TUESDAV, SETT. 22. The committee appointed to examine the en rolled bills reported, that they had examined the bill for establishing the salaries of the Judges of the federal Courts, and of the Attorney Gener al—the bill for allowing compenfatioils to the President and Vice President, and the bill for establishing the Judicial Courts, and found them correct. The Speaker then signed the fame. The engrolled bill for establishing the Seat of Government for the United States was read the third time ; and on the queltion, shall this bill pass ? Mr. Carroll called for the Ayes and Noes, which are as follow— AYES. Mejfrs. Ami's, Baldwin, Benfon, Contee, Clvmer. Fitzfimons, Hoyd, Foster, Gale, Gilman, Goodhue, Grout, Hartley, Hathorn, Jackson, Livermore, Lawrance, Leonard, P. Muhlenberg, Partridge, Van Ranfellaer, Scott, Seney, Sherman, Sylveller, Smith, (M.) Stone, Thatcher, Trumbull, Wadfworth, fyynhoop. 31. NOES. Mejfrs. Boudinot, Bland, Burke, Cadwallader.Carroll, Coles, Lec, Mddifon, Matthews, Moore, Parker, Schureman, Smith, (S. C.) Sumptcr, Tucker, Vining, White. 17. Mr. Goodhue introduced a resolution remind ing the vote for adjourning on the 23d, and to fix the time of adjournment on the 26th instant. This was adopted. The bill for altering the time of the annual meeting of Congress was read a fecoiul time, and referred to a committee of the whole to be taken up to-morrow. The bill to recognize and adapt to the Consti tution of the United States, the establishment of the troops on the frontiers, by the ordinanoes of the late Congress, was taken up in commit tee of the whole. Mr. Jackson proposed a clause, to empower the President of the United States to establish ports, to raise troops, and call forth the militia of the States of Georgia and South-Carolina, in cafe the Creek Indians refufe to treat with the Com milfioners, or violate the conditions agreed to at ■ the ensuing negociation. This motion after a lengthy conversation was agreed to so far as it refpe Can it be you, you frank and courageous nation, who have Ipilt such seas of blood for Liberty ? Oh, Englishmen ! the error of a moment has made us presume it poflible. The wicked system of Court Policy, an ancient and foolifh rivalihip, which ages have been unable to destroy, induced us to dread an event which would have dishonored the glorious cause of freedom and humanity. But all our doubts are at an end : Our ardor will be doubled by pofleffingyour esteem and approbation. Your worthy representative has taught us yesterday, that the brave}} nation in the ■ world is a/fa the mo]}generous /" the form ofthe new constitution of FRANCE. The committee has reported its deliberations on the fubjeiit of the New Porni of Government. The Archbilhop of Bourdeaux, M. de Clermont T onnerre, and M. Mounicr, read the preliminary observations to this important objed: before the National Aflembly. The Abbe Syeyes has like wise made known his very valuable treatise on the Rights of Mankind : M. Mounier has done the fame ; both point to the fame objedl, though they take different ways to come at it. The principal heads of the Form of Govern ment which the Committee has recommended, are as follows : That the National AfTembly shall be composed of two Houses of Parliament : [The committee all agree in this point, but they find a difficulty to decide in what manner the two chambers of Parliament Jhall be organized—-fame are of opinion that both Jhould be elec tive—others, that the King Jhould have the power to nojninate the members of the fir ft,in the fame manner as our House of Lords is created.] That the States General fliould be permanent, and meet yearly. That the King fliall have the Treasury of the State under his protection. That he shall hnve the fnpreme and absolute command over the army. That he shall have the nomination to all places, civil as well as ecclesiastical. That he shall have a revenue for the mainte nance of his dignity,even mors considerable than he has allowed him at present. Such are the principal points on which the Con stitution is to be raised. The following are authentic copies of the letter of the King of France to Mr. Ni?ckar, and his answer. " 1 HAVE been deceivedrefpeflingyou. Violence has been committed on my char after. Behold me at length enlightened. Come, Sir, come without delay, and resume your clai?nto my confidence, which you have acquired forever. My heart is known to you. I ex pe(lyou with all my nation, and lvery fmcerely fhart in its impatience. On which, I pray God, Sir, until your return, to take you into his holy and worthy keep ing. " LOUIS." Answer of Mr. dated Geneva, July 23, in the Evening, and received by His Majesty the 26th. " SIRE, " I HAVE this in ft ant received the letter wit!: which it has pleafedyour Majesty to honor me. I wan: etpreffions to teftijy to you the tender emotions I have experienced on the return of your favor : Jt penetrates me more and more with the obligation I had long im posed on myflf, of always diftingtiifhing in your Ma- jejly, the just Friuce, the hot:eft man, who can operate only the happ'utefs oj the nation ■when he acts from him felf, from the powerful Monarch who governs it, and who is frequently expofsd to do what is rej ug.-iant, 13 his heart. '■ I ouly take the time, Eire, to wipe away the tears which your letter has made me shed, and 1 fly to '.hey yottr orders< I Jhall not bear to you my heart \ that is a property you have acquired ky a thoufund titles, and to which Ino longer have any claim. " I reckon with impatience, and am striDing to ac celerate the moments which are me to pro teed to ojfer you tf>s lafl drop of my biood,my feeble tal ents, my entire devotion so your sacred person, and the profound refpeß with which I am % " Sire, " Tour Majesty's most humble, " Mojl obedient, " And most zealous servant, " NECK JR." Mr. Neckar arrived at Versailles on Tuesday nlglit, in perfedt health, and yesterday, at two y'clock, waited on rhp National Allembly, where ne was received with such applauffcs and emotions, far beyond all applauseS, as constitute the molt glorious recompence this world is able to bellow dn virtue. At Stralbonrggreat violence has been commited. The Chief Magistrate was obliged to escape in a cart load of tanner's bark. The populace forced the town house, and demolished all the furniture, took pofleffion of 40001. fterl. of the public cafli, and destroyed many of the archives. The citizens required leave from the Comte de Rocliambeau to arm, which herefufed, as well as to call on the military. The Prince de Heilb Darnftadt, Colo nel of a regiment in garrison, took this on hini felf, and with 4000 armed citizens, difperfcd the mob, several of whom were hanged. In their violence, they had got at the vast tuns of Rhenish Wine, and ltock which are preserved there eti de pot, and waded up to their knees in it. We had great illuminations at the Palais Royal, last night, on account of M. Neckar's arrival ; but they will be general when he visits the Hotel de Ville, to which he will be invited. The Na tional Club at the Palais Royal had eleven of the arcades moll beautifully illuminated with trans parencies of the King and M Neckar. The people in Franche Comte have destroyed all the title deeds and archives of the Nobles. NEW-YORK, SEPTEMBER 23. The Advices by the French Packet ftate —That the Minillry which came in, on the removal of M. Neckar, continued in office but four days— when the King, finding that the aristocratic party had niifled him, threw himfelf into the arms of the people.—Restored M. Neckar, and his compatriots.— Speedy justice was executed upon fotne of the principals of the late Miniftry—> several of whom were beheaded —One of them who anticipated the public vengeance had the ceremony of his funeral performed, but the ar tifice being detected, the farce Was turned into a tragedy, by the loss of his head.—Sixteen com mittees were appointed in the city of Paris for va rious purposes, whose vigilance and activity had restored it to peace and security : One of tliefe committees was to furniffi supplies of grain, &c. When the Kjng's army approached the cit}, the inhabitants immediately armed themfeWes, by seizing the hospital of the invalids ; and to fortify the avenues to the city, they tore up the pavements —with thefe,carriages, &c. they form ed a temporary fortification,in which the heavy artillery was placed. Mean time the people at tacked the Baftile, the Governor of which hav ing admitted a number of them, drew up the bridge, and thenfacrificed the whole.—The citi zens finding that they had been deceived, scaled the walls of this castle—took the Governor and Lieut. Governor out, and beheaded them both— and then leveled the walls to the ground—but fevr prisoners were found therein. During all these commotions, the National Aflembly continued fitting, and preserved the greatest moderation, dignity and firmnefs.—The citizens were armed, and formed into regular corps under proper of ficers : And such arrangements made as raltored peace and tranquility, and gave the happiest profpeft of eftablilhing a free government. These events will form an important epoch in the annals of Europe, and induce a material change in the politics of the Eastern Hemisphere. During the late disturbances in France tis said not more than hirty persons have loft their lives, on the part of the people. ARRIVALS. NEW YORK. Saturday, Sloop Gorinna, Sacket, St. Martins, 24 days. Sunday, Sloop Brothers, Walton, Digby, 12 do. Monday, Brig Nancy, Carberry, Kingston, 40 do. Ship Favorite, Willfon, Hull, 56 do. Brigß