Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 30, 1789, Image 1

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    [No. XLIX.]
" The Coxcomb's course is vior.drous clever
THERE is not any person, among all my ac
quaintance, whole movements 1 have more
narrowly watched, than tliofe of a young cox
comb, who fonietimes vilits me. If the reader
wiihes to know why I have so critically inl'pe&ed
the actions of this finical youth, I will explain
my motives as concisely as I can. I have often
heird that every description of men have some
ufeful and commendable qualifications ; and in
order to ascertain the truth of this observation,
I pitched upon a coxcomb as the most suitable
fubjecft to bring the question ro a test. If any
valuable qualities can be dil'covered in such a cha
racter, 1 think we may pronounce with some cer
tainty, that no mortal is exempt from a lhareof
good properties. We ftioulddiftinguilh between
qualities that are ufeful to one's felf, and those
that are so to other people. My prcfent enquiry
lhall be princpially confined to the former.
In the firft place then a coxcomb can not be a
lazy man. lam fcifible many censorious people
are often ranking him with the idle and dilTolute.
The charge has no foundation in truth. Whoe
ver attempts to follow all the fluctuations of the
falhions, and fuffers no other person to keep a
head of him in this refpecft, will find full em
ployment for his avflivity and discernment. It is
impoflible any one can do this and be indolent.
The young fribbler, of whom I am now l'peaking,
is engaged in no profefled line of business, and
yet I know of no person, whose time is more in
ceflantly occupied. He mentioned to me, the
other morning, by way of apology for not per
forming ari engagement he was under, that he
had not had a leisure moment, for more than a
fortnight past. This aircumftance induced me
t« keep a vigilant eye over his anions, and fatisfy
myfelf in what manner, he consumed his days.
I called at his lodgings two or three mornings
successively, so early that I found him at home.
He employed nearly three hours in drefling, and
I am convinced he could not do it in a ftiorter time.
More than an hour was devoted to the barber,
and the reader may be certain it was not a mo
ment too long. The fop had almost as much to
do as the barber, for he rose from the chair, ten
times in the course of the operation, to fee if all
the hairs were well adjusted. But the hardest
ta/k was with the boot-maker. My friend had a
dozen pair of boots to try, and it took him more
than fifteen minutes to draw one boot over his leg.
In the course of the experiment, I am confident
he went through more fatigue, than a laboring
man would have eudured, by breaking flax smart
ly for ax hours. It would be endleis for me to
particularize all the objecfts, which unavoidably
fall in the way, and prevent a coxcomb from
wearing away his moments infloth and inactivity,
ft mult be remembered that he has the process
of drefling to pals through,twice in twenty-four
''I 3? 1 ! 8 ' The remainder of his time is spent in
visiting and in some fafhionable amufeinents,
which can by no means be performed by a lazy
man. These remarks will, I hope, exculpate my
drcfly acquaintance from the charge of indolence.
But a more beneficial efietft, than that just
mentioned, is derived from being a complete cox-
in the fecuriry it affords a man again ft
thepainsand inconveniences of being captivated
v '' £ h female charms. It is well known that one
of these butter-fly men loves no created being so
well as himfelf. His whole powers of admiration
nnd employment about his own person. Any
disgust or inattention, Ihewn him by a female, is
called caprice ; and is iuppofed to result from a
of elegance or purity of taste. Thisfhel
'"■ anlnfttfcefe frequent impreflions, which men
0 less perlbnal vanity feel, is no inconsiderable
wantage. It may fairly be denominated a ulfe
ul quality to the person whopofleileSitv Though
e xt rav agantly admires no lady, still he may be
1 te friend and patron of many. Superficial women
com t his attention becaule they are pleased with
us finery ; and fenlible women have pleasantry
enough to indulge his vanity and felf approbation.
us fbrjns of politeness and good humour are
and he will grant the ladies every
jo' n g they alk of him, except his admiration and
A Hill greater utility, in being a devotee tb
(f j! a proceeds from its being a pretty
e euual guard again ft' grass intemperance, a lit!
•iiany other vices destructive of health and mo
',l The life of an abandoned profligate is
lot compatible with that of a finifhed coxcomb.
ei y different paflions give rife to these charac-
s > and they have very different objetfts in-view.
at^ 116 ? extrava g a nt diflipation are generally
ei ' with rough language, than which no-
WEDNESDAY, September 30, 1739.
tiling can be more disagreeable to a man of real
foppery. He avoids every situation where he can
not be looked at and flattered. His inclination
leads him among genteel people, who admit him
as an aflociate for the civility of his deportment,
and who are themselves too well bred to call in
queftionhis claims to admiration.
Lipon the whole, I am induced to believe that
moll people entertain too mean an opinion of
coxcombs. It is a much more Unexceptionable
character than is usually imagined ; and a well
ihaped stripling, who has rich friends, and slender
talents, maybe said to have taken his belt destiny:
when dress is the objec r tofhi9 care, and personal
vanity the motive of his condudt. By this means,
he will at least escape being a lounger, as he
must of courfebe aiftive and busy to keep up the
part he aflumes.—Nor will he probably become
a drunkard, a knave or a blackguard ; for he
can be neither of these, without eflentially inter
fering with the main wifliofhis heart,to be com
plimented as a /west pretty ftllww.
Ihe Addrels of the Reprefeutatives of the Free
men of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in
General Aflembly met.
THE representatives of a free people can
not comply with their duty to their constituents
more to their fatisfa<stion, than by paying a just
tribute to the merits of one, wliofe important
exertions, unexampled perseverance, and distin
guished military talents, have eminently contri
buted to the establishment of their liberties. Im
prefled with the mod lively sense of your love
for your country, invariably evidenced in the
course of your part services, and of which you
have given a new proof, by facrificing your pre
dilection for private life to the desires of your
fellow citizens, and again appearing on the pub
lic ltage, we molt lincerely congratulate you on
your elevation to the high station you now fill.
I lie citizens of this State, having been among
the lirft to adopt the system of federal govern
ment on which they so much depend for their
portkm of the national prosperity, can not but
be highly gratified by the progress which has
been made towards its compleat organization ;
and they have a pleasing addition to their fatis
latftion, by your having been so unanimously pla
ced at the head of it. We are confident that we
declare the lenfe of the people of Pennsylvania,
when we ailureyou of the firm and cdnftant sup
port of this State in all meal'ares, in which its
:iidfhall beneceflary, for rendering youradmini
ftration cafy to yourfelf, and beneficial to your
We deem it a circumstance which strongly
marks the good sense and virtue of our country
men, that they peaceably and deliberately con
curred in a frame of general government, which,
we firmly trust, will, in its operation, dignify
our character, entitle us to rclpert among thenu
tions, and ensure happinefsand fafety to us and
our polterity. With hearts expanded beyond
the limits of our own country, we most ardent
ly hope that the influence of "this novel but bright
example, may be extended, till fi-eedom, under
governments of laws, not of men, shall bless the
opprefled of every climate and country. The
old will then be experimentally taught by the new
world, that reason, virtue, union, moderation
and patriotism, can, under the smiles of heaven,
without the sword, accomplish the happiness of
nations by pacific revolutions in their political fy
llems, wlienloever they require them.
With the warm eft wishes for* your personal
happiness, we fervently beseech the great Author
and Supporter of our exiftente, that he will, by
granting you a continuance of health, long pre
serve a life so dear to your country, and exem
plary to mankind.
The Answer of the President of the United States
to the foregoing Address was received and read
September 16, as follows—
To the Representatives of the Freemen of the Com
nlMwitlth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met.
WHEN the representatives of a free people,
delivering the sense of their constituents, give
such marks of affectionate attachment to an indi
vidual as are contained inyour addrefe to me, it
must caill forth the vr arm eft acknowledgement
of a grateful heart. Under this impreHion, I
beg you to believe that your favorable opinion of
my past conduct, and kind congratulations on my
elevation to the high station which I now fill, are
indelibly marked on my mind.
The early and decided part which the citizens
of Pennsylvania took in behalf of the present
[ Publijhed on Wed?iefday and Saturday.]
system of government, can not be forgotten by
the people of these United States ;—and, in ac
knowledging the grateful sense which I have of
your afliirances of the firm and constant support
of your State, in all measures in which its aid
(hall be neceflary, for tendering my adminiitra
tion easy to myfelf and beneficial to our country,
I trust that I meet the concurrenfce of all good
The virtue, moderation and patriotism which
have marked the Iteps of the American people,
in framing, adopting, and thus far, carrying in
to efled: our present system of government, has
excited the admiration of nations, and it now on
ly remains for us to acft up to thole principles
which fliould charadlerife a free and enlightened
people, that we may gain refpeft abroad, and en
sure liappinefs to ourselves and to our posterity.
It lhould be the liigheft ambition of every Ame
rican to extend his views beyond himfelf—and to
bear in mind that his conduct will not only affeift
himfelf, his country, and his immediate posterity ;
but that its influence and efFeift, maybe co-exten
sive with t;he world, and stamp political happi*
ness or misery 011 ages yet unborn.—To obtain
this desirable end—and to establish the govern
ment of laws, the union of these States is abfo«
lutely neceflary; therefore, in every proceeding,
this great —this important obje<ft fliould ever be
kept in view ; so long as our measures tend to thi»,
and are marked with the wisdom of a well-inform
ed, enlightened people, we may reasonably hope,
under the finiles of Heaven, to convince the
World, that the happiness of nations can be ac
complished by pacific revolutions in their politi
cal systems, without the intervention
of the sword.
Your wiflies for my personal happiness, and
fervent prayers for the preservation of my exist
ence, have made a grateful impreflion upon me ;
and I shall not fail to implore the Divine Author
of the Universe to beftowthofe bleflings upon you
and your constituents that tali make a people
Our Sovereign Itill continues unremittingly to
use his good offices for the pufpofe of bringing
about an accommodation beteen Russia and Swe
den, after having succeeded with his Allies, the
King of Great-Britain and the States General of
the United Provinces, in bringing Denmark to
observe a ftrid; neutrality. A Treaty with the
King and Republic of Poland is still on the tapis,
but not concluded. The opposition which the
Poles make to the views of the two Imperial Cotrrrs
may cause some change in their sentiments, and
in the endjpreferve a more equal balance in the
affairs of Europe.
His Majesty the Emperor has not had any re
turn of the fever some days. Yesterday was the
day which was to determine whether the fever
was to appear again, or entirely to leave his Ma
jesty. Happily it did not return, which spread
universal joy throughout the empire. The Em
peror is uncommonly chearful, and takes a vast;
deal ofexercife in the open air. We now hope
our Sovereign will inalhorttimebe perfecftly re-
Itored to health.
It is probable that the Royal Exiles of France
will attempt to raise commotions ; but cut off as
they are, from communicating with their depend
ents, they cannot estimate the strength of their
friends ; and should they,at this juncture, open
ly attempt to raise forces, or by any means to
oppose the people, the life of the Sovereign Would
be in immediate danger.
It is a fa(fl that a gentleman of Hackney, of
reputation and fortune, has just returned from
Paris, who during his stay was in the midst of the
troubles ; and from good authority we inform
our readers, he was one of those who firft enter
ed the Baftile, and with a party secured the Go
vernor with others, after which they proceeded,
and entered a dungeon ofimmenfe depth, strong
ly secured with iron bolts and bars, where they
released an Englifli officer, said to be a Major
White, who had been confined a prisoner 26
years in that dismal cell. The key of the door
the above Gentleman has brought home ; it was
fnewn round the coffee-room at the Antigallican
Coffee-houfe, Threadneedle-ftreet, Wednefday 1
afternoon, among a number of French gentlemen,
who with great plaudits, exclaimed, Liberty ! Li
berty ! Liberty !
When the prisoners were liberated from the
Baftile, Major White presented a figure the most