Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 05, 1789, Page 131, Image 3
• (t him to rigorous and continual labor, and to the end of his life, the vi<ftim of "price and cruelty. The King, therefore, should be petitioned to encourage the refpe.ftable Society f Friends to the Blacks, and to authorise them to conlider, and to propose to government the most proper means of abolilhing the infamous tommerce of the Have trade.'* Mr. Wilberforce in an energetic, pathetic and ingenious speech inforced his plan for the a bolition of the Have trade. , . This speech was complimented and reinforced by Meflrs. Burke, Fox, and the Right Hon. William Pitt, who obfervecl, that as far as he had been able to form any judgment on the fub ieft, he was decidedly of opinion, that no fnb ftantial reason could possibly be alledged to jufti fy the continuance of the slave trade." revenue department. THE Preside nt of the United States has been pleased to nominate, „d so, and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint the fol low persons to the offices in the Revenue, affixed to their respective urns—To their commjions during the pteafure of the President: For the State of NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Portfmovth. Joseph Whipple, collettor. £lea2er Russell, naval officer. Thomas Martin, surveyor. For the State of MASSACHUSETTS. Newbury-port. Stephen Cross, colled or. Jonathan Titcomb, naval officer. Michael Hodge,purveyor. Gloucejler. Epes S'ascent, Collettor. Samuel Whittemorf., surveyor. Salem and Beverly, Joseph Hi l ler, gollettor. William Pic km an, naval officer. Bartholomew Putnam, surveyor. Beverly. Josiah Bachelder,furveyor. Ipswich. Jeremiah Stani ford, surveyor. Marblehead. Richard Harris, collector. Boflon and Charleflown. Benjamin 1 incoln, collettor. James Lov ell, navalofficer. Thomas Melvi 11, surveyor. Plymouth. William Watson, collettor. Barnjlable. Joseph Otis, collettor. Sherburne. Nantucket» Stephen Hussy, collettor. Edgar town. John Pease, collettor. • New Bedford. Edward Pope,collettor. Dighton. Hooijah Bay lies, collettor, York. Richard Tr evett, collettor. Biddeford and Pepperelborough. Jeremiah Hill, coll ttor. Portland. Jj. F. Fosdick, collettor. James Lunt, surveyor. Bath. William Webb, collettori Wifcajf:t. Francis Cook, collettor. Penobfcot. John Lee, collettor. Frenchman's Bay. Melatiah Jordan, collettor. Machias. Stephen Smith, collettor. Pafj'imaquody. Lewis F. Delesdernier, collettor. For the State of CONNECTICUT. New London. Jf.didiah Huntington, collettor. Nathaniel Richards, surveyor. Stonington. Jonathan Palmer, collettor. Middletown. Ash Eft Mi ller,furveyor. New Haven. Jona. F itch,collettor. Heze. Roce ks, surveyor. Fairfield. Samuel Smedley, collettor. For the State of NEW YORK. Sag Harbor. « John Gelston,collettor. New York. John Lamb, collettor. Benjamin Walker, navalofficer. John La&hlr,furveyor* City of Hudson. John C. Ten Broek.furveyor. City of Albany. Jeremiah Lansing,furveyor. For the State of NEW JERSEY. Perth Amboy. John Halste ad, collettor. Burlington. John Ross, collettor. Bridgetown. -Li Elmer, collettor. For the State of PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia. Sharp Delany, collettor. 1 red. Phi le, naval officer. Sam. Meredith,furveyor. For the State of DELAWARE. Wilmington. Geo. Bush, eolkttor. For the State of MARYLAN D. Baltimore. tho H. Williams, collettor. obert Purviance, naval officer, Qbert Ball a rd, funeyor. Chefler. John Scott, coltedor. Oxford. Jeremiah Banning, collettor. Vienna. John MuiEß,ttiMo?. Snow Hill. JohwGunby, collettor. Annapolis. John Davidson, collettor. Nottingham. Geo. Bi sco, collettor. Town Creek. Robert Young,fnrveyor. Nanjemoy. John Coates Jones, collettor. 4 v St. Mary's. Robert Chesley, surveyor. George Town. James McCubbin Lingham, colleclot. For the State of VIRGINIA, Hampton. Jacob Wray, collector. Norfolk and Portsmouth. Wm. Lindsay, collector. Philemon Gate wood, naval officer. Daniel Bedinger, surveyor. Suffolk. Archibald Richardson,furveyor. Smithfeld. James Wells, surveyor. Bermuda Hundred. WM. HET H , collector. Chris. Roan y surveyor. Peterjbnrgh. John Gibbons, surveyor. York Town. Abraham Archer, collector. Wef -Point. John Spots wood Moore, surveyor. Tappahannock. Hudson Muse, collector. Urbanna. Stage Davis, surveyor. Port Royal. Geo. Cattl ett, surveyor. Fredericfburg. Wm. Lewis,furveyor. Yeocomico. including Kivfale. Vincent Redman, collector. Dumfries, including Newport. Richard Scott, collector. Alexandria. Charles Lee, collector. Samuel Hanson, surveyor. Cherry Stone. George Savage, collector. South Key. Thomas Bowne, collector. Loufville. PeyTon Short, collector. For the State of SOUTH CAROLINA* George Town. John Cockdel l, collector. Charlejlon. Geo. Abbot Hall, collector. Isaac Mott, naval officer. Edward Way man , surveyor. For the State of GEORGIA. Savanna. John Habbersham, collector. John Berrian,furveyor. Sunbury. Cornelius Collins > collector. SKETCH OF PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. In the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES. MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1789. The engrofled bill for regulating the coasting trade, &c. was read a third time, and on motion, recommitted to be taken up to-morrow. The bill for eftablifliing a land-office for the western territory was read a second time, ant] made the order of the day for Thursday. Mr. Sherman had leave of absence for one week; The bill to provide for the fafe keeping of the a&s, records, great seal, <stc. was read, and made the order of the day for Friday. Ordered that 100 copies of each of these bills be printed for the members. The report of the committee on amendments, was, on motion of Mr. Madison, made the or der of the day for Wednesday fe'nnighti Mr. Benson introduced a resolution to this purport. —That a committee be appointed, to join a committee of the Senate toconlider, and report when it will be convenient for Congress to ad journ ; also, to report what business now before Congress mud neceflarily be attended to previous to a recess, and what will be proper to postpone till the next felfion—laid on the table. The bill for eftablifliing the treasury depart ment, with the amendments proposed by the Se nate being read, were acceded to in part —the consideration of two articles was postponed til] to-morrow. The bill for eftablifliing light-houses, beacons, buoys and public pisrs, as sent down from the Se nate with the amendments, was taken into con sideration, and the several amendments acceded to on the part of the House. The bill for allowing compensations for their services to The President and Vice-Presi dent of the United States, was taken up—and on motion of Mr. Smith (of S. C.) a claufewas added to the bill, by which The President is to have the use of furniture and other effects, now in his pofleflion, belonging to the United States. The bill was then pafled to be engrofled for a third reading to-morrow —and then the House ad journed. TUESDAY, AUCUST 4. Mr. Heister presented a petition trom the in habitants of Cumberland county, State of Penn-" fylvania, praying that the feflions of the P'ederal Courts, may not be reftridted to the city of Phila delphia—laid on the table. The engrossed bill for allowing acompenfation to The President, and Vice-Prelident, for their services, was read a third time, and palled to be ena&ed. Mr. Ames presented a petition from Dudley Tyler, an officer in the late continental army, praying for an allowance for services, which had not been compensated—laid on the table. Mr. Huntington presented a memorial from Chriflopher Collins stating, that he had invented a Perambulator i.pon more fnnple and adequate principles, than has hitherto been discovered ; and praying for an exclulive right to use and im prove the fame—laid on the table. Mr. White of the Handing committee to ex amine the enrolled bills, presented the bill pro viding for the government of the western terri tory, which the committee had examined, and found correcft —the Speaker then signed the fame. Mr. Burke of the Committee appointed for thepurpofe, brought in a bill for allowing a com pensation to the members of both Houses, and to their refpecftive officers : This bill provides that the compensation ffiall be as follows, viz. To each member of the Senate and House, Six Dollars, pr, day. Speaker of the House Twelve Dollars pr. day. To the Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House each, Fifteen Hundred Dollars, a year, and Two Dollars a day, each, during the fellion oftlie Legislature :—One principal Clerkto each, at Three Dollars a day during the session—One engrossing Clerk to each, at Two Dollars a day during the session. Serjeant at Arms, Three Dollars a day during the session. Door Keeper to the House and Senate, each, Seven Hundred and Thirty Dollars a year : Alfiftant Door Keepers, during the session, One Dollar and Fifty Cents a day each. This bill was laid on the table. Th 6 House then went into a committee of the whole on the bill for registering and clearing ves sels, and regulating the coasting trade. A clause was added to this bill, which provides for a suspension of the bounty of five cents, on every barrel of pickled fiffi, every quintal of dri ed filh and every barrel of salted provisions, ex ported from the United States, as allowed by the import law, till after the laftday of July, 1790. The committee having finiffied this bill, the Speaker resumed the chair—the House acceded to the several amendments, and the bill was or dered to be engrofled for a third reading to morrow. Mr. Benson's motion, introduced yesterday Was taken up, and after a ffiort debate, a commit tee for the purpose therein mentioned, consisting of Mr. Carrot, Mr. He'tfler ) and Mr. IVadfiuorth, was appointed. The House then resumed the consideration of the amendments to the treasury bill proposed by the Senate, on which a decision was postponed yesterday—a lengthy debate enfuedupon the fub jecft,. in which the substance of the arguments up on The President's power of removability, was repeated, and which terminated in not acceding to the amendment of the Senate. The House adjourned at half after 3 o'clock. NEW-YORK, AUGUST 6 , 1789. The wifdom,impartiality and independency dis covered in the appointments to offices in the re venue, must give general fatisfaction, and were it possible that mankind could be universally pleas ed, not a doubt or complaint would be lisped—but prejudice and Jelf out of the question, it must be acknowledged on all hands, that policy, justice, and the public good, have never been more happi ly blended on any similar occasion. Every patriotic mind, from this moment will have its attention turned to the great objects that prefentupon the operation of the genera] go vernment : Revenue as has been justly observed is the nerve of the system—our existence—our public faith—our honor, reputation and prosperity, es sentially depend upon a wife, a prompt and faith ful execution of the revenue laws.—May vigi lance mark the condtitft of the officers, and may it be as infamous to defraud the revenue, as to rob a church. Perhaps there is no people upon earth better disposed to obey the laws, than the citizens of the United States : They reason just ly upon the fubjeft—conceiving that the laws framed by those whom they depute for purpose, are their own free ast, and deed—and that violating the rules they themselves have adopted, is abfyrd, dangerous, and pregnant with mifchief, confufion, and ruin ; but nevertheless, poflefling the paflions, prejudices, and weaknesses, incident to human nature—they fee the propriety of appointing guardians and executors of those laws—every man therefore who feels the force of those obligations which should adluate good citizens, will not only cheerfully submit toevcry salu tary regulation, but will also consider* himlelf bound to aid the officers of government in the discharge of their duty. ERRATUM. In the 2 d col. \JI page, line 3$ from top } of this papcr y for fl rigor ously*' read vigojoufly.