Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 25, 1789, Page 119, Image 3
j affection from this legiflatuve—that in fp \.,, P ndituresof' the public money, the gien 'If' LnmV ought to be observed—that thi J 1 //ns ofthe people will be fufficiently great, t ie theabfolutelv neceilary fupplies,many o, P™V ties it was observed might be pei formed L_ fc Secretary of the Senate—that encreafingot £ , andoroviding for the minutiae of admini Son in this way, would fupercede the necel • f a legillative body —whole expence 011 this. r is „eedlefs, &c. It was therefore move. fhat the firft clause of the reloluuon fliould bi lLi -ro k tUcfc and many more observations, Mr. Vining replied, in defence of his propoiuion— bathe had waited till the bills for the executive departments were compleated—ln. '■'nil that thole bills did not embrace the object.- f the resolutions— that these objects are ot 1111- ° rtance and ought to be noticed will be gram ed—this department is as neceilary as any elta bliflied except that of the treasury—The Preh .lent Ihouldbe relieved from the burden of tbek inferior duties as much as pollible—governmen, is a complicated machine—The Prefulent fhoulu be at the head, to fuperinrend the w hole—he ibould have his mind free and unembarraHed. that he may more effectually observe the move ments ofthe various parts.—As to tothe expence ; he obferved,that this would be a plan of economy : information 011 these points is neceilary to be bad—and the question is, whether a contidentiaj officer is not a better medium, than vague inform, ation, by letters fromperfons, perhaps intei efteci to deceive. He then adverted to the several du ties to Ihew their importance, that they are not comprized in any oliice already constituted, and could not with any propriety come under the cog nizance of those departments. Mr. Vining pointedly disclaimed all personal motives, i;i bringing forward this bulincfs—he came forth, he observed, upon the broad basis of the public good. The motion for striking out the clause, bein» put, palled in the affirmative.—The committee thenrofe, and the Speaker relumed the chair. Mr. Sedgwick introduced a motion that a committee be appointed to bring in a billfupple mentary to the acft for eftablilhing the depart ment of foreign affiairs—declaring that said de partment should hereafter be denominated to which certain additional duties were to be annexed —fucli as keeping the seals, making out comniiflions, &c. &c. This motion after some debate was negatived, and then the House adjourned. KRIPAY, JULY 24. Mr. Gerry ofthe committee appointed for thatpurpofe, brought ill abill to provide for the registering, and clearing of veflels—for regulat ing their tonnage, and the coalting trade, which was read—voted that 100 copies be printed for the House. The engroflecl bill for allowing compensations toTHE I'kESI DF.NI aild VICE PRiSIDtNT, sol" their refpee r tive services, was read a third time — this bill provides that the '/ia-PreJident flrall, in cafe the powers and duties of the President de volve upon him, receive the compensation allow ed to the President, and his allowance as Vice- President is then to cease. Uponmotion it was voted that this bill be re committed, and that the House will this day re folveitfelf into a committee of the whole for the purpose of taking the fame intoconfideration. The committee to whom was recommitted the till to provide for the settlement of accounts be tween the United States and individual States, re ported an amendment to said bill, which impow ersthe President of the United States to nomi nate and appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, proper persons to lill such yacancies as have taken place, or may happen, in the Hoard of Conimillioners 011 Accounts, ap pointed under the ordinanceof the late Congress, alio authorizing said Board to appoint a Chief Clerk, and luch other clerks as the service may require. iliis amendment after some debate,was adopt ed, and the bill ordered to be engrolledfora third reauing on Monday next. In committee of the whole. Mr. B cud i not in the chair. l lie engrolled bill for allowing compensations tO . ' :e i'relidentand Vice Prelident was then read, an amended, by more particularly fpecifying the t'lne \\hen the compenfat'* ns lliall commence, Y z - At the time when theyfhall enter on the uties of their respeCtive stations." he clause refpecling the Vice-President's re ceiving the compenlation of President, in cafe the powers and duties of that office should devolve pon him, was voted to be ltruck out. he committee then rose—and it was ordered 'bat the bill lye on the table. P°n motion ofMr. Fitzsimons, theeftimate fiderat" 1 was and taken into con- r tllen v . ote d 'hat a committee of ways and \.' c appointed, to which the said eitimate »as refcred. Upon motion it was voted that this committee on (I it of eleven—the ballots being collected, the jllowing gentlemen were chnfen, viz. Meflrs Livermore, Vining, Gerry, Smith, (Maryland) W adi'v/ortli, Madifori, Laurance, Smith, (S. C.) Cadwallader, Jackson, Fitzfnnons, Adjourned. UPON THE MANU FACTURE OF GLASS. BO 1 FLES, blackor green, are tliemoftfim ple of all the glass manufacture—the profit in naking which depends upon the greatelt number of workmen being employed at the smallest ex ,:>enfe of fuel. From eight to sixteen blowers can work all at once, at one melting furnace, fix feet iiameter, which Mill take fixcordsof wood every wenty-four hours. The belt coiiftrufted green glafi furnace in this country is in New-Jersey— where the whole business of smelting, blowing, and cooling is done with one fire, by the particu lar conllrmftion of the furnace. WHI FE GLASS may also be made in the fame furnace : but it is much more curious in its com pofitio'n : for to make it white, it must partake ;>f all the colours—for this reason—in smelting the purest materials, they naturally have a green ish and purplish tinge ,• to dislodge which a black illi foffil fubltance is made use of—upon this prin ciple, that one colour in glass making will destroy another ; so that at last a beautiful glass is produ ced called -white ; but like the chriftaline humour of the eye, it partakes of all the colours, as may be fcen in the best Englilh white glass, which has a changeablenefs like soap bubbles ; but in the best London crown glass, or mirrours, you will not perceive any of that fpaikling, changeable power, because it would distort the object fefcn through or reflected, on account of the refracting power of such glass ; therefore this is made of pure salts and sand only and has a native greyifli colour, as maybe feenby the broken pieces that, like water, they may reflect the objeifts tru- Jy- CROWN GLASS may be made here to greater profit than any other glass—on account of the plenty and cheapness of materials—the quantity that can be made—and the great consumption of it.—The method of making which—form and di menfionsof the furnace—preparations of the ma terials—l lhall wave for particular reasons. A GLASS"MAKER. FOREIGN AND lOMESTIC MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. LONDON, APRIL 9. It is said that the following fix noblemen hold 43 boroughs at their disposal : LOl d Lonfdale, 11 Duke of Newcastle, 8 Lord Elliot of Port Elliot, 7 Lord Oxford, 7 Lord Falmouth, 5 Lord Edgecombe, y A molt outiageous tumult has happened at Barcelona, in Spain, in consequence of the high price of bread. 011 the ill ult. a very numerous mob began to fetfire to the town magazines,where the corn is deposited. Having finifhed here, they burnt two houses belonging to principal corn dealers, besides some others. The King of Sweden has received the molt af fectionate addreHejfrom all parts ofliis kingdom, declaring how extremely ready the people are to second Uis willies for carrying 011 the war. The Finlanders have been particulaily forward, which is the more agreeable to his Majefly, as it was feared that these people would be gained over by the Empress of Rulua, their ancient Sovereign. She has not been wanting in promises towards tlieni, but they have been rejected. Even tliofe towns which lie nearest the borders of Ruflialiave seemed the molt loyal to the King; of Sweeden. • t This spirit, which runs through every part of the mukitude, will have the molt beneficial ef sects in the prosecution of the war. The famous Abbe de Raynal is now living at Marleilles, in the 76th year of his age. He was requelted by that city to be their representative at the States General, but excused himfelfon ac count of his age and infiriuities. The following is an extract of a letter he wrote to the magistra cy, as an apology for not accepting their oiler : " GENTLEMEN, " I am now in my 76th year, and four months tedious sickness has deprived me of the small re mains of physical as well as moral strength of mind, which age had left me. The least reflec tion weakens my enfeebled nerves. You will from thence judge, that under these circumstan ces, I can neither fulfil the fundtionsof bein^your representative, with that dignity which is clue to you, or, if 1 may be allowed to fay it, to myfelf." Last week died Jervis Gibfon, Esq. senior al derman of Lincoln, aged 84. His death was oc casioned by taking poison through a mistake.— Having been in the medical line, he used to mix his own medicines ; and, intending to take some f ills, he ordered his servant to bring him a paper out of a drawer, part of the contents of which he mixed in warm water, and after drinking it off, on finding a sediment, he was alarmed, and oil examining the paper found he had taken corro- I five sublimate. The proper means were tried without efFeift, and he died in half an hour. The j coroner's inquest, on view of the body, bi ought in their verdict, accidental death. NEW-HAVEN, JULY IJ. The anniversary of Independence was cele brated here the 9th inft. by the Society of the Cincinnati.—After fele<sling their otlicers for the ensuing year, they went in procession to the Brick Meetting-Houfe, where divine services wa performed, by the Rev. -N. Perkins—After which Col. David Humphreys delivered an elegant Oration—The profound attention and united and reiterated applauses of a most 1 efpec table and brilliant audience, are the best pane gyric upon this ingenious, sensible and manly production. NEW-YORK, JULY2S, 1789. On Tliurfday I ast that venerable patriot CHARLES THOMPSON, Esq. religned to The President of the United States his office of Se cretary to Congress—a post which he has filled for nearly Fifteen Years, with reputation tohiui felf, and advantage to his country. When Heav'n propitious fmii'd upon our arms, Or scenes adverle ipread terror and alarms. Thro' every change the Patriot was the fame— And FAITH and ROPL attended THOMPSON'S NAME. From Georgia to Nevj-HatnpJhire the public pa pers teem with accounts of the joyous cele bration of INDEPENDENCE. —The present Anniversary appears to be considered by every part of the continent, as a 1110 ft auspicious era in the hiftoryof our country —anticipatingtlie bles sings of security and good government under the administration of our excellent Constitution > Independence appears adorned with new lustre. A correspondent obf'erves, that there are sever al circumstances which concur to embarrass the circulating medium of this city—one is the ex cess which is put 011 the value of French crowns— this conduces to the advantage,not of the citizens, but of ft angers, who makeaprofit of 1 pi. cent, upon all the crowns they biing here : This cir cumstance drives the change out of circulation, and the dollars out of the State. Another embarrailing circuniftance is the want of small bills of the paper money—none being is sued less than five lhillings : To diminish this dif ficulty, recourse was had to an expedient which has increased the evil—and that is the introduc tion of an iminenfe quantity of copper coin :— This arrived at last to such an abuse of the public confidence that their circulation 011 a sudden has aim oft ceased ; but to the cruel injury of many persons who fuffer by this sudden stagnation ; the injury is not much alleviated by being told that they must part with tlieir property at a loss of 200 pr. cent, some advertizing that tliey will take coppers at 60 to the shilling which have been cur. rent a 20.—These things ought not so to be. The education of youth in all free countries, has always been a prime objedt of attention.—An enlightened people can never be enslaved :—The nioft benevolent plans for the poor are the means of acquiring knowledge :—The wife and virtu ous are sometimes plunged indiftrefs; but the wretched part of every community will general ly be found to consist of those who have been neg ledted in their education, or who never were in circumstances to acquire information.—Every so ciety is bound to make public provision for the inftrucftion of the poor, Extraß of a letter from Boflon, July 7. Commencement was celebrated on Wednesday last, with the usual eclat —variety, ingenuity and taste were difcoveied in the several exhibition*. A 1110 ft numerous and biilliant collection of la dies were present.—Forty-six young gentlemen received the Bachelors Degree. — It is expected that the gentlemen who are cho sen to represent this State in the Senate of the Congress of the United States, viz. Philip Schuyler, and Ruius King, Esquires, will take their feats in that honorable body in a few days. Mr. King arrived here on Wednesday, from Albany, and Mr. Schuyler it is supposed, is now on his way from that city. The Hon. Abiel Foster is elected a Repre sentative of the United States, for the Diftri«st of New-Hampshire—this choice compleats the Fe deral Legislature. Several fanners, in the vicinity of Hartford, have, the week past, reaped their English grain, which proves exceedingly good : in consequence of which, oldgrain is plenty, and the price con siderably fallen ! [Con. Coi/r ] (fsT"Amcricanus is unavoidably omitted.—Original Specimens of Kloquence will be continued. _______ ARRIVALS. NEW-YORK. Thursday Sloop Jenny, Taylor, St. Croix. 7 days. Friday. Brig Lovely Peggy, White, Montego-Bay. Schooner Hawk, Matthews, Grenada. Polly, Burnham, Cape Francois. 12 days. Sloop Union, Watson, Philadelphia, Sloop Unity, Simmers, Philadelphia. 6 days. Sloop Charlotte, Chafe, St. John's, 24.