[No. XLVII.] THE TABLE T.—No. XLVII. The author of the Tablet presents thefollowing Speculation fiom a friend, for the forty-feventh number. " The divfrfity of inter efls in the United States, un jtr a wife government, will prove the Cement of the Union-" ' FORMERLY, it was the policy of Great Bri tain to diflejninatethe idea,that tlie seve ral colonies were too much divided by religion, manners and customs, by different interests, and prejudices more obstinate than intereit, to alfimi late and form a government of their own. It is not remarkable that Britain fliould cheriffi and diif'ufe an opinion so favorable to her power. Andtho we have reason to lament, we have none to wonder at, the degree of success which attend ed her truly maternal endeavors. The inter courfeof the colonies with her was much greater than with