FOR THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. Extract of Manuscript Imitations from the French.—The oti ginal was intended to be sung by the sacred choir of Hebrews, at the cmlujlnof the jirji Ast of ATHALIAH. An ODE. THE WHOLE CHOI R. BEYOND this Ball's diurnal bound, Beyond time's terminable round, Our GOD exists the fame : Wide from th' Empyrean to this sod, The Univerfc is full of COD, Extol, extol his name! ONE VOICE. The beauteous painting of the flow'rs* 1 he fruitful year, the flying hours, » His boundless pow'r proclaim : The dew, the rain, the friow, the hail, Seed time and harvest still prevail— Extol, extol his name ! ANOTHER VOICE. Though his gifts to all extend, ' Pill th' immensity of space : Mortals, in his presence bend ! Greater are his gifts of grace. CHOI R. Oh, Si nai's Mount ! preserve the fame, Of that tremenduous day ; When to thy top, convolv'd with flame, The LORD in clouds and dapknefs came* And fire prepar'd the way. Why those trumpets in the air, Thunder's voice and light'niwg's glare, Torrent smoke and bick'ring fire i Dreadful ligns of waken'd ire ! How great Nature*s pillars nod, How her old foundations lhake, Mountains melt and vallies quake, At the wonder-working GOD ! ONE VOICE. Mortals, struck with holy awe, Fear he comes to end their race : Israel's sons receive his law, Greatest are his gifts of grace. CHOI R. Their bread from Heav'n, their water from a rofck ; His hand, through deserts guiding, made them free, Ltd them between the billows as a flock, And whelm'd their following foes deep in the sea. Beneath his standard rang'd} the legions sped, While them gainst battling bands to glorious deeds he led. One voice. High o'er the Tabernacle's arch, The Warrior GOD was seen to march ; But left the fpl ndoursfrom above, Too bright tor mortal eyes should prove ; He deign'd his glory ineffable to shroud, Circled by Night in fire by Day in cloud. Should not his pow'r and grtace our bosoms move ? Tor such unheard-of good he only claims our love ! CHOI R. Should not pow'r and goodness move, Israel's sons his law to love ? Law divine and favor'd race ! Greatest are his gifts of grace ! SKETCH OF PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. In the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES. \Debate on the proportion to make a di/crirnination be tween the pay of the Seriate and House of Rcpre fentatives. THURSDAY, JULY I 6, 1789. MR. JACKSON opposed this discrimination He observed—We have all alike abandoned our paiticular pursuits in life, and are all equally en gage-'. in the service of our country—and I can fee 110 realon for making any difference : Can a Senator eat more—or does he drink better than a Representative I I presume not—their expences are equal : There is but one reason that can be alfigned tor this diltindtion, and that is, the Senate may fit longer than the House; but as it must be considered that they will receive pay according ly, this reason falls to the ground. Thebulinefs of both houf'es is the lame, and the pay oujjht to be alike. Mr. Lef. observed, that the Constitution had made a difference, and that we ought to do it : There is a degree of refinement in the mode of electing Senators :—They are our belt men—and I think that every encouragement ought to be given to draw forth the firft abilities :—The dif ference of two or three dollars is but a trifling diftindlion to our venerable sages : At present there may be young men in the Senate ; but the time will come when our molt honorable, grey headed fires, the experienced and wife men of our land will fill thofc feats : Old men are with diffi culty brought into public life—every inducement should therefore be held out—the honor and dig nity of our government is inseparably connected with supporting, in aproper manner, this impor tant branch of our legislature ; The Constitution •warrants a diftindtion : It is founded on the best expe;ieiice—l therefore give my hearty aflent to the proposal for a discrimination. Mr. White : Sir, I am opposed to a discrimi nation : I cannot fee the difference in the Consti tution which the gentlemen refers to : There was an artificial and political diftindlion establish ed between the Senators and the people in foine of the ancient Commonwealths : Phis was the cafe at Rome in particular : The Senators were there coniidered as pofle fling a portion of divinity; and the reft of the people were not fuffered to mix with them.—ls it to be supposed that becaufeour Senators have the fame name they are of afuper ior order to their fellow men ! Whatever may be the lemiment here, in their refpeclive States there is no difference in the genera) estimation between a Senator and a lieprelentative—and why any discrimination iliould be made in their reipec tive allowances 1 cannot conceive. This diftimftion will operate against the inde pendence of the members of this lioule—and may in some future day enable the Senate to carry points, by being able to prolong the feflions when it may be greatly to the inconvenience of the lioufe. Mr. Madison was in favor of the discrimina tion : He said it was evidently contemplated by the Constitution to hold out iome distinCtion in favour of the Senate, as an inducement for men ot ltaid and fixed principles, whom habits of re tirement might render averse from the active scenes of public life, to devote the experience ot years and the acquilitions of lludy to the service of their country—and except fomerhing of this kind is done, we may find it difficult to obtain pro per characters for the Sfenate, as men of enter prise and genius will naturally prefer a feat in the house which will be considered as a morecon fpicuous situation. Mr. Vinimg was opposed to the motion for discrimination : He observed that wealthy men would in all probabilit/ be chosen Senators, and that the reprelentatives would not in general be of that class—the discrimination ought therefore if any was made, to be in favor of the latter: This (said he) is a fubjen this occasion : 1 am not afraid that my sentiments ffiould be known to my constituents, because 1 think theirs are agreeable to my own. Mr. Seney : I am sorry Sir, that the question of discrimination has been brought before the House: What real'oii can be alligned for making this diftindion ? Are the services of the Senate greater than those of the Reprelentatives ? 1 think not. —Gentlemen have brought forward the con stitution upon this occasion ; but I conceive it is opposed to the principle they mean to advocate. The independence of the several branches is to be ftritftly preserved, this will destroy that inde pendence : If we eftabliih a discrimination in fa vor of the Senate, will it not naturally tend to create a sense of inferiority in the minds of the Ileprefentatives ? and the time may come, when they may find it for their interelt to be entirely subservient to the views of the Senate: Sir, 1 feel lo sensibly the impropriety and unconftitution ality of this measure, that if 1 had the smallest idea that it would comport with the sentiments of a majority of the members of this House, I ffiould call for the ayes and noes upon the ques tion—but as I do notconteive tliatto be the cafe, I ffiall for the present wave the proposition. Mr. Sedgwick observed that whenever he had a motion to make in the House, he always endeavoured to fatisfy himfelf of the reafonable nei's and propriety of the proposition it contain ed : When he had determined is was proper, the mode of decision that lhould be adopted, he con sidered as not of very material conlequence—but in determining the present question, he hoped the ayes and noes would not be called. There is a principle in human nature, which revolts from the idea of inferiority—hence when a pro position is made which has for its object the cfta bliffimentof a luperiority, in whatever form you please, that principle is alarmed, and excited to opposition—but in difcufling such a question as the present we ought to divest ourselves of every partiality and prejudice which may bias our judo-, ments to a decision that will not bear the test of reason and experience.—The constitution has 1 conceive plainly pointed out the precedence of the Senate: rnere are grades in lociety which are neceflary to their very existence. i his is a fell* evident —it is recognized by eve ry civilized nation : It is recognized by the House in the report before us : Why else have we made a difference between the President andVice-Pi e fident ? Is it not on account of his superior ftati -011, and weight of dignity—and between the Vice-President and the Senate ? This diftindtion is also eftabliffied in the difference of the terms for which the Senate and the House of Ilepre fentatives is chosen : The tune for which the Se nate is chosen, points out the propriety of a dif ference in the pay they ought to receive : The acfmimftration of the government will require that they ffiould more completely abftraift them selves from petfonal pursuits : Their attention will be alrnolt wholly absorbed by an attention to public duties : They fliouiu therefore have-' adequaie and independent allowance : They \ "j! generally be of an age that will preclude tiom all idea of ever engaging in cheir feUr-l profeiiions after once having engaged in th» lb? vice of their country : Their age, their wisdom and experience, all warrant this Uilcriinination Mr. StDGwiCK added many more obfervatiom to (hew the policy and constitutionality of the discrimination, and concluded by faying, thr lie thought the real dignity of the House lb % from being diminilhed by adopting the propositi on, that he conceived it Was cflentially counter ed with it. Mr. (ackson in reply to the enquiry of M r Sedgwick,—Why have we made a difference between the Prelident and Vice-Prelident? ob served, That the President will be employed the whole of his time : The Vice-President may re tire to his farm whenever he pleases. Reference is had to the wisdom of the Senate—but how is this superior wisdom made to appear ? If a dif tinc r tioli is to be made 011 this account, it follows that a difference ihould be made between the ie veral members of this House and alio between those of the Senate.—We cannot be too cautious how we eftabliih an undue pre-eminence and give an intluence and importance to one branch of the legillature over the other: All govern ments tend to despotism asnaturally as rivers run into the sea.—Despotism carries its points giadu ally by flow and imperceptible steps: Despotic power is never eflablifhed all at once : We ihall ere we are aware get beyond the gulph, and then wonder how we got there : The Cervices of the Senate are not more arduous thanouis; then proper business is legislation, and I never will consent to any discrimination : Had I any idea that the queltion would be determined in favor of discrimination, I fliould be for calling the aytt and noes, and ihould it be so determined, 1 (hall chufe to enter my negative againlt it. Mr. Page made a number of obfervations,which as he spoke low were not diflintftly heard: thus much we collected, that he was in favor of the discrimination: He said, that in his opinion, the Senate ought to have permanent salaries, that they might be placed in an eligible and indepen dent situation. The proposition for a discrimination as menti oned in our lall was however negatived.] MONDAY, JULY 20, 1 7?ip. A meflage was received from the Senate by their Secretary, informing that they had con curred with amendments in the bill, for esta blishing the department of foreign affairs—alfo, that they had palled a bill for the establish ment of judicial courts in the United States, and requeued the concurrence of the Hon. House in the fame. 1 he Secretary then delivered in the bills and Withdrew. A meflage was received from The Presi dent, by Mr. Lf ar, his Secretary, who infor med the House, that he was directed by the Pre sident of the United States, to return to the Hon. House the bill, impoling a duty on tonnage, to which the Prelident had affixed his signature. I he engrofled bill to regulate light-houses, &c. was read : A motion for its recommitment was negatived.—The queflion, fnall this bill pass was carried in the affirmative. Mr. Smith (S. C.) moved that a committee Ihould be appointed to bring in a bill, to autho rise the several States to provide funds for the support of Hospitals, for sick and dil'abled Tea men, and for the regulation of their refpe&ive harbours. This motion was adopted, and Meflrs. Smith, (S. C.) Carroll, and Clym-R, ap pointed the committee. The report