own bosom the order of St. Lewis, and gave it to the grena dier in that moment, and laid, take this, thou art more deserving of IT than i. Decorated with this, and thd Grofi of the Governor of the garrison, and the cordon blue, he has paflea the Itreets and the square of Palais Royal twice—once lupported by two grenadiers of his own corps (the Guards Francois,) and the next time mounted.— He is an old soldier, and bears 3pplaufe like anian of good sense and great fortitude." By some late accounts it appears probable, that the'ravs of free dom will penetrate those darkrecefTes of ignorance and bigotry, the Monaftcries and Nunneries of France : Should this be the cafe, iminenfe treafurcs, that have for ages been (hut out from the light of the Sun t will emerge into day.—Many a golden dove, that never moved, will rind the use of its wings : Many a mafi V image, that has been confined for centuries, will find its legs and walk off— and being melted by the fire of Liberty, which reduces all bodies to a proper level, will diffufe univei sal joy among the pockets of the people. How many fair, but wretched vi&imS to a blind teat; will re joice in those glorious beams, which foall pervade the gloomy re gions, where they thought themfclvcs immured for life ! Their ncarts will bound with rapture at the music of Freedom—and re stored to Liberty, and the rights of humanity, life will afTuttie r new afpeft, when it invites them to enjoy all that they were intend ed for by the beneficent author of exigence. Extrafl of a letter from Bojlon, dated Sept. 25, 1783. " Yesterday the Society oi the Cincinnati in this town gave a mofl fplcndid entertainment at Concert-Hall to the Officers of His Most Christian Majesty's squadron. The tables formed a serai-circle. At the head of the Hall was placed a lull length portrait of The President, with the real eagle pendant from the painted button hole. On his right a displayed American Ensign . On his left a Freneh ditto. Over his head was a Star, encircling three F.'eurs de Lis, with the motto eflo perpetuj, At the other end of the Hall, the eye was caught with a fine pisure of His Most Christian Majesty, with the French Ensign on h s right, and the American on his left : Over his head were thearmsof France, the motto Vive l.ouis XVI. The Orchestra was coveied with blue broad cloth, edged with white ; the thirteen Stars, and Thirteen Fleurs de Lis formed on the ground a very beautiful Constellation : The bald soared from the centre : opposite the Eagle, on the other fide of the room, was the arms of Maflachufetts, finely executed. The chandeliers and several parts of the room were ornamented with flowers, Th«? whole forming as happy a coup d\cil as fancy can imagine. The choicest viands, the most delicate paftery, and exhilerating winrs crowned this feftive board : happiness fat on each countenance, good humor and friendfhip reigned supreme: the toasts were ju dicious. &c. '• The A&ive frigate failed yesterday for New-York : She is gone to carry the refpetts of the Chef of the Division, to The Pre sident of the United States, the Ambafiadorof France, See. LONDON. Sortie of Gibralter. sty Mr. Trumbull. Of the merits of thispidurc there ii a general concurrence of opinion. The fubjeft is chosen with great judgement : And while the artist celebrates the glorious triumph of one nation, he has happily availed himfclf of the gallantry of an individual to palliate the defeat of the other. This is liberal ; and the trophy due to courage receives new honors from its being conferred in a rival country. As a work of art, whether we consider the composition, the drawing, the expreflion, the effe£t of light and ftiadow, or the coloring, we do not hesitate to pronounce, that we have feert only two productions on this fcaleofthe English school which we think equal to this : The death of Lord Chatham, and th tho in composition and design very beautiful, bears no propor tionate claims to admiration with' ( the picture before us. Monday morhirtg the Light Horse* and the other Independent companies in this city, paraded in the Broad Way, under the im mediate command of Col. BaukJa n—from whence they proceed ed to the Race Ground, where they went thro a number of manoeu vres in a manner that would do credit to regular troops ; after which theyexhibited a sham fight, that afforded the highest enter tainment to The President, His Excellency the Governor, and a large concourse of refpeftable characters. We cannot but with regret mention one unhappy circumstance whichoccured, Adjutant John Loudon, a most amiable and wor thy character, in the prime of life, received a wound (as we are in formed with a buck ftiot, through the carelessness of one of th« men in loading his piece) of which he expired on the field.—Bv this forrowful accident, has his family been deprived of a dutiful ion, an affectionate brother, and focietyof a worthy member. Yesterday the funeral solemnities of Mr. John Loudon were attended with every mark of public grief, which the truly affecting circumstances of his death were calculated to inspire. The Pro ceflion waspreceeded by two Companies of Light-Infantry, with arms reversed, and the Holland Lodge of Free Masons, of which he was a brother : On the pall were laid masonic and military In signia : The diftrefled family ; the reverend Clergy, and a numer ous train of mourning friends followed : The military Band play ed a solemn Dirge, which according with the solemn sensations of a vast croud ol citizens aflembled on the occasion, added, greatly to the seriously imprefTive scene. When a person dies in defence of a just cause, in the defence of his country or the protection of the rights of mankind, we may apply the expreflion ufedby the author of Cato, How beautiful is death when earned by virtue ; But when a person so truly and justly esteemed falls a facrifice in a trifling way and on an unneceflary occasion, how ghastly ! how shocking ! how terrible is death ! ERRATUM. In No. 47, ice mentioned that the Aves