MR. FENb'O, r' litfd combofitms of this kind ; but arcumjlancesfometmcs give borunct to trifles : This induces me to fend you. the following. ' acrostic. A GES to ages, {hall his fame extend, n own Tune's long vale, till Ms long race (hall end, A mone the names which on his scroll he bears, M en whom a world enlighten'd, fav'd, reveres— S ee ADAMS with diflinguijh'd rank appears. NEW YORK, AUGUST 22. Tor President of the United States will this day, at it o' l k meet the Senate in their chamber of Congress; to confer ;,h them upon the important fubjea of the approaching negocia and treaties with the Southern Indians; and to make the """fli™ orevious arrangements of that buiinefs. This intention was announced to the Senate by melTage on Thursday last. Ixtraß ofaUtUrfromthe EaJlward, Augujl t6. .. It isfaid that the vellels now on their patfage from Halifax will pay 5° o1 - tor the dut y on mackarel alone —7s per bar- That the mantle of national gratitude would (helter from the ftnrrosof adverfitythe hoary head of the patriot was to be ex- Vj . this consolation the friends of America have received in thc appointment of the Hon. Geneval Li ncol n—thanks be to tht Sovereign of our country." perhaps in no inftanre has the patriotism and candor of a cer tain honorable Ajcmbly appeared in a more conspicuous point „fview than inconduaingtlie business of amendments to the con fiitution Tht y have given the most indubitable proof of their defirc to a when the moderation, patriotism, and wisdom of d e e re{ j° nora^e mc mbeis of the federal legislature are duly conli- j ß J rorn a thus eminently qualified, harmoniously <■ r w executive authority in constitutional concert, we con- y nope for the restoration of order and our ancit nt virtues ; eextenfion of genuine religion, end the advancement |j o^ r rt 'P abroad, and of our substantial * happiness at We devoutly implofe the Supreme Ruler of the Univcrfe to Preserve you long in health and prosperity, an animating example °f all public andpnvate virtues—the fiiend and guardian of a tree, c nlightened, and grateful people; and that you may finallyrcceivc the reward which will be given to those, whose lives have been fpcrit in promoting the happiness of mankind. WILLIAM WHITE, Bijhop ofthe Protcflant Episcopal Church, in the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, and President of the ionve-.ticn. SAMUEL PROVOOST, D. D. Bijhop of the Protejlant Epijcopal Church, in the State oj New-York, though prevented, by inaijpo/ition, from attending the late General Convention, he concursJincerelym this particular afl, andJuhJcribes the present Address with the greatejl JatisJaClion. NEWYORK. BENJAMIN MOORE, D. D. AJJiJlant Minijler of Trinity Church in the city of New-York. ABRAHAM BEACH, D. D. AJjiJant Minijler of Trinity Church in the city of New-York. MOSES ROGERS. NEW JERSEY. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Reflor of St. Michael's Church, Trenton, and St. Andrew's Church, Amwell. UZAL OGDEN, Reflor of Trinity Church, in Newark. HENRY WADDELL, Reflor oj the Churches of Shre'wfbury and Middleton, New- Jersey. GEORGE 11. SPIEREN, Reflor of St. Peter's Church, Peith- Amboy, New- Jersey. JOHN COX. SAMUEL OGDEN. R. STRETTELL JONES. PENNSYLVANIA. SAMUEL MAG AW, D. D. Reflor of St. Paul's, and Vicc Provojt of the Univerjity of Pennflvanra. ROBERT BLACK WELL, D. D. Senior Afjijlant Minijler of Chrifl Church, and St. Peter's Philadelphia. JOSEPH PILMORE, Reflor oj the United Churches of Trinity, St. Thomas, ana All Saints. JOSEPH G. T. BEND, AJiJlant Minijler of Chrijl Church, and St. Peter's, Philadelphia. FRANCIS HOPKINSON GERARDUS CLARKSON. TENCH COXE. SAMUEL POWELL. DELAWARE. SAMUEL COUDON, Reflor of St. Ann's. STEPHEN SYKES, A. M. Ret lor of the United Churches of St. Peter, and St. Matthew, in Sujfex county. JAMES SYKES. MARYLAND. WILLIAM SMITH. D. D. now Provojl of the College and Academy of Philadelphia ; but appointed Clerical Deputx for Maryland, as Reflor of Chcjier Parifk, in Kent county. THOMAS JOHN CLAGGET, Reflor of St. Paul r Prince George county. COLIN FERGUSON, D. D. Reflor St. Paul't. JOHN BISSETT, A. M. Reflor of Shrewjbury Parijli % Kent county 'WILLIAM FRISBY. RICHARD B. CARMICHAEL. VIRGINIA. ROBERT ANDREWS. SOUTH-CAROLINA. ROBERT SMITH, Reflor of St. Philip's Church, Charlejlon. W. W. BURROWS. 0 WILLIAM BRISBANE. The PRESIDENT s ANSWER. To the BISHOPS, CLERGY, and LAITY of the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH in the States of New-York, New- Jersey, Penxh lvania,Delaware, Maryland, Vi r cin i a and S. Carol in a, in general Convention aflemblcd. GENTLEMEN, I SINCERELY thank you for your affeiionate congratulations, on my eleflion to the chief Manflracy of the United States. After having received from m\ fellow-citizens in general the mojl li teral treatment —djter having Joum* them dij'pofed to contemplaie, in the y nofl flattering point of view, the performance ofmy rnilitarx services: and the manner of my retirement at the close of the war, Ifeel, that I have a right to cbnjole myfitf, in m\prefent arduous undertakings, with a hope that they willJlill be inclined to put the irojl favorable conjliuflions on the motives which may influence me in my Jut ure public tranfaflions. The fatisfdflion arijing Jrorn the indulgent opinion entertained by the American people of my condu fl, will, I trujl, be some security for pre venting me from doing any which might juflly incur the forfeiture of that opinion. And'the conpderotion that human hapt>inef and moral duty are inseparably connefled, will always continue to prompt me to pro mote the prcgrefsof the former, by inculcating the praflice of the latt r. On this occasion it will ill become me to conceal the joy I have Jelt in perceiving the Jraternal ajfeflion which appears to encreafe every day among the friends of genuine religion. It affords edifying profpefls in deed. to fee chrijliais oj different denominations dwell together in more charity, andcondufl themjelves in refpefl to each other with a more chris tian like spirit, than ever they have done in any former age, or in any other nation. I receive with the greater fati faff ion your congratulations on the eflablifhment of the new Conflitution of Government, because, I believe, its mild, yet efficient operations, will tend to remove every remaining appre hension of those with whose opinions it may not entirely coincide, as well as to confirm the hopes of its numerous friends : And because the mode ration, patriotism and wisdom of the present federal legiflature,feem to promise the rcjloration of ord j r and our ancient virtues ; the extenfionof genuine Religion, and the consequent advancement of our refpeflability abroad, and of our Jubflantial happiness at home. I rcejuejl, Mojl Rrverend and rejpeaed Gentlemen, that you willaccept my cordial than/is for xour devoutJupplicztions to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe in behalf of me. May you,,and the people zuhom you represent be the happy fubjefls of the Divine benedictions both here and hereafter! GEORGE WASHINGTON. Augufl, 19, 1789. How great foevcr a bull, the Pope may have made, in giving some of the Monar hs of Europe the title of Mod Catholic Ma jesty—His Faithful Maiefty : a correspondent thinks that the Peo ple of America would do no more than jufticc to style the Chief Ruler of our Empire, " His patriotic Majclty." It would be ori ginal, and have a meaning. Extra ft of a litter from a gentleman in King ft on (Ja maica) to his friend in New-York. " By a letter I received from Mr. H. of the 2d of May, he informed me the new government had commenced, and the great Washington inaugurated PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, &c. May God bless his REGENCY, and make your dear county happy forever, is my sincere wish. I should be happy could Ibe one of the inhabitants of that landof Freedom." An independent people should do every thing in their power to procure, within themselves, the raw materials neceflary for their own manu factures, and encourage those manufactures in preference to all others. Tlia business of hat making has been carried 011 to great extent in this country, and hatters complain of the scarci ty of wool for the purpose of making coarse hats. This is the season of the year for Shearing lambs., which not only produces an immediate profit to the owner, but experience has evinced it benefi cial to the next years fleece, by making it finer and thicker set. It is hoped that farmers, as friends to their country, will attend to this hint. On TucfJay the nth infant. departed this life, in the 33 d \eur of his age, Major John Lucas, and on Wedncfday, his remains were inter ed in St. Paul's cnurch -yard, with military honors, attended by a nume rous concourse oj refpectablejriends and citizens together with the honor able Society of the Cincinnati, oj which he was a member. The friends oj America will join with us in paying tne tribute of fur row due to tbe brave and the gcod, when hey learn, he was among tie joremojl who flep'dJort* in defence of the rights oj freemen at the com mencement oj the late contefl: Natuiuily of a weak copjhtutio'.the fa tigues he experienced in the discharge oj his duty as a faithful and worthy soldier, broug-1 on a conjumptivs complaint, which at length put a period to his valuable life: It pleajcd kind Providence however tojpare him till he saw his country jree, independent and happy, which was the completion of his wishes. Familiar with dangers, death to him was not a king of terrors ; ful ly sensible of his approaching dijjolution, he Jit his tioufe it: order, and resigned his breath to the Gtd of nature, infull expectation of a glorious and blessed immortality. LONDON, MAY JO. A rumour is in circulation in the higher circles, that his majelty has resolved to adopt a measure which willjuftly entitle him to the appellation of father of his country. Having found that the million surplus, said by Mr. Pitt to exist, was too precarious a fund to af ford the nation any considerable relief from the weight of its public debt; his majelty, it is ru moured, has resolved to make his people heirs to eleven millions llerling, which he means to ef tablilh as a fund to be applied solely to the dis charge of the national debt. To make this measure complete, by rendering the fund iftalienablean adtof parliament is to be palled for veiling this immense sum in trustees, who are to have the sole management of it, fub je