Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 20, 1789, Page 79, Image 3

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    domestic articles.
Savanna, May 28.
a «r<i letur from Col. Maxwell to Lieut. Col.
Fijhhl'r", 'dated Mtdway ( Liberty-County) May
J < 4 Last Tuesday there was a train of Indians
Sr"for embodying the militia, »mithree small
nrties were collected on the frontiers that night,
n'n Wednesday morning, as foonas Dr. Le Conte s
neeroes turned out of the fort the Indians at
tempted to seize on them. Six fellows went out
»;th mins 5 as soon as the negroes discovered the
Indians they made back for the tort, and the
Indians'purfued them ; there were iome negroes
in the fort with arms, who, with the Doctor, si
.on t hem, whilst those who went out armed
--tacked them in the rear, which soon made
them retreat, with some loss, to a fence, where
thev kept up a heavy fire at the fort, for some
time without efFedt. They carried off three ne
oe's, Several parties of men soon got to the
Bhce but puifued without waiting to colled: a
force' fufficient to attack them. Capt. Frafer,
with a small party, came up with them on the
fide of a fwanip,which they immediately ran into,
and prevented his charging them. It appears
from the belt accounts, that there are atleait fifty
in that party. The next morning they killed
a man at a plantation of Capt. Sander's, just be
low the one which he now plants ; and on Friday
night they attacked a small guard within a mile
and a half of me, the guard beat them ofF wi th
the loss of one man killed. They carried off a
ne°ro wench and a child a small distance from the
place, stabbed the wench in several places with
a knife, scalped her, and killed the child ; the
wench has come in, but is not expected to live.
Yesterday evening, at Mr. Stephen Baker's, three
of his negroes went over the fence, who were fi
red on, and a wench killed and scalped. An
attempt to plunder was likewise made at Mr.
James Wood's on Friday, but the negroes disco
vered the lavages at a distance, and made their
cfcape. They seem to have separated into small
parties, and to be all round us. A party is to go
out to morrow morning. It is thought, by the
ditferent trails that have been difcovercd since,
that there are other parties come into the settle
ments besides that which attacked Le Conte ; it
so, there is no telling what their numbers are."
The two men killed by the Indians in Liberty
comity were, Mr. Grimes and Mr. James Cole.
Winchester, June 3. _
[From a Correspondent.'] " A great majority of
theHoufe of Representatives in Congress, appear
to be a band of patriots : It may be observed ih
the Debates, however, that some gentlemen who
pass for men of sens e, are against adifcrimination
ontonnage. This is a matter of aftonifhinent to
aperfon who fees that the sale of American oil
and rice in France, is superior to all advantages
in commerce that Britain .:an give the United
States. Britain aifplays fucli rapacity for felf-in
terelt and monopoly, that no American of liberal
sentiments can hesitate to make a difcriniination
between her and France. They who do, appear
to be ignorant oftheinterefts of the United States,
or fail to pursue it.
" Do these gentlemen intend that we shall be
aspaffive in our traffic with Europe as the Turks
are ? The Dutch, English, and French, carry their
commodities, an 4 fell them in the Turkish do
minions, and bringback the commodities of Tur
key in the fame bottom: Hence arises the great
difficulty which the Porte labours under to man
and maintain anavy, notwithftandingthe absolute
power of this Court. * Such men discover a timid
diffidence which borders on meanefs—they are
afraid to do what is absolutely neceflary, to eftab
lilh a revenue, and consequently, the credit of
their country,leaft the Britilh should do something
to counteract it: Such pufilanimous conduct will
never command respeCt in commerce or in war.
" It is observed by some gentlemen, that Bri
tain takes our flax feed—lt is not to oblige us ;
itisbecaufc it answerS far better, and with more
certainty ofa cropthan feed from Holland, or any
part of the European continent—that they take
ourpotaih and naval stores. If the bad bloocl which
originated in the armed neutrality, should get a
little more inflamed, Britain would be obliged to
depend on us in a great measure for pitch, tar,
turpentine, and other naval stores. Russia and
Denmark will not supply her, and so many of the
Swedes will be employed in arms, that they can
notfurniih her with a fufficient quantity. 111 this
Situation, I would use the Biitons with civility,
andeftablifh more of a reciprocity in trade, than
their short lighted policy, and interested felfilh
views would permit them to grant to America.
" Besides the other great obligations which the
, 'ted States lie under to France, we owe them a
rj r»e (um of money ; and not with (landing the
Unfortunate situation of tlieir own finances, they
war to press us: Our ingratitude to France
would be next to our ingratitude to Heaven : She
was an inltrument in the hand of Providence, to
nn gvis to what we are.
" A great deal has been said on thefcarcity of
flapping to carry the bulky commodities of Ame
rica to market. It is generally allowed, that the
States to the eastward have more lhipping than is
neceflary for their own carriage : Let them by
all means have the preference—What they get is
all in the family. They are an lnduitrious enter
prising people—and knowing their interest, and
being attached to it, will prevent their being ex
orbitant in their demands for freight, as it would
operate against them, and induce every state to
provide themselves in fliipping as fact as polfible,
to serve their own purpot'es.
" Let a person of judgment, acquainted with
lhipping and materials for building, consider the
immenl'e quantities of live oak and cedar in the
Southern States ; and pines so lofty, that it tires
the eye to look at the top ; many of them four feet
diameter—and he will fee, that an adtive enter
prising people will, in a Ihort time, not only sup
ply the United States with /hipping fulKcient for
their own carriage, but will carry on a profitable
commerce by building, freighting, and felling
the Ihips in Europe.
" It is disagreeable to observe some men infill
on lowering the impost, before they know the
amount of it, or are informed of the fuins of money
neceflary for the fupportofgovernment, the pay
ment of the interest of our debts, and for eftab
lilhing a finking fund to pay off the principal
debts by installments : The fpeeclies of such per
sons serve only to expose then! to ridicule, and
prove how incompetent they are to eftablilh a re
venue, and make laws for a great and riling em
'' America has great reason to thank Providence
that a large majority of the House ot Reprelen
tatives discover greater abilities and more know
ledge of the Times.
Boston, June 13.
Yesterday the joint committee of the legisla
ture reported to the Hon. Senate, the address to
THE PRESIDENT of the United States.
That firm reliance on Heaven—that spirit of
piety, and moderation—which breathes in every
line which has come from THE PRESIDENT,
will remain a record to posterity, as honorable
as his brilliant atchievements both in the field
and the cabinet—and will perpetuate his fame
more than the fongof the poet —the page of the
hiltorian—the marble monument, or studied in
NEW-YORK, JUNE 20, 1789.
for the Anniversary of AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE.
To the tunc of u Rule Britannia.
YE friends to this auspicious day!
Come join the fed'ral, teftive band,
And all Columbia—homage pay
To him who freed thy happy land. ,
Hail Columbia! Columbia's Genius, hail.
Freedom ever Jha 11 prevail.
Brave, jufl, artji generous, wife, sincere.
Thy virtues cheer each drooping Son ;
And thy proud Rivals —haH revere
Columbia's Genius, WASHINGTON.
Hail Columbia! &c.
No more (Kail Envy blast our fame,
Or Jealousy our hearts divide,
The BAND OF BROTHERS—now proclaim
The knot indiirolubly tv'd.
Half Columbia! &c.
No more {hall Difcor.d cloud the day
That gave to INDEPENDENCE birth.
Henceforth we'll fpurnthe —Fiend away,
And drown our fears in wine and mirth.
/Jail Columbia! &c.
Now LIBERTY, by HEAV'N's command,
Returns to bless Columbia's shore ;
Well pleas'd, [he views the—happy land,
And cries, I'll wander now no more.
Hail Columbia! &c.
In this my last asylum blest,
Columbia ftiall my Empire own,
And HE who won me—stand confeft
The faithful guaidian of my throne.
Hail Columbia! &c.
COMMERCE shall rear her drooping head,
And open all her copious {lores,
Her {hips their lofty—pinions Ipread,
To wait them to remoieit (horcs.
Hail Columbia!
Ye FAIR who grace Columbia's plains !
To you my Sons shall homage pay,
And though they scorn a—tyrant's chains,
Shall bow to Beauty's fov'reign iway.
Ilail Columbia ! £?c.
On this bright dawn of HALCYON days,
Let fed'ral triends in concert join
To pour, while they the —flafk can raise
Libations to the God of Wine.
Hail Columbia! Columbia's Genius t nail -
Freedom everJhall prevail. E. C.
The important decision on the motion, for (hiking Out a clause
in the hill which hadbeenfor several days before the committee
,f the HOufc of Reptefentatives of the United States has quieted
he fears ot many friends to the Union, who had been uneasy,
left the blending of the LcgifUtive and Executive Powers of Go
vernment, should at some future period have produced diflenti
ons, corruption and debility, in the Legislature of the United
M His Most Christian Majesty's Packet Lt Telenaque, L'Hotbi
itß commander, wil! fail for Bourdeaux the fuft of July next.
The President has been indisposed with a fligfitfevex, for ?.
few days pall; but the public anxiety may be abated, by the
ajjurance (.hat he is now much better.
We are'informed, that His Excellency Thomas Jefferson,
Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to the Court of
trance, has requeiled leave to visit America : and that The Pre
sident has granted him permiflion accordingly.
We further learn, that this event was known to the Senat4
>n Wednesday last by a m flage from The President, who at
the fame time was pleased to nominate William Short, Elq.
Charge des Affaires for the United States, at that Court, during the
abfenee of Mr. Jefferson.
The nomination, we hear, is confirmed by the Senate.
Every friend to the happiness and freedom of America* con
templates with pieafure, the increase and diffufion of learning in
these rising States.—A laudabl spirit pepades the various socie
ties and associations of citizens, to extend the means of know
ledge and information. Schools and other seminaries of learning,
are continually encreafing—the inhabitants of this city d.Lover a
laudabl® ambition on this account —and the public papers are
daily announcing the literary improvements, and exhibitions oi
the youth, taught atthe several academies.
The exhibition of the pupils of Mr. Hardie, atthe city-ta
vern, bn Wednesday evening, was attended by a very large and
refpe&able company. The performances of the several parts af
fined to the young gentlemen, gave great pieafure to the fpe&a
tors. The grace, the animation and propriety, of the a&ion and
pronunciation of the several scholars, were honorary te> them
lelves, and reflected great credit upon their preceptor.
The nthinft. being the day for the general
aflembly of the State of Rhode lfland, agreeable
to a resolve pafled at their late felfion, to take in
to consideration a motion made for calling a con
vention, to adopt the new conftitution —the fame
was accordingly taken up, and after the matter
was difcufled, the vote was taken, and there was
a majority of eleven against calling aconvention.
The motion made for repealing the tender law
was also taken into consideration, and it also
pafled in the negative, by a majority ot [even.
The diminution of the majority against the Federal Conftitlilion
in theStateof Rhode-Island, is indicative ofthe complete triumph
of reason and common sense over (he power of anarchy, felfilHneis
and party views : Rhode-Island and North-Carolina' will undoubt
edly soon be restored to the Union, when there will be more joy
over two returning wanderers, than over eleven dutiful sons, whi>
have never strayed from the Temple of Union,
The friends to the constitution of the United States, may re
joice in every circumstance that has attended its progress, from the
beginntng : The opposition to it, called forth in its defence and
support the noblest faculties of the human mind- The lull, free
and unbounded difcuflion of its merits and defects, has ser
ved to emblazon its preponderating excellencies in such manner,
that its foundation is extended, and made more firm and durable,
than its mofl sanguine friends could have anticipated.
In proportion as knowledge diffufes itfelf, li
berty spreads its genial rays. The French now
make themselves happy in the idea of a free
press : Those generous spirits who are burning
with the flame of liberty,a. e now engaged in so: m -
ing a fchenie for the more equal representation
of the people in the Etats Generaux; which they
justly consider as the firft gleam of liberty. An
enlightened people colleifted into an aflembly by
equal representation, will soon acquire through
their means every right that belongs naturally to
WHAT an happy afyluin does America prefenc
to the wretched inhabitants of the old world!
Here—where vafl: tratfts of country boalt a foil
and climate equal to the inoft fertile kingdoms of
Europe! Here—where no lordly despot ulurps the
land to difpoflefs the swain—where laws, and
equal liberty are the lot of all—Her# are they in
vited ! Industry ! especially in the United States,'
calls for an acceflion of artists; and agriculture
alone is capable of maintaining those thousands
and tens of thousands, who perilh in supporting
the falfe claims of Princes. The men, who mult
lose their lives in a single battle, accompanied
with some of those damfels,who facrifice their days
in convents to family pride under the malic of
devotion, Would easily find that provision in any
of our States, whether new or old, which would
induce them to exchange a life of rapine or of
celibacy, for the comforts of domestic life. Pro
fligacy, which ranges at large in courts, camps,
cities, and villages, would here be rendered ufe
ful to society. Religion, instead of being confi
ned to a convent, like a candle under a bufliel,
might illuminate regions as yet in Pagan dark
nels ; large diftricfts where the foot of man has
scarcely trod, might be turned into Edens ; and
the golden age, which never existed but in the
brains of enthusiasts, might in some degree be
realized in the American republics.
HOW is it, if titles are not consistent with the
genius of the people of America, as is aflerted
by foine—that in almoftall the Constitutions of the
several States, there are express provisions made,
for titles of diftincftion for the Supreme and other
magistrates ? And how is it, that common fon
fent in every State, so readily agrees to the llyle
of Honorable being given to various officers—fuch
as Counsellors, Judges of various tribunals, Pre
lidents of political bodies, Generals, &c. if they
are really repugnant to the feelings and wijhes of
the people ? Majf. Centinel.
Wednesday, Packet Telemaque, L'Hotelier, Bourdeaux.
Thursday, Ship Flora, Sinnolt, Newry, 36 days.
Schooner Rebecca, Gale, Nova-Scotia, 24 days.
Friday, Schooner Dove, Riggs, Baltimore, 15 days.
— Sydney, Todd, do. 11 days,
Sloop Polly, Sowers, Ptuadelphii, 3 days.