FABLE. £THE absurdity of attempting luch amendments to the Constitu tion ot the United States as will remove the objc&ions of every individual, was not better ridiculed in the celebrated simile of the Breeches, than it is by the following, taken from Profei for Gelliht'j Fables.] A VILLAGE in Germany had the privilege of clioofing their own minilter. At one of their meetings, after the decease of their old pallor, it was moved and seconded by some honest pea sants, to give the place to nobody, but to luch a one, who, by the power of his prayers, would be able to make rain or funlhine, according to the wilhes and true welfare of his parishioners: as it was found in the Bible, that some prophets of old had been entrusted with such powers; *md St. James observed, that the energy of the prayers of Elijah were not unattainable by other men. The whole aiiembly perceived the advan tages of luch a resolution, and adopted it. It required some time before they could meet with fncli a subject, though they spared no means to make their intention known ; but at lalt they succeeded ; a candidate profefled to be pollelled of luch powers, and, upon his solemn promise to exercile them whenever required, was initia ted. Not long after they met and relolved to try the expediency of the laid measure, and the mi nilter was called. Sir, laid the foreman, we wifli now that you perforin your promise, and make lis the weather for to-morrow. With all my heart, laid the minister, what weather do you wish tu fee to-morrow ? Why, fir, replied Stephen, a lit tle rain would aflilt the crop amazingly. Not now, said Godfrey, by any means ; for some ol the village have begun the hay-making business : I Ihould prefer clear weather. A cloudy day, laid Hans, and rain in the evening, would be fa vorable both to the hay and the crop. Sir, said Thomas Hizkopf, I speak with impartiality : we cannot help that some of our people were pre mature in cutting their hay: plentiful rain the crop requireth ; and plentiful rain we will have by my honor. Let me speak one word, said Chriltian King : you all, brethren know my ex perience in the farming way, as long as I can re member I have found the greatelt benefit from thunder lhowers, only not mixt with hail at this season of the year : let us agree to that, reve rend Sir, answered Wilhelm Plauderer, I hope you, as a divine, fee the malicious tendency of the proposal: there are bad people in your flock, Sir: they wish to ruin their neighbours—Stop, my dear hearers, said the young parson ; don't quarrel here : as soon as you can come to an agreement among yourselves I shall be ready to make you the weather. The man, it is said, enjoyeth still his living in peace, unlufpeOted ot having promised more than he was able to perform. MR. FENKO, iou are iejired toinfert theinclofedin your pLtper: It mav eithez prove to be a remedy agamjl the HcJJian Fly, or may lead to the difcove/) cf one. your's, (3c. An Extract the printed report of the Privy Council of Great. Britain, of their enquiry about the Hcllian Fly. Method of defraying the fxikg Wail in Bavaria, in a letter from Mr Wauoii, M/nferfrom the Court of Great-Britain, at Munich, ti the Marquis cj Carmar th in , Sec/etary of State. " A PERSON put on a heap of corn, thyme and sweet mai - jorum, and changed each ot thele plants every 24 hours, inhopes o! •difcovenng one which would answer his puipofe. Hemp w. s also tried : He took a handful and put it on a heap of corn, ai.d found the next morning that the hrtnp was full of Wevils. These 1 ittle black animals fcem to have thefmell of a curious nature, since they find the bad scent of hemp agreeable, and it appears they like the folt rind of it. 1 hig handtul of hemp was picked out of the grainery and winnowed, and put again on the corn. The result was that 111 five days afterwards there were no Wevils to be seen in the said heap ol corn. In the season when there was no green hemp, they made ule of mouldy old hemp and with equal fucccfs, , except that it required a longer time to deltroy these tn(> fts. When the Wevils appeared again in the month of May the following year, in less quantities, and at that period, there was only the tow or heards of hemp that was already prepared to spin; nevertheless the luccefs was the fame, and in eight days time all the wevils wcrt removed. Perhaps linen might be used, ilcepeo ill the juice of hemp where the hemp is not cultivated, and the event mii'ht turn out equally fuccefsful. However, it is necelfary to (hake the hemj> well that is put on the corn, and to stir the corn if it is in »reai quantities, in order to hring the Wevils to the furfacr. This ex periment was made also in a rainy luminer, when it was neceflary to collett together the {heals which were very wet, and carry them into the grainery. which of course produced a fermentation in the barn as well a« the grainery, and from that cause, many Wevils Hemp was made use of very early in the fprinjt. and the coin stir red at the fame time, and as the exceflive heat aioie from it the Wevils difappearcd." LITERARY ARTICLE. MADAME la Baronne df. V \.sse is about to publish at Paris, a History of the Revolution, in America, La Revolution de /'Amerique, &c. in two vols, octavo—priceto fubferibers 10 livres (1 4/2.) It will include a period of 27 years, beginning at 1 760 ; and Madame de Vasse allures u.s, that the information it conveys may be relied on—it being compiled from authentic documents, and indis putable authorities alone, by an unprejudiced and impartial writer. We are alio told, that it has been approved by Dr. Franklin and other American gentlemen, who have feenit in manu icript ; and that an English author of some dif tinvftion in the literary world, hasfo high an opin ion of it as to be engaged in tranflatiug ir It is just publiihed. NATIONAL P/.RAGRAPHS. THE revenue system of Great Britain is a lyf tcm of checks: This is founded on the longelt experience that any commercial country can boalt: It is the rel'ult of an accurate knowledge of hu man nature ; and is placing matters upon the on ly principle that can ensure the lealt profped: ol a punctual collection of the impolt. How far checks may be provided which lhall operate in the different States, so as to affeCt the general interelt of the union, or whether every particular State mult not be provided with a fyl tem of this kind, which shall extend no farther than the limits ol such State, is perhaps worthy of attention ; but except this principle is inter woven in the texture of our plans of revenue, we lhall find ourselves guilty of amoft eflential omission—and the fyltem like the old confedera tion, will prove a rope of land. Every lion ell man will readily recognize the obligations which are imposed. upon him by law, for the faithful difcliarge of the duties annexed to any office to which he may be appointed; and this he will do, not only from a judicious re gard to his own reputation, but alio to sanCtion tliofe checks which it is absolutely neceflary, that a great proportion of characters lliould be con trouled by, who will always find methods to in troduce themselves into public departments: Checks can never injure the feelings of a good man, and every one acknowledges, that they are requiliteto deterjthej unprincipled, by mak ing it their interelt to be jult and lionelt. The proceedings of Congress have hitherto been so open, unreserved, candid and explicit— the spirit of theconllitution (so far as all parties have generally agreed in it) lias been so ltri<ftly adhered to, and the fubjecft of amendments has been taken up at so much earlier a period than the diflatisfied expected, that there is every rea son to suppose the seceding States will have every objection done away ; and will very Joon come in to the Union, by ratifying the fyltem.—Not one inaulpicious anticipation has been realized—nor is there theffiadow of reason to suppose, that the withes of the free citizens of tliefe States will not be fully gratified, by having the constitution made more perfect than it now is, if pojjible. It has been said that society has not yet arrived to its liighelt degree of perfection—lmprovements are to be made, and this lalt poliffi appears to be reserved for the inhabitants of tliefe riling States. It is true we are yet too much tramelled with the ideas and fy Items of European countries ; but their influence is daily diminilhing, and will undoubt edly finally be done away : The immense ocean that rolls between us and the old world, operates as a molt powerful impediment to the encreafe of exotic habits and manners. America ihould eltab lifli her character for originality upon principles which will admit of boundless improvements. Europe, and particularly Great-Britain, has pass ed her zenith, and is evidently 011 the decline ; but America is in the morning of her glory here society lhall fee its tie plus ultra, and the display of the powers of the human mind be extended to limits hitherto undefined. Thedoineltic tradeof the United States is an ob ject of the greatest importance : It arrelts the at tention of every patriotic mind : Independent of the numerous advantages that will accrue to the several States, and to the revenue, from having a wife fyltem adopted to regulate the intercourse between the different parts of the Union—the po litical consequences are of a very salutary and ex tensive nature. It is Commerce that forms the chain of connection between distant countries and has contributed to civilize and polish the mind of man, and encreafe the pleafuresof lociety. A more frequent and intimate intercourse between the inhabitants of these States will be attended with limilar effeCts ; belides giving them a more perfect knowledge of the resources of their country, for all the purposes of commerce, ma nufadtures,agriculture,and independent hapj>infs. " There is that withholdeth more than is meet but it tendeth to poverty."_ The truth of this is often verified, but its bad policy may be more itrongly exemplified in respeCt: to public officers than in any other inltances that can be cited : Generous salaries are the 1110 ft powerful induce ments to fidelity in the servants of the public • They command the belt abilities, and the fair eft characters : They cut off a powerful temptation to <li(honefty, and give respeCt, dignity, and ener gy to the government. If we would have our public offices we!l filled, we mult pay well • In the Revenue, in particular, it will be found the wifeu, cheapest, and moll productive plan. Drawbacks of the duties 011 goods exported open a door to frauds: It has been said that more 1 obacco has been exported from a particular port 111 Scotland, and the drawback received 011 the fame than had been imported in the fame time into the whole kingdom : Nevertheless, diaw bacKs are neceflary Hence the neceflitv of truft lng nothing to apparent principles; but depend ing solely 011 the molt energetic vigilance. MR. FENNO, A WRITER in the Daily Mvertifer of yester day, has thought proper in an apologetical ellay" to assign lome very extraordinaiy rcafonsfor the flow progress that Congress makes in tranfatftina public bulinefs : This writer's information res! peeling murmurs on this account may be authen tic ; but it appears to me, very different fuggef. tions would come nearer the truth of faA. From the ardour and expectation in the minds of the citizens at large, complaints were anticipated iliould occaiion call for them ; but what lavs ex perience ? Scarce a murmur has been lisped—the good sense of the people discerns the innumera ble difficulties that obtrude themselves ou every hand, and patience and candour triumph over the peeviflmefs of human nature. But the most surprising idea that could enter into the imagination of a timid politician, and which is afligned asa reason for extra caution and deliberation is, the " precarious eftablilhment of the constitution; the peculiar vigilance with which all parties observe its motions, and the holtiliries which lie in ambufli to watch the mo ment of exposure, and to blast its ripening, but tender growth." Thanks to that good Provi dence, which has hitherto guarded America, rhefe sentiments have no place in the minds of the pre/cut Federal Congrefs.—ldeas like tliefe, would neceflarily lead to weak, wavering, and indecisive condudt; and we might wait till the morning of the refurredtion, before we Ihould realize that we were blefled with any government it all.—The conftitrution of the union, is, how ever, established upon so solid a basis, that an en tire revolution of lentiment in the public mind, with refped: to an objeift from which they de. rive every expectation of political happiness, must precede every poflible danger of precati oufnefs in its establishment. That the constitu tion ftiould be watched with vigilance is the du ty of its friends ; and it is true, there is an unu l'ual vigilance at the present moment; but it is directed to the operations of Congress, from a de sire that they fhouldact up to the spirit and mean ing of the system with vigour, energy, and dis patch—on rliis all our hopes are founded. As to the " hostilities which lie in ambulh"it is not poUible to conceive what can be meant.— There never was a formidable party against the constitution; and at the present moment tliofewho have had their doubts, are as anxious as its warmed advocates for its speedy operation. Suspicion gives birth to party ; and of all the evils that attend government, there is none pregnant with more fatal effects than indeci/ion and timidity: There never was a people so tho roughly informed as we are in the principles of government, or more fatisfied with the nature and tendency of their own constitution. The firm and immoveable eftablilhment of this whole plan, is suspended upon giving its prin ciples a complete operation : to recede, or to move with a dilatory, doubting step, will create facti ons, will fanrtion complaints, and render nuga tory all that has been done. C. ONE OF THE PEOPLE. FROM THE CONNECTICUT COURANT. Meflieurs PRINTERS, I OBSERVE you have republifhed the account of thentw in vented shuttle, that runs on wheels, and by means of which cloth 10 quarters wide may be wove. It may not be amiss to inform your readers that there are now in this place three broad and one nsr row loom constantly worked with the spring or fly fhuttle —the extra expenceof fitting a loom in this manner for a fhuttleand iron work, is from twelve to fifteen fhillrngs, according to the size of the looms. By means of this invention, a single perfoa can weave cloth three yards wide—a few hours prafticAii. fuffici ent to learn a common weaver to throw the Ihuttle—Any carpen ter who is used to make the common looms, can from injpclling tbefc, erect the broad looms, and add what is neeellary to carry the fly shuttles. There is neither myflery or difficulty attending working th?m when once observed. All looms de/igned to weave cloths a yard wide and upwards, should be worked in this manner. It is much to be wished that the country weavers would get reeds and harness to make their cloths ijyard wide in the loom, so that they may be wide when fulled and drefTcd. The flannels of this width would always command calh in this city—which will soon lie theJlapu of loooUn cloth as well as of woo/ for this State. If the principal weavers in each town would erect, fay two or three broad looms to a town, where the yarn, made out of the wool that is too coarse for the fabric of fine cloths, might be wove into blankets and coatings, they would net much more to the farmers than making it into yard wide flannels, as is now pra£lifed. Such flannels would always fell at the faft°r) in this town—and in this way immense quantities of coarse cloths might soon be made, even for exportation. The whole expence of a broad loom and the necefTary apparatus, maybe four pounds. Hartford, July 3, 1789. FOREIGN ARTICLES. London, April 27. Extratt of a letter from Paris, April 12. . " The, clc&ions are still going on very peaceably, in g^ n^ Bretagne is the only province in which we hear of any 01 ur banceon this account. The nobles are there still as much at va riance with the Third Estate as they were at the beginning, 1 " 0 much that we do not find that any deputies are yet ele&ed. 1 delay will, however, make no difference in the assembly 0 States-General at Versailles, which is still determined tor the 27 of this month. All the furnifhed lodgings at Versailles are are dy taken by government, for the accommodation of the depu 1 > lomeof whom are already arrived. The meeting is to bene the room in which the notables aflembled ; considerable a " ? ut are, however, making, not only for the number of deputies,, for the accommodation of the public ; a large galley 15 eTC J lufHcient to contain three thousand persons. who wi-be a n ll 1 by tickets, and a large space is left for the peon'., hi genera.
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