Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 29, 1789, Page 122, Image 2

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    Ext raff of a letter from Smyrna, dated Dec. 2.
" I have seen Mr. \V haley, and two other gen
tlemen. They are going to Jerusalem, to decide
a bet of 30,0001. which Mr. \V haley has laid with
the Duke of Leinfter, Lord Dkogheda, and
some others. They go from hence to Cyprus,
thence to Jaffa, and from that to Jerusalem ; and
return to mis place by Aleppo. 1 hey intend af
terwards going to Constantinople, to take a trip
up to the islack Sea, visit the Archipelago, land
at Meflina, view Etna, and the other parts of Si
cily, and return to England tlirjugh Italy, Swit
zerland, and France."
Miss Pukney was certainly offered to Mr. Pitt,
by her father. The terms were these : Mr.Pulte
ney would forego his whole fortune, except five
tlioufand pounds, pr. an. to the young couple,
provided he was created Earl of Bath, with re
mainder to Mr. Pitt's children. By this marriage
the Minister would have enjoyed a neat 25,000k
pr. annum.
Miss Pulteney, it isnowfaid, is to be married to
the Duke of M-arlborough's eldeltfon.
Mr. Burke, in the High Court of Parliament,
Westminster-Hall, on the 21ft of April lall, com
menting upon the grievances, as Hated by Mr.
Hastings, in his petition, of having already beer,
put to 50,000k expense, observes as follows; " bu,
with what confidence, with what frontlefs auda
city is such a llateinent made, at a time, when 1
pledged myfelf to prove that he has received in
one lingle solitary bribe not only the amount of
this expence, but of all possible expence of this
trial ! 1 know too, that the prisoner has obtained
testimonials, written firft in English, turned after
wards into the Persian language, re-translated in
to fcinglilh, and which certainly had obtained the
signatures of many refpetftable names in India !
But if all the natural influence of government were
lobe done away, if all the gratitude of individuals
were to be obliterated, and all the deep-rooted
fears of the inhabitants removed, before such of
fences can be established, then, from this period,
delinquency is fafe, atid prosecution fraitlefs.
Mr. Marshal, in his Rural Economy of Yorkjbire,
makes mention of an ingenious device employed
by the inhabitants of the vale of Pickering, for
making rain-water answer thepurpofesof domes
tic economy, viz. by mak'ng deep cijlerns under
ground. But this, we beg leave to observe, is not
peculiar to this diftritf, or to England. In Tuf.
cany, near Sienna, where all the spring-water has
an unwholesome impregnation, it is the practice
of all families to have these under ground cisterns,
where they preserve the rain water. We have
been informed by an ingenious gentleman wh 1
resides in this country that the root of every house
v catches as much rain water as all the family wants,
that they have two cisterns, one to catch the fii ft
shower, which washes the roof clean, and when
this is done, they turn the water into a second
cistern, where the purest water for drinking, &c.
is preserved. This gentleman further informed
us, that their cisterns were from 20 to 30 feet be
low the furface, and that the water in them was
more pure, transparent, and fpirity, than the belt
fpiing-water he ever tailed. To many of our
readers, this information may be acceptable.
[.Englijh paper: received in the lajl vefjel, as late
as May 19, Jlate in general, That
Hasting's trial engrofles the attention of the
public—more especially as his friends and himfelf,
by a petition to the Parliament, have endeavored
»to get Mr. Burke impeached for having ailerted
something in the trial, irrelative to the charges
exhibited againlt him.—ln the Commons this pe
tition has been debated three days, and a Com
mittee appointed to fearcli for precedents. The
Ministry join Hastings—but it is supposed to be
a fetch of the Delinquent, to put an end to the
IN FRANCE—aII eyes are directed to the States
General, which aflembled April 27, at Versailles
where every accommodation is provided for them
—and where gallaries are ereifted to accommodate
3000 persons—who are admitted by tickets—there
are other to accommodate the people.
IN RUSSlA—every preparation is making for
carrying on the war with the utmost vigour.
This power has 200,000 men ready to take the field
IN GERMANY—the like exertions are making
with a large army. The Emperor's convalescence
adding frefh vigour to them.
SWEDEN—arming with spirit against Russia :
hut liitening with some attention to a proposal
for peace, made by rhe King of Prussia.
PRUSSIA—on the watch—with a large army,
ready for immediate a<stion.
POLAND—guaranteed in her neutrality, by
Russia and Pruiiia.
THE TURKS arming with vigour, determined
that the crefent shall not be humbled to the cross ;
or that the whim of the European Potentates lliall
be law for the Sublime Porte.
On the whole it appears, that the " dogs of
war" will again be let loose—and that the late
ceflation from havock, has only fhnrpened their
appetite for blood.]
rARIS, (France) APRIL 23.
The principal Instructions to the Deputies to the
Statu General, are—A fixed Revenue tor the King ;
Refponjibility of the Itiinijlers ; —A itate of the na
tional debt; —A fund for the payment of part, and
for a national fecutity for the reit ; A p. nodical
Ajfembly of the State* ; The LIBERTY Of THE
PRESS ; —Perfonal freedom, and an aflurance of
property ; Turnpikes for the repair of the high
ways ; Habeas Corpus, and TRIAL BY JURY ; —
Abolition of curtom duties, for goods brought
from one province to another ; —The receipt of
taxes by means less burthenfome and oppreJfive
than by the Farmers-General ; —Annihilation 01
tliofe small offices by which the privilege and
rank of Nobility are now obtained ; and—An e
qual participation of all taxes.
to the States-General.
" Verfaiiles, April 27, 1789.
" THE DAY, Gentlemen, for which my heart
waited with emotion is at last arrived, and 1 fee
nyfelf surrounded by the Representatives of ana-
Lion, over which I elteem it a glory to reign. A
long interval has elapsed since an ailembly of the
itaies General has been held ; and although con
vocations of this kind seemed in some measure to
have fallen into disuse, I did not hesitate to re
eltablifh a custom, which may impart additional
vigour, and open new sources of happiness to the
" The national debt, which was immense at
my accession to the throne, has increased under
my reign : an expenlive, but honorable war has
been the cause of it ; and an augmentation of im
ports was the natural confeqnence. A general
alarm, with an ardent wish for innovations, pervad
ed the public mind, and an union of wife and mo
derate councils mull avert the threatened danger.
It is with confidence, gentlemen, I have convened
you ; and I fee with pleasure that this confidence
is juftified by the disposition the two firft orders
nave shewn, in renouncing their pecuniary exemp
tions. The hopes I have conceived of feeing all
. be Orders united in sentiment, and co-operating
with me to the general welfare of the State, will
not be disappointed. I have ordered some consi
derable retrenchments of expense, and shall pe
ruse with solicitous attention every fuggeltion that
shall be presented to me on that : But
notwithflanding the resources -which the Irrtleji eco
nomy can introduce, I am afraid, gentlemen, I shall
not be able to relieve my fubjefls as fpeedil* as 1 could
v,ijh ; the real situation of the finances fill belaid
before you, gentlemen ; and when yott have ex
amined them, 1 am certain that you will propose
the molt efficacious means of establishing perma
nent order in them, and restoring the public cre
dit. 1 his grand and salutary work, which will
insure happiness to the whole kingdom within,
and promote its consequence abroad, will be the
firft objecft of ourferious attention. The people's
minds are in a state of perturbation, but an atiem
bly of the Representatives will only listen to the
voice of wisdom. You must be sensible, gentle
men, that on several recent occasions, prudence
has not been ftriftly adhered to ; but the predo
minant spirit of your deliberations will corres
pond with the true sentiments of a generous na
tion, the character of which has always been a
firm attachment to her Monarchs ; *nd I, 011 my
part, will banish every otheh refledion. lam con
scious of, and fatisfied with, the authority and
power which a just and upright King will be ever
able to maintain over an enlightened and a loyal
people. To promote their happiness will, as it
ought to do, form the principal felicity of my life,
and they have a right to expert the *arineft zeal,
the mort tender interefl for the public weal, and
whatever, in Ihort, may be hoped for from a So
vereign, who feels himfelf the firft and truest
friend of his lubjects, and who considers his af
recftion for them as his greateil glory.
" May unanimity, gentlemen, reign in thisAf
fembly and this epoch become memorable for
laying the foundation of the happiness and prof
pei ity of the kingdom ! It is what my heart longs
to fee, and the molt ardent of all my wishes it
is the reward I am entitled ro,forthe uprightness
° m y'. ntent i° ns > and my sincere attachment to
my fubjeifts.
" My keeper of the Seals will more diffufely
explain riiydefires, and I have ordered the Direc
tor-General of the Finances to lay proper and ex
adt accounts of them before you."
[YrJ The magnanimous policy conspicuous in the above Speech
the openness, candor, and paternal affection which breathes in
very line of it, contrasted with the edicts of former Kings of the
fame nation, evince the hberahty, enlightened policy and fvb er ior
wisdom of the present era—THE ERA OF FREEDOM nr
brTth RS £ L ÜBERTY 'In Western tofld,
broke the chams which held mankind in fcrv;tudc— and havincr
fixed her temple in our favoured country, (he is fpreadine her fa
lutary reign throughout the world. Europe bows to h«fr sway :
Hct-fire e'er. Fr ak c z presumes to feel,
And half unsheathes the PatriotJleel,
Enough the power to dismay,
That dare to violate the Laves,
Which vindicate her Jacred cause,
Or guard the People's rights, or re,gn the Sovereign's sway.
The wife and magnanimous monarch of Franrp . l
voice of Liber ty, fees that in restoring htfXft'so the
freemen, his kingdom wUI be Orengthencd-hL glory and haopt
ness promoted—and his authority and power continued,,*
How tar the trial of Hast.ks, lor his tyrannies in the F. ail
tend to extend ,he sway of Liberty to Xfu-or w« ffl
late ettort to emancipate the tons ot Africa from their chair ,
meet with, time only can determine. The attempt is K ,
auspicious and augurs much good.] [Majjadufus Craft .Tj''
BOSTON, JULY 22, 1789.
Extracts from letters received from the/ate Dr T
so m, of London, to his friend in this tvwii
" I received with great pleaiure thy letter
containing an exti'ad: of another from Genera!
Washington,in which that Hero, who efi'eCte l
with little bloodlhed, the greateit revolutioni»
History, breathes the fentiinents of true philan
"AT our ensuing anniversary, I fl la ll pennit
Dr. Hawes to peruse, and communicate the con
tents to our members, which do you equal honor
and at the fame time refled: credit upou our info,
ftution.— It is the glorious principle of gen
uine cliriftianity, to breathe univet falcharity-Lia
every clime, and under every revolution of human
affairs, it dictates the fame language—Humanity i n
the molt enlarged sense."
" I have not the honor of knowing, or corres
ponding with Gen. W a s h i n gto n, but if any o p.
portunity offers, might I presume upon communi
cating to him the cordial approbation his humane
sentiments have imprefled upon me ? A warrior
cloathed with humanity and wisdom, is thefvm
bol of Minerva, and few have united them. Tn
ren i had courage and some degree of humanity;
but he it was that burnt the Palatinate, and had the
Nero-like pleasure of feing thirteen cities inflames.
Scirio's humanity was ltained with the deftrnc
tion of Carthage—and Rome fell for want of a rival.
Alexander the Great, and the modern Fredii.
1c k had their ltains of cruelty. Butyour HERO
without the HClor of Cincinnati, was obeyed!
conquered, and retired, without the foul stain of
blood ; and now having no occalion for the £gis
of Minerva, he cheriihes the influence ofherwif
" London, March 7, 1789.
" AS I have very lately answered thy obliging
letter, containing an extract from Gen. Wash
ington's, I have nothing particular to add, fur
ther than apologetic." " 1 shewed Dr. Hawes
thy letter, who made an extradl, and printed it
for the use merely of* the Directors of the Humane
Society. It was received, certainly, with great
refpedt, and did credit to the writer, but at the
<ame time, it is not agreeable to me to print any
thing without permiliionof the writer."
" OUR anniversary dinner was attended by a
bout 500. In my address to those gentlemen, is
efficto, being Treafiirer, I introduced the extract
from Gen. VV ashing to n's letter as part of my
speech, which was received with acclamation and
plaudits.—Lord Fi> E,the Bishop of st. David's,
Lord Stam/ord, and Lord Willouchey he
Broke, were present.
" London, March 31, 1759.
Thefollowing is an extraCifrom Gen. Washing ton's
" \ OUR refpedtable favor, covering a recent
publication of the proceedings of the Humane So
ciety, has, within a few days pall, been put into
my hands.
" I observe, with lingular fatisfacftion, the ca
ses in which your benevolent institution has been
instrumental in recalling some of our fellow-crea
tures (as it were) from beyond the gates of eter
nity, and has given occasion for the hearts of pa
rents and friends to leap for joy. The provilion
made for Ihip-wrecked mariners is also highlyef
timable in the view of every philanthropic mind,
and greatly consolatory to that fufrering part ot
the community. These things will draw upon
you the blellings of those who were nigli to per
ilh. These works of charity and goodwillto
wards men, refle<ft, in my estimation, great lultre
upon the authors, and presage an era of Hill fa
ther improvements.
In the begining of the late revolution we were
repeatedly told, that our vacant lands would ae
fray all the expences of the war. Congress are
wifely about to realize that declara ion by open
ing a land-office for the sale of their western ter
ritories. They will in a short time fink the o
meftic debt of the United States, and thereby
prevent our entailing a heavy and ruinous i»' er
eft upon our posterity. Pennsylvania has'" 11
nearly a million of pounds of her propoi'tj 011
the national debt,by the sale of her back lands, a"
had the late funding lyftem been delayed one) e "