[Mo. XXXVIII.] THE TAIiLE T. No. XXXVIII. i ptoph hazard the loss of their liberties in listening to men, who flatter and compliment the uninformed multitude at the expence of trust-worthy individuals.' POLITICAL watchmen, more than any other, are apt to imagine they spy out danger, where none exists. This good reason may be af fiirned for it ; tliey have more to fear from one another, than from the reft of mankind. They ra ise an out-cry to quell dilturbances, which they themselves inftigatecl ; and hide their own fail inss, by making those of other people more con spicuous. The molt careless observer of human affairs must have leen, that men will trust their political creeds in the keeping of persons, with whom they would not trust a /hilling of property. Nothing is more common than to hear a man con demned as an hypocritical knave in his private dealings, who will yet support foine degree of re putation, in party-disputes, among the very per sons, who thus reprobate him. If the man, who handles my property, or gives me private advice, is a villain, I can deteift him by faifts ; but he, who directs my public opinions, deals in those un meaning words which beguile and deceive, while they preclude the polfibility of detection. Thus it happens, that alinoftany man, who can clamor loudly, and catch the magic cant of the day, will not be without adherents. If the well disposed part of the community would use a little reflec tion, they would quiet themselves of many uneasy apprehensions, and would soon be convinced that a man, who is'deftitute of knowledge and recti tude in private life, Ihould not gain any solid in fluence, merely by his petulance and declamation against public affairs. Every man finds liimfelf more or less the dupe of flattery, but few suspect how often the public at large are seduced by compliments and intrigue. I have seen a large crowd of people thrown into acclamations of joy, at hearing the enchanting found of majesty of the PEOPLE. Each man takes a good share of the compliment to liimfelf, and extols to the Ikies the worthless fellow who declaims in such fafcinating language. Truth and fair dealing hav.e no fu-ch captiva .mg effect. The hierty of speaking and writing is likewise a popular theme to defcaut upon. It is often a con venient apology for nonferrfe and falfehood.— This liberty is supposed to be abridged if it re quires people to be confined within the rules of decency and common sense. An ignorant bustler, who is checked in his rant and -abuse, pretends kis a fufficient plea, that in a free country, every man may speak what he thinks. The byltandei s are flattered with such an idea, and take part with a boisterous fool who reminds them of so darling aright. No privilege is oftonermifapplicdthan that of canvaiiing public affairs. It is of firth a critical nature, that any general reftriiitions to prevent the misapplication will, infome measure, destroy the principle itfelf. The evil admits not of a conftit'atiorsal remedy. There is but one poflible cure for it. A race of men may be railed up and educated with such principles of knowledge and virtne, as will make them proof against the fe ducftiorss of those who flatter the popular ignor ance and caprice. To level undiftingurfhing cen iure against public proceedings is a very weak,or ivery wicked ao the extraordinary diameter of the Winchester bushel. In this sketch it is also meant to have the contents nearly what they are in common use at present in the wheat states ; which happens to accord with the customary bush el of a great commercial country in Europe. The diameters and depth give an eafv shape that admits of hoops drawing well—the less tapering, the more forcibly the hoops draw, on the principle of the screw and wedge. In Engkmd, the Winchester statute bushel contains 2150 42-100 inches—Their bushel in mercantile common use 2178 inches. Tn Maryland and Pennsylvania the commonlv used bushel is 2188 inches, the medium whereof, is 2172 inches. In place of these is offered, a half bulhel '(a common and more convenient measure than a bushel) which contains but 5 cubic inches less than the Pennsylvania Urge measure, near 14 inches more than the Winchester half bushel, and is ex actly the fame with the EogKfh ineafuve used in common, (2178 inches to the bushel) and which being known in the European markets where we shall deal, will therefore give tafe and conve nience to those strangers when we deal with them,as well as to our merchants.—Gallons may be laid aside refpe&ing bushel measure. The bulhel is to contain so many intkes, and has us parts in pecks, oufths, and eighths of pecks. The proposed half bushel, as a common measure for the United states is In. tenths. rn diameter at top 13 5 Ditto at bottom 12 5 Depth 8 2 Coopers, by the use of ftoutiron truss-hoops, truly round, can prcferve the diameters of their vefiels to a pretty near exa&nefs.— Be it then erv.cred that all half bufheis shall be made,near as may be, according to the dimensions above exprefTcd ; and that if any areufed, as a meafurethat are more or It fs than one eighth of thofc refpeft ve diameters or depth, the cooper shall forfeit 10s. if the measure is not more than a year old ; and the owner 5!. be the ape what it may, for every day in which it is used.—The coopei a small fine(b) way of caution) not large, because of variation from time and use : The owner a higher fine, because it behoves him to have true measures. He is to examine and renew his inea iure as occasion requires, testing it with the standard. Philosophers, mechanics, &c. have their inch so fixed, so long time recorded, and so often referred to, that the present siz ed inch cau scarcely be departed from : nor can the present foot. These are the two principal measures that make out all others. The perch to be retained. It is used only in one line of business : but an alterstion in its length would occasion much arithmetical calculation :—lt may stand by itfelf. So of the yard ; let it re main as it now is. Accurate standards are to be procured, and sacredly kept in public depositories. I wished to have divided measures to ascend and defcer i in tens as federal monies do : But there are hindrances The change would be great.; aud the hu man heart is to be consulted : Nor would there be so great ad vantages in this applied to measures as to monies and weights. What is to be the measure for liquors f It maybe confined only to wine measure may be the usual pots of beer and cycler: but let the gatlon measure be one only ; containing 231 inches. Its parts mav still be quarts, pints, gills, &c.—ln the year 1688. the standard gallon ia England, for wine, was found, on trial \_PubliJhed on Wedtisffay and Saturday, '[ by the commiiSonerj-ot excif., to conraia but 1424 inch.s.—Vr\ Head of »gi.—lt was however resolved to continue the common supposed contents of 231 inches.—ln order to know wnetlitr i,ifc winemeafures imported into America from England, ar-~- oi-a size agreeable to the real or imaginary ilandard in England, I vwelghai the contents of a London ilampt pewter quart pot, being-tan water, and found the pot contained one fourth ol 234 inches. Ttte • xcefs is imputed to Tome of the weights uf< d on the occafiou, be in;; of lead much worn : but the trial fuffked to allure me, that the wine gallon in use, contains not less than 231 inches. NEWYORK. SKETCH OF PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. In the HOUSE of RE PR F.S E NT TAT IVES of the UNITED STATES. MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1789. Further Jketch of the Debate on Amendments to the Con/litution. In Committee of the whole House. OIXTH AMENDMENT— a A well regulated militia, compo- O fed of the body of the people, being the best security wt a free Hate, the right of the people to keep and bear arms Hull not be infringed, but no person religiouQy lcrupulous shall be com pelled to bear arms." Mr. Benson moved that the words 44 but no person religi gioufly scrupulous ihall be compelled to bear arms," be ruck, out. He wished that this humane provision ihould be left to the benevolence of the government. It was improper to make it a fundamental in the constitution. The motion was negatived, and the amendment agreed to. Mr. Bu RK.E moved to add a clause to the last paragraph to this effect : That a Jlanding army of regular troops in time oj peace is dangerous to public liberty, and should not be supported in time oj peu{t y except by the consent of two thirds cf both houfi. This amendment was negatived 7th Amendment. 44 No soldier shall in time of peace be quar tered in any bouse without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to beprefcribed bylaw." Mr. Sumpt e-k moved to (hike out the words 44 in time of peace" and also the last words of the paragraph from the word 44 owner." Mr. Sherman said he -thought this was going too far; occasion might arise in which it would be extremely injurious to put it m the power of any man to obftruft the public lervice : He adverted to the Bntiih regulations in this cafe, ofquartering soldiers 111 pub lic houses. This motion was negatived. Mr. Gerry said, that he conceived the article might be so al tered as to relieve the minds of the c.tizcns of the United States. U is said, government will take care of the rights of the people ; but these amendments are designed to prevent the arbitrary exer cise of power. He then moved to insert between the words 44 buL" and 44 in a manner," the words by a civil magijlrate. Negatived. The amendment was agreed to. Bth Amendment. "No person shall be fubjeft, except in cafe of impeachment, to more than one triaMor the fame oftejice, nor lhall be compelled to be a witness against himfelf, nor be de prived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law, nor ihall private property be Ukca for public use without juifc compensation." Mr. Benson observed, that it was certainly a fa£, thata person might be tried more than once tor the fame offence : Inllances of this kiud frequently occur-ed. He therelore moved to strike out the words 44 one trial or" This was negatived. Mr. Sherman was in favor of the motion. Mr. Liver more was opposed to it : Hefaid: The clause ap pears to me eircntial; if it is struck out, it will hold up the idea that a person may be tried more than once lor the fame offence. Some inllances of this kind have taken place ; but they have cauled great uncafuiefs : It is contrary to the usages of law and pra&ice among us ; and so it is to those of that country from which we have adopt ed our laws. I hope the clause will not be struck out. Mr. Partridge moved to insert after the words 44 fame of fence," the words by any law oj the United States,** Negatived. Mr. Laukance moved to insert after the words 44 nor shall" these words in any criminal cafe. This amendment was agreed to. 9th Amendment. 44 Exceflive bail shall not be required, nor exceiTivp fines imposed, nor cruel and uuuafual punishments in filled." Mr. Liver more said, the clause appears to express much hu manity, as such, he liked it ; but as it appeared to have no mean ing, he did not like it : As to bail, the term is indefinite, and must be so from the nature of things ; and so with refpe& to fines ; and as to punilhments, taking away life is sometimes necessary, but because it may be thought cruel, will yon therefore never anybody—the truth is, matters of this kind must be left to the discretion of those who have the adminiftrationof the laws. This amendment was adopted. 10th Amendment. 44 The rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effe&s, (hall not be violated without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and not particularly describing the places to be searched, and the per sons or things to befeized." Mi. Benson moved to insert after the words 44 and «ffe£h," these words 44 againjl unreasonable fcizures, and searches. This was carried. Mr. Gerry obje&ed to the words, 44 by warrants ifTuing"— He said the provision was good, as far as it went ; but he thought it was not fufficient : He moved that it be altered to and no war rant fliall ijfue. This was negatived. Thequeftion was then put on the amendment and carried. 1 ith Amendment. The enumeration in this constitution of certain rights (hall not be construed to deny or disparage otheis retained by the people." This was agreed to without amendment. 12th Amendment. Art. I, Sec. 10, between the \ft and 2d par. insert, 44 No state shall infringe the equal rights of con science, nor freedom of fpecch, or of the press, nor of the right of trial by jury in criminal cases." Mr. Tucker moved to strike out these words altogether, as they were an interference with the Constitutions of the several States : The Constitution of the United States, he said, interfered too much iflready. Mr. Madison said he hoped the clause would be retained. I think, said he, th-fe abuses are most likely to take place under the State governments; and if they are to be restrained in any .thing, this appears to me the most necessary : We fliall do what will be grateful to the people by retaining the clause. Mr. Tucker's motion was negatived. The words on motion of Mr. Liver more were then trans posed, and the amendment agreed to. 13th Amendment. Art. 3. Sec. 2, add to the 2d par. 14 But no appeal to such court lhall be allowed, where the value in con troversy ihall not amount to one thousand dollars ; nor shall any tntf trinble by jury, according to the course of common law, beo tiirrwife re-cxaininable than according to the. rules of common law. Mr. Rem son moved to strike out the firft part of the paragraph, relpc£ting the limitation of appeals.