[No. XXV.] the TABLE T. No. XXV. i< ft is the humour of many people to be Jmgular in their dress and manner of life, onlyr to the end that they may be taken■ more notice of." THE desire of being distinguished is so strong, that Tonic men had rather be ridiculed, than not to be noticed at all. Those who set them selves upas a gazing stock to the rabble, and ex cite a species of" admiration by affecting some fri volous distinction from other people, are under the influence of the ineaneft kind of ambition. Nothing can sooner destroy the real refped.abili ty ot a man, than an affectation of Angularity in opinions or customs, which are in themselves in different. But Ido not know a more ridiculous fliape that ambition and vanity can allumc, than when it prompts people to depart from common faihion in their dress and style of living. 1 here are obvious advantages from having some uni formity established in the customs, which relate to our commontranfacftions in lite. Those there fore who depart from them, may in some measure be considered as disturbers of the tranquility of other people. . . . Some persons are too apt to refine in their ideas of following the dictates of found judgment. They will fay that no wife man will trouble him i'elf to pursue any cuftoin, however public it may be, unless some reason can specially be offered in its'favour. This rule fliould be reversed, and in all indifferent matters, one fliould follow the fafhion,unlefs some special reason can be alledged against it. To differ from the reft of mankind in any im material thing may indicate more pride or ill hu mour than others poflefs, but it is 110 mark of su perior understanding. There must be a degree of indiscretion in every instance of Angularity, that does not originate in duty or convenience. I evenqueftion whether a man is not under obli gations to fall in with, or at any rate, not to op pose the established customs of society, unless he believes them uureafonable or inconvenient. This probably will never be the cafe, for I doubt whether the prevailing taste and feelings of the community may be looked upon as altogether ar bitrary and capricious. When'any custom predo minates, for a confiderablc length of time, it is a tolerable evidence, that there is some founda tion in reason for its exiftenctf,. though perhaps the real advantages of it may not be perceived or acknowledged. (N. B. In Tablet No. 24, second line of second paragraph, for " mankind 1 ' read mnnhood.\ FOR TIIE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. \IR. FENXO, I Shall fend you orcafionallv extracts from a performance that I havern my hands, which I conceive will correspond with the ge neral dctign of your paper. "OWE SO MAN ANY TIIIXG." THE motto is an injnnftion from fcripture,and like many other phages otthatfaered depofitot moral and divine indru&iou,con tains oneof the molt ufelul lessons of human life. I Ihall mention the nicft likely means ot paying what we owe. The firft mean is diligence in bufmefs : Mod men depend on ni'finef* for an honed livelihood—success in which depends on "rly attention, skill and diligence—a due distribution oi time and labor, and a punctual adherence to our calling, are means of dili £cnce : Yield not to languor, the importunity of companions, or a taflc for plcafure however innocent, so far as to break an en gagement, or neglect the duties of your profeflion. There are a few profefiions where the reward is not in exact proportion to diligence. Servantsof the public, and the clergy, avc uluallv a fixed salary. If a sense of duty does not influence em, theymay consider diligence as a mean of advancement, and «'™e negligence, of degradation: If negligence is indulged it * ' 00n grow extreme. They may furtherconfider, that a habit H 10 duties of their office, will graduallyextend to ' e ' r i "Omellic affairs, and all will go into difordcr. . * 'econd mean ot paying what we owe, is frugality, or the P x pence. Many tr::des depend on small pro ,lnd the ordering a houlhold is a detail of minute particulars. d <M'thfnall things,Jhall fall by little and little. hey who have families, and a growing expence, mud (tudy to 'egii ate them so as to render to all their due. It is oneof the du- M the connubial (late to unite in this study. tnh *7' rtuous . woman it is said, the heart of her husband doth fjfel) , 11 f r; while providing for his family abroad, he trulls in her ■'tnpment at home. W " S o °d a nd not evil all the days of her life ; her * 'ga itv is not interrupted by fits of sloth, nor fruftrated by fits She ipoieth well to her hovfhold ; takes the charge h, ', Vf j 'g" 1 of everything with a watchful eye. She tvorketh with k. p "i ,j' nclt "er eating the bread of idleness herfelf, nor allowing " dcmeftl « " eat it. nrov." re ?° U ' > 1?' n ' 0 P' ant or to build, it isprudent to count and u Hi. C 'l C ° i his hovfe with other men's money, ove r -t gathereth ItrmJe/JJltmes for the tomb of his burial. or • 11"tu ° undertakings in hulbandry, or trade, jL,,-, ™ ornaments of a house. and the pleasures of the table, hcnr'i CT Pnee, and the fruit of the labour of every ofdiborn me> j°/ P ? V!"S wll at we owe, is exaflnefs. The fruits a ™ frugality may be loft by confufion : " Put all in Ttris i >' " n "f Syrac) that thougiveft out, or received in." Hatteri ft. c ? 10ri ®' °f what weowe, it is a mean of knowing how Srrny , '" ' ar " where the danger lies. If there appears a ten fitteu to retren h rev ' ew a " 'h* articles, and judge where it is WEDNESDAY, July 8, 1789. To finifh one thing, before beginning another, to put everything m its place, to keep dilcharges, and vouchers, are apparently small matters; and yet by being duly attenoed to, much time is saved, the reputation ot honesty is maintained, which often fuffers by de rangement—much trouble, many loiTes, disputes and law suits are avoided. Jixatlnefs among friends and relations is a mean of preserving love, friends and relations, in the flov/ of mutual affection, may think exadlneli unnecessary; but affeftjpn ebbs Sigain, and felfifti nels returns. When an account (landing and perplexed, both fides are apt to be fufpic:ous : %pu?picion of one who was truited and loved, cuts deeip. Quart* Is among relations are the bane ot exiflence. Many ot those quarrels may be avoided by exatt accounts. (Thefubjttl to be continued,) FROM THE MASSACHUSETTS CENTJNEL. B. Russell, SOME eminent modern patriots have pointed out the imminent DANGER ot 11TLES ; but I think tiiey don't go far enough; and therefore to complete their good design, I propose to make one sweep of the whole feed, arms, legs, and toes of aristo crats and tyranny, by knocking away *<i the rubbish and ftaff o1 TiTLisat one stroke, that nothing may emain to dim theeternai reign of liberty. Henceforth, let US, (I mean the true uncon taminated whigs) lisp nothing tht pure names of men. How ever high in office, they are still Jervants to the people, (but wemufl even take care how we talk or make ute of the word Jervunt in thu fenfc, Iclt tyranny Ihould creep in at tins end of the horn) and therefore plain John Anybody thould be our address. It is not enough that we avoid the tit'es of Majejty, Excellency, Honorable, Esquire, &c. but in short cfery thing.—Mr. fignifies Majler, leads to llavery;— away with it. No verends, nor V. D. M's, nor A. M's, nor Mrs, or Mtfs, —for wc may be enslaved by petticoats as well as breeches. Now I defy any Anftrocrat to (how me a country ever ensla ved where there never were any titles f These are the feed of the political white weed, which overspreads the fair fields of creation —for M/henJome wear titles, the people will think they are not all '.qual, and it equality is loft, the scale of liberty kicks the beam. Wherefore every man Ihould think himfdf equal (at least, perhaps a little better! to any man in tiie nation. This 1 call the pure, anadulterated spirit of freedom. In such a State, I'll warrant there will be no Anjtocrats to cloud the political sky, but fun, moon »nd flars will fhme clear, and forever. ARGOS. FOREIGN ARTICLES* LONDON, APRIL 14, 1 he Marefchal de Noailles has, without any ap plication whatever, iilued an ordinance, dated the Sth of March, in which he renounces his exclu ive right of the chafe and game in the environs of "erignan ; and declares, that in future all pro prietors of lands and eitates, in that diftridt, lliall lave free liberty to infpetfl, destroy, or otherwise ake, Inch game on their lands,as they may think lie belt means for improving and cultivating the fame. The Pacha of Tangiers fuminoned all the consuls to attend him on the 13th of February, n order to declare the pacific intentions of his nailer, who has iignified, that he willies to live in harmony with the world ; and therefore, when any nation wilhes to break this peace, theer will be four months notice given of the fame Mr. Pitt's great and good name extends itfelf every where. All who before thought he want ed discrimination in his attachments, now begin to acknowledge that he wants that no longer : while his adversaries talk of his persecution and hard heartednefs. Lenity to bad men is cruelty to those who arc otherwise. Yesterday morning Lord Petre, Sir Henry En glefield, and Mr. Farmer, had a conference with the minister, concerning the business which has been some time in agitation to be brought be fore Parliament, for ealing the buthen of the Englilh Catholics, by taking off the double land tax, &c. By the last advices received from Copenhagen, by Mr. Zinck, his Danifli Majelty's Consul at Liverpool, it is certain that the Daniih Court is peaceably disposed, and only will alHik the Huf fians with twelve fail of the line, as ftipulatedby the new subsisting treaty. They are now insur ing veflels at Copenhagen at theufiial peace pre mium, which indicates 110 immediate rupture with Sweden. The Rufiian army in Finland amounts to 53,000 nren. Extract of a letter from Conflaiitir.ople, February 8. " An amazing atftivity reigns at present in the arfcnal ; the workmen employed there amount to about ;000, exclnfi\e of the officers who pre side over them. The Captaine Pacha, who has the sole direction of thele affairs, pafles one part of the day in encouraging the workmen by his presence, and exciting them to it by his severity. The leait ihadowof idleness ispunifhed immedi ately, and those who seem refractory are putto death. From what we can fee, this Admiral en joys the fame favor with the Sultan as he did be fore his departure for the Black Sea. He has within these weeks augmented the number oi those who are charged with the police of the ca pital during the night, and has given them Itritfi orders to observe the proceedings of the inhabi tants who arc walking or (pending their time ir alchoures, and every person who is fufpetftetl is taken up,and without further examination thrown into the sea." \_PubliJhed on Wednesday and Saturday May 2. On Wednesday last the gold medal was voted by the society, for the encouragement of arts toCapt. Peckingham of the navy, for his valuable invention of Aeeringafhip, by an appa ratus that can be fitted to the mast in afecond, in the event of a rudder being carried away in a florin. May 4. At Paris, there as been an alarming infurredtion—A capital manufacturer having un intentionally offended the common labourers, they aflembled in great numbers to pull down his works, &c.—He applied to the military for pro tection—the military came, and were attacked bv the mob, who killed several of the soldiers— The military were then reinforced, and a dread ful slaughter ensued, in which more than 600 persons -were killed. The scene was the Fa bourg de St. Antoine. We learn by accounts from Nemours, that the bailiage of that quarter have nominated their de puties for the ensuing meeting of the States Ge neral. The viscount Noailles has been elected representative of the Noblefle, and the following articles form a small part of his inAructions from that order for his conduct at the national allembly. " The wish of the noblefle of the bailiage, be fore any other subject be entered upon, is, that the individual liberty of Frenchmen should be guaranteed, comprehending under this idea, a right to go, return from, and remain in, any part, within or-without the kingdom, they think proper, without being subject to solicit perinifiion for that purpose; submitting, nevertheless, to the determination of the States-General such ca ses where it may beneceflary to restrain a liberty of leavingthe kingdom. That the liberty of the press should be granted, under such reflrietions as the States-General may judge proper.—That at the meeting of the states poAerior to the ap proaching aflembly, the two flrft orders shall be united in one and the fame chatriber, wilder thg express condition that this chamber, formed of the two firft orders, shall be coinpofed of one member of the clergy to two of the noblefle ; and that then every object proposed in the firft and second chamber may be equally proposed, reject ed or accepted, in the other, in such manner that the free consent of the separate chamber shall be neceifary to give the force of law to every sub ject deliberated therein. In cafe of war, change of reign, or regency, the States-General lhall be convoked in fix weeks.—The periodical return ot the slates to be fixed at two years; reckonino from the end of the foregoing'aflembly.—Mini" fters shall be accountable to the States-General for the employment of the funds confided to them, and responsible to the States-General in all matters relative to the laws of the kingdom. There shall be no denial of juflice in any cafe 01* to any person.—No loan, under whatever form it maybe, circulating paper, office or commifiion, of any nature whatsoever, shall be created or ef tabliihed but by the will or consent of the nation aflembled.—The States-General shall attend to the. vexations and abused government of the mi litia, the effects of which are eflentially prejudi cial to agriculture. The States-General should as soon as possible determine on the fuppreflioii of the capitaineries, as they form a jurifdicftion foreign to the laws of the kingdom, are a mani feft violation of the sacred right of property, and which many persons who exercise those usurped privileges use in a cruel and oppreflive manner. The King's chafe and that of the Princes to be reduced to the simple right of chafe within the limits of the lands and seigniories of their do mains. The abolition of the Franc Fief to be demanded of the States-General. To exert themselves to effect an annihilation of the destruc tive impost of the Gabelle : and that there be in the provinces but one weight and measure." 1 hat noble entliufiafm which always exists in the authors and inventors of ufeful and agreea ble arts, is easily excited by public applause, but is too often forced to waste itfelf in obfeurity, and in unavailing struggles to overcome vulgar pre judices again A all new inventions. There per haps never was an lera when the spirit of im provements of all kinds was carried further than at present ; nor when there was more ingenious men in all branches of the arts. We apprehend that an account of new improvements will be acceptable sometimes, also intermixed with an account of the inventors. Sir Richard Arkwriglit was originally a barber, at Preston, in Lancashire, and shaved for a penny. Having been imprisoned for some doubtful con duct at acontefted election, in the gaol he formed the plan of his celebrated machine for preparing and spinning cotton. It was a considerable time before he could procure money to set up his ma chine. An old cuAomer of his, who had a me chanical turn, was persuaded to join with him. He carried on his improvement with so much vi
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