Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 12, 1789, Page 175, Image 3

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    there vill be another Royal Seifions to-morrow,
(Tuesday) to annul the proceedings at thelalt,
and finally to put the great national business in
trail). The Aflembly was adjourned to that day,
on the motion of M.Bailly, the Prelident of the
Commons, who observed, that so great an event
as the happy union of the Stares General, called
for a momentary suspension of all other business,
and merited an interval for congratulations and
The following is a lift of the patriotic Nobles
who made the firft step, and whose names de
serve to be held up to the friends of liberty
throughout Europe.
Le Due d'Orleans, Le Due d'Aiguillon, Dan
dre, Le Marquis de Lezay-Marzia, Le Vicomte
de Toulongeon, Le Comte de Crillon, Le Vi
comte de Beauharnois, Le Pheline, Le Vicomte
Defandrouns, Le Marquis de laCofte, LeCompte
de Caftellane, Le Marquis de Blacons, Le Mar
quis de Langon, Le Comte de la Blache, Le
Comte de Antoine d'Agoult, Le Comte de Virieux,
Le Comte de Morge, Le Baron de Chalion, Le
Comte Marzanne, De Burle, D'Eymar, D<
Nemperre de Champagny, De Pres le Greflier,
Le Marquis de Biancourt, D'Aguefieau, Freteauj
Le Comte de le Touche, Le Comte de Montmo
rency, Le Chevalier de Maulette, Le Comte de
Clermont-Tonnere, Le Due de la Rochefoucauld
Le Comte de Luzignan, Dionis du Sejour, Du
pert, Le Marquis de Montefquiou-Fezenzac, Al
exandrede Lameth, Le Marquis de la Tour-Mau
bourg, Le Marquis de Sillery, Le Baron d'Harm
bure, Le Due de Tuynes, Le Marquis de Len
cofne, Le Baron de Menou, Le Comte de Telle,
•with three others.
In the late eminent crisis of public affairs, the
dragoons,and all the national troops in the neigh
borhood of Paris, loudly declared, that they
would neither draw a sword, nor fire a mufquet
against their countrymen.
The day after the French guards refufed to fire
on the people, they were all ordered to be con
fined to their quarters, both at Paris and Ver
sailles, excepting those on duty. They were
not, however, restrained by the orders of their
officers, but declaring that they had no inten
tion to be turbulent or desert, left their barraks,
and for two succeeding days amused themselves
in walking about the streets, &c. where they
were regaled and applauded by their fellow
citizens. At the palace Royal, the head-quar
ters of liberty, the coffee-houfes were filled with
them, every body striving who should be firft to
entertain them. Judge what an effect all this
niuft have produced at Court, and what was to
be expe<sJed in the Provinces, had the Comte
d'Artois and his violence prevailed.
London, july 4. The French AmbafTador
has had a second interview with Mr. Pitt, on the
fubjeft of the present diftrefles of the French
nation, occasioned by the great scarcity of corn
and flour.
There are I 5,000 troops in Paris, Versailles,
and its neighbourhood. And yet, very much to
the astonishment and difcomfiture of the court,
they could not get a regiment to draw a trigger.
Extract of a letter from Paris, June 26.
" A Member of the National Afleinbly moved
lately, that the benches on which they fate should have
ticks put to them, for the greater conveniency of
the gentlemen who are obliged to occupy them
for so many hours i " Is it to be thought," said
he, on the motion being opposed, " that the
King thinks his grandeur confiftsin being seated
on an elevated throne, while his fubje<fts are
crawling at his feet. These marks of servility
might have pleased Louis XIV, whose heart was
spoiled by the base adulation of his courtiers,
who demeaned themielves to the condition of
menial servants ; but they would dishonor Louis
XVI, and should not be fuffered to profane the
Timph of Liberty. Let all due refpetft be paid to
the Sovereign, but let us not forget what is due
to our own dignity, as men, as Representatives
ofthe Majefly of the People of trance, of whom the
Monarch is in reality no more than the molt dif
"nguifhed individual.'' Such language from the
mouth of a Frenchman, and in Paris, you will
think incredible : But had you been for even a
frort space 0 f ti me accustomed to hear the ex
preflions hourly made use of in cofFee-lioufes,
private societies, and 011 the public walks, you
would readily believe it. One party maintains,
or initance, and openly avows it, that the No
ihty, sooner than relinquish their privileges,
1111 niafh their hands in the blood of the rabble. While
JL °ther as openly declares, that the National
1 ffy flail be cemented with the blood of the No
w- And yet, notwithstanding all this, there
31 e w ho think it not unprobable that this
momentuous business will terminate—a la Fran
"'/•—in a song—vox, vox, et pretsrea nihil! It
u -, however, be owned, that it wears a very
'"nous afpecft."
" T} XtrC a etter f rGm Paris, June 29.
ri v. States-General have at last come to a
in? n t j U ? c ' ei^anc^n S- The Nobility and Clergy
U e * e Tiers Etat on Saturday, and this Au
felve K ly now seriously occupy them
biv! S i. a 1 l^e i m portant objects for which they
a>e been called together."
By adviccs received in town from Abo, in Sweden, dated
May 29, we are informed, that on the preceding day a courier
passed through that place on his way to Stockholm, from the fron
tiers, with the news of an a&ion having taken place between the
Rufliansand Swedes* in which the former had five hundred kil
led on the spot; the Swedes loft only 19. A baggage magazine
belonging to the Ruflians was burnt.
O, WHAT a charming thing and pretty,
To have a noble, Federal City!
Surpafling in few years to come,
All that history fays of Rome ;
That ancient feat of arts and wars,
The mother of eternal jars !
Not near old oceans' margin built,
Where blood by hogftieads may be spilt;
Where {hips which vomit smoke and fire,
May force the people to retire ;
May set a scampering our patricians,
Curfmg all maritime portions.
Besides, all sea port towns, we know,
The floods of horrid vice o'erflow ;
There business, noise, and diflipation,
Diftraft the rulers of the nation !
I here morn, and noon, and midnight revels,
With a long lift of Syren devils—
Balls, treats, and visits—arts cajoling,
Will set their wits and senses rolling,
Till on the rocks of tempting beauty,
They shipwreck honor, truth, and duty.
No, let us to the woods repair,
For peace and innocence dwell there :
There, in the times beyond the flood,
When men were frugal, wife, and good,
Beneath an oak, or beechen ftia^e,
The best of human laws were made :
They wanted then no central station—
Their Federal Hall the whole Creation.
Then let us to the woods repair,
And build a Federal City there,
Where nature never fails to please,
In hills and dales, and shrubs and trees ;
Where ancient Sages gather'd knowlege',
Without the aid of church or college.
Secluded from the noisy hive,
Who business, arts and pleasure drive.
14 In the cool grot and mofly cell,"
Where truth and inspiration dwell,
Without a buzzing in our ears,
Of speculator's hopes and fears,
What Laws and Statutes (hall be made !
To help the basket making trade ;
To regulate the country roads,
And clear the neighbourhood of toads ;
To regulate the time for hatching
Hens eggs—and {had, and oyster-catching f
What time is best to ring the {wine,
And other bus'nefs in that line—
To bind in leagues of fix'd opinion,
1 he States who form this great dominion.
IN the Gazette of the United States of Wednes
day last, there appeared some ftriAures on the ex
tracts of two letters publiflied in the Daily Gazette,
of 24th and 31ft of August. I lhall not pretend to
follow that writer through his long performance,
teeming with words, but sterile in ideas. Neither
shall I enter into a critical examination of his ltate
of facts, asl conceive it altogether alien to the pres
ent purpofe,whether this,or that,or the other State
formerly gave its delegates in Congress, four,
five, or fix dollars a day : The question is whe
ther the lum which has been agreed to by a ma
jority of the House of Representatives is too
much ? I think it is not, and I thinkmyfelf toler
ably fafe in coinciding in opinion with so respec
table characters as formed the majority on that
occasion. However every man has a right to judge,
but no man has a right to impeach the motives of
those who openly avow their sentiments, and in
that avowal make an appeal to the decent and
uninfluenced tribunal of the public :—Not to be
sure, to be villified and abused, but to have an
impartial decision upon their conduct. To charge
men thus circumltanced with designing views,
unfriendly to the truth, and the public interest,
indicates a mind totally insensible to delicacy or
honor. I am wholly uncertain who the letter
writers are —I thought there was weight,and can
dor in their observations :—And he must be a
wifacre indeed, who can suppose that any per
son, who had the least regard to his own reputa
tion, would, in a public paper, utter designedly
a known falfehood. I believe the letter writers
supposed the relation they gave was true. And
true it is for ought that appears to the contrary.
But this laconic animadverter alks, " how the
wonderful logician knows that Congress is to set
but two or three months in a year >" It is sup
posed that the public business will not require a
longer time. And those letter writers justly sup
pose that Congress will not needlessly prolong
their sessions. All the difference that I can fee is
this—The animadverter thinks that Congress may
set eight or nine months, in which cafe the ex
pence to the public at four dollars a day, will be
just double what it will at fix dollars a day for
three months. The truth is, that four dollars a
day will keep the new, as it did the old Congress,
always in fell ion,—a desirable objett with fovie.
Every man makes an estimate of what he
thinks his public Services ought to be compensated
at. And till mankind are 101 lto all sense of pub
lic infamy, that compensation will always be
within defenfible and jult limits. Ihe words
" ariflocratic," " small fortunes," " nabobs," &c.
convey a very obvious meaning—but are here
applied with a very ill grace. It is however, too
much to be feared, thatperfons who have no pre
tentions from their abilities, to the public favor,
will find their account in such popular canting.
C I V I s.
The President of the United States hasbeen pleased to nomi
nate, and by and with the advice and confcnt of the Senate to ap
point the Hon. Alexander Hamilton, of N-'w-York, Secre
tary of the Treasury. And Hon. Nicholas Eveleich, of S.
Caiolifta, Comptroller of the Treasury.
On Tuesday last, being the firft public levee at the President's,
since his mother's decease was known in this city, feverai gentle
men of the two Houses of Congress, and other relpe&able person
attended it, in American mourning* This silent mark of refpeft,
flowing spontaneously from the hearts of freemen fympathizmg
with him 111 this domeflic misfortune, manifefts sentiments and
emotions which no language can express in a manner so unequivo
cal and delicate.
The late interesting debates of an honorable aflembly, upon the
fubiefl of a permanent residence, have given rife to a variety of
sensations and opinions : Some have applauded, and others con
demned : Combinations have been talked ofj and the conduct of
the affociators hajfceen reprehended—with how mtich justice wc
will not pretend to determine : A more Southern fittiation than
the Sufquehanna, would never have been agreeable to the Eastern
and Northern States—and it may be fairly questioned, whether
the read interest of the Southern States will be eventually promo
ted by taking a position so far South as that.
Emigrations are from the North to the Scuth. What does this
prove, but that the excess of population is in the foi mer. The
truth is, this excess must swarm, and the Southern regions will al
ways afford room, and never be full. Should acceflion from the
Northward failj it is pretty evident they would in time be depo
Extrad of a letter from the State of Rhode-IJland,
dated, September 4, 1 789.
" The federalifts, in this State form a class of
citizens more important in a national view than
is generally imagined. They are principally
merchants, and the circumstances of our com
merce require the greatest enterprize and the
closest calculation. As our staple is inconsidera
ble we must have recourfeto a circuitous kind of
traffic. It is evident we must find employment for
we cannot submit to perilh, while objecfls of a
ny kind present themselves which can afford sub
sistence. Now it is evident if Congress (hut us
out from a participation of the advantages re
sulting from the new government, we (hall be
compeled into a line of bufihefs that will injure
the interests of the United States. Nothing of
this kind is atprefent dreamed of.—But I will not
be answerable what turn the imagination of peo
ple will take. It is well known that our mer
chants were formerly celebrared for their skill
in Imuggling. They have not totally forgot the
sweets of their former pra<ftice. We lie between
two States of an extensive sea coast, inhabitted
by people who are not enemies to illicit gains.
Should we be deprived of lawful admission into
thole States on equal terms with the other citizens
of the Union, our necessities will drive us to ex
pedients which we now reprobate. Neceflity
breaks through all rules of justice andpatriotifm.
When once we have got our ha|nd in, we Jhall
not readily relinquiih the plan. We know that
Connecticut is not unaccustomed to connive at
practices that will throw advantages into the
hands of their citizens, and as for Maflacliufetts
they are not free from persons Who have an inor
dinate love of money.
Extrafl of a letter from a gentleman in London, to
bis friend in New-Tori, dated July 4, 1789.
" It is with the greatest pleasure I learn, that
the new Constitution is likely to be solidly cftab
iihed. I hope the two Houses will be firm and
decided in their measures, and not fuffer their
federal power to de difputedor trifled with by a
ny particular State ; if they do, they will soon
dwindle into that nominal and nerveless power,
which distinguished the government of the late
Congress; The truly illustrious General Wash
ington is a treasure which I hope the United
States will long enjoy—a man like him, at the
head of governnent, will give it a weight and
energy which it otherwise would not so fully
poflefs, and must make it highly refpeftable to
all the European powers."
Extra{h of Utters fro?n New-Tor k, Augufl 30.
" I have been here but three weeks, and in
that time have heard, in my occasional visits to
the Gallery, more Oratory, Learning, Law, and
Good Sense, from the Members of the House
than I ever before heard in my life. And for a
bilities ofevery kind, I do not think alike num
ber could be collected in the United States ihat
would be superior."
" I received " the Fragment" you sent me
So far as the Poem is noticed here (for there are
some in the city) it is with indignation and con
tempt. As to the Vice-President, his character
rests upon the broad balls of virtue and abilities,
and is not to be lhaken by the attacks of envy, ma
lic: and disappointment. Another High Officer
who is also an objetft of the Poem, is universally
refpedted—-and since I have been here, I have
heard it said in the House, that the public ser
vice is as much promoted by this officer, as by any
other whatever : That the public military stores
under his care are worth a million of money—and
that they are,through his vigilance and attention,
keptm iucli order, that the United States are, in
this refpetft, in constant preparation for war.
No man can be more refpedted than he is—and
for the attack, I believe it would puzzle a Sybil
to assign acaufe."