Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 05, 1789, Image 1
[No. XXXIII.] MISCELLANY. fj-pjg TABLET. No. XXXIII. « Prohibition often creates eager and intemperate yjfots towards objeCts; -which we Jbould otberioife ftek after moderately, if at all. IT is not an easy queflion to decide, whe ther it is a more common fault in educa tion to indulge children too far in certain instan ces or to reftritft them too rigorously in others. If we take a critical view of human life, we shall probably find a considerable proportion of the B oft abandoned characters, that disturb and dif arace society, to have originated frdm parents of very scrupulous piety, and severe and exalted morality. Such over-exad: people draw the cords of discipline so hard, that they mull inevi. tably break asunder. They cxprefs the strongest detestation, and bear unrelenting testimony aaainft many recreations and pastimes, which onlyceafe to be innocent when carried to excess, and which would seldom be carried to excess, were a proper medium of indulgence seasonably observed. The children of auftere,unaccommodating pa rents discover a flronger inclination for some plcafures and amusements, which are prohibited, than they do for others, more tempting in them selves, which are not barred by such prohibitions. Itisevident therefore that the prohibition itfelf gives the principal edge to the temptation. There are two sources of inordinate love of pleaf'ure that fliould be guarded against. One of them consists in indulging recreation to so great a degree, that we feel pain in refraining from it, because is has become so fixed an habit as not to be laid aside without reluctance. The habit of enjoying conftitutes,in this instance, the prin cipal stimulus to gratification. The other source depends on a cause exactly the reverse. Some youth, by being prohibited from diversions, affix an imaginary delight to the enjoyment so much greater than the reality would afford, that their dcfire to trespass becomes k reliflable. They are tempted tbtarte what is forbidden. Had they beenleft free, it is ten chances to one, whether the object had contained charms fufficient to at tract their attention.—lmagination is on the *ing,ftamps a value on what is indifferent, and creates a paflion which runs into extremes. The ardor of inclination is heightened, by the fatis fadtion that is felt in violating an unreasonable command, and passing over reftritflions that are founded in fuperltition or auflerity. But this is not the worll of it. When attempts are made to draw children into a belief that all pleasures are vices, and that all vices are equally abominable and injurious, they make no distinc tion between atftion§ of moral demerit, and those uhich are only deemed wrong by the caprice, 'be ignorance or over-exacft maxims of their pa rents. ihe consequence of such an error is dieadful to think of. A child of common sense ma y pcifuade hiinfelfthat he is forbidden many gratifications which are not intrinsically wrong. From a fpfightlinefs of imagination he will easily e enticed to break over parental authority in fash things,?s he fees bther people pra<ftice with °Ut Convenience or reproach. The eifeCl of tbisdifobedience is, that he gradually accustoms himfeh to uifregard the admonitions of his pa ints,and is instigated into actions which he would cv er commit, had his parental reltriiflions been onfined within reasonable limits. The iJeas suggested in this number deserve a °' e a ri plc confuleraiion than can be allowed in a Single paper. In my next the subject shall be a ß a in introduced. WEDNESDAY, August J, 17^9. EXTRACT FROM " AMERICAN ESSAYS." ON THE MANUFACTURE OF TOBACCO. COMPARED with Great Britain, America justly claims the superiority in extent of territo ry and sea coatt, multiplicity of fafe harbours, variety of climates and productions, with many other natural advantages. Among some of the powerfully active means now in her pofleffion, may be primarily confider eel the article of Tobacco, which is not only productive of immense revenue to some of the European States, but is become from habit, and a general faith in its virtues, of such importance throughout all Europe, that it may at this day with propriety*be ranked among their necefla riesof life. In OsTEND,a free port in Austrian Flanders, where our American tobacco is ma nufactured in various ways for different markets, I have observed the manufacturers very careful to preserve all the duft,dirt,and sand that appear ed to be considerably impregnated with particles of tobacco, to be sent to the British market, there to be further compounded with glass, and other llernutatives, and then fold for genuine pulveri zed tobacco, or fnuff. This is probably the rea son why the French manufacture of that article, though not always pure and unadulterated, is in much higher eftiniation in all countries except America, where I am told there are tliofe who still prefer the British fnuff.* If the various modesof manufacturing tobacco, suitable to all the different markets in Europe were perfectly understood in America, and rigo rously pursued in all its branches, vast numbers of now idle people might soon be profitably em ployed ; workmen in every branch may be easily procured from Europe, with all the different ma chines,or the models—the business would occupy young and old in the various operations—it is less injurious to health than almost any other ma nufacture—it would open an extensive trade and correspondence, and draw large returns from al most every foreign country : ltistliemoft simple of all arts, and therefore easily acquired at any age, and is probably one of the inoft important and lucrative objects, that at this particular pe riod could poflibly occupy the attention of the New England States. In the town of Dunkirk, another free port in French Flanders, large quantities of American tobacco are also manufactured, I have frequently seen Dutch ships loading there with the stalks and other ligneous parts of that weed to be carried to Holland, there to be manufactured into fnuff for particular markets. —Sweet,' precious, won der-working weed ! that haft the powerful charm to crown the zest of rich luxurious feafts, and to beguile the pangs of poverty ! Tobacco is also supposed to poflefs great medicinal virtues, its anti-septic qualities were particularly remarked so early as the year i66j, when the plague raged in London and carried off near seventy thousand inhabitants : Various narrators of that melan choly event have observed, that the tobacconists in general escaped the contagion, and that the remarkable preservation of the inhabitants in their neighbourhood could be attributed to no o ther cause but the virtues of tobacco. The Spaniards and Dutch, particularly those of their colonies finoke continually, believing it to be not only in itfelf salutary, but the most effectual pre servative against the fatal effects of the humid vapours, and other noxious exhalations continu ally rifingfrom the vast bodies of putrid stagnant waters, as also against all other baneful effluvia that commonly abouYid, and contaminate the air in all low, flat, and hot countries. And it is a well known fact that the Dutch in Surinam, and the Spaniards in New-Orleans, are much less subject to the endemial diseases of those sub aqueous torrid countries, than the most tempe rate of every other nation who reside there, and make less use of that weed. I knew two Spaniards in New-Orleans, who kept servants constantly in waiting in the night, for the sole purpose of lighting their fegars as often as they waked, such was their faith in the virtues of to bacco. Ido not recollect to have seen a Portu gueze in Lisbon, male or female of any age make * This ias been the cafe —but the citizens of the United States have learnt better—the manufacture of fnuff is now carried on so cxtenfively, and it is made of so excellent a quality, that all im portation of that article has entirdjeeafed for a long time —in the Stateof Majfachufctts,ConneSicut, Pcnnfylvania,&. N. York,fuch large worksare ere& tofurnilh fufßcient quantities for home con sumption, and a large furplusfor exportation. —The inuff mills of Mr. Elliot in the neighborhood of Boston, are conftrufted tip on a mod ingenious and extensive plan—they attract the attention ot all foreigners who visit that part of the Union —and are con- Itantly resorted to as a grrat curiosity by the ingenious from all parts of the continent.—We promile ourselves the pleasure of giving some particulars of this manufactory, in some future number. [Publijh-'d on Wednesday and Saturday ,~\ use of fpe<!tacles, but have often with surprize remarked in very old people the unfaded lustre of their eyes, and have not been able to afiign a more probable cause of their preservation, than the universal cuilom of taking fnulF, which pre vails in no finall degree ofexcefs among all ranks, ages and sexes : It cannot fairly be imputed to any particular quality in the air or climate, as the many English who reside there, and who will not conform to the custom of taking frTuff, par ticularly the ladies because they think it un cleanly, can boast no advantage in this particu lar over the inhabitants of the island of Great Britain. The French Snuff made of the tobacco from the United States, is greatly prefered by the Portugueze to the fnuff manufactured in their own country of the Brazil tobacco, but it is pro hibited, and therefore only to be obtained in small quantities by special indulgence. There is very little danger of the Portugueze being able to rival us at any market in that article —their tobacco for exportation is chiefly manufactured in one particular way, principally for the African, trade, the privilege is fanned, and therefore ex tlufive ; they use a vast quantity of molafles in the process, which is supposed to be a great preserva tive in hot climates ; the common, and I believe almost invariable price, is two thousand, eight hundred and eighty reis for an arobe, which is about fix pence sterling the pound. A very extensive and lucrative trade with Por tugal may beeftablifhed,when a permanent peace with all the Barbary powers shall render the inter course less dangerous. They are atprefent prin cipally supplied by the English and Irish with fifh, grain, pulse, pork, beef, butter, cheese/and many other articles, which with due care and at tention, might be furnifhcd as good and cheap, and some of them better and cheaper from Ame rica : It is found by an accurate investigation, that seven thousand, seven hundred bushels of wheat are con fumed daily in the city of Lisbon only, exclusive of barley, indian corn, and other grain, as also hard bread and pulse. E. C. SKETCH OF THE POLITICAL STATE OF AMERICA. PERHAPS no country, pretending to nnder ftand so well the faience of government, and other principles of political economy which tend to the prosperity and welfare of a nation, that pracfti fes so little upon them, as this.—lt is high time that America Ihould quit herleadingfirings, and feel the difference between her present situation and what it was when subject to a foreign yoke. It will not fufficethat in unmeaning words we as sert the importance of our Independence; nor shall we be able to realize its just effects, or meet with that respect fromother nations which is paid to the different sovereignties of the world, till weftrive to conquer the inveterate habits and prejudices imbibed by our mode of education—no longer fuffering our commercial concerns to be regula ted by the caprice of a foreign power, and made alone subservient to her intcreft.—lt is time that this country Ihould begin to trade on its own capi tal, and not continue to be the slave or hireling of an imperious matter.—lt will be said that we are yet young and poor, wanting the aid of a borrowed capital.—l venture to aflert that while we go on to borrow it on the present disadvan tageous terms we lhall be ever poor and helpless. There is no doubt under certain circumstances and conditions, that credit is of eflential service in assisting the growth of a young country, and the progress of infant manufactures—but credit often holds out a specious benefit which is not in the end realized ; therefore its nature & tendency ought to be carefully examined, before we can determine its benefit. Prior to the revolution, and while we were a component part of the Bri tifli empire, our interests were united and such exclusive advantages given to the trade of this country, that the credit then had from their mer chants, was doubt!efs serviceable in promoting our increase and strength*— It was then that we could discharge the loan by the product of the business in which the borrowed capital was em ployed—Our Ihips, fifh, lumber and oil, the na tural exports of the country formed our remit tances, and the exchange was from 5 to 10 per cent, in our favor ; but we are now totally exclu ded from the advantage of such returns, and com pelled to seek other markets for these articles, paying repeated commissions on their negociation, in order to avail ourselves of the solid coin which seems to be almost the only property receivable in payment for many luxuries, but ill suited to the consumption of a young country continually pleading its poverty, while the rate of exchange, generally the best criterion by which to deter mine the benefit of a trade, forms a deduction of