XXXIX.] THE TABLE T. No. XXXIX, " Good citizens fcldom have bad magiflrates." IN an eletftive government, men in office fur nilha just portrait of the people, whole affairs t hey manage. A virtuous, enlightened nation has no substantial evils to fear from the bad ma „a of the Englifli and Guinea ' ee "> had fevenpigs ;at a month old, in a state Jj °? er t0 wake good roasters, I selected three of ten 6 an^l>Ut t^lem the sow into a field of v er aci . e f> Veir y luxuriant with red and white clo ftort* OKI c timothy and blue grass ;in 1 tuey could not be in better paftnre, to this W E D N K S D A Y, August 26, 17^9. they had the advantage of/hade, a fine spring of water to drink or wallow in at pleasure, and the common wash of the kitchen ; their weight when turned out was it, 12 and ijlb.the remaining four were put into a stable by themselves, they had plenty of clean straw and as much ikimmed milk as they could drink, the weight of three of them was 9, 10 & 1 gib. therefultof the experiment was, that 111 three weeks time from their being put up, those with the low with all the advantages above mentioned, and the milk of the seven, weighed 16, 17 and x 9] Ij. the three in the stable, 2J, 22, and 191b. which together make 14 pounds weight in favor of the latter, to which we ihouldalfo add the four pounds against them when firft put up, which added make ißlbs. superior to the former. Our farmers, in general, are too negligent of t heir young stock of every kind, it is cultomary tor them to fuffer the mother and young to fhift themselves ; all animals grow in the inverse ratio to their age, and therefore the younger they are, the more neceflary to give them plenty of food,if you de fire them to acquire the full growth of which their nature is capable. An animal Hunt ed when young neverthrives afterwards equal to those which have had justice done them. lam fatisfied from a little experience, that a ftridler attention to the railing of our cattle and stock of all kinds would give us a breed on our farms equal to any in the world, and would at the fame time add greatly to our own wealth and that of our country. I am Gentlemen, Your friend, GEORGE LOGAN. Stenton, June 2J, 1789. To the Public in general, and the Manufactur ers of Pot and Pearl-Ash in particular. THE price of pot and pearl-ash for several years part has heen much reduced, and does not afford the manufaifluiers a due comoenfation foi their trouble, besides their being de rived of one half the nrcfit that might be made o . those alhes that are exported, called the second and third qua lities. It is attended with adifadvantageous con sequence to export any of them, or tolet the Eng li(h import any except of the firft quality, as they have got into a method of refining salts and bad pot-ash in England of late, which has reduced the price of our firft kind of alhes at least five pounds fterliiig pr. ton, besides the duty they demand of us. It is well known to be the greatest branch of manufacture that we have in the five northern States, and as the duty and freight are the fame on the second and third as on the firft quality, and we have works prepared for the purpofe,and are ready to pay the calh for the second and third qualities, it behoves us in season to prevent fo reigners from receiving three quarters of the pro fits of our mod material cash article. Newport y Ai/gufl 12, 1789. WELLINGTON, (ENGLAND) JULY I 788. IT being now a wet season for hay, I request the following method may be recommended to farmers in general, in order to make their hay serviceable to their cattle, horses, &c. No per son, whose hay has been out along time, and re ceived much damage thereby,fhould put ittogeth er before made dry, and the water quite out of it, and when putting together, take, to every three hundred weight of hay, one pound and a quartei of fait, and throw it into the rick, or hay-mow, as often as you well can, so that all the hay may receive the virtue from it. In the winter, the grazier will fee the good effedts, by the cattle, &c. likingthe hay, and even giving it the preference to other. Wishing well to the public, is my motive. N. W. SKETCH OF PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. In the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES. Wednesbav, august 19, 1789. [Debate on the Amendment of the Senate to the Bill for providing for the expences of Negociations and Treaties with the Indians, ire.] MR. BALDWIN observed, That the matter is left undetermined, whether the treaty with theWabafh nation is to be included in the provision as reduced by the Senate or not: If it is, acccord ing to the account given by the Governor of the Western Territory of the actual expences attend ing treaties at which he has been present—it will fall very much short of what will be absolutely requiiite, to ensure the objedt, which the House appear to have in contemplation. He moved to amend the amendment, by adding these words, " for holding treaties with the Indians south of the Ohio." \_PubliJhed at Wedncfday and Saturday .~\ Mr. Sherman laid, than from information he had received, there was a large fiun, forty thon fand dollars, granted by the late Congress for the business of holding treaties, which has not been accounted for, and great part of which is now on hand : He supposed that the Senate had this in view when they made the amendment. Mr. Fitzsimons Replied to Mr. Sherman, and observed, that there is some miflake refpedting the gentleman's information on the fubjetlt before the house : In order therefore that they might atfl underftandingly, and obtain an accurate state of he moved that the amendment might lye on the table till to morrow* Mr. Sedgwick said, when this business was before under consideration, I was furpiizcd to find the majority of the house in favor of the sum then moved for, as The President in his mefliige appeared to have in contemplation a treaty with he Creek nation only—and why we should ex ceed the sum neceflary for that purpose, without my previous estimate, is to me perfeiflly incom prehensible : To vote a sum of money in this stage of the government, double to what is neceflary for the immediate objed:, and when the circumstan ces of our Treasury are such, that wecannot make any provision for the public Creditors, is a very extraordinary app op; iaiion It very rarely hap pens that a gove nment excee U in economy— the sum in the amendment will, be amply fuffi cient—and if we were to vote the lai gilt sum, we have reason to fuppol'e that the business would be protracfied till the w hole is expended.—l hope the house will concur with the Senate. Mr. Sumpter was in favor of a concurrence,as he thought that 20000 dollars would be fully com petent to the objetfl. Mr. Madison replied to Mr. Sedgwick: He controverted his sentiment with refpe