Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 12, 1789, Page 138, Image 2

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A strong debate is expected to-morrow 111 the
House of Commons, in cpnfequence of amotion
made this clay by a Monf. Mirabeau, which is, to
hold no more conciliatory conferences with the
other Orders, but to apply themselves directly
to such of the Members of the Clergy and Nobles
as they know are inclined in tavor of the people,
and invite them to join in the Common Aflembly,
in order to enter immediately into the bulinels
which the nation has trusted to them. Should
this step succeed, the diflentients must come in
likewise, or obtain adifl'olution of the States.
For want of more material business, amotion
•was made, and a debate ensued, for giving liberty
to the Members to come to the Aflembly in frocks,
boots, &c. unincumbered with their profeflional
dress. The Englilh Houfeof Commons was quo
ted as an example : it palled, however, in the ne
Another motion, much more important, was
made, for the dilcontinuing of the plays given by
t'le court to the Deputies of the Aflembly, left they
ihould fall into thedillipation of the court,negledt
their morals, and estrange their thoughts from
the business of the nation. This question had
no better fate than the former.
The health of the Dauphin has given new a
larms to the Royal Family.
Of tlie mortality attached to the horrid traffic
of slaves, what mult be thought, when we find
it stated as the opinion of i.s advocates, corrobo
rated by their own accounts of 35 voyages men
tioned in the evidence, that the average, during
the middle pajfage only, amounts to fix per cent;
Of about 40,000 negroes therefore, who are drag
ged away from Africa in British (hips, we learn
■from their own carriers. that not less than 2400 pe
rifh durig a voyage of fix or eight months.
The disgust of his Majelty towards all public
business is said to encreafe,infomuch, that though
the intended visit to Hanover is certainly laid aside
for the present, it is expected that lie will call
the Prince of Wales to a very atftive ftiare in the
concerns of the Hate, without proposing any li
mitation repugnant to the known partiality of his
Royal Highness. If this event, which is confi
dently rumoured, takes place, we shall at last fee
an administration in harmony with the great
moving principle of government, and acceptable
to every order of the people, who are not milled
by folly, or loft in corruption.
It having been aflerted in the House of Com
mons, that there are at present mortgages on our
Weft-India islands, for money due to this coun
try to the enormous extent of seventy millions
sterling, it may be curious to observe the value
of some of the Weft India illands little more than
a century ago. In the year 1619, the Court of
France fold Gaudaloupe, Marigalante,the Saints,
and all the property of these islands, for 73,000
livres, equal to 31001. sterling, to Mr. Boifleret.
Mr. Dupacquet paid, a year afterwards, 60,000
livres for the islands of Martinico, St. Lucia,
Grenada, and the Grenadines, equal to 25501. ;
and Malto, in the year 1691, paid 40,000 crowns
for St. Kitt's, St. Martin's, Sr. Bartholomew, Santa
Cruz, and Tortola, equtil to about 51001. The
purchasers were allowed an unlimited authority,
disposing of all places civil and military, and pos
sessing the power of lifeand death overthe veflals.
They were in fad; petty sovereigns. Without enter
ing into the questions now agitated about the (lave,
trade, it maybe fairly doubted, whether, without
that trade, the islands would have been in their
present flourishing condition.
In all the inftruiftions given by the Eledorsof
every part of Franee, to their Representatives in
the States General, there appears to be the grea
teftreadinefs on the part of the people to submit
to any taxes that may be thought neceflary to re
ftorean equilibrium, as they call it, between the
public revenue, and the public expenditure.
[ A Poem sometime fines publifhsd in London,
entitled, Lewesdon Hill, •written by the Rev. W.
Crowe, of New-College, Oxford, contains the follow
ing elegant compliment to the illustrious Ceneralijjimo
of the late American army, who is ranked with the few
heroes who have proved bleffuigs to mankindand who,
by the special favor of Heaven, are allowed to panfe
and reft after a " march of glory /"]
" Nor fuc'n
!n cauftlefs war, troubling the world
By their mad quariels, and in fields of blood
Hail'd vi&ors, thence renown'd, and call'd on earth
Kings, heroes, demi-gods; but in high heaven
Thieves, ruffians, murderers; these find no repofs :
.Thee rather, Patriot conqueror ! To the
Belongs such reft ; who in the western world,
Thine own dcliver'd country forthyfelf
Haft planted an immortal grove, and there
Upon the glorious mount of liberty
Repofingj fit'ft beneath the balmy {bade."
G REAT GOD ! Columbia boasts from THEE,
Empire, and Independency!
0 'er her fair realms thy goodness pours,
Rich blcffings in unceasing fhow'rs ;
Gives plenty, peace, and liberty ;
Earth's choicest **ifts to crown the FREE.
W here, erst wild monsters prowl'd for prey,
A nd men more savage far than they,
See Eden's smiling vallies bloom ;
H ear notes celestial cheer the gloom ; x
1 mmortal pleasures in hei train,
Now hail blest Freedom's glorious reign !
G rant, pow'r divine, that while we sing,
T he joys that from such sources fprin£,
Our patriot virtues ifiay be shown,
N or THEE forget—nor Washington.
THE following meflage was received from
The President yellerday, by the Hon. Gen.
ok the House or P«.epresentatives,
THE buftnefswhich has hitherto been under the con
sideration if Congress has been offo much importance,
that 1 -was unwilling to draw their attention from it
to any other fubjeft. .But the disputes which exijl be
tween some of the United States and several powerful
tribes of Indians within the limits of the Union, and
the hojtilities which have in feveralinflances been com
mitted on the frontiers, seem to require the immediate
interposition of the general government.
I have therefore directed the several Jlatements and
papers, which have been submitted to me on thisJubjeft
by General Knox, to be laid before you for your infor
While the measures of government ought to be cal
culated to proteCi its citizens from all injury and vio
lence, a due regard should be extended to those Indian
Tribes, whose happiness, in the course of events, so
materially depends on the national justice and human
ity of the United States.
If it should bf the judgment of Congress, that it
would be moji expedient to terminate all differences in
the southern diflrifl, and to lay the foundation for fu
ture confidence, by an amicable treaty with the Indian
Tribes in that quarter, I think proper to fuggejl the
consideration of the expediency of'inftituting a tempor.
ary cotnmiffion for that purpose, to confifl of three per
sons, whose authority should expire with the occasion.
How far such a measure, unafpjied by pojls, would
be competent to the ejlablijhment and preservation of
peace and tranquility on the frontiers, is also a matter
which merits your serious consideration.
Along with this objetl / am induced to fuggefl ano
ther, with the national importance and necessity of
which lam deeply imprejfed I mean fame uniform
and efftllive fyjiem for the Militia of the United
States. It is unnecejfary to offer arguments in recom
mendation of a measure, on which the honour, fafety,
and well-being of our country so evidently and so es
sentially depend.
But it may not be amifsto observe, that lam parti
cularly anxious it should receive as early attention as
circumjlances "will admit ; because it is now in our pow
er to avail ourselves of the military knowledge dijj'cm
inated throughout the several States, by means of' the
many well injlrutted officers and soldiers of the late
army, a resource which is daily diminishing by deaths
and other caujes.
To fuffer this peculiar advantage to pass away un
improved, would be to negteft an opportunity which
will never again occur, unless, unfortunately, we
/hould again be involved in a long and arduous war.
New York, Aug. 7, 1789.
Sundry papers accompanied the meflage,which,
together with the said meflage, were this day ta
ken into consideration by the committee of the
whole house on the state of the Union, when it
was resolved,
That it is the opinion of this committee, that
an act ought to pass providing for the rteceflary
expences attending any negociations or treaties
which may be held with the Indian tribes or at
tending the appointment of commiflioners for
those purposes.
Mr. Ci.ymer, Mr. Ames, and Mr. Moore,
were appointed a committee to bring in a bill for
that purpose.
R folvcd', That it is the opinion of this commit
tee, that an ad: ought to pass providing a proper
system of regulations for the Militia of the Uni
ted States.
Mr. Suhpter, Mr. Hiester, and Mr. Mat
thews, were appointed to bring in a bill for that
These resolutions were adopted by the house.
Adjourned till Monday.
A petition of John M'Pherfon, relative to some
improvements he lias made in the method f
serving buildings, &c. from the fatal efFe<sf!f
lightning, was read, and laid on the table
The engrofled bill for allowing compensation
to the members of Congrels, and the officers of
botli Houses, was read a third time— On the nrf
ti°n, Shall this bill pass > The Yeas and Nav S '
called for by Mr. Goodhue.
gale, smith, isc)
Mtfrj AMES, Mellrs HATHORN,
dyes, 30 —NofJ, 16—-Majority 14.
The amendments infilled 011 by the Senate to
the Treasury Bill, were taken up, and a vote pass
ed for requesting a conference npon thefubjed
Mr. Madison, Mr. Fitzsimons,andMr.Bov
dinot were appointed the committee on the part
of the house.
The following MESSAGE from the President
was delivered to the House by theHon.Gen Knox.
ok the House of Representatives,
IHA VE dire [led a flatetnent of the troops in Hi
service of the United States to be laid before you, fir
your information.
These troops were raised by virtue of the refolvu tf
Congress of the 20 th October, 1 786, and the yd of Oc
tober, 1787, in order toproteft the frontiers from the
depredations of the hoflile Indians, to prevent all in
trusions on the public lands ; and to facilitate th: sur
veying andfelling of the fame, for the purpofi ofrt
ducing the public debt.
As these important objefls continue to reanire it;
aid of the troops, it is necessary that the eftaUifhmtnt
thereof fhoutd, in all refpeds, be confirmed, i") tiw,
to the conjlitution of the United States.
New-Tori, Aug. 11
A statement of the troops, now in service, ac
companied the meflage.
The report of the committee on the memorial
of Andrew Ellicot—and the report of the
committee 011 the memorial ot N.thaniei
Gorham, were severally read a second time.
The report of the committee on the memorial
of Mr. Ei.licot, was adopted.
A meflage was received from the Senate, in
forming that they had concurred in the vote ot
the House for a conference—and appointed Mr.
Jackson, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Stro na, a commit
tee on their part.
Mr. Clymer, from the committee appointed
for the purpose, brought in a bill for providing
for the expences of the Indian Treaties, &c-
The bill providing for the expences of nego
ciations, and treating with the Indians, and the
appointment of commissioners for that purpose,
was read a second time, and refered to a commit
tee of the whole house.
Several petitions were read, and laid on theta
The house then resolved itfelf into a committee
of the whole—(Mr. Boudinot in the cliaii) to
take the above bill into consideration.
The words in the bill " thatCommiflioners not
exceeding three" it was moved should be lt" ic
out. This motion was opposed. It was conten
ed that if the appointment of Comniiffioneis | 3S
left indefinite, and they might be encreafe a
pleasure, the United States may be plunge in
great and heavy expences —That past expenenc
has shewn, that great frauds and peculations nw,
be jullly apprehended in these negotiations, a
this will leave the business open to like impo
dons—That it was unconstitutional to vote
except a previous estimate of the ' eivl^ c .l°t,r
performed, was exliibitd. It was further lai
the right of making and judging of treaties v
in the Legislature, and that the motion w ' e " r
divefl the house of a right veiled in it by thec
flitution—That the house could not J".
measure to their condiments —and that it
open a door to such encroachments, and e
Inch a precedent as might be attended wiMl
worst consequences—That the righto ■r eatieit
to judge and influence in the forming 1 r< ;'
is evident from this, " That the powei
ing provision for the expences of carrying
treaties in execution rests in the '