The Speaker informed the House that the en -11 d bill to provide for the titablifhment ot V-ht houles, beacons, and buoys, was ready for h infpeAiou of the committee, who Ihould ex ine and present the fame to the President, foi approbation and signature. ~: ]\j AD i so N moved that the lioule Ihould now ( 1 n itfelf into a committee of the whole, on the (hte of the Union, to take into confideratioa the fubie<ft of amendments to the Conllitution. Mr Ames proposed that the committee of the whole houl'eihould be discharged from their ob lation to conlider the motion of Btli of J une on the subject of amendments, and that the laid mo ion and such other amendments as have been proposed by the several States be refered to a spe cial committee— this being seconded by several members, occasioned a debate, which terminated in favor of the motion of Mr. Ames, by a large majority —and accordingly the following gentle men were chosen by ballot, a Ipecial committee for the aforefaid purpose, viz.—Meflrs Oilman, Qbdihue, Sherman, Benfon, Boudinot, Glymer, Vin- Gale, Madison, Burke, Baldwin. it-was then voted that the committee be mltrucft «d generally to take the fubjec r t of amendments to the conllitution of the United States into con fideration, and report. Another motion was made, that the committee be inftrucled to report as expeditiouily as pollible —this was fuperceded by a motion for adjourn ment—which accordingly took place. CONGRESS ot- the UNITED STATES. Ah ACT imposing Tonnage. BE it enafled by the Senate and House of Re irtfentatives of the United States in Congress a[fernbled, That the following duties lhall be,and are hereby impoled on all Ihips or vellels entered in the United States, that is to fay, on all Ihips or vellels built within thefaid States, and belonging wholly to a citizen or citizens thereof; or not built within the said States,but tin the twenty ninth day of May, One thou s and seven hundred and eighty nine, belong ing, and daring the time such Ihips or vellels lliall continue to belong, wholly to acitizen or citizens thereof, at the rate of fix cents per ton : On all vellels hereafter built in the United States, be longing wholly, or in part to fubjedls of foreign powers, at the rate of thirty cents per ton ; on all other Ihips or vellels at the rate of fifty cents per ton. Provided always, and be it enaCled, that no fliip or veflel built within the aforefaid States, and be longing to a citizen or citizens thereof, lhall, whilst employed in the coasting trade, or in the filheries, pay tonnage more than once in any year. And be it further eriatted, That every lliip or veflel, employed in the transportation of any of the produce or manufactures of the United States, coalhvife, within the said States, except such fliip or vellel be built within the said States, and be long to a citizen or citizens thereof, lhall on each entry pay fifty cents per ton. And bs it further enatted, That this Acft lliall commence, and be in force, from and after the fif teenth day of August next. Fatderick Augustus Muhlenberg, Speaker of the House of R ■jprcfentativcs. John Adams. Vicc-Prejident oj the United States, and President of the Seriate. Approved, July twentieth, 1789, G.WASHINGTON, President of the United States. AMERICAN AFFAIRS. WINCHESTER, JULY 8. Extrafl of a letter from John Sevier, dated Senecca, South-Carolina, June 4, 1 789. " About three days ago, three men were kill ed and Scalped, by the Creeks, at a place called the Mulbery, on the frontiers of Georgia : It is 0 reported here, that a large number of Creeks we on their way for Tugalu, in consequence of which guards are potted there, in order to pro tect the inhabitants. Yesterday I heard that 400 were seen on their march towards that place— Ijod only knows what the event will be !" Petersburg, July 9. : 1 ■ rgmia Cloth—of excellent quality and very caesp ma y b e p urc l ui f e j almolt every day, of 10 c °untry people who come to town for the purpoie of making sale of it. It is infinitely fu penoi to any thing of the kind imported, and lea * s -emarkably well. This cloth is made of cotton wove with great lafte, and by the Inge fu'',y°' our Jair, has been brought to such per son as to be pieferedto many of the Euro pean manufactures. Several gentlemen have fur ir.] lec r leiil^e l v es with full suits of this cloth, We otllers are as anxious to obtain it, be-iV^ C - ■ C ever y OI!C who profefles himfelf to as jr '•V? 1 man v ' '" \ e distinguished by their cloth, couiih- 1 .P r , 0I ) 10t i n g the manufacftures of our trv ' {'. g ivhl g that encouragement to induf -7' " hldl 11 ought ever to meet with. "Th .f ro,n North-Carolina, July 3. Ny f r - e , exert ions that have been made by ma u s to the new government, in this State, gives me reason to hope that we shall have a con vention in the fall, that will extricate us from oui lonesome and difag' eeable situation ; butltill i have iny fears, unlcfs Congress Jhould take up the iubject of amendments before, as many seem detei mined ltill to rejedtit, until foine objections a. e removed, particularly as one of youi g eateit lupporters of the conltitution, has admitted that theie are many. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 20. On Saturday last the Chief Jullice, accompa nied by Judges Atlee, Rush, and Bryan, with the Attorney-General and Prothonotary, waited up ,,n President of the State, in Council; and se verally took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States, which wasadminiftered to -liem by his .Excellency. An account ot the produce of different kinds of grain planted in the beginning of September, i 738, by Jacob Hiltzheimer, Esq.—Winter barley ; one grain produced 65 heads, which contained 900 grains : —Cape wheat ; one grain produced 04 heads, which contained 2816 grains :—White wheat; one grain produced 40 heads, which con tained 2240 grains :—Yellow-bearded wheat; one grain produced 58 heads, which contained 3016 grains : Speltz ; twograins together produced 104 heads, which contained 4368 grains. AGRICULTURAL. WILMINGTON, JULY 18. It may be of service to our readers, to be in formed of the following facfts relative to far luing. When I leafed ProfpertHill estate, I found two thirds of the land sown with wheat, rye and bar ley, l'othat there was only left forpaflure about 21 acres, wiji some meadow ground, and 14 acres which was miserably poor, iandy and gravelly. These 14 acres I planted with Indian corn, and manured it in every hill, so far as the manure would go (there being bit little on the farm) from which I received a tolerable crop—l worked the ground well, giving it 4 ploughings and 2 harrow ings, with the last I put my wheat in the ground—the following season my wheat was only knee High. I reaped it as near the ground as poflible, and immediately ploughed in the stub ble, and late in September 1 sowed it with rye, which, at the following harvest, was generally five feet high, and in some places much higher, and from which I threshed about 10 bushels to the acre. T his rye Hubble I ploughed in like wise, and sowed the ground with wheat. Un der this culture this ground has been managed for fix fuccellive years, without any manure ex cept about ten common cart loads ; and I now have the pleasure of feeing as fine a crop of red bear ded wheat on it as the neighbourhood can pro duce ; I think I shall not reap less than 12 or 15 bulhels from the acre, b'rom this and many other experiments I have made, I am well convinced of the utility of a fucceflion of crops." " 111 turning over an old magazine for Jan. 1760, page 7, I find the following observation, which 1 think should be particularly attended to by the gentlemen of this country. " I can not help joining with the author of the new system of agriculture, in his severe cenfureofour coun try gentlemen. " It is to me," fays he, " a surprising proof of our gentlemen's inaptitude to this noble art (agriculture) to fee so many hundred tlioufand acres pestered, and corrupted by common dung, the bowels of which very land is loaded with in exhaustible quantities of real and wholesome phy sic for its own diseases. " Dung is not only prejudicial tft foine foils, but inferior to the worst of any composts upon any. One would wonder to fee how people put themselves to extraordinary charges, and the in conveniency of fending to great diflances for horse dung, to manure tliofe very lands which ntver fail of being verged or bottomed by a substance of one kind or other, by far more proper for the end they aim at; and therefore I lay it down as a rule, almost without exception, that every foil, of what nature, situation or condition soever, abounds with natural and fufficient helps for its own peculiar imperfections." WILLIAM GEDDES. SALEM, JULY 14. In 1772, the county of EfTex contained 11,457 males above 16 years of age ; in 1784, only 11,023 : So that in a period of 12 years, there was a de crease in this county, of 434 rateable polls. The county of Lincoln, in the fame period, en creatd its rateable polls from 1354 to 5071. NEW-YORK, JULY 22, 1789. The fcttlemcnt of the Western territory isconfidered bymanv persons as an event inauspicious to the interest ot those States situa ted upon the Atlantic. Time was when the migration of the in habitants from the sea ports, only 40 or 50 miles into the country, was confide red as pregnant with fatal confcquencestofuch fea-porrs: but now those interior lettlements are found neceflary to the exig ence of the trade and manufa&urcs of our populous maritime towns. —In proportion as we advance to empire our ideas will expand, and the period is fact approaching when those extensive regions will prove a boundless source of wealth to the Union—they will extend the domeflic and internal trade of the Union in such man ner as will convince us of our ability to support the Independence of the United States, beyond any other cireumftancc to be,named. Extral7 of a letter ftom Maffachuftts, dated July 13. " With refpe& to :he mode of tranfmiting messages, bl!I*„ -c. from either house, I cannot fay that it plea'es /Tie : Indepen dent of its being improper that the Secretary or Clerk should he absent from their refpettive stations, they are not members, and this being a neceifary step in the progress of a legiflaiive ast, it .hould most certainly be perform d by a member or members. " I observe by the papers that The President of the United States has returned the Impoft-Btllto the Houfc after receiving his pprobation, by his Sec rerAr y. It was expected that this part of Legillation would have been marked with some cha ra&eriftic feature: More particularly would there not be Meat propiiety in the PRESIDENT'S going to the FEDERAL HALL, a id there, in the presence of both Houses of the Legislature give his aflent, publicly, to the bills ? It appears to me that this would be proper—would impress upon the public m nd an idea of the importance and solemnity of the laws—and hold up the several branches of the Government to the view of the p?op!e, in a conspi cuous and dignified pomt of light: It has been supposed that the President's late indisposition prevented the adoption of this plan. Someperfons may perhaps objett to this, for however astonishing the it seems to be a point with many to prevent the people from thinking too favorably or refpe&fillly of the government, or the administration." The fubje& of amendments is at length put in proper train—had the Constitution been launched upon the waves of speculation and indefinite theories, we might well have been alarmed for itsfafety and future fate, among the (hallows and whirlpools which are found in those seas. It has been said that the Constitution of the United States is as well established at the present mordent as if it had been in opera tion a century : Ifthis is the cafe, and it wiil be difficult to prove the contrary, it is very problematical whether attempts to ft rength en its foundation will not tend rather to weaken than confirm it. A correspondent observes that the confufion, and consequent distress occasioned by the sudden stoppage to the circulation of rhe copper coin, are fubjefts that call for the immediate attention of authority: The poorer class of citizens are peculiarly affe&ed by this circumstance, many of whom had their little all inverted in this most uncertain of all human poffefllons, a flu&uating medium: Manv of the retail {hops are shut : The cries are suspended in the streets, and it is with difficulty the poor can purchase bread of the bakers, or vegetables in the market : This evil has been long forefeen, and yet the base trumpery calhd cop pers (greatly inferior to Woods' infamous brass money)has been pouring in upon us like a flood for many months past : Many of the merchants and shop keepers, it \s said, have large films by them of this coin, by which they will be great fufferers. We are informed that on Saturday last, Mr. Harrough laid the models of his new-invented machines before the President of the United States, who, after a critical examination, approved of them much;and was pleased to fay, that he hoped the public would reward the inventor in a manner adequate to the great me rits of his mechanical genius. Nothing can tend more to the public welfare than such inven tions as promote the interest of the farmer and merchant, which the machines above mentioned will effe&ually do. The ma chine for clearing docks will be of infinite service in cutting and deepening canals, for draining marshes and water ponds, and even to those farmers who live near rivers and creeks which contaiii black mud, well known to be the best manure. The reaping machine is certainly a very great invention, being on a plan both simple and cheap, and may be used by a perfoh who never saw reaping before. It may be so conftrufted as to cut the straw or the heads only. The work will be clean, and fucft grains as scatter out will all be received in a container. It may either be worked by man or horse. Thethrefhing machine is superior to every thing of the kind ever yet invented. The inventor's plan for working boats by a horse, against the strongest stream, or raising great quantities of water to an> height, must be allowed, by every mechanical genius, to be entirely new, and of the greatest utility. The inventor of the above machines is recommended by gentle men ofthe greatest rcfpe&ability in Baltimore : wc have 110 rcafon therefore to doubt his abilities. Mr. Harbough is the person who turned an arch under a court house (a veryfpacious brick edificein Baltimore) many years after it was built, a similar instance to which we never have heard of before. A few days since died, at Elizabeth-Town, very much regret ted, the LADY of His Excellency William Livingston, Esq. Governor of the State of New-Jersey. ERRATUM. In the Efiimate ofSupplies, publjhedin our laJl,for "arrangement" under thir a and fourth head, read ar rear aces. ARRIVALS. Saturday. Brig Induftiy, Clow, Gaudaloupe, 14 days* Sloop Aurora, Cahoonc, Rhode Island, 3 days. Schooncr Edward, Smith, Shelburne, 12 days. Schooner Do>ald, Lillcy, Richmond, 5 days Sunday. Schooner Catharine, Aitken, Shelburne, g days. Sloop Triumvirate, Sheldon, Aux Cayes, 26 day*. Tuejday. Sloop Adventure, Allen, Port au Prince, 18 days. Sloop Lady Hayley, Ti.litighaft, Charleston* 9 days. Sloop Minerva, Parker, Bay of Honduras, Schooner Nancy, Clark. Richmond, 3 days. Schooner Polly & Betsey, Butler, Baltimore 15 days. PRICE CURRENT. NEW-YORK. Jamaica - Wg Antigua Rum, - St. Croix, do. ' - * - aJ g^ Country, do. - - yio. Molasses, ... 9 y 2 . a 2/0' ® sand y. - - - 5/6- « 5/9. £ eneva ' r 5/3. Do. in cases, - 2 gf, Muscovado Sugarj - - a yif. Loaf, do. - - _ Lump, do. - - ,/(i. Pepper; - ... . 2 jg Pimento, ... j/h. „ 2 f jjfc Cocoa, - - " 75/ * 80/ Coffee, - . w~g d x /i Indigo, (Carolina) - . 4/ a 6/. ? lcc » " " - 23/! a 24 r. Superfine Flour, - - - Common do. - . 42/6. a 43 1 Rye do. - . . , a 277. Indian Meal, - 2 gr C^,' (Southern) " . " Do. (Northern,) - 4/3! - 4/6. Beef, firft quality, - . a Second quality, - - 41/0. Pork, firft quality, - - 81/6. Second quality, - * 76/6. H ams, . . y J_ a Carolina Tobacco, - . qJi. a Virginia , . . a S J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers