Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 19, 1789, Page 183, Image 3

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    Sepl. 14, 1789.
si R ,
The constant hostilities between the Indians
who live upon the river Wabafli, and the people
of Kentucky, nruft neceflarily be attended with
such embarralfing circumstances to the govern
ment of the Weltern Territory, that I am induc
ed to request you will bepleafed to take the mat
ter into conlideration, and give me the orders
you may think proper.
It is not to be expe&ed, Sir, that the Ken
tucky people will or can submit patiently to the
cruelties and depredations of those savages—they
are in the habits of retaliation, perhaps without
attending precisely to the nations from which
the injuries are received. They will continue to
retaliate, or they will apply to the Governor of
the Weltern Country (through which the Indians
must pass to attack them) for redress ; —if he
cannot redress them (and in the present circum
stances he cannot) they also will march thro that
country to redress themselves, and the govern
ment will be laid proltrate . —The United States
on the other hand, are at peace with several of
the nations ; and should the resentment of these
people fall upon any of them, which it is likely
enough to happen, very bad conlequences may
follow ; for it must appear to thenf that the
United States either pay 110 regaad to their trea
ties, or that they are unable or unwilling to car
ry their engagements into effeift. RemonltranceS
will probably be made by them also to the Go
vernor, and he will be found in a situation
from which he can neither redress the One, nor
protect the other ; they will unite with the hos
tile nations, prudently prefering open war to a
delusive and uncertain peace.
By a resolution of the late Congress, the Go
vernor of the Weltern Territory had power in
cafe of lioltilities, to call upon Virginia and
Pennsylvania, for a number of men to adlin con
junction with the continental troops, and carry
war into the Indian settlements ; that resolution,
it is luppofed, is now 110 longer in force. The
revival of it might be of use, as it would tend to
conciliate the weltern people, by Ihewing them
that they are not unattended to ; —and would in
some measure j uftify me, in holding a language
to the Indians, which might obviate the neceflity
of employing a force agaiult them.
The handful of troops, Sir, that are scattered
in that country, though they may afford pro
tection to some settlements, cannot polfibly act
offenfively by themselves.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your moll obedient and most humble servant,
The President of the United States.
Thismeflage was refered to afelecft committee.
The House then proceeded in the amendments
reported by the committee, to the judicial bill,
and having gone thro the fame, ordered to be
engroiiedfor a third reading to-morrow.
And then the House adjourned.
Sundry petitions were read and committed.
Mr. Boudinot of the committee on theinef
fage received yesterday, brought in a bill to re
cognize theeftablifhment of troops on the West
ern Frontiers— read the firft and second time,
and referred to a committee of the whole to tye
taken up to-morrow.
Mr. Goodhue of the committee appointed for
the purpose, brought in a bill to amend that part
of the Colledion Law, by which the Rouble of
Russia is estimated at 100 cents, and to fix it at
66 cents —this bill to be in force till the end of
the next session of Congress.
The bill for the temporary establishment of the
Port-Office, was read a second and third time,and
pafled the House.
Mr. Baldwin of the committee of conference,
on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses, re
fpedting the salary of the Vice President, report
ed that the committees hadjeome to no agreement.
Amotion was then made by Mr. Stone, that
the House should recede from their disagreement
to the amendment of the Senate, which after
some debate was negatived, and the House resolv
ed to adhere to their disagreement.
Mr. Sh erman, in theconverfation on this mo
tion, observed, that he had ahigh esteem for the
person of the present Vice President, as a man of
abilities, integrity and patriotism. His eminent
services during the whole course of the late con
test, were a futficienteulogium, and rendered any
other unneceflary. He had, he said, in an uncom
mon degree, one virtue which waS rarely found ;
a faculty of uniting dignity with economy. He
thought therefore that it was unneceflary, at pre
lent, to allow the Vice President so la-ge a salary
as fix thousand dollars, especially, considering
the present low state of our finances.
The bill for the establishing Judicial Courts in
the United States with, the amendments, was read
the third time.
Mr. Gerry then rose, and stated anumber of
objections againlt palling this bill—these went to
its principles and operation. But he further ob
served, that as it is acknowledged the bill is an
ex perinieht, and as it bas been precipitated thro
the Ho use he wiihed if it did pals, that a clause to
limit its duration might be added.
Mr. Jackson, Mr. Burke, and Mr. Stone
also objected to palling the bill—they obferveel
that the bill is opprei'iive in its nature, and will
have a mischievous operation.
Mr; Madison and Mr. Benson made a few
observations in reply.—As to the bill's being ex
perimental, it was said, that all legislative a*sis
are neceflarily of that nature, and must be so,
till mankind poflefs perfecfl wisdom and fore
knowledge.—The bill may not exaiflly suit aiiy
one member of the House, in all its parts —-but it
is as good as we can at present make it.—lt is ab
solutely neceliary that a judicial law /hould pass
the present felfion : Experience may point out ics
defeats. As to its being precipitated, it was ob
served, that the bill had been in existence many
months—had been printed for the infpee'lion of
the members, and had been a long time in their
hands.—That it had undergone a lengthy discus
sion, in committee—after which it had been taken
up in the House, when numerous amendments
had been proposed and agreed to.—From these
considerations it was inferred,that the observation
of the gentleman, that the bill had been precipi
tated was unjult.
On the question, Shall the bill pass ? Mr.
Burke called for the Ayes and Noes, which are
as follow—
AYES. Mcjfrs. Ames, Baldwin, Benfon, Boudinot, Biown*
Cadwallader, Carroll, Clymer, Coniee, Fitzfimons, Foster, Gale,
Gilman, Goodhue, Griffin, Hartley, Heifter, Huntington, Law
rance, Lee, Madison, Moore, P. Muhlenberg, Page, Schureman,
Scott, Sherman, Silvester, Smnickion, Smith, (M.) Smith, (S. C.)
Thatcher, Trumbull, Vining. Wadfworth, White, Wynkoop. 37.
NOES. Melfrs. Bland, Burke, Coles, Floyd, Gerry, Grout,
Hathorn, Jackson, Livermore, Matthews, Parker, Van Ranfellaer,
Seney, Stone, Sumpter, Tucker. 16.
Mr. Benson, introduced the following refolutiori —That the
Secretary of the Treasury be directed to report to the House an
estimate of the sums heceffary to be appropriated the present ses
sion of Congress ior payment of the civil lift—the department of
war, and warrants drawn on the Treasury, which have not been
discharged—and that a committee be appointed to bring in a bill
pursuant thereto—laid on the table.
The bill for eftabliftiing the salaries of the judicial department,
was read a full and second time, and ordered to be taken up to
The salaries proposed are as follow :
Chief Jnftice, 4,500 dollars per annum.
Judges of the Supreme Court each 4,000
Judge of Diftrift of Maine 800
New-Hamp(hire 1.000
Maflachufetts 2,000
Connecticut 1,250
New-Jersey 1,200
Pennsylvania 2,000
Delaware 800
Maryland 1,600
Viginia 2,250
Kentucky 800
South-Carolina 2,000
Georgia 1,600
Attorney General 2,000
Mr. Gerry introduced a resolution that the Secretary of
State be directed to procure, from time to time, such statutes of
the Ccveral States as may not be already in his office.
On motion of Mr. Gerry, the committee of ways and means
were discharged, and the several matters committed to them re
fered to the Secretary of the Treasury.
The House then, according to the order of the day, went into
a committee of the whole on the bill ior fixing the permanent
feat of government.
Mr. Boudinot in the chair.
Mr. Vining moved that the firft paragraph of the bill be
(truck out in order to insert one to this effeCt—That a distriCt of
ten miles square, comprehending the borough of Wilmington in
the State of Delaware, to be located as hereafter direCted, (hould
be seleCted as the feat of governmeet of the United States, until a
more eligible place (hould be fixed on,for the permanent feat; and
that measures (hould be taken to accommodate Congress within
that distriCt, as soon as conveniently might be. Provided that
no cedion be accepted till a6ls (hould be passed by the States ot
Delaware and Maryland,to open a water communication between
the bay of Chefepeake and Delaware.
This motion was negatived. Ayes 23. Noes 28.
Mr. Gaie then moved to amend the firft clause, by annexing
the following proviso—That no distriCt be accepted as aforefaid,
until the President of the United States (hould be fatisfied of the
practicability of effecting a navigation from the feat of govern
ment to the mouth of the said river ; and that this law (hould not
be carried into etfeCt, until the States of Pennsylvania and Mary
land (hould pass a£ts (not includingany expence to the said States)
providingfor removing the obftruftions of the fame.
A division of this motion was called for, at the word " river,"
and the question on the firft part was negatived. Ayes 25. Noes 29.
The question on the second part was then put, and the commit
tee was equally divided. Ayes 97. Noes 27. Ihe chairman
gave the casting vote in the affirmative.
The committee then rose and reported, and the House took up
the report. ..
The amendment adopted by the committee, on the motion of
Mr. Ga le, was agreed to. Ayes 28. Noes 26.
Mr. Gale then moved to insert after the words " Sufquehan
na in the State of Pennsylvania" the words " or Maryland."
On the question upon this motion there was an equal division of
the House, and the speaker gave the casting vote in the negative.
The further consideration of the bill wes postponed tillto-mor*
row , and the house adjourned.
A bill making provision for the invalids of the United States,
was read.
A petition from the Rev. Wm. Stoy, dating that he had disco
vered an effedual remedy for the Hydrophobia, and praying the
houle that in their wisdom they would devifefome way by which
the public may be benefited by the Remedy, and the inventor re
compensed for his expence and time in making the discovery, laid
on the table.
The bill to amend the part of the Collection Law, which esti
mates the Rouble of Ruflia at 100 cents, was read a second time,
and ordered to be engrofled.
The enrolled bill for the temporary establishment of the Post-
Office, was brought in and signed by the Speaker.
A petition from Barnes, Attorney to James Rums ey,
respeCting a variety of curious discoveries, and originial inventions
of the said Rumfey was read, and laid on the table.
The motion of Mr. G e r r y , enjoining on the Secretary of State
the procuring such Statutes of the refpeftive Stetes as are not in his
office, was read, and adopted, and ordered to be sent to the Senate
for their concurrctkse.
The report of t-hccommittee on the motion of Mr. Whi TS,rcf
pefling the ceflion of lands made by the State of Virginia, See.
was read, and refered over to the next feflion.
The House theit went into a committee of the whole on the bill
for eftablifliing the salaries of the Judicial Department.
Mr. Boudinot in the chair.
The $ill was then read, and on motion of Mr. Goodhue to
fir ike out 4500 dollars, the proposed salary of the ChieJ Jultice,
and to insert 3000. A lengthy debate enlucd. The Committee
finally agreed on the following lalaiies, viz. pr. ann.
Chief Justice, 4000 dollars,
Judges of the Supreme Court, each 3000
Judge of Dillrict of Maine 800
NeVhampfhire; IOCO
Mairachuftt:s, 1200
* Conne&icut, ioco
New-York, 1 ,500
New-Jersey, 1000
Penuiylvania, 1600
Delaware, B<>o
Maryland, 1500
Virginia, 1800
Kentucky, 800
Soutlj Carolina, 1800
Georgia, 1600
Attorney General, 2000
The committee then rose.
A meflage was received from the Senate, with the resolution ref
pe&ing the Statutes of the refpe&ive States, concured.
Adjourned t ill to-morrow v 10 o'clock.
The President of the United States has been pleased to nominate
and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate to appoint
Samuel Meredith, Esq. of Philadelphia, Treasurer of the
United States : and Major Wi lli am Mc Pher son, Surveyor of
Philadelphia, vice Samuel Meredith.
The Legislature of Pennsylvania has agreed upon calling a Con
vention for the purpose of revising and amending their State Con
dilution : The people of that Commonwealth are remarkably uni
ted in the measure: The Convention is to meet in Philadelphia,
on the 4th Tuesday of November next.
The Legislature has also at its present feftion, ceded to the Uni
ted States the exclusive jurisdittion over such diftritt as may be
come the feat of the Ffederal government in that Commonwealth.
English accounts of French affairs exhibit a very unce/tairt state
of their real situation. It appears from them that the recent com
pliance of the King with the demands and requests of the Tiers
Etat, was a temporizing measure, and only designed to amuse,
while preparations were made to reeftablilh the power of the crown
upon its former foundation. Should this be the cafe, the question
is, whether it is probable that in this enlightened age the people
can be so deceived ? If it is, the reign of liberty is not yet com
menced in 'France. Should the people be triumphant, may they
be so wife as to establish a just and equal form of government, and
not do as their neighbors, who when they had destroyed one ty
rant set up another.
Mankind are prone to extremes, and too seldom learn wisdom
but in the school of experience : The transitions from rule and
order are infinitely 'easier and more rapid to licentiousness and
confufion, than from the latter to the former. At the moment of
peace we found ourselves in a very unenviable situation : A sense
of common danger had kept us in union with each other, without
the reftraintsof law ; but the period, tho not a long one in the age
of a nation, was fufficient to relax our principles, and to infufe
very oernicious maxims into the minds of a great proportion o£>
our citizens : Many were ready to fay, that a state of nature was
preferable to the reftri£lions of civilized society, and that human
nature, especially the American human nature, was so refined*
and so enlightened, that we (hould spontaneously do right.—Ex
perience only taught us the dclufive hature of our sentiments, and
so gradual has our recovery been* that almost seven years of peace
have scarcely brought us back to our senses.
From realizing that we are compofcd of the fame materials with
the reft of mankind, and require the aid of government to make
life tolerable, and to secure the bleflings of freedom, property and
peace, we have been led to the adoption of a constitution of go
vernment : It is devoutly to be wished that we may continue to
discern wherein our true intereftlics, by giving the government we
have eretted, that support which may realize to ourselves and pos
terity the happiness, which under its auspices we so fondly antici
Monday evening last The President of the United State?,
his Lady, and Family, and several other persons of diftin£tion,
were pleased to honor Mr. Bowen's exhibition of Wax Work,
with their company, at No. 74, Water Street, and appeared ex
ceedingly Well pleased with the late improvements made by the
On Wednesday morning the 16th infL departed this life, in the
33d year of his age, JOB SUMNER, Esq. late Major in the Mas
sachusetts line of the Continental army : His remains were on
the succeeding day, attended to St. Paul's Church Yard, where
they were solemnly deposited with military honors.
Order of Procejfion.
Regiment of Artillery with reversed Arms.
Drums muffled and Fifes in mourning.
State Society of the Cincinnati.
Band of Music in mourning.
Col. Baumanj q Col. Platt, j _ti
£ I Col. Walker, po Col. Smith, j
Col. Ham 1 lton, Col. White,
£"j Col. Willet, M Gen. Webb,
f Vice President. }
Mourners of <Senators& Representatives. > Majfachufctts.
( Secretary at War. )
Other Senators and Representatives*
Witha number of refpettable citizens,clofed the solemn proceflion_
His military friends, being witnesses of his abilities and vir
tues as a foldiei, (hed the tear of sorrow on his grave, and the citi
zens of New-York, recollefling the prote&ion afforded them on
the evacuation, by the troops under the immediate command o£
their departed friend, gave a sigh to his memory, and generously
paid the last friendly tribute to his virtues.
Saturday sth inft. died at the hospitable mansion of John
Smoot, Esq. of Dorchester county, on the Eastern shore of the
State of Maryland, Capt. JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM, late o£
Boston, Massachusetts.
If the golden law of liberty was obferved—lf all
Heaven we (hould speedily fee upon earth ! The habit of iuch a
restraint, would, in time, fuppreis every emotion to evil. The
weak would, have the strength of this law for their support—the
poor would have the benevolence of it for their riches. Under
the light and yoke ps fuch'a restraint, how would in
dustry be encouragcd ! and how sweet would be the secure reward*
of labor ! how would benignitv rejoice to call neighbors, txiends,
and strangers to come and participate of the fruits thereof.
How has the sacred name of liberty been perverted and profa
ned by the mouths of madding demagogues at the head of a delu
ded rabble, who mean nothing better than a licentious unmuz
zling from all restraint, that they may ravage and lay desolate the
works and fruits of peace, law, and justice.