Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 08, 1789, Page 99, Image 3

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    . i two branches of die legiflatnre Imposing
, • nneoods, wares and merchandise, lmpor-
V-nto the United States, to which the Preli
r, wl iffixed his fi{mature of approbation.
of U« whole on ,h„ bill, ,o re-
Jlate the collection of the import. _
tr jvlr, Trumbull in the Chair.
i" n-rher progress was made in the difcufllon:
the committee rose after 3 o'clock, and had leave
n set again to-morrow-Mr. Wadsworth had
leave of absence for a fortnight.
The House then adjourned to meet to-morrow
at ten o'clock.
Tuesday, io o'clock, A. M. July 7, 1789.
The House met agreeably to adjournment.
In committee of the whole on the bill, to re
julate the collection of the import. _
° Mr. Trumbull in the Chair.
Very considerable progress was made in the
further discussion of this lengthy bill this day:
but there was not fufficient time to finifli it. The
committee therefore rose
The Chairman reported progress, and aikecl
leave to fit again. . c .
A tnelfage was received from the Senate by
their Secretary, informing, that they had ap
pointed a committee to join with a committee of
the Hon. House, to examine the enrolled bill lay
in* a duty on tonnage, and to present the fame
to°The President for his approbation; also,
that they had concurred in the vote of the Hon.
House for prefixing the constitution to the pub
lication of the laws of the United States.
Mr. CoNTEE delired leave of absence for four
weeks, which was granted.
The House then adjourned till to-morrow
morning 10 o'clock.
anniversary of independence.
ON Saturday last the United States entered in
to the fourteenth year of their Independence:—
The day was celebrated by all daffies of the citi
zens with unusual demonstrations of joy.
This truly refpedtable Society, excited by sen
timents which peculiarly correspond with the
great occasion, paid diftinguiiiied honor to this
They met at the city-tavern at 10 o'clock, and
proceeded to the election of officers for the en
fuingyear—on the ballots being examined, it ap
peared, that
The Baron Steuben, was ele&ed President.
Col. Alexander Hamilton, Vice-Prejident.
Major John Stagg, Secretary.
Col. Richard Platt, Treajurer.
Capt. Edward Dunscomb, Ajfijlant-Treafurer.
Delegates to the General Meeting in May next.
Baron Steuben, || Col. B. Li v 1 ncston,
Cen.Samuel B. Webb, |j Gen. M. Clarkson.
Col. William S. Smith. II
Standing Committee.
Capt. James Watson, Col. Sebastian Bauman,
Col.Kbimzer Stevens, Dr. John Cockran,
Col. Aquilla Giles, Col. Binjamin Walkeh,
Col. Morcan Lewis, ( Capt. Theo. Fowler,
General Matthew Clarkson.
A committee, consisting of the Baron Steuben,
their President, Colonel Alexander Hamil
ton,^;;-Vice-President, General S. B. Webb,
Col. W. S. Smith,andCol.S. Bauman,were ap
pointed to wait 011 THE PRESIDENT, the VICE
PRESIDENT, and SPEAKER of the House of
Representatives of the United States, with the con
gratulations of THE DAY : On the committee's
being introduced to THE PRESIDENT, the Baron
addrefled him in nearly the following words :
" THE Society of the Cincinnati oj the State of
New-York have dtretted this delegation to present to
pit, Sir, their sentiments of the profoujtfefl refpeCl.
common with all good citizens of the United States
«/ America, they join their ardent wishes for the pre
ftnation of your life, health, andprofperity.
" In particular, they feel the highefl fatisfaftion
contemplating the illujlrious Chief of our armies,
f "''unanimous vote of an independent people, eletlcd
to the highejl llation that a dignified and enlightened
country can bejioiv.
Under your conduct, Sir, this Band of Soldiers
'itre led to glory and to conquefl, and we feel ourselves
""filent, that under your adminijlration, our coun
ty will speedily arrive at an enviablt (late of pros
perity and happiness
In answer to which the President was pleased
to fay— r
fn" 1 l ' g
you, Gentlemen, to return viy mofl as-
J' mate regards to the Society of the Cincinnati of
•ft ah of New-York, and ajfure them, that I receive
c " n g r atulations on this auspicious day, with a
confiautly anxious for the honour and welfare oj
"I country, andean only fay, that the force of viy a
-1 'n' 11 ' h an integrity of heart, Jball be Jludi
"J y pointed to the support of its dignity, and the pro
«ion of its prosperity and happiness."
Smvvt ommittee theu wa ited on the VICE-PRE-
Oftl uof the Un itcd States, and the SPEAKER
n ' l "i' e °f Representatives, and having re
nt aru ' re ported to the Society their flatter
ing reception from The President and Vice-Pref
dent—[the Speaker of the Hen. Houfc of Representa
tives being abjent, the Delegation was prevented pay
ing him their refpetts~\ the society proceed
ed in procession, attended by Col. Bauman s regi
ment of artillery, and bandofmufick (whose ap
pearance was truly martial) to St. Paul's Church,
where in the presence of a most refpeiftable and
brilliant audience,an elegant Eulogium on Major-
General NATHANIEL GREENE, was delivered
by Col. Alexander Hamilton. The Society
011 this occalion were honoured l>y the presence
of the Lady andFainily of The President, his in
disposition (which thanks be to Heaven has nearly
left him) preventing his personal attendance—the
Vice-Preiident, and ladies of his family—the Se
nate, the Speaker and the House of Representa
After the Eulogium, the Society returned (at
tended as before) to the city tavern, where they
appointed the Orators for the next Anniversary,
Col. B. Livingston—\_An Oration adapted to
the occafion.~]
Col. W. Smith—[An Eulogium on Gen. Mont
After which they fat down to an elegant din
ner, where the following toasts were drank.
1. The President of the United States.
2. The Vice-President of the United States.
3. The Senate.
4. The Speaker and House of Representatives.
5. Their Most Chriltian and Most Catholic
6. The Stadtholder and their High Mightines
ses the States General of the United Netherlands.
7. The Conftitution —nAy its friends be firm
and united.
8. The late Federal Convention, may their
virtue, wisdom and firmnefs, be deeply engra
ven 011 the hearts of their countrymen.
9. The Companions of our Order in France
and America.
10. The 17th of Oiflober, 1777.
11. The 19th of Oiflober, 1781.
12. The Fair friends of the Cincinnati.
13. The Day, and patriots who have confirm
ed it. •
The city legion ofGen.MALCOM's brigade pa
raded at the fort in the morning, and marched
from thence, through Queen Street, into the fields,
in the following order:
Lieut. Col. Chrystie.
Cavalry, under the command of Capt. Stakes.
One piece of Artillery,
commanded by Capt. Ljeut. Stoutenburgh.
Major John Stagg.
Adjutant John Loudon.
The Battalion,
consisting of Captains Stoutenburgh's and
Scriba's Grenadiers.
Capt. Le Roy's, Capt. Sw/rtwout's,
Capt. Vredenburgh's, Lieut. Rutger's, Capt.
Livingston's, and Capt. Stepdiford's
companies of Light Infantry.
One piece of Artillery,
commanded by Lieut. Suydam.
After being reviewed by a number of gentle
men of diftindtion, they went through a variety
of manoeuvres and firings, with great pronipti
tude and exadtnefs, and made a brilliant and sol
dierly appearance. On their return from the
parade,they pafiedthe houfeof The Presidbnt,
who appeared at his door in a fuitof regimentals,
and was laluted by the troops as they pafled. His
indisposition deprived the troops of the honor
and fatisfadtion of being reviewed by him in the
At noon afalute was fired from the fort by Col.
At four o'clock the officers fat down to an en
tertainment provided for them at Mr. Faunces'
in Cortland street, when toasts suited to the oc
casion were drank.
At the third toast viz: The President of
the United States, agreeably to invariable cuf
toni, the officers rose and saluted it with three
cheers ; and the band immediately gave General
Washington's inarch. Truly charadteriftic of the
principles on which the order of the Cincinnati
is founded ; and defignative of the sentiments
which adtuate tliofe who from republican mo
tives, in peace, prepare for war, there was a
mutual interchange of refpedlful attentions be
tween the gentlemen at Bardin's, and those at
Fraunces' tavern, congratulating each other 011
return of this Anniversary, so dear to every in
dependent American.
The business of Legiilation for this extensive
continent opens a boundless field of contempla
tion to the refledlingmind. When it isconfider
ed what a variety of objedisis presented to the at.
tention of our civil fathers—how apparently dis
cordant the interests of the fevcral States—what
deep rooted prejudices exist in the minds of many
upon this fubjedt; producing consequences which
give as it were a real existence to this incompati
bility of interests—the extensive and complicate
nature of those systems which are neceflary in ar
ranging the finances—eftablilhing the great exe
cutlve departments—forming plans of revenue,
anil fixing the regulations inseparably connected
with thole plans—and all these to be so far adapt'
ed to the habits and dispositions of the people of
the leveral States as to secure a fuccefsful opera
tion to the new government; 1 fay, when these
things are properly considered, it will appear,
that abilities, labour, patience, and deep invelti
gation, are requilite on the part of administra
tion ; and candonr, good humour, and a reafou
ble acquiescence are equally required from the
people, to give efficacy to the laws, aiid success
to the work of their own hands.
At this important and highly interesting per
iod of the American history, the publican hid
lliould be conltantly attentive to the great objec r ts
that present themlelves on every hand—the fu
ture operation of that system of government which
the people have adopted, will receive a tincture
from the reception which it firft meets with from
the collective body of the citizens : Every polfi
ble method is taken to convey to all parts of the
Union, the earliest and molt authentic informa
tion ofgovermental proceedings—the springs, the
motives on Which public decisions are founded are
fully disclosed—so that it evidently appears, that
the real interests of the people are the principal
obje<t of pursuit to those whom the people have
deputed to fuperintCnd their concerns—and it
rationally follows, that a full acquiescence in their
determinations will give a tone, a complexion to
the government of the Union, which shall ensure
the dignity, prosperity, and 'liappinefs of this'
great people.
Government is perhaps as difficult a subject as
any upon which the faculties of the human mind
can be employed.—For although it is evidently
defignedto be the medium of almost every blefl
ing, that gives worth to existence, yet too many
are difpofedto confiderit as the result of human
we3knefs, and an unhappy necellity.—This sen
timent has found so many fuccefsful advocates,that
there is reason to fuppofe,the contrary opinion will
require the long continued labors of the patriotto
obtain an universal afcendency—butthis difficulty
is not the most formidable that the friends of go
vernment have to encounter :—The infinite va
riety of ideas, as to the best methods to obtain
the best ends, which prevail in the minds of
those who subscribe to the sentiment, that go
vernment is the effect of the wisdom and good
ness of divine providence, occasion great delays,
and those inefficient systems, which too general
ly defeat the public expectation.
The Impost Bill having received the signature
of The President, will soon be a Law of the
United States in operation.—The importance of
this a«thas occafioneda lengthy investigation of
its principles, and every clause has received the
fulleft difculfion ; it is therefore to be hoped, that
it will meet with universal approbation.—The
scale of the duties is formed upon that happy me
dium, which is commonly the refult'of mutual
concession, and which in matters of revenue,
experience has always proved to be just, politic
and most produitive.
The pithiness of the following remark will
recommend it to all true federaliits. " Heaven
forbid any conventions for a while ! I dread the
work of fifteen hundred reformers in the present
fludluation of sentiments. If we must at all a
mend, I pray for merely amusing amendments ;
a little frothy garnish. But why do we not ra
ther fit down as brothers, and feaft on the sub
stantial meat, for which we have fafted so long !' y
The Britifli Packet, Portland, Capt. James, is
to fail from this port the 15th instant.
Safer day. Brig Abigail Harris, Londonderry, 63 days.
Schooner N. York Packet, Barnard, Bolton, 7 day.
Sunday 4 Sloop N. York Packet* Burrows, Philadelphia.
Monday. Sloop Rambler, Peterfon* Boston, 7 days.
Tuesday. Schooner Three Friends, Whitfield, Port au Prince*
Jamaica Spirits* • fif6
Antigua Rum, - *
St. Croix, do. - 479.
Country, do. - * syio,
Molafies, * 2/2. a 2fy.
Brandy, ... 5 J6. a sfq.
Geneva, ...
Do. in cases, - 2cj\f.
Muscovado Sugar, - - 56/! a 72f.
Loaf, cf». • — 1
Lump, do. • - t/tj.
Pepper, - - - - 2/8.
Pimento, • Ifg. a if
Chocolate, ...
Cocoa, * 7 5/: a Sof.
Coffee, - - iji. a 1
Indigo, (Carolina) * - 4f a 6f %
Rice, - - 23/ a 24/
Superfine Flour, - 4^
Common do. - - 42/6. a 43'
Rye do. - 26f. a 27f.
Indian Meal, -
Ryc» - - pr. bujh.
Corn, (Southern) • 3 fq. a 4J\
Do. (Northern,) - a 4/6.
Beef, firft quality, - - 48/! a 50/r
—— Second quality, - - 4 1 /o.
Pork, firft quality, * - Bi/"6.
Second quality, - • 76/6.
Hams, - - a
Carolina Tobacco, - - a
Virginia ■■■ , - « 45. <3 $d.