Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 11, 1789, Page 103, Image 3

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    All the towns which fend give them, on their
« , hook of inftruftions relative to the qucftions they pro
/ Tp-itated in the alTembly. These are nearly the fame
f 11 miners; and it appears, in general, that the English
n . it taken asabalis. The principal points are, a fixed
fnrthc Km'; responsibility of the ministers; a ftateof the
rCVf " U !i ,1,-ht ■ a fund for the payment of part, and for a national
" atlon f t j,e reft; a periodical alfemhly of the States; the H
wu of the press; personal freedom, and an assurance of proper-
Lnoikesforthe repair of the highways , habeas corpus, and
* 1 hi iurv ' abolition of cuftoni duties, for goods brought from
o"e province to another 5 the receipt of taxes by means less bur-
Sv..Tie and oppressive thaft bv the Farmers General; annihilati
on of hy wluch the privilege and rank of no
h litvare now purchased; an equal participation of all taxes.
These are the principal objects recommended irom all parts; but
I'\ fuopofed, that such a variety of important matter will
farce be taken into conftderation during the firil fefrion, and that
hose article, only, which immediately relate to the finances, will
Itthe objtftsof difcuflion at this meeting; the reft w.ll be reser
ved for a future assembly.
'•But though evrry thing is thus quiet refprfting political af
fairs the dearnefs of bread has given occasion to very violent tu
mult's in feme of the southern province. At Atx, Marfatllcs,
and Toulon, the riots have been carried to a very great height.
Frida/ night as two young ladies were in deep converlatton 111
viewing the transparent paintings, &c. at Mr. Bellingham's.
Great Tower Hill, a youth that flood by them was observed to
Hoop to rub his legs at different times; he removed three of then
buckles, and got clear off; in moving the other buckle he was felt.
At Cl'erkenwell fcflions, on Tuelday, Mr. King's coachman,
who drove against the Brentford stage, and thereby assaulted the
palfengers, was tried, found guilty, ordered to be publicly whip
ped, and imprisoned for fix months.
There is at prcfent living, and has rclided in the town ol Kil
marnock, Ayrfhirc, these forty nine years, one John Craig, car
ter a-edioj. Heborearmsin the North Britiih dragoons 111
the year 1715, and was in the fervicefixteen years. He still earns
his daily bread by his own labour, never complaining of a fore
head, and remains a batehelor; betakes his bottle freely at night
with his old companions, and hopes to live many years longer-
This 'forenoon an ORATION was delivered by the Reverend
William Rogers, before the Pennsylvania State Society of the
Cincinnati, in Arch-Street meeting house * the President and Su
preme Executive Council of the State—the officers of the militia
of the city and liberties—the uniform companies of cavalry, artil
lery, and light infantry, and a large body of citizens were prcfent.
The Oration appears to have had two things in view, viz, the
commemoration of liberty and independence ; and a modclt con
sideration of the principles of the Society ot the Cincinnati: Ihe
Day, the Speaker reprefentcd as the Sabbath of our Freedom.
The revolution (not less extraordinary in its consequences, than
in the means by which it was produced) he spoke of as one ot the
greatest earthly blessings.
As far as we can recoiled, he told us that realon suggested op
pofitionto tyranny, and fortune led the way to Columbia's 1 glory.
The love of freedom, drawn into action by ajuft fenfeof injury,
was the great charatteriftic of the revolt, which quick as eleftnc
flame, fprcad from breait to breast throughout the continent.
The institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, he reprefent
cd as founded upon a balis the moll honorable, with views the
mod friendly, humane, and patriotic ; this was done by adverting
to the origin ot the various ordeis which have been eitablifhed
inEurope, and drawing a very linking line between them and
that society to which the glorious independence of America had
given birth—even that independence which was telt, in lorae de
gree in every quarter of the globe: lor the rights ot mankind
which heretofore were a theme ot mere speculation, America had
furiiithed a practical lelTon to the woild. Here the milder admi
niftrationof government in France was introduced ; and mention
made of that spirit which had excited so universal a deteilation of
the African [lave trade.
To follow the Speaker through the whole of his Oration, is
not our intention, even if it were in our power ; but the manner in
which he introduced the federal government, deserves pai liculai
notice.—Without tumult and without intrigue, under the im
preflion of prudence and nccefiity, the united wisdom of the A
merican empire h;is been employed in deliberating upon the belt
means of perpetuating the fruits of freedom and independence.
The kingdoms of Europe have since seen with wo .der and ap
plause, the voluntary and peaceful adoption of a system of govern
ment, the traits of which are power with responsibility, and liberty
withoutlieentigufnefs.'' That an event so extraordinary should
have been thus speedily and happily accomplffhed, he afcribcs,
with all the glow of piety, to the interpolation of that Being
whose Throne is exalted in the Heavens.
We hope we lhall be excused in thus descanting on a peiform
snce which has given much latista&ion, and made an abiding lm
preflion on our mind.
Towards the close of the Oration, Mr. Rogers, alluding to the
Societv of the Cincinnati, observed, If the experienced worth,
the honor and wisdom of its members, can fanfufy an inllitution,
what is there wanting to complete its reputation ? No form of as
sociation wase\"er necessary to blazon the merits of our lus
trious Washi ncton, the admired President of these Lm ted
States: —Whom God long preserve ! In this Ihort petition every
tongue is ready to shout Amen ! The name of our lamented
Greene was mentioned, with those of the immortal Gates,
Lincoln, &c.
In the course of the Oration many things were enlarged upon,
2nd due compliments paid to the virtues of a hofl of heroes, who
facrificed their lives in the service of this country.
The whole was delightfully closed with a tervent wish that no
on this anniversary, would prove himfelf unwortfiy ot the
freedom he enjoys, by a line of conduct incompatible with the pu
pleafures, by any thing, unbecoming the chara&cr of men or
°f chriftians.
Time, and the room allotted to this article, prevent our en
ding ; though we are sensible that to dwell longer on the fubjetf
would be no small gratification to our readers, especially to
those who were not able to attend On the occasion. Ihe oration
no doubt will be published ; as the manner of its delivery and
sentiments it contained met with universal applause*
Newbury-Port, July i.
A letter of a late date from a gentleman in one of the south
ern States, to his friend in this town, fays, " A young woman,
ln a pallion, lately jumped out of an upper window upon the
pavement. Herbruife by the fall accafioned a lock jaw—No force
could open her mouth—A large vial wai highly charged wit!
c tftrical fluid, and discharged upon her jaws—instantly hei
flew open, and she recovered."
zxtrafl of a letter from Mansfield (Gonnetticut) da
ted June 18.
" The lofles sustained liere by the late extra-
OHlinary flood, were two fulling mills, seven
" r idges, sundry mill dams, &c. besides fences
were entirely swept away on every confi
scable jheam, of which we have many in this
P ace - — The whole damage cannot be afcertain
> " ut beleive it to be in public and private pro-
Y> to the araoant o^'near one tlioufand pounds
LET rofcs deck and franklinia* (hade
The hallowed spot where EENEZET is laid—■
Let cruelty at awful distance tread,
Nor near his grave uplift her gorgon head ;
But doves and linnets through the covert play,
And harmless lambkins o'er his allies ftray—>
Who while on earth celestial mercy woo'd,
And taught the aobleft way of doing good.
Let Alric's sons the sacred spot review—
With tears of gratitude his turf bedew,
Then fay, as mournfully they leave the place,
This was the FRIEND and PATRON ofour race.
Oh Benezet! pale Death has thrown his dart,
But thou'rt entomb'd in every generous heart:
Thy god-like actions ever (hall be rung,
While love, or truth, or charity be sung.
Wilmington, June to, 1789.
* Frauklinia Alatamaha—a beautifulflowering tree-likefhrub dif.
covered on the Alatamaha river, in Georgia, by John Burtram, and na
med after the patron ojfciences, Dr. Franklin. It rises to the h.ight oj
about 20 feet, the leaves are oblong narrowed towards the base, sawed 0/,
t!i• edges, and placed alternately. The flower s are jive inches in diame
ter when J ally expanded, composed offivelargeroundifh spreading petals,
ornamented in the centre with a tuft or crown of gold colouredJlamina,
and pojfefled wtth the fragrance of a China orange. See ArbuJlrum A
meruanum, by Humphrey Marshall.
MR. PATRIDGE of the committee appointed
to examine the enrolled Bill laying a duty on
Tonnage, reported, That they had found the
fame corred:—the Speaker then affixed his Signa
Mr. Clymer requefled leave of absence till
next Monday fe'nnight—which was granted.—
The Committee on the Petition of Andrew Elli
cot brought in a report, which was ordered to lie
011 the table.
In Committee of the whole on the Bill to regu
late the collection of the Impost, farther pro
gress was made in the difculiion this day—and
the committee permitted to resume the fubjedt
again to-inorrow. Adjourned.
Mr. Patridge reported, That the Committee
appointed for that purpose had waited upon The
President with the Tonnage Bill, and present
ed the fame for his approbation and signature.
Mr. Gerry, of the committee appointed to pre
pare estimates, brought in a report, which was
read, and laid on the table.
In committee of the whole on the Collection Bill.
Mr. Trumbull in the chair.
Upon the Article providing for allowances to
the Collectors &c. of the Revenue—several
proportions were offered—l pr. cent.—halfpr. cent,
and one quarter pr. cent, upon the amount of the
duties collected, were mentioned ; but a clause
proposed by Mr. Laurance to the following pur
port, was finally adopted, viz. That the Collec
tors of the following ports, viz. Salem, Bojlon,
New-York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, and
Portsmouth in Virginia, and Charlejion, South-Ca
rolina, should receive one half pr. cent, on the a
mount of the duties by them refpecftively collect
ed—and the Colle<ftors of all other diflricfts men
tioned in the aift, I pr. cent.
The following fees were likewise agreed to by
the committee : Dol.
For each entry of a fliip or veflel not whol- ~j
ly the property of a citizen or citizens of the t 6
United States, ... J
For each entry of any other (hip or vef- "J
fel of 100 tons burthen or upwards, arriving I
from any foreign port,having 011 board goods, j
&c. fubjeifi to a duty, - J
For each entry of any reff'el under too j
tons burthen from a foreign port, having V 3
011 board goods, &c. fubje<ft to a duty, j
For each entry of all other veflels, I
For every permit to unlade goods, 2C
For every bond to secure payment of the 1
duties, - ' - " " J
For every permit to export goods on which i
a drawback of duties is allowed, - j
The aforefaid fees to be divided between the
Collector and Naval-Officer. Dol.
To each Surveyor, for services on board 1
any veflel not wholly the property of a citizen I
or citizens of the United States, and having f
goods, &c. lubjeifl to a duty, * j
For services on board any other veflel, • 2
For services onboard any veflel wholly be
longing to a citizen or citizens of the United V 3
States,and having goods,&c. fubjedt to a duty, j
For services on 'board all other veflels, I
These fees to be paid by the matter or owner of
such veflel.
To each Infpecftor while employed, 1 1 Dol.
pr. day, (to be paid out ofthe revenue,) J 2Scents
1 Cents.
Measurers, Weighers, and Gaugers are 1
to be allowed, for measuring every ioobufh-
els of fait or grain, - J
For every ioo bushels of Cosu, 2^
i Cent
Weighing every i iiwt.
Gauging every ca(k, - 6
To be paid by the holders of the goods.
In committee of the whole on the Bill to re
gulate the collection of the Impost.
The difcufliort of the Bill was compleated this
day—when the committee rose.
Upon motion it was voted, That the chairman s
report lhould be received to-morrow.
Upon motion of Mr. Thatcher it was voted,
That ioo copies of the estimate of supplies for
I 789, as reported by the committee, fliould be
printed for the accommodation of the members.
Mr. Park er had leave of absence for one month,
and Mr. Trumbull for a fortnight.
Adjourned till to-mbrroiv, 10 o'clock.
NEW-YORK, JULY 11, 1789.
On Thursday last, the Addrcfs of the Honorable Legislature of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to The President of the
United States,was presented by the two Senators and eight Members
of Congress, from that diftrift: The committee wasmoft gracious*
ly received, and the Address answered with sentiment,
and politeness.
The President (thanks to kind Providence} is now restored
o his usual health.
The celebration of the 14th anniversary of INDEPENDENCE
has been attended with Inch testimonials of public pleaiure
is fully evince that the people Consider theprefent as the moll auf*
picious period, Gnce the commencement of the gloriousdeclaration.
The town of Boston, as usual, exhibited eVery demonstration of
joy and feftivity : The oration, instituted by the town tor this
□ccafion, was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Stillman.
The oration to the Society of the Cincinnati by Dr.
Samuel WhitWel L,both of which were introduced by prayers.
There was a concert of vocal and instrumental muiic at the
Stone Chapel.
The military parade was not so extensive as usual. owing to the
unpromising appearance of the weather : Several Independent
Corps were however under arms.
TheCiNCiNNATij Cadets, Licht Infantry, and Fusi
liers dined at the public places, where elegant entertainments
had been prepared for them refpeftively.
Among other toajls on this occasion wecannot but notice the following:
THE PRESIDENT, (with three cheers)*
The Vice President, and the Congreis of the United States.
Governor and Commonwealth ot Massachusetts;
Our fair couutrv women, (three cheers.)
Non-commiflioned officers and privates of the late American army.
(three cheers.)
A restoration of the two stray fillers of the American Family.
May ambition never invade, nor licentiousness destroy the li
berties of America.
May the mantle of peace and friendfhip cover the world.
The Hon. James Bowdoin.
Gen. Lincoln, and the Fraternity of the Cincinnati : May we
emulate their virtues as citizens and loldiers, (three cheers.)
May the lajl sigh of nature attend the expiration of American
The Cincinnati of Massachusetts, and their Veteran President*
LOUIS XVlth. and the army and navy of France,
May our rulers be endowed with wisdom to form, and our ci
tizens with virtue to obey laws, calculated to promote the general
We are informed that on Wednesday fe'n
night, a heavy thunder squall palled over Red-
Hook, from the weft or south weft; and that the
lightening struck the top of atree on the farm of
Judge Hoffman, and killed three valuable horfrs
that were under it.
We hear from Boston that the three Ships
which were set up in that town, soon after the
ratification of the Constitution, upon the molt
laudable and patriotic motives, are nearly com
pleated—and will in a few weeks be ready for
Sale:—These Ships are as good Veflels as can be
built, and are of a suitable burthen for the South
ern Trade:—we also hear that the Ship build
ing business has received a spring at Philadel
phia of late ;—A permanent goverment will in
due season set every wheel in motion.
Current cajh pricc of Proiijions, Be. in Bermuda.
Beef, pr. lb. Bd. || Common do. 43/4.
Mutton, id. II 24/ pr. cwt.
Veal, 3d. || Pork, £.4 10/ a £.5 p. b.
Pork, Bd. I| Ship Bread, 24 f. pr. b.
Krcfli Butter, If. a 1/3. |l Rum, 3/2. a 3/4. pr. gal.
Corn, 3/8. a 5/4. pr. bushel. || MufcovadoSugar, 48/. a c.
Superfine Flour, a 50/". b. |j Hyson Tea, i6fS. a 2cf. pr. lb.
Price' Current at Brandy wine Mills,
Wheat, 8/ a 8/4. I Middling do. 25/
Superfine flour, 4nf6. I Shipftuffypr. cwt. 7/6 a of.
Common do. 37/6. I Indian-corn, 3f
Threee months have now elabfedfince the commencement of
this publication : Our patrons willpleafe to notice the terms of fubjerrp
tion : Those at a difiance who can cause payments to be made in this city
will greatly accommodate and oblige the editor.
AX his palace in Savern, near Strasbourg, in France, Cardinal
deßohan, the Exminifter of that kingdom.
In India. ZoffanY, a celebrated painter—who acquired by
painting Nabobs and Nabobinis, 40,0001. in a ftiort time.
Thursday. Sloop Sally, Laurence, St. Croix, 15 days.
Sloop Harlequin, Landen, St. Martin's, 15 days.
Sloop Nancy, Patton, Savanna, 8 days.
Friday. Brig Union, Difhong, Port au Prince, 9 days.
Sloop Godfrey, Millar, Norfolk, Virgin?a, 4 days
fcTThe IMPOST LAW of the United States may be had at the cjjice
of the Editor.