gor, that even although he loft part of his patent, his income from his mills before the great failure lalt year, amounted, to a revenue of 40,0001. per annum. Watts and Bolton. Mr. Watts is a native of Scotland. He was not bred to mechanics ; but to the conftruc r tion of mills, and the application of lteam to machinery, has made improvements, of which the use to the arts are unlimited. And what renders his merit the greater, is, that his improvements are not the efteJt of accident, but of long and persevering investigation, depending wholly upon fcientific principles. He has ob tained a patent, in which Mr. Bolton is included, and in a few years will eftablilh a revenue of 10,000 per annum. May 5. The report of the Emperor of Ger many's death, was again very prevalent in town yesterday, but no official accounts were received. After the election of Caen, the Duke de Coigny gave a grand entertainment to the Three Orders : during the del'ert, the Duke calling to a fanner of Falaife, who is one of the deputies of the lower order, said, " Well Mr. Poullain, as you are about to lit in our national alleinbly, have you thought of the requisition you are to make ?" " Certainly, my Lord," and what do you mean to propose ? " First of all, I lh»ll require the suppression of pigeons, rabits and friars." Af ter a hearty laugh, occasioned by this odd sally, he was alked his reasons. " Why, said he, the pigeons destroy our corn in the feed, the rabbits in the blade, and the friars in the Jhock." May 6. The French Court, by an order of Council, dated the 20th ult. to be in force from the Ift of May to the Ift of September, have dou bled the bounties, granted by that of the 11 tli of January, upon the importation of corn and meal from the different parts of Europe, and extend ed to importations by the frontiers. The pre sent bountiej are, 50 sols per quintal on wheat, 40 sols on wheat flour, 34 sols on rye, 32 sols on rye flour, 20 sols on barley, 2 7 sols on barley meal ; and all vellels without diftindiion, which within that time lhall import any corn of the species above mentioned, fliall be exempted from freight duties. MAY 7. POLI PICAL DISQUISTIONS. Europe is at this day divided into several parties, \vhofe intereits are so complicated, it is fcarely possible to establish an equilibrium betwixt them. The American revolution has originated two fatftions. 011 the one fide, France and Spain—on the other fide England. , England has also drawn Holland and Prussia in to her party. As ftrangcrsto this contest, Germany and the other northern states preferv ea neutrality. But they likewile form two confederacies The one conlifting of Pruflia and the other states of Germany, who league for the purpole of checking the Emperor's encroachments :—And the other between the latter and the Empress, whole stipulations bind them to such defenfive operatione as the last confederacy may' occasion, and both to offenfive measures against Turkey. England and Spain are alirioft wholly uncon cerned in these two leagues—France alone can consider herlelf interested in them ; but in cafe fhefhould engage herfelf in these consequences, what aid would Ihe derive from Turkey ? Supposing, notwithstanding the consanguinity of the Houses of Aultria and Bourbon, and the complaints of France against Rulfia,France should accede to the Germanic League, Turkey must remain ufelels to the latter power, because Rulfia would always keep a check over her, and could also harrafs Sweden and Prulfia. But is it to be supposed, that England wouldnot seize an opportunity of avenging the injuries that wei e rendered her in America ? On Sunday fe'nniglit an unlucky accident hap pened at the Caiile d'Efcompte, at Paris. A courier with the King's livery arrived, and alked foroneofthe Directors, M. Vincent, to whom a letter was addreiled, signed Neckar, and l'ealed with that Minister's arms. The purport of the letter was, that the said M. Vincent, was desired to deliver to the bearer 100,000 livres (5000 I.) for the use of his Majesty. Upon enquiry the signature was forged, that is to fay, Mr. Neckar's Secretary's hand was imitated to a wonder. As none would presume to wear the King's livery, various are the conjectures about this extraordi nary occurrence. AMERICAN AFFAIRS. kincston, (Jamaica) may 16. Extrafl of a letter from Aux-Cayes, dated 26th Ma\, 1789, " We have the honor to inform you that ilus port has beea made tree for the importation, by vessels of all nations, of ne- S'ocs, fait provisions, flour, and every other species of merchandise hitherto prohibited—and the exportation of the produce of the colony, cotton, coffee, indigo, &c. under no other rellriflions rhan paying the fame duties as the fubje£t> of Francc—this privi >• >;c commences the firfl day of August next, and is to continue ior the termot five years—We congratulate you upon this appear ance of unson by commercial ties, &c." NASSAU, [N. P.] JUNE 6. The Underwriters at New Lloyd's Coffee-lioafe, in London, lately presented to Capt. Todhunter, of Wliite-Haven, a piece of Plate, on which was an inscription, teilifying the sense they had of liis animated exertions, in relieving the lhip Ellen, bound from New-Providence to Liverpool, when in the greatest distress, and of his generous, humane attention to the pailengers and crew. FR EDE R I CKSBU R GH, JUNE 25. We learn that very material injury has been done to the wheat and other imall gram in the lower parts of the counties of Orange and Culpepper, and the upper part of Spotlylvania, by a very se vere storm of hail which happened the 17th inft. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 2. A ton of pot-alh [manufactured by MtlTrs Boyd and Willfon, of Northumberland county] is now in this city, and of so good a quality, that 401. has been offered for it, and refufed. Of near 2000 of citizens of the United States who lately emi grated to Carthagenai in Spanilh America, only 140 have returned, the reft having all died, except a few men who cnliftcd in tin Spaniih aimy. boston, July i. In the Hospitals and Foundlings in Paris, there are daily maintained, on an average, 35,341 —r number which to the whole inhabitants of the city is as i to ißi. GEORGIA- Harrafl'ed as Ihe is, by the faithlefs bipeds of the wilderness, mull look up to the Federal Go vernment for succour and support. And who shall fay, that the jlrong arm of the Union wil not be ftretclied out, in the defence of so federal and patriotic a branch of the grlat family. COMMERCIAL. The odious Guinea trade, is one of tliemoft ad vantageous branches of traffickwe enjoy—itfur nilhes us a ready market for our country rum, &c. European veflels frequently load therewith in our own ports. One lhip which is now taking her cargo on board, will pay therefore near 20,000 dollars. middletown, June 20. The General Afl'embly of this State, in May last, palled a resolve, That all further proceed ings, by virtue of, or under the licence granted to certain persons in New Haven county, to ma nufacture copper coin, be, and the fame is sus pended from and after the 20th June, instant, until the riling of the General Afl'embly in Octo ber next. NEW-YORK, JULY 8, 1789. IMPOST LAW OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 4n ACT for lading a DUTY on GOODS, WARES, and MERCHAN DIZE imported into the UNITED STATES, WHEREAS, it is necessary for the support of government, for the dilcharge of the debtsof the UnitcdStates,and the encourage ment and protc&ion of manufactures, that duties be laid on goods, wares, and merchandize imported : Be it enabled by the Senate and Iloufe of Representatives of the United States of Amcrica in Congress ajfembled, That from and after the firft day ot August next ensuing, tne fcveral duties herein after mention ed shall he laid on the following goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, from any foreign port orplace— that is to fay : tents. On all distilled spirits of Jamaica proof, imported from £ any kingdom or country whatsoever, pr. gallon. J 10 On all other diitilled lpirits, - ° pr. gal. 8 On molasses, - - p r . gal. 2 J On madeira wine, - - pr. gal. 18 On all other wines, - pr.gaL 10 On every gallon of beer, ale, or porter in calks, ' 5 On all cyder, beer, ale, or porter in bottles, pr dozen, 20 On malt, _ _ p r bujhel, 10 Ou brown sugars, - . . pr. pound, 1 On loaf sugars, - . . pr. pound, 3 On all other sugars, - - - pr. pound, '1J On coffee, - p r . p QUnd , 2 £ 011 cocoa, - p r p oun( j f 1 Onall candles of lallow, - - pr. pound, 2 On all candlcs of wax or spermaceti, p r . pound 6 Oncheefe, . . . pr. pound, 4 On soap, - - - - pr. pound, 2 On boots, - - p r pair, 30 On all ftioes, flippers or golofhoes made of leather, pr. pair, 7 On all (hoes or flippers of filkorftuff, - pr. pair 10 On cables, - . . pr.ii2ut. 75 On tarred cordage, - - . p r Or. untarred ditto, and yarn, . pr. ii9nt qo Oil twmeor pack-thread, - - fir. u tut. 200 On all steel unwrought, - . p r . 112 a,,. 56 On all nails and spikes, - . p r . pound, 1 On ialt, - . tor bufil l si On Manufactured tobacco, . . pr. pound, 6 ° n f ",f • - " - pr. pound, 10 On wool and cotton cards, - p'r/dozfn', 50 apw ' . - . • * On dried fifh, . . . p r . qumUl \ £ On all teas imported from China or India in (hips built in the Luted States, and belongingtoa citizen or citizens thereof, nr in ships orvefiels built infoieign countries and 011 the 16th day of May last wholly theproperty of a citizen <" or citizens of the United States, and (o continuing until the time of importation, as follows : Onboheatea, . _ , , , On all souchong, or other black teas, p,. p o Z'l, 'I 0 On all hyion teas, . , On all other green teas, tr. pound, Ti On all teas imported fron Europe inftiipsorveffclsbu'ifi in the United States, and belonging wholly to a citizen o r citizens thereof, or in ships or veflTtls built ni foreign cuun- ' tries, and on the i6th day of May last wholly the property of a citizen or citizens of the Uuited States, and so continu- I tng until the time ot importation, as follows: Onboheatea, - - pr. found, % uitt On all souchong, and other black teas, pr. pound i» •On all hyson teas, - . pr. found, 4 Oil all other green teas, - p r . pound, ,6 On all teas imported in any other manner than as above ) mentioned, as foil >ws: - - r Onboheatea, - - pr. founds u On all souchong, or other black teas, pr pound, On all hyson teas, - - pr. pound] 45 On all other green teas, - p Tk pound, 27 On all goods, wares and merchandize, other than ~1 teas imported from China or India, in (hips not built j m the United States, and not wholly the property of a citizen or citizens thereof, norin veflelsbuilt in so- ! 12hpr.cent reign countries, and on the 16th day of May last whol- ad valorem. y the property of a citizen or citizens of the United S:ates, and so continuing until the time of importa ion, - On all looking-glaflfs, window and other lais, except black, quart bottles, - j On all China, (lone and earthen ware, On gun powder, - - - '10 pr. centm On all paints ground in oil, - j ad valorem. On shoe and knee buckles, On gold and silver lace, and On gold and silver leaf, - J On all blank books, - - - On all writing, printing, or wrapping paper, paper bailings and pasteboard, - On all cabinet wares, - - - On all buttons, - g On all saddles, - On all gloves of leather, ... On all hats'of beaver, fur, wool or mixture of either -J On all millenary ready made, On all callings of iron, and upon flit and rolled iron, a On all lcathei tanned or tawed, and all manufa&ure 5 > »f leather, except such as (hall be otherwise rated, On canes, walking (licks and whips, - jj. On cloathing ready made, - On all brushes, - On gold, silver and plated ware, and on jewellery and parte work, - - On anchors, and on all wrought tin and pewter ware, On all playiug cards, r - pr. pack 10 cents. On every coach, chariot or other four wheel car-") riage, and on every chaise, solo, or other two wheel > carriage, or parts thereof. - - ) tm ' On all other goods, wares and raerchandife, five per centum on the value thereof, at the time and place of importation, ex cept as follows : Salt-petre, tin in pigs, tin plates, lead, old pew ter, brass, iron and brass wire, copper in plates, wool, cotton, dying woods and dying drugs, raw hides, beaver and all other 'urs and deer-(kins. And be it Jurthcr en a fled by the authority ajorejaid, That from and after the firft day of December, which (hall be in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, there shall be laid a duty on everyone hundred and twelve pounds weight of hemp imported as aforefaid, of fix cents; and on cotton per pound three cents. And be it enatted by the authority aforefaid, That all the duties paid, or secured to be paid upon any of the goods, wares, and merchandise as aforefaid, except on distilled spirits, other than brandy and geneva, (hall be returned or discharged upon such of the said goods, wares or merchandise, as (hall within tweive month* after payment made, or security given, be exported any country, without the limits of the United States, as fettled by the late treaty of peace; except one per centum on the amount of the said duties, in consideration of the expence which (hall have accrued bv the entry and fafe keeping thereof. And be it enaaed by *lhe authority ejore said, That there (hall be allowed and paid on every quintal of dried, and on every barrel of pirkled fi(h, of the fifheries of the United States, and on every barrel of salted provision of the United States, exported to any country without the limits thereof, in lieu of a drawback of the duties imposed on the importation of the fait employed and ex pended therein, viz. Cents. On every quintal of dried fi(h, 5 On every barrel of pickled HfH, - 5 On every barrel of salted provision, - - 5 And be t tfurther enactedby the authority aforefaid, That a discount of ten per cent, on all the duties impofedf by this a&, (hall be al lowed on such goods, wares and merchandise, as (hall be im ported in vessels built in the United States, and which (hall be wholly the property of a citizen or citizens thereof, or in veflels built in foreign countries, and on the sixteenth day of May lair, wholly the property of a citizen or citizens of the United States, and so continuing until the time of importation. And be i'further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That this ast shall continue and be in force until the firft day of June, which (hall be in the year of our Lord, one thousand (even hundred ana ninety fix, and from thence until the end of the next feflion of C©ngrefs, which (hall be held thereafter, and no lon ger. Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, Speaker of the House of Reprefentities. John Adams, Vtce-Prejidenl of the (JnitedStatu, and Prefdent of the Senate. Approved—July 4, 1789. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prefdent of the United States. SKETCH of PROCEEDINGS of CONGRESS. In the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES. Monday, July 6, 1789. A letter to the Speaker, from His Excellency Beverly Randolph, Governor of Virgin l3 * enclosing an account of the exports and imports of that State, from January 20, 1788, to Janu ary 20, 1789, was read, and referred to the committee appointed to prepare estimates, &c. A memorial from Andrew Ellicott, fur*ey or, addrefled to both Houses of Congress, intro duced by Page —was read, and referred to a committee consisting of Mr. Page, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Baldwin. A motion which had lain 011 thetablefince the beginning of last month, for prefixing a corre copy of the constitution of the United States, to the firft volume of the laws, was called for • Mr. White. The vote being taken upon t' fame, it pafled in the affirmative, and was to the Senate for their concurrence. A meftage was received from The dent by his Secretary, Mr. Lear, wlio in fori ' ed, that he was diredted by The Prefidentto r ■ turn to the Hon. House the bill, which hadpah-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers