t:on there lhall be one representative forevery thirty thousand, until the number Ihall amount to one hundred ; after which the proportion lhall be To regulated byCongrefs that the num ber of reprefentativcs lhall never be less than one hundred, nor more than one hundred and leventy-five, but each state lhall always have at lealt one representative." Art. I, Sec. 6—Between the words " United States," and " lhall in all cafe," strike out they,' and insert, " But no law varying the compenfationlhall take effect until an election ofreprelentatives ihall have intervened. The members" Art. i, Ses 9, Between par. 2 and 3 insert, "No religion lhall be eitabliflied by law, nor lhall the equal rights of conscience be infringed." " The freed >m of lpeech, and of the press, and of the right of the people peaceably to as semble andconfult for their common good, ana to apply to the government for redrefsof grie vances, lhall not be infringed." " A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, being the belt security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms lhall not be infringed, but no person religioully scrupulous lhall be compelled to bear anns." " No soldier lhall in time of peace be quartered in anyhoule without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be pre scribed by law." " No person lhall be subject, except in caie of impeachment, to more than one trial or one punilhment for the fame offence, nor lhall be compelled to be a witness against himfelf, 1101 be deprived of life, liberty or property, with out due process of law, nor lhall private pro perty be taken for public use without just com pensation." " Excellive bail lhall not be required, nor ex celfive fines iinpofed, nor cruel and unulual punilhments inflicted." " The right of the people tobefecurein their person, hqufes, papers end effects, lhall not be violated by warrants issuing, without probable cause supported by oath or affirmation, and not particularly describing the places to be searched, 8c the persons or things to be seized." " The enumeration in this constitution of cer tain rights lhall not be construed to deny or dis parage others"Yetained by the people." Art. 1, Sec. 10, between the iftandadpar. in sert—" No State lhall infringe the equal rights of conscience, nor the freedom of speech, or of the press, nor of the right of trial by jury in criminal cases." " Art. 3, Sec. 2, add to the 2d par.—" But no appeal to such court lhall be allowed, where the value in controversy lhall not amount to one thousand dollars ; nor lhall any fact triable by a jury according to the course of the common law, be otherwise re-examinable than accord ing to the rules of common law." Art. 2, Sec. 3 —Strike out the whole of the 3d pav. and insert—" In all criminal prosecutions the accused lhall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted with the witneHes against him, to have ccin pulfory process for obtaining witnefles in his favor, and to have the aililtaiice of counsel for . his defence." " The trial of aTI crimes (except in cases of impeachment, and in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in ac tual service in time of war or public danger) lhall be by an impartial jury of freeholders of the vicinage, with the requisite of unanimity for conviction, the right of challenge, and other accnftomed requisites ; and 110 person lhall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwile infa mous crime, unlefson a presentment or indict ment by a grand jury, but if a crime be com mitted in a place in the polleflion of an enemy, or in which an insurrection may prevail, the indictment and trial may by law be autliorifed in foine other place within the fame state ; and if it be committed in a place not within aftate, the indictment and trial may be at such place or places as the law may have directed." " In suits at common law, the right of trial by jury lhall be preserved." Immediately after Art. 6, the following to be jnferted as Art. 7." " The powers delegated by this Constitution to the government of the United States, lhall be exercifecl as therein appropriated, so that the Legillative lhall never exercise the powers veil ed in the Executive or the Judicial ; nor the Executive the powers vested in the Legislative or Judicial ; nor the Judicial the powers vest ed in the Legillative or Executive." " The powers not delegated by this Constitu tion, nor prohibited by it to the States, are re served to the States respectively." Art. 7 to he made Art. S. Extratf from the Journal, JOHN BECKLEY, Clerk. ADDRESS TO HUMANITY. PARENT of virtue, if thine ear, Attend not now tomorrow's cry, If now the pity ftreammg tear, Should haply on thy cheek, be dry, Indulge my votive strain, O ! sweet HUMANITY I Come ever welcome to my breafl, A tender, but a cheerful guest. — Not always in the gloomy cell, Of lift dwell; For sorrow long indulged and flow, Is to humunity a foe ; And grief that makes the heart its prey, Wears sensibility away. Then comes, sweet Nymph, instead of t.W The gli omy fiend Jlupidify. Oh may that fiend be banifh'd far, Tho' paflions hold eternal war .' Nor ever let mcceafe to know, The puife that throbs at joy or woe. Nor let my vacant cheek be dry, When sorrow fills a brother's eye : Nor may the tear that frequent flows, From private or from social woes, E'er make this pleating fenfedeparx, Ye cares, O ! harden not my heart! Howe'er exalted or deprefs'd, Be ever mine the feeling breast. From me remove the stagnant mind, Of languid indolence, reclin'd ; Alike the foolilh and the vain, Arc stagnant to the sense humane. It comes : it fills my labouring breast ;• I feel my beating heart oppreft. Oh ! hear that lonely widow'.* wail! See her dim eye ! her afpeft pale ! To Heaven she turns in deep despair. Her infants wonder at her pray'r, And mingling tears they know not why* Lilt up their little bands and cry ; Oh God ! their moving sorrows fee f Support them sweet HUMANITY ! Life, fill'd with grief's diltrelslul traiu, Forever a(ks the tjar humane. Behold in yon unconscious grove* The vi&im of ill-fated love ! Heard you that agonizing throe f Sure this is not romantic woe ! The golden day of joy is o'er, And now they part to meet no morie. Alfirft them hearts ! from anguiih free! Support them sweet HUMANITT! II Heav'n in every pnrpofe wife, The envied lot of wealth denies, If doom'd to drag life's load* Thro' poverty's uneven road; To thee HUMANITY, still true, I'll ivifh the good I cannot do, And give the wretch that wanders by, A soothing word a tear a fgh. Parent of virtue, if thine ear, Attend not now to for row'scry ; If now the pity streaming tear, Should haply on thy cheek be dry,. Indulge my votive strain, 0 SWEET HUMANITY. FOREIGN MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. FRANKFORT, ArRU.24. Letters from Peterfburgh advise, that great preparations are going forward for opening the campaign. It is aliened, that the army to be op posed to the Swedes will be conipofed of 50,000 men, supported by Ijo galleys and armed Hoops. PARIS, MAY 7. On Tuefd&y last about twelve o'clock at iioon, his Majesty opened the Aftembly of the States Ge neral, by a speech from the throne, which was received with loud acclamations. The £)ueen was seated near the King, 011 his left hand ; Alon fieur, and the Comted'Artois, at a small distance on the right ; Ms.dame, and Madame Elizabeth (liis Majesty's fillers) with Mefdames Vicftour and Adelaide (his Majesty's aunts) on the left hand behind the Oueen. The other Princes of the blood, with some Dukes and Peers, were also on the.right ; the Marshals of France, with others of the lame rank, were 011 the left ; the Garde des Sceanx were also on the left, and th* other great officers of state were on the right of the throne. Ihe Due d'Orleans, who is the only Prince of the blood chosen deputy to the States General, took his feat as such amongst the nobili ty. Ine Ministers were seated close under the platform on which the throne was placed. As Coon as his Majesty had fini(hed his speech, the Garde desSceaux and Monsieur Necker addrefled his Majesty and the aflbinbly ; and at about four o clock in the afternoon the King rose from his feat, and adjourned the meeting to the following clay. . KAY 14. THE Arret that excludes tlie i ubftitut es r I" bp ha,, s) from being admitted to the AflembW of the States General, positively declares thatn 0 „e ! ave the . P nv ilege of attending the meetii,.- but in cases ol the incumbent's disease, and cases, il no fubjetft lhould have been named t lucceed the Representative, the Electors are to C convened for the purpose of chufmg another The States have hitherto been taken ui> i n e v anuningtheir Deputies commillions. It was iirif proposed to have this operation performed by the hree orders 111 common ; but tlie nobility and cle 'gy mfiftedon eacli Order examiiiinn- i£ * members. This was done with a view to baffle he pretensions of the Couimillions, who would tain have all matters relative to the ftatesto be decided, not as formerly by the plurality of or ders, which would make but three votes, but bv the majority of voices, which would produce as many votes as the aflembly is <;oinpofed of mem bers ; and in this cafe the third claf's would be al ways sure of a great majority for, besides tha: their number is equal to the two other orders many partizans may be found, among tnefe ever dilpofed to favor the views of the Tiers Etat.— Many worthy redtors of parishes, most of whom have been unanimously approved of by the peo ple, are openly espousing the interest of the third class, and express a nianifeft antipathy for all the dignitaries, viz. Arclibifhops, Bishops, Abbots, and their connections. The fame spirit may be said to exist in the inferior nobility. This is the rea son why the commons werefo earnest in soliciting government to grant them a more equal represen tation than they enjoyed in former aflemblies; alledging, that as they actually constituted the nation, and their number was, in proportion to the other Orders, more than 24 to 1, the least they could expe