here the law is dubidlas, ana yet must 1)4 carried into opera tion Some latitude mull be given to the executive in similar f -Iwere it denied the executive authority would bealmoftufc- Tf The Governor when he summoned the Council, observed that the returns would probably be made the third of March, d upon that presumption did he summon them. The next quef t'on is whether the Governor ihould not have protracted the de termination till atl the returns were made ? I think not, for the reasons before dated ; it isfufficient if he waited a reasonable time, lo that the returns might have all been made : Twelve out of thir teen were actually made : Con;refs were affemblinr, and a very reasonable time had been allowed : The Governor was then jufti fcdin announcing the elcftion. Ittnay be said that this rfi'cretionary power might be abused, because the governor might watch the opportunity when his friends were highest on the lift, and then clole the elettiou. True, such abuse was poflible, and were it proved, would be a good ground •ffettiii" it aside; butall power is liable to abuse; the returning officers "have it in their power to commit abuses at all elections" yet they must be trusted ; it does not appear that the governor act ed unfairly—on the contrary, he f. eins tcr have conlulted the in. tercfts ol his state, by fending its representatives in proper time to Congress, andatthe fame time receiving the (urt'rages ot his fellow citizens, as long as was confident with the public good. Thequeftion on Mr. Vi ning's motion was carried in theaffirm- S "a mefTage was received from the President of the United States informing the House that he had approved and the bill for regulating the coaftingtrade, and the trcafury bill. The House then took up tl#: amendment of the Senate to the bill for cftabliftung the compensation of the members of Congress. The firft amendment was to strike out thefirlt paragraph to the bill and to insert instead thereof a clause providing that tne Scna tors'and Representatives Ihould have fix dollars a day till the year oqi when thecompenfation of the Senators (hould be L-Ven dol lars a day, and that the allowance for travel (hould be fix dollars forever/ twenty miles. Mr, Jackson opposed very warmly both the principle of the amendment and the manner in which it was introduced. Mr. Sedgwick also obje&ed to the formof the amendm-nt, lut took this opportunity to press the principle of the discrimi nation between the pay of both Houses. He was supported by Mr. Ames. Mr. Tucker, reprobated the form of the amendment as inde licate since it proposed to the house a measure which it would be dilgracelul in them to adopt, viz. the fubjefiing their fucceflbrs toadifaimination and an inferiority which they would not them selves f(ibmit to. Mr. Jackson considered the amendment as a measure of de ception, to take the House in by a specious semblance in the Sena tors of i disregard to their personal interest On the other fide, the argument was chiefly confined to the ge neral principle, and the old ground was travelled over. Several alterations, by way of amendment, were attempted to the amend ment of the Senate, but the amendment itfeelf seemed so con dratted that any partial alteration appeared impoflible with con sistency. The general quellion for concurrence was at length taken, ana Kgatived by a large majority. Adjourned. [Daily AJver.J THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER J. The engrofted bill for suspending the opera tion of a clause in the collection law till the firft ofAugult next, was read athird time and palled. A letter from the Governor of Georgia was read, which encloled an accurate statement of the impolts, exports, amount duties, &c. of that State, for the year i 788. The bill to provide tor the punilhment of cer tain crimes committed against the United States, was read afecond time,and refered to a commit tee ot the whole Honfe—to be the order of the day, next Monday week. In committee of the whole on the fubjeclof a permanent residence for the general Government. The resolution submitted by Mr. Scott on Thursday lall,was read : viz. That a place ought to be fixed on forthe permanent residence of the ge neral Government, as near the centre of wealth, population and territory,as is consistent with the convenience of the Atlantic navigation, having also due regard to the western territory. Mr. Goodhue rose, and observed that the a bove resolution is indefinite, as it fpecifies 110 particular place—the eastern and northern mem bers, said he, have been averse to taking up this buiinefs the present felfion, considering the weight of public business to be transacted pre vious tothe adjournment; but their judgment be ing overruled by a late vote, they have since made up their minds upon the fubjedt, and agreed not only with the spirit of the resolution before the committee, but have gone further, and fix ed on the place ; they are of opinion that on the eastern banks of the river Safquehanna, Congress Ihould fix its permanent residence ; and that until the particular spot should be determined on, and the proper buildings eretfled, the feat of the general government Ihould be at the city of New-York. He then introduced a resolution to that effect. The difcuflion of this fubjecH: being an expect ed event, a crouded hall and galleries teltified the public solicitude.—The debate was ingenious, fat'ietic, and animated—the molt profound at tention was given. Several amendments were proposed and nega tived: But one moved by Mr. Lee for striking out the former part refpedting " the Sufquehan na," and inserting " the Patewmac," occafion «d a prolongation of the debate till near 4 o'clock, when the committee rose, without deciding up on the original motion, or the amendment, a tid the House adjourned. FR IDAY, sept. 4. Mr. Hf.ister presented a petition from the in- soldiers of the State of Pennsylvania, repre- that the State has flopped the payment of their pensions, and praying relief—read, and re ° a fp cc ' a l committee, confilli y,;; of Mr. e -ni ' • Wadfworth, and Mr. Gilman. The several petitions from pensioners, which M VE p • P 1 " e *~ ente d to the House, on motion of r ' " ar tri(lge, were refer edro the above commit tee—\vhich was also iiiftructed to take up the fub jeift generally, and to report a bill. The committee, to which was recommitted the report on the letter received from the Post-Master General, brought in a new report, in fubilance, as follows : Resolved, that until further provilion can be made, the Polt-Otfice be conducted agree able to the ordinances of the late Congress, and that the contraifis be made conformably thereto. In committee oft he whole, on the order of the day. Mr. Bou&inot in the chair. The resolve introduced by Mr. Goodhue yes terday in.the following words was read : Resolved, as the opinion of this committee, that the perma nent feat of the government of the United States, ought to be at some convenient place on the eall bank of the Sufquehanna in the State of Penn sylvania ; and that until the neceflary buildings be erected for the purpose, the feat of the gov ernment ought to be at New-York.—Mr. Lee proposed to amend this resolution, by striking out the firft part to introduce a clause which pro vided that the permanent fear of government should be on the Patowinac.—The debate was on this amendment, which continued till near four o'clock, when thequeftion being put, it was ne gatived ;as were also several others,and the ques tion on Mr. Goodh ue's motion was finally car ried in the affirmative. Mr. Fitzsimons then proposed the following, vit. Resolved, as the opinion of this committee, that The President of the United States be autlio rifed to appoint commiflioners, to examine and report to him the moil eligible situation on the east bank of the Sufquehanna, for the perma nent feat of the government of the Uuited States. That the said commiflioners be authorised, by and with the advice of the President, to purcliafe such quantity of land as may be thought neceflary —and to ereCt thereon within years, Sui table buildings for the accommodation of theCon grefs, and of the officers of the United States.— That the Secretary of the treasury, together with the Commiflioners so to be appointed, be authorized to borrow a fiun not exceeding dollars, to be repaid in years with interest at the rate of per cent, per ann. payable out of the Duties on Import and Tonnage; to be applied to the purchase of the land, and the erection of the buildings aforefaid. And that a bill ought to pass in the present ses sion, in conformity with the foregoing resolutions. Which being read was laid on the table—After which the committee lose, and the chairman re ported progress. Adjourned. IO" IVant of room prevents our injerting a Jketch of the interefling debate on this fubjeß, this day. EMIGRATION. BY dire misfortune driven to despair, To southern climes our hardy sons repair ; There in a land of fire, disease, and (laves, Where thjp first p*l a nth is the man of graves. Where fevers, agues, fogs and dews destroy, And aid grim Death the Sexton to employ, The wretched vittims find when 'tis too late, Their native clime affords a milder fate. ADDRESS TO THE PUBLICK.—from an old friend. I HAVE alwaysbecn a friend to America : It is my native coun try-r-and till very lately I have had no cause of complaining— every body has beenpleafcd with my deportment,and have thought themselves happy in the vearejl arid mojl intimate acquaintance with me ; but some how or other, there is a realox pretended indifference arisen of late—what it is owing to, 1 will not fay ; but so it is, that since a certain vagabond crew of brazen face cheats were beat out of countenance, and were ftiunned by all honest people, as they ought to be—l fay,fince that time, I have been a fufferer : Perhaps it is owing to my having been J'ecn in bad company now and then ; but this it is impoflible to avoid, as the world goes : However, the fa & is, that I have funk in the general estimation, some fay ten, others twenty pr. cent. My family consists of a variety of ages and sizes ; and we all have our weight and importance regulated ; and claim our refprftive dues anil lanksin foeiety. We have done no injury to the public : \V r e behave as well now as we did twenty years ago—and why we (hould not be eflimated as highly is per fettly unaccountable to our whole family. Home oldfervants * among us complain very bitterly of a certain shopkeeper, who under pretence of our injerior value, is locking us up for transportation, by which he will clear more than twenty pr. cent, and indeed we shall all be for packing off bag and bag gage, it we cannot be valued actording to our intrinjic merit. It is our invariable cuftoin toJix in those places where wc can purchase the mojl, with thzleajl. If these hints do not have proper weight given them, you (hall hear another chinking before we take our final departure. SILVER COIN. * Shillings without a head. THE LATEST ACCOUNTS FROM EUROPE, STATE— That every thing was in a state of fermenta tion in France—and that the military had refufed to draw the trigger upon their couutrymen when ordered by the Count D'Artois, in Paris :—That the Duke of Orleans omits 110 opportunity to ac quire popularity : —That forty of the prlnripal clergy had joined the Commons—and that the Tiers Etat were continually receiving accelfions of numbers to their party : That theßuflians and Swedes are cutting throats, the former have taken a 44g