The RIGHT CONSTITUTION of a COMMON WEALTH EXAMINED. [Continued J rom our IT is pretended by some, that a sovereignty in a Tingle ail'eivibly, annually eletfted, is theonly one in which there is any responsibility for the exercise of power. In the mixed government we contend for, theminifters, atleaft for the execu tive power, are responsible for every instance of the exercise of it ; and if they difpo'fe of a single commiifion by corruption, they are responsible to a houfeof representatives, who may, by impeach ment, make them responsible before a senate, where they may be accused, tried, condemned, and puriifhed, by independent judges. But in a single sovereign aflembly, each member, at the end of his year, is only responsible to his constitu ents ; and the majority of members who have been of one party, and carried all before them, are to be responsible only to their condiments, not to the conftituenrs of the minority who have been overborne, injured, and plundered. And who are these constituents to whom the majority are accountable ? Those very persons, to gratify whom they have prostituted the honours, rewards, wealth, and jullice of the state. These, instead of punifhirig will applaud ; instead of dif'carding, will re-eledl, with still greater eclat,and a more numerous majority ; for the losing cause will be deferred by numbers : and this will be done in hopes of having Itill more injuflice done, Itill more honours and profits divided among theni felves, to the exclusion and mortification of the minority. It is then astonishing that such a fun pie government should be preferred to a mixed one, by any raijnal creature, on the score of re sponsibility. There is, in short, no pollible way of defending the minority, in such a government, from the tyranny of the majority, but by giving the former a negative on the latter, the molt ab" surd institution that ever took place among men. As the major may bear all polfible relations of proportion to the minor part, it may be fifty-one agairift forty-nine in an allembly of an hundred, or it may be ninety-nine against one only : it be comes therefore neceflary to give the negative to the minority, in all cases, though it be ever so small. Every member must poflefs it, or he can never be secure that himfelf and his constituents ihall not be facrificcd by all the reft. This is the true ground and original of the liberum veto in Poland ; but the consequence has been ruin to that noble but ill-constituted republic. One fool, or one knave, one member of the diet, which is a single sovereign aflembly, bribed by an intrigu ing ambaflador of some foreign power, has pre vented ineafures the most eflential to the defence, fafety, and existence of the nation. Hence hu miliations and partitions ! This also is the rea son on which is founded the law of the United Netherlands, that all the seven provinces must be unanimous in the aflembly of the States General ; and all the cities and other voting bodies in the aflemblies of the separate states. Having 110 fuf ficient checks in their uncouth constitution, nor any mediating power poflefled of the whole exe cutive, they have been driven to demand unani mity instead of a balance : and this must be d >ne in every government of a single aflembly, or the majority will instantly oppress the minority. But what kind of government would that be in the United States of America, or anyone of them, that fliould require unanimity, or allow of the li berum veto ? It is fufficieiit to ask the queltion, for every man will answer it alike. FINANCIAL MEMENTO^ From the FEDERAL GAZETTE. I HAVE had my attention seriously engaged by the publication of the Estimate of the Supplies requisite for the United States in the year 1 7SO. 011 investigating this report of a committee, it appears that the annual demands 011 the Union for the civil lift expenditures,the instalments due 011 foreign loans, and the interest on the foreign and domestic debt, amount to 3,207,096 21-90 Deduct instalments a'pd pre mium on the loan 490,962 8} 90 2,716,133 24-90 which is the clear amount of the annual contri butions for the support of government —for the payment of the instalments is a liquidation of so much of the capital of the foreign debt, which by being exiinguifhed, will require a proportion ally less sum to be raised in subsequent years for interest; As for the various arrearages,which the report takes notice of, and which form the balance of the sum total, they are not to be considered as an annual demand, but will probably be consolidat ed with the capital of the debt* and the interest thereon be alone required. So far from room for despondency in the minds of the good people of these States, by such a re presentation of their affairs, it exhibits the most flattering and favorable -profpedts. The annual requisitions will not amount to a dollar per head, £ilimatingthe population .of the .Union at three millions : A fir.all demand, in exchange for such invaluable bleltings as peace, liberty and inde pendence ; and which mult be lightly felt in a ountry that can afford to pay three {hillings per day lor a common laborer. It is not probably a fourth of the contributions that we Ihould have been compelled to turnilh towards our proportion of the national debt ot Great Britain, if we s .ad remained under the domination of that haughty and exacting nation. But letus enquire what is the relative iituation of other countries, with reipeCt to quantum of public contributions. Great Britain under the operation of a govern ment, that it mull be confelled pays pointed at tention to her agricultural, commercial and ma. nufaifturing pursuits, flourilhes, notwithllanding an accumulation of public debt, that demands an annual supply of lixteen millions sterling, to fatisfy its interelt,and support her other expences. But the people are so little opprelled by these demands, that tkey are enabled, with ease, to raifc by taxation a fufticient sum to constitute a linking fund,which in the course of the lalt year extingui/hed two millions of the capital of the national debt. Calculating on eight milions of inhabitants in Great Britain, there will be apportioned to each individual, as an annual contribution, forty Ih'llings llerling, which is betwixt eight and nine dollars per head.—What a flattering conli deration for the citizens of the United States, arises out of the comparative iituation of the two countries !—But what renders the reflection ltill more pleasing, is, that Great Britain may be deemed Itationary, if not declining, in her population, and consequent resources. But the United States present an unbounded field for pro grellive population ; and the encrcafe of inhabi tants will ease the burthen of the debt, by addi tional numbers participating in the support ofits weight. This augmentation does not only arise from natural increase in a country firuated like Ameri ca, where the means of fubliftence aie so easily to be procured—but likewise from the rapid emi gration that will neceilarily take place, from the fupeiior encouragement that a government, so well conllituted to favor civil and religious liber ty, and protect the rights of property, will offer. Such emigrations are usually, accompanied with conliderable acquisitions of property, which add to the general Itock of the community. When the United States of America have ar ranged their financial fj Item, and made ample provision for their exilling claims, the progrellivc increase of the taxes, arising from various cau ses, joined to the sales of the western teritory, will form a conliderable surplus, that may be applied to the gradual and speedy extinction of the capital of the public debt. The beneficial cffetfts of the funding system, when founded on proper principles, will be felt through all clafles of the community—as it will throw into circulation the capital of the domellic debt, increase thereby the general ltock of the country, and facilitate the various purposes of alienation. It a comparative view was formed of the pub lic debts of France, Spain, or Holland, the Uni ted States would find, that it would induce are fult much more favorable than even that with Great Britain. This communication of Congress c.'.n therefore give no cause of exultation to the enemies of the government. Foreign nations inuft refpeifi the resources of a country, abounding in such pow erful means, and so unfettered by its present en gagements. A FRIEND to the UNION. ADDRESS 10 THE PRESIDENT. RDENTON, (N. C.) lOLY9. The following ADDRESS of the Gai'fTvorand Council of this State, has lately been prrj /.trd to Ceneru! IVAShINQTQN, President of the United States : Jo which he has been plc.ifed to return the Anjwcr thereunto subjoined. To his Excellency GEORGE WASHINGTON, Efquiie, Prefi > dent of the United Stales. S 1 R, AJMIDST the congratulations which surround you from all quarters, WE, lire Governor and Council of the Stat:: of North- Carolina, beg 1 ave to offer ours, with equal fmcerity and ferven cy with any which can be presented to you. Though this-St. te be not yet a member of the Union under the new. form of govern ment, we look forward with the pleasing hope-os its shortly be coming inch ; and in the mean time confidtr ourselves bound ;n ■ common interefl end affection with the other States* waiting on'y for the happy event of such a't rations b< ing proposed as will remove the apprehenficns of many of' the.good c itizens of th s State, tor those libei ties for which they have fought and fuf fer din common with others. This happy event, we doubt not will be accelerated by your Excellency's appointment to the firft office in the Union, fm:e we are well allured the fame greatnek of ir.jod* which 111 all scenes has so eminently charaftu riled your Excellency, will induce you to advifeevery measure calculated to compofepaity diviiionSj.and to abate anv animofit* that maybe ex cited by a mereaiffeience in opinion. Your Excellency will con derfhowever others may f.rget)how extremely difficult it is to unite ail the people of a.great country in one common sentiment upon lmolt any political much Jess upon a new form of govern m\nt n \ ateriall y from one they have been accufl.omed to. and will therefore rather be disposed to rejoice that so much has been effected, than regret thai more could not all at once be ac compli (bed. We ft nceniv.believe America is the only country 11 tie woi Id where luch a deliberate change of government could P'ace under any circumilances whatever. hope .your Exce'llcncy will pardon the liberty.we take in wriiin® so particularly on this fubjefl ; tut this Srate, however it tnav liitrer in any political opinions with the other States, cordial ly jo ns wit.i them in sentiments of the utmoli gratitude and ve- ration for those diftinjui-thrd ta!:r. ssrd thdt Hiuftrioui winch we fee! a pride ia' faying we believe, under God, have be"' 'he principal mcaju of prticiving the liberty and pTocurinnh independence of our country. We cannot help confide™?°o' Sir,in some measure, as the father of it, and hope to experience'th' good effetts of that confidence you fojnltlv have acquired, in an abatement ol the party spirit whichjo much endangers a Uniono which the fafety and happiness ol America ran alone befounded May that Union, at a Ihnrt distance of lime,be asperfeftar.d more" fafc than ever! And in the mean while, mav the State of NortH Carolina be confidrred. as it truly rleferves to be, attached wit', equal warmth any State in the Union,to the true interest, prof, perity, and glory of America, differing onlv in some particulars in opinion as to the nit ans of promoting them ! SAMUEL JOHNSON. By order and on behalf of the Council, Jamls Iredell, President. By order, William JohnJton DawL May to, 1789. Clerk Council. To the CovEiisoi and Council of the State of North-Carolina. Gentlemen, IT was fcorcely possible for any address to have given me great er plealure than that which.l have jufl received from you; because I conlider it not only demonstrative of your approbation of m-' conduct in acceptingthe fitft office inthe union,but altoindicative of the good dilpotitions of the citizens of your State towards their lifter Slates, and of the probability of their fpccdily acceding to tne new general government. In juftfiidtion of the opinion which you are pleased to express of my readinefsto advifc every' rneafure calculated to compose ' party divilions, and to abate any animofitv that may be excited ' by mere difference of opinion,' I take the liberty of referring y u to the fcntiments communicated by ine, to the two Houfesot Congress. On this occalion, lam ltkewife happy in being able to add the ftroogeft alfurances, that I entertain a well grounded ex pectation that nothing will be wanting on the part of the different branches ol the general government to render the union asperietf, and more late than ever it has bfeo. A difference of opinion ou points is not to be imputed to freemen as a fault; lince it is to be prefumcd that they are all afiuated by an equally laudable and sacred regard for the liberties ol then country. II the mind is so formed in different perfonsas to consider the lame object to be somewhat different in its nature and consequences, as it happeni to be placed in different points oj view, and if the oldelt, the ablcft, and the mod virtuous flatefmea have olten differed in judgment as to the best forms of govern ment*—we ought, indeed, rather to reioicethat so much has been cff'lttd, than to icgret that more could not all at once pliHicd. Giatified by the favorable fentimerits which are evinced in your addrefi to me, und impressed with an idea that the citizens of your State are sincerely attached to the interest, the prosperity, and the glory ol America, I molt carneitly implore the divine benedidioa and guidance"in the councils which are Ihortlyto be taken by their delegates on a fubjett of the most momentous consequence, I mean the political relation which is to subsist herealter, between the State of North-Carolina, and the States now in union under tJic new general government. C. WASHINGTON. New-York, June 19, 1789. A SEW METHOD Of MAKING POTASH. PUT your ashes into your fatts about four inches deep, then put in flack lime about two inches deep, then put in your aihes as ui'ual— when begining to boil, put in about the bignefe of an hen's egg of hog's fat every day when boil ing, into each kettle, and skim your kettles once a day, which will take of all the fat ; and when drying clown your falts,throw in a piece of allum, one ounce, and take great notice about yourfalts fettling-»-when they once fettle, it will not be but a few minutes before there will be a fmallcrufton the top,but it w ill follow boilingup immediately, —as soon as the boiling is all over the kettles, then stir it until it leaves of at frying, then dip it off into your coolers. The melting down is accomplilhed in 45 minutes, that used to take four or five hours. From a VIRGINIA PAPER. (Puhlijltei so authority.) THE public are advertifed,that the French pack et-boats, which had been suspended by order of government, are lately re-eltablifhed—and that from the 1 sth of March, 1789, a packet-bcat will fail from the port of Bourdeaux, the 15th March, 1 sth May, 15th July, 15th September, 15th No vember, and 15th January, in every year, which will take charge of the letters and packets intend ed to be sent to the United States of America.— Tliefe veflels will arrive alternately at New-York and at Norfolk, where they will deposit the mails they bring, and take those intended for 1 ranee, which they will convey directly to Bourdeaux. On their departure from France, there will be made out two lifts, the one addrelled to the Di rector of the French poll at New-York, compre hending all the letters directed to the States 01 New-Hamplliire,Mafiachufetts-Bay.llhode-Ill3na, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennfyb 3 ' nia, and Delaware; the other addreflcd to ue Vice-Consul of France in Virginia, containing th e letters for Maryland, Virginia, North, and Sou Carolina, and Georgia. The fupei intendance of the packet bo®' s Norfolk, being confined t