treason, tlie indidcd and tried n the county, town or diftridl wherein the of fence lhall have been commited, as hath been usual in each State before this law was enacted, -phis was carried in the affirmative. The com mittee this day finiflieil the difcuflion of this bill, which was reported to the House. Mr. Ames of the committee appointed to bring j n a bill upon the fubjetfl of the permanent re sidence pursuant to the resolution palled by the House, brought in a report which was read the fj r ft time. Adjourned. TUESDAY, SEPT. I J. The bill for eftablilhing the permanent resi dence was read the second time, and refered to a committee of the whole, to be taken up on Thursday next. The enrolled bill for suspending a part of the collection law, was brought in and signed by the Speaker. A petition from the inhabitants of the town of Portfniouth, in Virginia, representing the hard ships they fuffer from not having a naval office eftabliftied in that place, and praying that an of ficer may beeftablilhed there, was read, and laid on the table. The House then took up the amendments to the Judicial bill, agreed to by the committee of the whole. Mr. Seney moved, as an amendment in the 3d section, to insert Cheltertown, instead of Eallon, in Maryland, as the place for holding the diftrifiion of them as to induce great loss or inconvenience. It may in truth be (aid that men maybe found, who have no persona] affairs to fuffer by dedicat ing themselves to the public ; but he who is with out trusts or duties of his own is seldom fit for the trusts or duties of his country. Such for inltance might be many a bankrupt adventurer, in law, physic, divinity, or merchandize, who having neither fortune nor dependence at home, any trifle abroad would be clear gain to. The veflel of the republic might be conducted cheaply by such a crew, but would it be polfible for her to escape fnipwreck ? _ The rich—they surely might make an absolute gift of their services—but it is not always by the exercise of generous qualities that they become so : The rich besides are with more difficulty drawn from the fatisfacftions of home, and if wife, not easily induced to quit the preheminence in society confered by wealth, for the equality of deli berative aflemblies, and where men are accustom ed to be valued by other standards : The rich too are often unpopular, and seen with an eye jea lous of aristocratic opulence : It is not for the in digent, or the wealthy then that provision should be made, but for those who are poflefled of some thing, and yet not fomuch as to (land juftified in making unrequited facrifices of their time 01 fortune. Leaving them both—where are all the patriots of the late time, who gave themselves to the pub lic cause without reward ? Their enthusiasm is gone, and will not appear again, but with a re newed occalion—the danger of our country. In days of ease and security, men are willing to put a value upon their exertions, andexped: compen sations for services of every kind. The principle being agreed to with refped: tt the Federal Legislature, it isneverthelefs a mattei of opinion what the compensations should be :— We have seen the opinion of Congress in the com pensations established, which may appear reason able from these confederations : The legislative business of the Union may require a felfion alto gether unremited, or one of a few months in the year : If the former, is it to be expee pubhfhed: The governmental tranfadions of the Supreme Executive, will receive an early and regular insertion, which from their interejling nature, will form a valuable fub flitutefor the temporary suspension oj congrejjionalproceedings. THE EDITOR. ARRIVALS. NEW.YORK. Monday Sloop Friendlbip, Burnham, Savanna, 12 days. Brig Minerva, Kerr, Bremen, 63 days. Brig Rachel, Hill, London, 50 days. Schooner Pollv. Todd, St. Thomas's. 22 davs. INTELLIGENCE BY YESTERDAY'S MAIL. CONSTANTINOPLE, APRIL 22. THE new system of our government begins to develope. His Highness on account of the fticcefs of the grand Admiral in the last war in Egypt, and his great reputation, has removed him from the station of Admiral, and ordered him to put himfelf at the head of a formidable army, and march immediatly to retake Oczakow. Though this tranfa&ion may appear to some as a fort of disgrace, we are far from thinking so ; and we are allured that last night the Grand Signoir, to excite the ambition of the Captain Pacha, and to inflame his love for glory, bestowed on him before hand the pompoustitleof Conqueror of the grand Fortrcfs ; in consequence of which the ex-grand admiral will ftiortly go to Befiarabia, and put himfelf at the head of 100,000 men, with which army he will besiege Oczakow. These dispositions, it is easy to forefee, excite great jealousy between the Grand Vizier and the Captain Pacha, which will not any aflift the enter prize against Oczakow, the iuccefs of which the new Sultan has so much at heart, that he has given the moll pressing orders to the vice-admiral to fail with the 31 and fleet to the Black Sea, to favor that important expedition. However those motions announce nothing but disorder and con fufion—the recruits are not chosen ones, the provision and am munitions are fuflficient for the numher of troops which will be employed, and the magazines are placed in such a manner, that it will be difficult for the army before Oczakow to procure provi sions, owing to the facility with which the light troops of the Ruffians may intercept the convoys. This expedition at pre fen c attratts all the attention of the court and of the capital. PHILADELPHIA, SEPT. 12. INSURRECTION IN FRANCE. By the ship Young Eagle, Capt. Kerr, arrived in this port the lalt evening in 5$ days from Sr. Sebastian in Spain, we learn, that the great patriot ancl friend to America, Lewis the 16th, had joined with the Commons of France against the Nobles —that a battle ensued in which 7000 were killed on the spot—and that the Baftile was totally de moliihed.