[jjo. XL.] THE TABLE T. No. XL. ii Jn ill disposed citizen can do no gr-at harm, ex cept in an ill difpofcd city." MOST of the good or evil which happens in society is ascribed to the agency of" ve rVfe\v individuals. From this cause partial and inadequate remedies are applied for the removal ofdiforders which are general and permanent. ]n any community where enormous vices, or a handoned characters exilt, it argues some radical defect of institutions. The natural indolence of the human mind makes men contented with a flight and fuperfici al view of things. It therefore happens that a jew characters are apt to be marked out, as the only instruments of the happinel's or misery of which the world participates. If the bulk of the inhabitants are inspired with (rood principles, and formed into good habits, they may be almost certain of prosperity. The means are commensurate to the end. Those very people however may select foine confpicu ousindividuals as objects of adoration, and idol ize them as the authors of those bleflings, which result from the well ordered conduct of the so c iety at large. On the other hand, in a very loose, depraved state of morals, the most eminent talents and uncorrupted integrity of a few men, may not be fufficient to save a country from de ftruftion ; and they may he charged with want of wisdom or virtue,for not warding off evils, which inevitably flowed from fucli general depravity. Toiniitateand applaud such diltinguifhed virtues has a good effect, whether "they are crowned with the popular approbation or not. By over awing; the good qualities of any individuals, it llimulates others to pratftife similar virtues, and aim at similar a tain meats. The weakness of heaping too profufe encotni umsupon illustrious talents and patriotifin, is not so inconvenient as a miflake of a contrary nature. Great inconvenience may attend the extremes of acenforious temper. It may single out particu larmen as victims to popular resentment, and doom them a facrifice for evils which happen through the general depravity of the times. An ingenious writer, observing upon the complaints of afa&ious felfilh people against their men in office,draws a comparison between tliein and some Carthagenian armies : Who being-at once cow ardly and in lolent, ran away at the light of an enemy, and then crucified their Generals for not gaining the victory. Few men have either disposition or talents to attend to a minute investigation of causes. When erroror calamity prevails, it is a much easier fo lutio.i of the matter to charge them upon some fatflts of individuals than to search out a cause in the general temper and conduct of the mass of thepeople. Men feel a certain pride in being free,and lo >k upon their privileges too important to lie still and nnexerted. They wish to give frequent demonstrations that they are not igno rant ofwhatthey poflefs. The more busy, active spirits feel an impatience to display their rights, and suppose they can only shew a commendable care and vigilance over the liberties of the com munity, in proportion as they reprobate the con daft of men in administration. Theliberty of a country cannot be destroyed by the blunders or by the intrigues of small coin binations. No people can lose their freedom while they deserve to poflefs it. The occasional mistakes of a few men produce no permanent disasters. While the principles exifl which made apeoplc free,they cannot be duped or forced in to slavery: When those principles are loft, the people may retain the name of freedom, but they ire in reality Haves "In the reign of James the second, Great Britain was free, though a nefpotic prince was on the throne : At the time when Cafar fell, Rome was still enslaved though the tyrant was no more." I will close this number with an extract from a friiiih'e author. It is designed to illustrate the a that the duration and prosperity of states de pend on general and permanent causes. Our manners depend upon our notions and "pinions ; and our opinions and notions are the feiult of education. There need not examples „ rom hiflory to prove that the well-being of a Jjte depends upon the education of theiryouth. re cannot be a good and wife community made J'Pof foolifh and vicious individuals ; and indi •"•uaU cannot be made wife or cood, but by edu ction. '" all well regulated states the two principal . oi.i'S in wiew in the education of youth ought c ; firft to make them good men, good mem , eis of the universal society of mankind ; and " ,= riext place, to frame their minds in such a SATURDAY, August 29, 1739. manner, as to make them most nfeful to that so ciety to which they belong ; and to (hapc their talents in such a way as will render them most serviceable to the support of that government un der which they were born, and upon the strength and vigor of which, the well-being of everyin diuiclual must in some measure depend. If nei ther of these points are provided for in our fy item, I cannot fee how we are to expedt good men or good fubjeifts. Naythe contrary must in general be the consequence ; for tlje mind of man jeing active will neceflarily find itfelf employ ment. If our youth are not trained up in the "ight way, they will probably go wrong ; if they ire not taught to do good, they will be likely to commit evil." AMERICAN SUGAR. IN the Pennsylvania Gazette of the 22a of Dclober, there is a receipt for making sugar from he fapof the maple tree,from wheiice I conclude it is deemed a matter of some importance,both to the country and those who have a great many of tliofe trees 011 their land. I therefore think it would be advifeable for two or three people in a neigh bourhood, where theri* is a fulficient number of trees, to engage a person who understands boil ing sugar, to boil a season for them. He should be under obligation to instruCt his employers, or such persons as they fhuold think proper, how lo do the business ; ' by this means, a greater knowledge in the art of boiling might be acquir ed, than by thebeft treatise that could be wrote on the fubjecft; but as it is probable that few, if any, of the inhabitants of those parts where the trees grow, would go to the expence of employ ing a man to boil for them, I shall make some obi'ervations on making sugar from the sap of the maple, that may po:iibly be ufeful to such as engage in this business. If the sap is drawn into wooden vefl'els, care should be taken that they are made of such wood is will not give the liquor a bad taste. Some ma ple sugar has a disagreeable taste, occafioned,as I lave been informed,by the sap having been put into :rays made of white walnut. If the moulds are made of wood, theyalfo should be made of some kind of tree that will give no taste. The great sftpart of the maple sugar I have seen has too small a grain ; which is owing to two causes, one is, the makers do not use lime or ley, or any thing to make it granulate; the other is, that they boil the sugar too much. The quantity of lime neceflary to answer the purpose 1 cannot exactly ascertain, but I suppose a heaped fpoonful of fiacked lime would be fufficient for about fix gal lons of sap. A judicious person, after a few tri als, would be able to fix what would be the due proportion. It may however be proper to men tion, that if the quantity of lime is too final], the sugar will not be fufficiently grained; if too much, it will give the sugar a reddish cast. I have observed, that the sugar should not be boiled so much as is the common pracfiice. That vhich runs from one sixth of its weight 111 molartcs t O in 24 hours after it is put to drain, I think has been boiled properly ; perhaps in three or four weeks afterwards, it will run the like quantity □f molafies, making the whole of the running about one third of the weight of the green su gar. It is most probable that those who have been accustomed to high boiling, in order to get as much sugar as pofhble from the firft procels, will not approve of this method, but perhaps may be better reconciled to it, when they are in formed, that if they boil this -molafles or sirup witliftrong lime-water, one third of the latter to two thirds of molasses, there is reason to expedl it will make good sugar, although not equal to the firft fort. I lhall now give some Directions for the making of Maple Sugar. Let all the sap that has been collecfred in one day be boiled the day folio wing,left it should fer ment,in which cafe the sugar will be less in quan tity and worse in quality. To carry on the bu siness to the greatest advantage, there should be at least three kettles of different dimensions ; per haps such as would contain 50, 60, and 70 gal lons, would be large enough to make the trial with. These kettles should be fixed in a row, the smallest at one end, the middle-sized next, and the largest al the other end. When there is a quantity of sap collected, put as much in the largest kettle as can be conveniently boiled iu it, then throw in as much lime or ley as may be deem ed neceilary to make the liquor granulate, keep a moderate fire for some time, and as the scum rises take it off with a skimmer ; after the liquor is pretty clear increase the fire and boil it brisk ly till so much is evaporated as that which re- r Published o>i Wedtufday and Saturday.'] mains may be boiled in the middle kettle ; * into which it mull be drained through a blanket ; un der this kettle keep a good fire, and take off the scum as it rises. As soon as the liquor is taken from the large and put into the middle kettle, frefh sap mult be put into the former and treated as before directed, and so on till all the sap is boiled. When the liquor is fufticiently evaporat ed in the middle kettle, to admit its being boiled in the smallest, it must be put into thelaft, where itmuft be boiled until it gets to a proper consis tency to make sugar. When the liquor is taken from the middle kettle into the smallest, the former mult be supplied as before directed from the largest, and the largest with frefh sap. The liquor in the smallest kettle must be boiled briskly until it gets pretty thick/when :he fire should be leflened to prevent its bur ning,—when the liquor riles in the kettle, a piece of butter or fat, the bigness of a hazle nut, may be thrown in; if this quantity does not make it boil flat, more should be added until it answers the purpose, and this must be repeat ed as often as the liquor rises* When it is boil ed enough, which may bt known fioin the man ner f of its roping between the thumb and finger, it must be put into'a cooler or tub,, when the [mail kettle must be supplied with liquor from :he middle sized one, that with more from the largelt, and that wich freih sap as is before di rected. When one third of the sap that has been :ollecfted is boiled and put into the cooler, it rjiuft be stirred about briskly with a stirring flick (which may be made like a finall paddle) "until it grains, when it may be left (if the buiinefs has been well done) until another third of the liquor lias been boiled and put into the cooler, it must then be moved about with the stirring stick un til the whole is well mixed ; when itmuft be put into moulds, earthen would be best. but wooden moulds may be made to answer the purpose, by nailing or pinning four boards together, so shap ed as to make the mould one inch diameter at bottom, and ten or twelve inches at top ; the length may be two feet or two feet and a half, — these moulds must be clofelv flopped at the finall ends with old coarse linen or some such and set up with some thing to flay them ; the su gar must then be taken from the cooler and pour ed into the moulds—next morning the stoppers must be taken out and the moulds put on troughs or some veflel to drain their molalfes.—ln the e vening the loaves must be pierced at the finall ends, to make them run their sirup freely—this may be done by driving a wooden pin (shaped like amarling-fpike) three or four inches up the loaf ; after which they must be left to drain their molafles, which will be done in a longer orfhortr er time according as the sugar has been boiled. No part of the business requires greater atten tion than granulating or grainingthe sugar in the cooler, and afterwards frequently observing the state it is in. If too thick, it may be etnedied by boiling the remaining liquor lov:e! than that which was boiled before : if too thin, by stirring the cooler again, and boiling the remainder of the liquor higher or more. A SUGAR BOILER. Philadelphia, August 21, 1789. * Some liquor should be left in the large kettle, if an iron one, otherwise there mould be danger of its fpHtting upon putting in cold liquor. f Dip a flick into the liquor, apply the thumb to it, and take part of'juhat adheres to the flick, then draw it tiuo or three times between the thumb and finger. Anecdote of RICHARD 111. From the Northern Tour of the Scv'd'W. Gilpin. IN the town of Leicester, the lioufe is still shewn where Richard palled the night before the bat tle of Bofworth ; and there is a story of him, still preserved in the Corporation Records, which illullrates the caution and darkness of that Prin ce's character. It was his custom to carry, among the baggage of his camp, a cumbersome wooden bed, which he pretended was the only bed he could sleep on. Here he contrived a secret receptacle for his treasure, which lay concealed under a weight of timber. After the fatal day on which Richard fell, the Earl of Richmond entered Leices ter with his victorious troops—the friends of Richard were pillaged ; but the bed was neglec ted by every plunderer, as useless lumber. The owner of the house afterwards dilcovering the hoard, became suddenly rich,without any visible canfe. He bought lands, and at length arrived arthe dignity of being Mayor of Leicester. Many years afterwards his widow,who had been left in great affluence, was murdered for her wealth by a servant maid, who had been privy to the affair ; and at the trial of this woman and her nccomplices, the whole tranfadtion catue to light.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers