Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 04, 1789, Page 94, Image 2
SKJLICH OF THE POLITICAL STATE OF AMERICA. Extended Empire, ].kc expanded gold, Exchanges tohd ule, tor feeble fpl ndor." HOWEVER opposed ic may be to the feelings ana incereffcsof some individuals, ] am yet incli ned to observe, that upon general principles, the policy of emigrating to distant parts, from a coun fiy, leit infufficiently stocked with people, to answer the necellary demands arising in society, cannot he easily jultified: Nor am 1 acquainted with tne peculiar advantages which we are to de rive from the prefeut rage for emigration so the \\ eltern country, as a reimbursement of the valt of its settlement ; but I presume these (peculations will end 1 ke the Voyage of the shak ing Quakers from one of the Eaftem States, who piompted by holy zeal built a /hip to convey them to Jerufalein,but eventually concluded to fend her for a cargo ol rum to the Weft-Indies, as pronii nlg the greatest profit. Though it Ihould be granted that it is not altogether within the abili ty of government to flop the delusive practice of quitting habitations now unsettled, to visit regions unexplored and unprotected ; yet there is an es sential difference between a tacit connivance, and an officious interposition to encourage such a plan. I>. is added, that the irrefiflable ivipulfe of felfin tereft, would prove superior to any attempts op pofingfo strong a liobby-horfe ; but if some ac counts lately had from Carthagena are to be re lied on, little danger can arifc from giving full .°pe to the operation of this irrefi [table principle, in effecting those Utopian settlements. By an ex press clauf'e of the National Conltitution, the re publican form of government isguaranreed—and the ellence and genuine principles of such a Go vernment can be best supported within a fiiiall compass, and where mutual interests are mutual ly understood ; but when the territorial jurisdic tion of a country is greatly extended, the emana tions of power from its source becomes in the ex ticinities proportionally weak and inefficient; and must either, like the parts of the human sys tem which are removed from the influence of the blood expelled from the heart, end in their de fection and final amputation; or if maintained, it will be like the provinces of Rome by the tyran ny of the Viceroys and consequent oppression of the people ; and it will most probably be found at some future period, that like the adder vivified by the genial warmth of the fire, this country had been cherished and reared to bite the hand of its protector. What a fad contrail does Spain now present to her former fuuation, when flie flood foremo-ft among the nations of Europe : and may we not attribute this change to her rage for colonization, and the miilaken policy of her government, in encouraging it—Jn return for folTdgreatnefs and refpcciability, sh e pofleffes tinfelljed pageantry and glittering grandeur. By ceding to the proposition that government has no right to oppof'e by any legillative interfer ence, tliis,ftrange Spirit for division and elope ment which pei vades this cournrj-, would be vir tually contradicting the praCticeof other nations, and denying some of the eflential prerogatives of government, of the firft importance to society. The powet it must neceflarily poflefs to check the jll-direCred pursuits and mistaken views of indi viduals when militating with the general <rood the power of preserving a due balancc between the feveral 7 interests of a community, and of di recting the operation of the labor and industry smonga people into proper channels and for pub lic benefit—the principle of felf defence, which is superior to any other, is directly opposed to a division of power in this- country—and though I expert not the concurrent opinion of land-jobbers monopolizers of the hard earned wages of the poor fohlier, and other harpies upon the public I must still maintain, that those hands who are daily emigrating to distant places, being employ ed in the various branches of agriculture, manu factures and commerce 011 theatlantic shore would add more to our national ftrength—more'eflica cioufly afiiftin thedifcharge of our public debt more completely cement our present union, and prevent our future division and diflention, than will result from any view of their present. pur suits ; and it is in the power of government to oppose their removal by making it their real in terest to remain at home, it being a fancied in terest which leads them abroad. AMERIC A N U S. NEW INVENTED LOOM. Extract of a letter front Edinburgh, April 18. " A loom of anew and very Sngular nature has lately been invented and set to work at PaifW on the principles of a model conftrucled some time ago l>y Dr. J affray, with the improvements that have since occurred to him and Mr. Barr. This loom is to be driven by machinery, set in motion by water, fleam, &c. and not only takes the cloth from the lay with such regularity that no part oi the web can have more wool driven into it or be thicker than another ; but if a thread in the warp breaks, the machine instantly stands still. It is laid to be capable of weaving all kinds of cloth. fromfilk to canvas ; and, if report be true, it is so iiniple 111 its conftrudtion as not to colt more than double tlie expenee of a common loom, while it is so sweet in its motions, and er.fy to be mana ged, that one man working awheel can set five or fix oi them in motion, and an attentive boy or girl may tie threads and change pirns to three, if not four. '1 he web at present in the loom is a ten hundred muffin. The beauty and regularity of its fabric have given much fatisfadtion to those gentlemen in G1 lfgow and Paisley, to whom spe cimens ofit have been fnewn : and we may ven ture to fay, that nothing hitherto devised to im prove and extend the art of weaving, to add new energy to the labor and ingenuity of the country, and to give a decided command of market, ever demanded a more serious attention from all con cerned." for the GLORIOUS ANNIVERSARY 0/ INDEPENDENCE. ''WAR s horrid founds rib more aflail our cars, Elate with barb'rous hopes, or chill with fears; Far from the States her threat'ning thunder roars, \\ hile Heaven-born Pcace smiles round our tranquil fliores. Clieer'd by her pre fence Commerce spreads the fail, lorljkes the port and courts the favouring gale; Exulting bears wliat distant lands produce, And sports the varied treasure for our use. Protected too from rapine, fee the swain, Bears to hia growing itores the teeming grain; joyful he takes what nature's bounty yields, And sings contented in his uativtfields'; He knows no fear from stern oppreflion's dart, I o damp the warm emotions of his heart. Cherifli'd by Liberty, arour\d the land, Content and Induftiy walk hand in hand, Alike on all the heaven-born Goddess smiles, The rich protects, the poor man's care beguiles ; In every walk of life can spread a charm, Kedrefs misfortune, and her sting disarm. Thus to behold, mud warm each patriot breast, The nation profp'rous, and the people blest. O Liberty ! thou guardian of the State, Eternal bit flings in thy presence wait ; Unlike thetranfient flowers which fortune rears, They ft ill improve and gather strength by years', No despot here can force unwilling awe, Spurn at control, or trample on the law ; Before thy presence fee the tyrant flies, And proud opprcflion hangs her head and dies! Hail happy land'! where justice ever reigns, Protests the weak, the lawlcfs hand restrains; With foft'ring wtng secures the poor man's home, And cheers alike thecottage and the dome. Since then from Liberty our blessings flow, Let's prize the source those blelftngs can bc'ftow; Within our breasts her sacred altar rear, And own her still the gift of Heaven mod dear. Let us whilfl mern'ry dwells upon the day, Which saw fair Freedom's form expiring lay Revere the saving hand which bade her rife, ' And gild with radiant beams these Weftern'fkies!" FOREIGN MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES FRANKFORT, APRIL I. We learn from Vienna, that the last division of the Emperor s suite set off the 19th of March for Pelt. STAPLES, FEBRUARY 21. We learn from Messina, that on the 7 th instant at minutes after five, two fliocks of an earth quake were felt there, the firft of which was ve ry violent. DENMARK, MARCH 31. After the Iriih Captain O'Brien had been re moved from the town-hall to the Citadal on Sa turday night last, one of his accomplices, named Scheel was taken ,hto custody. He is a native of England, but had rcfided many years in Swe den fins mart 011 whom were found many pa pers relating to Benzenftierna, is confined in the Citadel. The pnfoners are daily interrogated in the l.oufe of the Governor of the Citadel and when the examinations are concluded, acommif oTnders PP ° imedfor proceedLl g a g ainfl the PARIS, APRIL 2. Though every thing is quiet refpecfting polki cal affairs, the dearnefs of bread has riven oc casion to very violent tumults in some of the southern province?. At Aix, Marseilles and Tou lon, the riots have been carried to a great height. 1- ri C p 0 T Montfera, who had rendered himfelf obnoxious to the people, was obliged to letire to his house : Here he was pursued aud be sieged ; and unfortunately firing on tlje multi tude by which a man was killed, he was at length dragged from Ins house, and literally torn in pieces by the populace. The Bishop of Sifte ron narrowly efcapetlwith his life, but was so ill-treated that, t is supposed he will not long i urvive On the other hand, the Count de Mira S beau (the Wilkes of the people) has been every where conducted in triumph. On Ins entry into a town where he was elected a deputy for the Tlnid Eflate, the windows were let at two gui neas, for feeing the procession; not only tl.e liorfes, but the wheels also were takeiiffrom liis SE™ 1 he T r\ cS J' P ? T J r RSBURG H > " ARCH 24. On Sunday last the bafliav, of Oczakow, with a numerous suit, was presented to her Imperial Majesty, and very graciously received. MANHEIM, APRIL An account is just received of the death of the Prince of Birkenfield Gelnhaufen the last Pro tefbant Prince of the Palentine Faiu^ly. VIENNA, APR it 4. The Emperor, who had been lone tW posed, is almost compleatly recovered " Jpril 17. The Emperor's indisposition 1, turned with such alarming fympfoms has exprelled a desire to have, and has j 'f le sacrament administered to him. ' le 7000 Turks have began hostilities bv,«. v the advanced poll of V 3 llie-mulieri-theTwer 2 well received, and finally routed—'Thffr 1 r 253 killed—our's 10. ols London, ATRIL 25. The benevolent inftirutions in this li„„4 for the relief of dijlrefs, and the encouiS™ of virtue, are, it mull be allowed, very numeric and fnpported with a spirit that does honorto the' humanity of the inhabitants at large In •, 11- tion to those one has lately bee.i inftltutedt this metropolis, called the Philanthropic Scci u for the effectual relief of those who £ D lytermedthe the out-catls is, the children of the vagrant.and profligate poor/who in their present condition arc dettmedto fucceJ to the hereditary vices of their parents, and to become the next race of beggars and thieves I he mediation of the Court of London and Berlin will not be able to effert a pacification in the Noith until Sweden and Ruffla, fliall U. tried the fortune of another war. It is believed at Conftaiitinople,'thatit was the prevalence of Britiih interest that induced the Vizier to break with Russia. Full of this opinion, the uiob aflembled lately in a great body about the house of Sir Robert Amiley, (our Minister at the Forte) and attacked it with so much fury that it was with great difficulty his Excellency efop. Ed with life. r It is certain tlrat at Conftantinoplo the present war, m which the Porte isengaged, is highly un popular. As a proof of this, the mob, cfdv'en to madnels by the news of the fall ofOczakow and the dreadful flrwghter of rlie" Turks, ran in crowds to the palace of the Grand Vizier, which they fat on fire, and reduced to allies. In the two forms of prayer, refpeding our gracious Monarch, two lingular points are verv obvious. In the firft, his Majesty was said to be affliifled for the fins of his people'.' In the scrip ture quotation of the second, a high compliment indeed, is paid to Dr. Willis, by coviparing him to the saviour of the world ! Are tllefe points decent ? 1 lie city of London was much disgraced in the late procession, by the motly figure of the train band. 1 hey were like FalftafFs regiment; and paid such an attention to discipline, that a few half-pence thrown among them, created a scram ble equal to a parcel of fcliool-boys. It is 110 less extraordinary than true, that while half-India Company have been annual ly exporting silver to China, for want of other commodities with which to purchase teas, the Dutch have for years pad been carrying on ave ry lucrative trade in tin, from the illandof Suina ti a, v. hich finds a universal cons iimption in eve rj pait of China. An ingenious gentleman who was lately in the Company's service, has explain ed this circumflance to the Court of Directors and the Lords of the Treasury, who havo turn ed so attentive an ear to him, that the Company have already sent off 50 tons of tin, by the Ihips of the present season. f}' 011 the Tliankfgiving Day, as a fubjert interesting the opinions and affections of all men, is to be painted by Copley. Aptil^o. 011 the King's recovery, all isthankf giving and joy. We can only inform the public 111 brief, that 011 7 hurfday lalt the King went in llateto St. Faul's, to' attend divine service: That the procellion, the 1110 ft magnificent London ever vwtnelled, consisted of 305 carriages; drawn prin cipally by fix horses each : 111 these were the Ki »S>. Queen and all the Royal Family ; all the Nobility, Commons, &c.the Lord Mayorand lle prefentatives of London, &c. &c. That fourthou fand Military, and one thousand Peace Officers, were 011 duty, in the streets, to prevent tumult. 1 hat e'-ght thousand fine young charity children, f 10m different parifhe&, in uniform, chaunteda hymn while theiinmenfe company were entering St. 1 aul s : 1 hat after divine service the procei fion returned in the fame order as thev came: 1 hat the acclamations of the million were loud and loyal: i hat the King appeared placid and serene, at times ; but was often melted into tears: f hat all the Royal Regiments of Guards, the Tower, Park, &c. fired a feu de joie: That the bells all rang, and that on the foil wing even mg the city exhibited one blaze of illumination, the moll superb, and the most expensive ever known—the cost being upwards of 500,000!. llerling ; one building was illuminated by 17,000 lamps, Carlton House by leveral thousand flam beaux, all variegated—Merchant Taylors' Hall had 3000 lamps in it—Brook's 6000 ; to reflet which, looking-glalles were placed, some of which were valued at 5001. 90 guineas were of fered for a ticket of permission to Brook's: And that lioufes were rented 3001. to jool. for the day Seats at 1 o to 20 guineas—and but for the rain would have let for more.