Tuesday, Junf. 30, 1789. ,'ttee of the whole, on the bill lor establishing the "department: several amendments were proposed to this bill, and on'the day of every session of THat r l,v before the House, copies of all accounts lcttled with Congress, y the fta(e of the Treasury. thC 0 Tm be given by the several officers, are to be dep#fitcd in , h 'cotptroUe g r'roffic y e, and regiflered » the office of the fu ™.irt of the United States. P 'Ttedifciiffionof this bill being finifhed by the committee, M Burke introduced his additional clause, which provides of the officers in this department, shall be concerned, u "T.reftlv or indircftly, in trade or commerce, under loss nWolaces, and other heavy penalties: This amendment oc fnnfd some conversation, when Mr. Burke withdrew it tor l ,frm The committee then rose, and the Chairman made f CP nort The Speaker having resumed I the Chair, th, House took up the bill as amended, and accepted the lame, with some asked leave of absence till the beginning ot M xt week, which was granted. The House then adjourned till to-morrow. STOCKHOLM, March 12. Maior Morian, who had been sent in the ca nacity of a courier into Finland, returned here the 7th inft. We are afl'ured he has brought ad vices that the army in that province has consent ed to'the ast of union and surety resolved on by the orders of the clergy, citizens and pealants, and part of the nobility. HAMBURGH, April 7, Letters from Stockholm of the 27 of March in form us, that the equellrian order still refufes to consent' to the act of union and guarantee, but has joined the other three orders in presenting an address of thanks to the King, which was sent to his Majelly by a deputation from the four estates. — - PARIS, April 16. A deputation, it is said, is arrived from the French American colonies, to demand a difcuflal of their rights, by the Etats Generaux. This deputation consists of thirty two-members, who will be reduced to a more convenient number. LONDON, AI'RIL 22. The merchants of this city have received up wards of jo,oool. from their correspondents in New-York the week past. A loan of eight millions of li vres has been opened at Genoa, for the service of the King of Sweden at an interest of four and a half per cent, to be repaid in eight years, begining from the year 1800. By private letters from Smyrna we learn, that, instigated by the Porte, the Tartars of the Crimea have risen up in rebellion against their Ruffian matters. They have cut in pieces several detach ments of her Imperial Majesty's forces. Ihe number and audacity of the rebels increase daily, and there is every reason to believe, that the Ruffians will be forced to abandon the Crimea. At a meeting of the States General of France, no person can be represented by proxy. Every Nobleman of 2J years of age, and an inhabitant of Paris, has a right to vote tor an elector to that city. The University of Paris fends four Members to the States. The election began on Monday last, and to prevent any outrages or tumults, the guards a bout the town are treble in number. A gentleman who arrived on Monday from the Continent fays, that when he left the Hague lalt Tuesday, they were in hourly expectation of hear ing that the Emperor was dead. As that is a place of the firft political information, it may be iuppofed that the Emperor is really in a very critical situation. So extensive are the revenues of some Polish npblemen, that Count Potocki, Grand Maiter of the Artillery, and Commander in Chief in the Ukraine, will alone pay to Government, as his (hare of the 10 per cent, on his lands, the an nual subsidy of 30,000 florins. There never was known in the history of France such tumults as have arisen within the latl few weeks, throughout almost all the Provin ces. We may suppose, that from the frenzy which has seized the people, that the scarcity of grain mult have been nearly equal to a famine, or that there has been gross negledt in the infe rior offices of government. All hopes of peace between their Imperial Ma jesties and the Porte, are entirely dissipated ; 011 the contrary, every tiring announces a bloody campaign, from the preparations that are mak ing by each of the contending powers. Ihe Turk is allembling his forces ; and the ci ty of Conllantinople, as well as all its environs, iwarm with troops, which are continually joining 'lie armies of the Grand Vizier, and of the Pacha e Romelle ; nevertheless, our letters fay, that Jmong that immense multitude, there are very W cavalry. The Emperor of Germany, on the other hand, is Very diligent. His army aflein ed in the Bannat, to oppose that of the Grand Vizier, will consist of 48 battalions, and of the j"ne number of squadrons, besides Huflars. Ie corps of Prince Holicnlohe, and Prince Saxe ~° ourg, are already 011 their march, the firl ,i°iii "11 anfilvania, the feconcl from Moldavia, utending to penetrate into Wallachia, in ordei 0 aain concert with the Ruffians. ERRATUM. The following error, which escaped notice in a number of our pa pers of this date, our readers will pieuje to coiretU iiz- in lajf col. lafl J p 66 linesfromthetop, "/ .go"—infieadojwhich, read£ .90,000; An ODE For INDEPENDENCE, July 4th. 1789! By DANIEL GEORCE. 'TIS done ! —the edict past, by Heav'n decreed. And Hancock's name confirms the glorious deed. On this auspicious morn Was INDEPENDENCE born : Propitious day! Hail! the United States ! of blest America ! CHORUS. Fly, ftvift-xuing'd Fame, The news proclaim : From Jhore to jhore, Let cannons roar; And joyful voices Jhout columbia'j name. See haughty Britain, fending hosts of foes, With vengeance arm'd, our freedom to oppose; But WASHINGTON the Great, Difpell'd impending fate, And fpurn'd each plan : Americans, combine to hail the god-like man ! chorus. Fly,Jwift-U)ing'd Fame, &c. Let Saratoga's crimson plains declare The deed*) of Gat es, that 44 thunderbolt of war His trophies grae'd the field : He made whole armies yield— A vet'ran band : In vain did Burgoyne strive his valor to withstand. chorus. Flyjwift-wing'd Fame, Be. Now York-Town's heights attratt our wond'ring eyes, Where loud artill'ry rends the lofty Ikies : There WASHINGTON commands, With Gallia's chosen bands, A war-like train; Like Homer's conquering Gods, they thunder o'er the plaih. CHORUS. Fly,fwift-zving'd Fame, &c. Pale terror marches on, with solemn stride ; Cornwallis trembles, Britain's boalted pride : He, and his armed hosts, Surrender all their posts To WASHINGTON, The friend of Liberty—Columbia's tavounte son. chu r us. Fly, fwilt-wing'd Fame, &(. Now from Mount-Vernon's peaceful (hades again The Hero comes, with thousands in his train: 'Tis WASHINGTON the Great Mult fill the chair of state, Columbia cries ; Each tongue the glorious name re-echoes to the Ikies* CHORUS. Fly,Jwtft-wingd Fame, &c. Now shall the ufeful arts of Peace prevail, And Commerce flourifh, fav'or'd by each gale ; Dilcoid, forever ceaie! Let Liberty, and Peace And Justice reign ; For WASHINGTON proteds the fcitntific train, CHORUS. Fly,fwijt-wing'd Fame, Be. Portland, (Majfachufetts) June, 1789. NEW-YORK, JULY i, 1789. ExtraG of a letter from Providence, (Rhode-Island) dated June 16, 1789. " To obviate the difficulties that have occurred to you, and which indeed have been an dbjettion with the majority to the repealing the Un der laws, the minority would readily fall, a with making an mflallment acl, olfo to allow the paper to continue a tender jor all executions, and would even be willing to enter fofar into a compromise, as to put it upon the fame footing with gotdand fiver, that is to fay, a tender should not cancel the debt, but the interefljliouldceafefrom the time such tender was made ■ but they declare they will not repeal, or make any alteration in the ire rent law, tillfuch time as all the State notes are carried into the treasury and cancelled; andthey hold out to the people at large, the mo ment they break in upon the prefentfyjlem, they will be ruined, and that by their continuing Jirm, they will bring the others to terms : From this you will ludge we have little or nothing to expedfrom our present rulers, as at the r,ting oleachfej/ions they hold up the idea to the minority, that /ornithine hall be done at the next to fat,sfy them in either repealing or fuffJcndnig the tender, or calling a convention ; but when met in their notlurnaiconvention, it is always determined to continue in their mi quitous mcaTurcS: _ _ r , " IVe are informed, that the membeis of Congrefsare in genera! bleared with our new -evenue atl, and look upon it as a favorable fymtom of federal, fm ; but I can ajure you this is not the cafe, and it ,s doiic with a view to amuse the people, and continue themselves in office a little longc, with the hopes it will be in their power to oppress thejede ralifts, and emharrafs the new government, which they a, e determined to do as much a> pMle ; and unless Congress will ado I tfome dccijive mea n,r,c there is little or no br officii of their calling a convention, as you Lay observe by their conduflin the lajlfejions. which rofelajl Saturday, without alter,,, e the Under or g,ving any encouragement for calling a , onvention ; They are adjourned till next Oclober,wl,en thtre w,U be a new " From the above fatement of Ms, you may judge, as we have no thin, to hope from our present rulers, so we have notning to dread from their refentmevt, were eto withdraw ourselves and claim the frotec- Ringwood, (in England) dared Mareh 30, 1 7^9* « This day fe'nnight, J was infpcEling a patent mill for making blocks for /hipping ; and a four mill adjoining to ,t,both belonging to the fame prop,,etors. The works are large- and, what isflngularmt a cog is si red in any one of the wheels, which are all turned by rubbing one againfl the other, alias, by friction. ,i„ •< We are apprehenfv e, that the rage of the bell,genent powers on the cmtinentw.il at length draw Great Britain into a war: If so, it will "e good police in America to observe a find neutrality, andfuceeed the Dutch in milking the cow. . The present poor profpeß as to a future harvefl, and the quantity of wheat thathastenexported, has induced Jar lament to prepare a nil to prevent exportation far a certain period, whichwill probably pass into an ait, especially should the war be likely not on y to continue but Tread. Many Europeans, in different places, will certainly be fed 'his year with American wheat and flour, if you have enough and to hare. The aoerage price of wheat, befl, middling, and themojlinfer,. .1, the Corn Exchange, London, was, on the 21ft ult. five fhtlltngs W r.n.e-pence halfpenny fieri, ng, per bufhcl, and has been rifmg •inct One of the moil important topics of political conversation, at the present hour, is the refrac A tory oppolition of the State of Rhode liland against joining the general government. In whatever light the fubjedt is viewed, no reasonable man can find any apology for such obltinacy and verfenefs. Perhaps no part of the United States is so illy fituaied to maintain afepaiate indepen dence. The hour is approaching when Congress will be under the neceility of some kind ot inter ference ; and though we entertain the moil ex alted ideas of the justice and moderation of that illustrious body, we Itill believe they will not quietly fufFer the Revenue to be defeated by the iniquitous conduct of a State, which they can so easily controul. It is with pleasure we inform our readers, that forfeveral days past the business of Congress has progrefled in such a degree, that several very im portant bills have arrived nearly to completion. The public expectation, which has been so long awake, will soon be gratified with the arrange ments that are to put our government into ref pe