Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 08, 1789, Page 136, Image 4

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Begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the Fourth
of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Nine.
An ACT to regulate the collection of the DU
TIES imposed by Law on the TONNAGE of
and MERCHANDIZE, imported into the UNI
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate andHoufe of Rcprefentatives oj
the United States of America in Congress ajfemblcd, That for the due
colle£tion of the duties imposed by law, on the tonnage of ihips
and veirels, and on goods, wares and merchandize imported into
the United States, there ihall beeftablilhed and appointed,diftri&s,
ports, and officers, in manner following, to wit :
TheStateofNEW-HAMPSHIRE Ihall be one diftri£,to include
the town of Portsmouth as the sole port of entry ; and the towns
ot Newcastle, Dover, and Exeter, as ports ot delivery only ; but
all ships or \ eiTels bound to or from either of the laid poits of de
livery, Ihall fifft come to, enter and clear at Portimouth ; and a na
val officer, collector, and surveyor, for the said diftritt ihall be ap
pointed, to reside at Portsmouth.
In the State of MASSACHUSETTS (hall be twenty diftritts and
ports of entry, to wit: Newburyport, Gloucester, Salem, and Be
verly, as one port ; Marblehcad, Boston, and Charleftown as one
port ; Plymouth, Barnftable, Nantucket, Edgartown, New-Bed
tord, Dighton, York, Biddetord, and Peppcrelborough as one
port ; Portland and Falmouth as one port; Bath, Wileaflet, Penob
i'cot, Frenchman's Bay, Machias, and PaiTainaquody. To the dii
tri£l of Newburyport Ihall be annexed the several towns or land
ing places of Almfbury, Salisbury, and Haverhill, which ihall be
ports of delivery only ; and a collcttor, naval officer, and surveyor,
tor the diftrift ihall be appointed, to reside at Newburyport. To
the diftri£t of Gloucester ihall be annexed the town of Manchester,
' as a port of delivery only; and a collettor and surveyor ihall be
appointed, to reside at Glouccfter. To the diftiitt of Salem and
Beverly, ihall be annexed the towns or landing places of Danvers
and Ipswich, as ports of delivery only ; and a collector, naval of
ficer and surveyor for the district ihall be appointed, to reside at
Salem ; and a surveyor to reside at each of the towns of Beverly
and Ipswich. Tothe diftfi&of Marblchead ihall be annexed the
town of Lynn, as a port of delivery only; and a colle6tor for the
diftrift ihall be appointed, to reside at Marblehead. To the dif
trift of Boston and Charleftown ihall be annexed the towns or
landing places of Medford, Cohaffet, and Hingham, as ports of
delivery only ; and a colle&or, naval officer, and surveyor, ihall
be appointed, to reside at Boston. To the diftrift of Plymouth
ihall be annexed the several towns or landing places of Scituate,
Duxbury, and Kingfton,as ports of delivery only; and acolle&or
for the diftrift ihall be appointed, to reside at Plymouth. To the
diftrittof Barnftable ihall be annexedthe several towns or landing
places of Sandwich, Harwich, Welfleet, Province-Town, and Cha
tham, as ports of delivery only ; and a colle&or for the diftri£l
ihall be appointed, to reiide at Barnftable. In the diftrift of Nan
tucket, the port of Sherburne ihall be the sole port of entry and
delivery within the fame ; and a collettor ihall be appointed to
reside at Sherbnrne. To the diftritt of Edgartown shall be an
nexed the town of Falmouth, as a port of delivery only ; and a
colle&or shall be appointed, to reside at Edgartown. To the dif
trift of New-Bedford ihall be annexed Weft-Port, Rochester, and
Wareham, as ports of delivery only ; and a colle&or for the dif
trift ihall be appointed, to reside at New-Bedford. To the dif
trittof Dighton ihall be annexed Swanfey and Freetown, as ports
of delivery only, and a colle£lor for the diftrift ihall be appointed,
to reside at Dighton. To the diftrift of York ihall be annexed
Xittery and Berwick, as ports of delivery only, and a colleflor
for the diftrift ihall be appointed, to reside at York. To the dif
tri&of Biddeford and Pepperelborough shall be annexed Scarbo
rough, Wells, Kennebunk, and Cape-Porpoise, as ports of deli
very only, and a collector for the diftrift shall be appointed, to re
side at Biddeford. To the diftrift of Portland and Falmouth ihall
be annexed North Yarmouth and Brunfwick, as ports of delivery
onlv ; and a collector and surveyor ihall be appointed for the dii
triit, to reside at Portland. To the diftrift of Bath ihall be an
nexed Halloweil, Pittftown, and Topiham, as ports of delivery
only ; and a colle&or for the diftrift ihall be appointed, to reside
at Bath. To the diflrift of WifcafTet shall be annexed Bristol,
Boothbay, and Waldoborough, as ports of delivery only ; and a
collector for the diftri£t ihall be appointed, to reside at WifcaiTet.
To the diftrift of Penobfcot ihall be annexed Thomafton, Frank
fort, Sedgwick-Point, and Deer-Ifiand, as ports of delivery only,
and a colle&or for the diftritt ihall be appointed, to reside at Pe
nobfcot. To the diftrift of Frenchman's Bay ihall be annexed
Union-River, as a port of delivery only; and a colle&or for the
diftrift ihall be appointed, to reside at Frenchman's-Bay. For
each of the diftritts of Machias and Paffamaquody ihall be appoint
ed a collector, to reside at the said ports oi Machias and Paifama
quody refpettively. The diftrift of Newburyport ihall include
all the waters ana shores from the State of New-Hampfhire,'to the
north line of Ipswich. Thediftri&of Gloucester ihall include all
the waters and ihores in the towns of Gloucester and Manchester.
The diftrift of Salem and Beverly ihall include all the waters and
ihores in the towns of Ipswich, Beverly, Salem and Danvers. The
diftriil of Marblehead ihall include all the waters and shores with
in the towns of Marblehead and Lynn. The diftntt of Boston
and Charleftown shall include all the waters and shores within the
counties of Middlesex and Suffolk. The diftrift of Plymouth
Ihall include all the waters and ihores within the county of Ply
mouthy excepting the towns of Wareham and Rochester. The
diftrift of Barnftable shall include all the shores and waters within
the county of Barnftable, excepting the town of Falmouth. The
district of Nantucket ihall include the iiland of Nantucket. The
district of Edgartown ihall include all the waters and ihores with
in thecounty of Duke's County and the town of Falmouth. The
district ot New-Bedford ihall include all the waters and ihores
within the towns of New-Bedford, Dartmouth, Weft-Port, Ro
chester, and Wareham, together with all the islands within the
county of Bristol. The district of Dighton shall include all the
waters and ihores on Taunton river, and in the town of Rehoboth ;
and the collectors of the several districts within that pan of the
State of MaiTachufetts, eastward of New-Hampihire, shall agree as
foori as may be upon a diviiional line between their respective dii
tri£ls, and transmit the fame tothe comptroller of the treasury, and
such diib io agreed upon, ihall- include all the ihores, waters,
and islands within the fame.
In the State ofCONNECTICUT shall be three districts, to wit:
New-London, New-Haven and Fairfield. The diftrift oi New-
London shall extend from the east line of the said State of Con
ne&icut to the weft line of the town of Killinfworth, and north to
the south line of the State of MaiTachufetts, and shall also include
the several towns or landing places of Norwich* Stonington, Gro
ton, Lyme, Saybrook, Haddam, Eaft-lladdam, Middletown,
Chatham, Weathersfield, Glaitenbury, Hartford, Eaft-Hartford,
and Ivillingfworth, as ports of delivery only ; New' London to be
the sole port of entry ; and a collector, and surveyor for the dis
trict shall be appointed, to reside at New-London, and a iurveyor
to reside at each of the ports of Stonington and Middletown. The
district of New-Haven ihall extend from the weft line ofthe diftxict
of New-London, wefttrly to Oufatumnick river ; to which lAall
be annexed the several towns or landing places of Guilford, Brand
ford, Milford, and Derby, as ports of delivery only ; New-Haven
to be the sole port of entry ; and a colle&or and surveyor ior the
district shall be appointed, to reside at New-Haven. sThc district
of Fairfield ihall include all the ports and places in the Uid State
of Connecticut, weft oi the district of to which ihall
be/aunexed the several towns or landing places of Ncrwalk, Strat
ford, Stamford, and Greenwich, as ports of delivery only; Fair
field to be the sole port of entry ; and a collector ior the diltrict
shall be appointed, to reside at Fairfield, and New-London, New-
Haven, and Fairfield, shall severally be ports of entry.
In the State of NEW-YORK shall be two districts, to wit :—
Sag-Harbor on NafTau or Long-Island, and thecity of New-York,
each of which shall be a port of entry ; the diltrict ot Sag-Harboi
shall include all bays, harbors, rivers, and ihorcs, within the two
points of land, which are called Oyster-Pond Point, and Montauk
Point; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside
at Sag-Harbor, which shall be the only place of delivery in the
said district ; the district of the city of New-York shall include
such part of the coasts, rivers, bays and harbors of the said State,
not included in the district of Sag-Harbor, and the fevcr
al towns or landing places of New-Wmdfor, Ncwburg, Pough
keepfie, Efopus, city of Hudson, Kinderhook, and Albany, as
ports of delivery only ; and a naval officer, collector and surveyor,
tor the district, lhall be appointed, to reside at the city of New-
York ; also twd surveyors, one to reside at the city ot Albany, and
the other at the city of Hudson ; and all ships or vessels bound to,
or from any port of delivery within the last named district, shall
be obliged to come to, and enter or clcar out at the city ot New-
In the state of NEW-JERSEY shall be three diftri&s, to wit :
Perth-Amboy, Burlington and Bridgetown, which shall severally
be ports of entry. The diftrift of Perth-Amboy shall compre
hend all that part of the state of New-Jersey known by the name
of East New- Jersey (that part excepted which is hereafter includ
ed in the diftrift of Burlington) together with all the waters there
of, heretofore within the jurifdi£lion of the said state, in which di
ftrift thetownsorlandingplaces of New-Brunfwick, Middletown-
Point, Elizabeth-Town and Newark shall be portsof delivery onlv;
and a colle£V>r for the ditlrift shall beappointed to reside at Pe th-
Amboy. The dilfritt of Burlington shall comprehend that part
of the said state known by the name of Weft New-Jersey, which
lies to the eastward and northward ot the county of Gioucefter,
with all the waters thereof, heretofore within the jurifdi&ion o!
the said state, including the river and inlet of Little Egg-harbour,
with the waters emptying into the fame, and the sea coast, found,
inlets and harbours thereof, from Barnegat inlet to Brigantine
inlet, in which diftri£t the landingplacesof Lamberton and Little
Egg-Harbour (hall be ports of delivery only and a collector shall
be appointed for the diftrift, to reside at Burlington, and a iurveyor
at Little Egg-harbour. The diftrift of Bridgetown shall compre
hend the counties of Gioucefter, 'Salem, Cumberland and Cape
May (that part of Gioucefter county excepted, which is included
within the diftrift of Barlington) and aP. the waters thereof hereto
fore withinthe jurifdi£tion ot the said state ; and the town of Salem,
Port Elizabeth on Maurice river and Stillwell's on Gre?t Egg
harbour, shall be ports of delivery only ; and a colle&or for the
diftrift shall be appointed, to reside at Bridge-Town.
The state of PENNSYLVANIA (hall be one diftritf, and Phi
ladelphia shall be the sole port both ot entry and delivery for the
fame ; and a naval officer, colle&or apd surveyor for the diftritt
shall be appointed to reside at the said port of Philadelphia.
1 he State ot DELAWARE shall be one district, and the borough
of Wilmington shall be the port of entry, to which shall be an
nexed New-Castle and Port Penn as ports of delivery only ; and
a collector for the district fhail be appointed to reside at the said
port of Wilmington.
In the State of MARYLAND shall be nine districts, to wit :—•
Baltimore, Chester, Oxford, Vienna, Snow Hill, Annapolis, Not
tingham, Nanjemoy, and George-Town. The district of Balti
more shall include Patapfco, Sulquehannah and Elk Rivers, and
all the waters and shores on the weft fide of Chcfapeake-Bay,from
the mouth ot Magetty river to the south fide of Elk river inclusive,
in which Havre de Grace and Elkton shall be ports of delivery on
ly ; and a naval officer, collector aud surveyor shall be appointed
for the faiddiftrict, torefide at the town of Baltimore, which fh;;ll
be the sole port of entTy. The district of Chester shall include
Chester river, and all the waters and shores on the eastern fide of
Chesapeake Bay, from the south fide of Elk river to the north fide
of the eastern bay and Wye river exclusive, in which George-Town
on Saffafras river, shall be a port of delivery only ; and a collector
for the district shall be appointed to reside at Chester, which shall
be the sole port of entry. The district of Oxford shall include
all the waters and shores on the eastern fide of Chesapeake Bay,
from the north fide of Wye river and the eastern bay, to the south
fide Choptank river inclusive, and Cambridge shall be a port of
delivery only ; and a collector for the district shall be appointed
to reside at Oxford, which shall be the sole port of entry. The
district ot Vienna shall include all the waters and shores on the
eastern fide of Chesapeake-Bay, from the south fide of Choptank
river to the south fide of Wicomico river inclusive, Salisbury
shall be a port of delivery only ; and a collector for the district
fha 11 be appointed, to reside at Vienna, which shall be the sole
port of entry. The district of Snow-Hill shall include all the
waters and shores on the sea coast, from the north line of Virgin
ia to the south line of Delaware, together with ail the waters and
shores on the eastern fide of Chesapeake Bay, from the south fide
ot Wicomico river to the south fide of Pocomoke river inclusive,
so far as the jurisdiction of the said State of Maryland extends, to
which Sinnepuxent shall be a port of delivery for Weft-India pro
duce only ; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to
reside at Snow-Hill, which shall be the sole port of entry. The
diftrift of Annapolis shall include Magetty river, and all the wa
ters and shores from thence to Drum point, on Patuxent river,
and a collector for the district shall be appointed to reside at An
napolis, which shall be the sole port of entry and delivery for the
fame. The district of Nottingham shall include all the waters and
shores on the weft fide of Chesapeake Bay to ©rum point, on the
river Patuxent, together with the said river, and all the navigable
waters emptying into the fame, to which, Benedict, Lower-
Marlboiough, Town Creek, andSilvey's landing,fhall be annexed
as ports of delivery only; a colle&or for the dillrift lhall be ap
pointed to reside at Nottingham ; and a surveyor at Town Creek ;
and Nottingham shall be the sole port of entry. The diftrift of
Nanjemoy lhall include all the waters of Potowmack river, with
in the jurifdi&ion of the State of Maryland, from Point-look-out
to Pomonkey creek inclusive, to which Saint Mary'sfhall bi au
ncxea, as a port ot delivery only ; and a colle£lor for the diftri£l
shall appointed to reside at Nanjemoy; also a surveyor to reside
at Saint Mary's, and Nanjemoy lhall be the sole port of entry. The
diftii&of George Town shall include all the waters and ihorcs
from Pomonkey creek, on the north fide of Potowmack river, to
the head of the navigable waters of the laid river, within the
jurifdi&ion of the State of Maryland, to which Digges's landing
and CarroHhurg shall be annexed as ports of delivery only ; and
a colle&or for the diftntt lhall be appointed to reside at George-
Town, which shall be the sole port oi entry.
In the State of VIRGINIA lhall be twelve diftri6ts, to wit :
Hampton as one port; Norfolk and Portsmouth as one port ; Ber
muda-Hundred and City-Point as one port ; York-Town, Tappa
hannock, Yeocomico river, including Kinlale,Dumfries, including
Newport, Alexandria, Folly-Landing, Cherry-Stone,
and Louisville; the authority of the officers at Hampton lhall extend
over all the waters, shores, bays, harbours, and inlets, between the
south fide of the mouth of York river, along tjie weft Ihore of Che
sapeake-Bay to Hampton, and thence up James river to the weft
fide of Chickahoininy river, and a collector shall be appointed to
reside at Hampton, which shall be the sole port of entry. To the
diftrift of Norfolk and Portftnouth shall be annexed Suffolk and
Smithfield. as ports of delivery only ; and the authority of the
officers of said diftrift shall extend over allthe waters, Ihores, bays,
harbors, and inlets, comprehended within a line drawn from Cape-
Henry to the mouth of James river, and thence up James river to
Jordon's-Pont, and up Elizabeth liver to the highest tide water
thereof, and Norfolk and Portsmouth shall be the sole port of en
try; and a colle&or, naval-officer, and surveyor for the diftvidUha'l
be appointed, to at Norfolk ; also a surveyor to reside at each
of the ports of Suffolk and Sn.ah-icid. To the d.stria nf K
da-Hundred, or City, Point, (hall be annexed Richmond p"" 11 "
burg and Manchcfter, as ports of delivery only ; and a colWt""
and surveyor ftiall be appointed, to refideat Berjnuda-Hundr $
City-Point, which fliall be the sole port ot entry ■ a lf, ■, r;,
for Petei fburg to reside thereat, and a surveyor for Richmond
Manchelier to reside at Richmond, and theauthority of the offiu
of the laid diA.ift fliall extend over all the waters (hores b
harbour, and mWs, comprehended between Jordan's-Poi'm aid
the highest tide water on James and Appomattox i ivcrs 77. ,i
d.flnftof York-Town shall be airu-xed, HVII-Pointa"d Culw
land, asportsot delivery only ; and a colleflor for the
be appointed, to reside at Yoi k-Town, which (hall bethe sole do t
of entry ; also a surveyor sol the two ports of delivery to reside .
Weft-Point ; and Ihe authority of (he officer, of the bid diftrifl
fliall extend overall the water., fliores, bavs, harbors, and inlet,
comprehended between ihe point forming the south shore of the
inouihYjf Rappahannock nver, and the point form:n>- the/foath "
Ihore of the mouth of York river, and thence up the fa id 11V e r t»
Well-Point, and thcuce up Pamunkey and Mattapony rivers to
the highest navigable waters thereof. To the diftrift ofTapD'hir.
nock *'iall be annexed Urbanna, Port-Royal, Fred;rick{bur K ati'j
Falmouth, as ports of delivery only ; and a collector for the diftrift
shall be appointed, to reside at Tappahannock, which fliall he the
iole port of entry ; also a surveyor for each of the ports of Urban
na, Port Royal, and Frederickfburg, and the authority of the ofn
ceisofthe faiddiflrift (hall extend over all the waters, (hores, bays
harbors and inlets, comprehended between Smith's-Poifit/at tlie
mouth of Potowmack, and the point forming the south shore ot
the mouth of Rappahannock river, and thence up the last mention,
ed river to the highest tide water thereof. The diftrift of Yeoco
mico river, including Kinfale, shall extend from Smith's-point on
the south fide of Potowmac river to Boyd's Hole on the fame river,
including all the waters, shores, bays, rivers, creeks, harbors and
inlet 5, along the south shore of Potowmac river to Boyd's Hols
aforefaid, and Yeocomico, including Kinfale, (hall be the sole port
of entry, and a collector (hall be appointed to refid • on Yeocomi
co river; the diftrift of Dumfries, including Newport, (hall extend
from Boyd's Hole to Cockpit-Point on the south fide of Potowmac
river, and a collector shall be appointed to reside at Dumfries,
which shall bethe sole port of entry, and the authority of the of
fi :ers of this diftrift fliall exteud over all the waters, shores, bays,
harbors and inlets, comprehendedjietween Boyd's Hole and Cock-
Put Point aforefaid. For the diftrift of Alexandria fliall be ap
pointed a collector and„furveyor, to reside at Alexandria, which
fliall be the sole port of entry ; and the authority of the officers of"
the said diftrift fliall extend over all the waters, fliores, bays, har
bours and inlets, on the south fide of the river Potowmac, from the
last mentioned Cockpit-Point, to the higlitft tide water of the said
river. For the diftrift of Folly-landing fliall be appointed a col-,
lector, who fliall reside at Accomack Court-Hoijfe, and whose au
thority fliall extend over all the waters, fliores, bays,harbours and
inlets, of the county of Accomack. For the diftrift of Cherry-
Stone, shall be appointed a collector, to refide,at Cherry-Stone,
whose authority shall extend over all the waters, shores, bays, har
bors, and inlets, comprehended within Northampton county.
For the diftrift of South Quay, a collector shall be appointed, t»
reside thereat, whose authority shall extend overall the waters,
fliores, bays,hai bois, and inlets, in that part of Virginia, compre
hended within the limits of the said State. For the diftrift of
Louisville, a collector fliall be appointed to reside thereat, whose
authority fhail extend over all waters, shores and inlets,included
between the rapids and the mouth of Ohio river, on the south cast
fide thereof.
In the State of SOUTH-CAROLINA, fliall be three diftrifls,
to wit : George-Town, Charleston and Beaufort, each of which
shall be a port of entry. diftrift of George-Town (hall in- '
elude the shores, inlets and rivers from the boundary of North- ;
Carolina tothe point of Capeßoman.The diftrift of Charleston shall
include all the fliores,inlets&rivers from Cape Roman toCombabee
river inclusive ; and the diftrifl of Beaufort shall include the (hores,
inlets and rivers from Combahee river to Back river in Georgia,
comprehending also the fliores, inlets and harbours, formed by the
different bars and sea islands, lying within each diftrift refpeaive
ly ; at the port ot Charleston shall be a collector, naval-officer and
surveyor, and a collector at each of the other ports.
In the State of GEORGIA ihall be four diftri&s, to wit :
Savannah, Sunbury, Brunfwick and Saint Mary's, each of which
shall be a port of entry. The diftrift of Savannah fhail include
Savannah river, Great and Little Ogeechee rivers, with the other
harbours, creeks and rivers, formed by trie inlets ofTybee, Little
Tybee, Warsaw and Offabaw, north of the iflamj of OfTabaw.and
a naval-officer, collector and surveyor, for the faiddiflrift shall be
appointed to reside at Savannah. The diftrift oi Sunbury ihall
include the Medway, North and South Newport ani Sapelo rivers,
with the harbors, creeks and rivers, formed by the inlets ofSaipt
Catharine's, fguth of Offabaw and Sapelo ; and a collector for the
diftrift fliall be appointed, to reside at Sunbury. The diftrifl of
Brunfwick shall include the Alatamaha,Frcderica,and Turtle rivers,
with the other harbor*, creeks and rivers, formed by the inlets of
Doboy, south of Sapelo, Alatamaha, and Saint Simons, north of
the south point of J ekyl island ; Vrederica shall be a port of de
livery only ; and a collector for the said diftrift shall be appoint
ed to reside at Brunfwick; the diftrift of St. Mary's lhall include
Great Setilla, Little Setilla, Crooked river, and St. Mary's river,
with the harbors, crcfeks and rivers, formed by the inlets of
Saint Andrews and Amelia founds; and a collector for the said
dillrift shall be appointed, to reside at Saint Mary's. And in
each diftrift it shall be lawful for the collector to grant a permit
to unlade at any port or place within the diftrift, and to appoint
or put on board any ship or vessel for which a permit is granted,
one or more searchers or infpeftors, as may be neceflary for the
fccurity »of the revenue.
Avd be 71 further enafled, That every port of entry eftablifticd by
this ast, lhall be a port of delivery also; Provided always,
That no ship or vessel net wholly belonging to a citizen or citizens
of the United States, shall be admitted to unload at any poit or
place except the follpwing,to.wit: Portfmouth,in the StatebfNew-
Hampshire, Portland, Falmouth, Dighton, Salem, Gloucester,
Newbury-Port, Marblehcad, Sherburne, Boflon, Plymouth,
WifcafTet, Machias, and Penobfcot, in the S.ate of Maifachufetts,
New London or New-Haven, in the State of Connecticut ; New-
York ; Pcrth-Amboy or Burlington, in the State of New-Jeriey,
Philadelphia ; Wilmington, New-Castle and Port-Penn, in the
State of Delaware ; Baltimore, Annapolis, Vienna, Oxford,
George-Town on Potowmac, Chester-Town, Town Creek, Not
tingham, Nanjemoy, Digges's-landing, Snow-Hill and Carroll -
burgh, in the State of Maryland ; Alexandria, Kinfale, Newport,
Tappahannock, Port-Royal, Frederickfburgh, Urbanna, York-
Town, Weft-Point, Hampton, Bermuda-Hundred. City-P° ,nl »
Rocket's-landing, Norfolk or Port fin ou til in the State ol Vir
ginia ; Charleftown, or George-Town, or Beaufort in the State o
South-Carolina ; or in either of the diftrifts of Savannah, Sunbur),
Brunfwick, or Saint Mary's in the State of Georgia : nor shall an X
ship or vessel arriving from the Cape of Good Hope, or from any
place beyond the fame, be admitted to enter at any other thant c
following ports to wit : Portsmouth in the State of New-Harap~
shire ; Boston, Newbury-Port, Salem, Gloacefter, Portland, or
Falmouth, in the State of Maffaehufetts , New-London, 01 New
Haven, in the State of Connecticut ; New-York ; Perth-Am oy»
Philadelphia; Wilmington in the State of Delaware; Baltimore
town, Annapolis, or George-Town, in the State of Mary an »
Alexandria, Norfolk, or Portsmouth, in the State ol
Charleston, George-Town, or Beaufort, in the State ot ou.
Carolina ; Sunbury, or Savannah, in the Stat-- of Georgia . ROV ,
ded, Tuat nothing herein contained shall He construed to '
the maftcr or commander of any snip or vessel, from-making en y
with the collector of any port or diftrift in which such 'P.
vessel may be owned, or from whence she may have faile on.
a voyage. (To be continued.)