domestic articles. Savanna, May 28. a «rn Wednesday last by a m flage from The President, who at the fame time was pleased to nominate William Short, Elq. Charge des Affaires for the United States, at that Court, during the abfenee of Mr. Jefferson. The nomination, we hear, is confirmed by the Senate. Every friend to the happiness and freedom of America* con templates with pieafure, the increase and diffufion of learning in these rising States.—A laudabl spirit pepades the various socie ties and associations of citizens, to extend the means of know ledge and information. Schools and other seminaries of learning, are continually encreafing—the inhabitants of this city d.Lover a laudabl® ambition on this account —and the public papers are daily announcing the literary improvements, and exhibitions oi the youth, taught atthe several academies. The exhibition of the pupils of Mr. Hardie, atthe city-ta vern, bn Wednesday evening, was attended by a very large and refpe&able company. The performances of the several parts af fined to the young gentlemen, gave great pieafure to the fpe&a tors. The grace, the animation and propriety, of the a&ion and pronunciation of the several scholars, were honorary te> them lelves, and reflected great credit upon their preceptor. The nthinft. being the day for the general aflembly of the State of Rhode lfland, agreeable to a resolve pafled at their late felfion, to take in to consideration a motion made for calling a con vention, to adopt the new conftitution —the fame was accordingly taken up, and after the matter was difcufled, the vote was taken, and there was a majority of eleven against calling aconvention. The motion made for repealing the tender law was also taken into consideration, and it also pafled in the negative, by a majority ot [even. The diminution of the majority against the Federal Conftitlilion in theStateof Rhode-Island, is indicative ofthe complete triumph of reason and common sense over (he power of anarchy, felfilHneis and party views : Rhode-Island and North-Carolina' will undoubt edly soon be restored to the Union, when there will be more joy over two returning wanderers, than over eleven dutiful sons, whi> have never strayed from the Temple of Union, The friends to the constitution of the United States, may re joice in every circumstance that has attended its progress, from the beginntng : The opposition to it, called forth in its defence and support the noblest faculties of the human mind- The lull, free and unbounded difcuflion of its merits and defects, has ser ved to emblazon its preponderating excellencies in such manner, that its foundation is extended, and made more firm and durable, than its mofl sanguine friends could have anticipated. In proportion as knowledge diffufes itfelf, li berty spreads its genial rays. The French now make themselves happy in the idea of a free press : Those generous spirits who are burning with the flame of liberty,a. e now engaged in so: m - ing a fchenie for the more equal representation of the people in the Etats Generaux; which they justly consider as the firft gleam of liberty. An enlightened people colleifted into an aflembly by equal representation, will soon acquire through their means every right that belongs naturally to man. OUR COUNTRY. WHAT an happy afyluin does America prefenc to the wretched inhabitants of the old world! Here—where vafl: tratfts of country boalt a foil and climate equal to the inoft fertile kingdoms of Europe! Here—where no lordly despot ulurps the land to difpoflefs the swain—where laws, and equal liberty are the lot of all—Her# are they in vited ! Industry ! especially in the United States,' calls for an acceflion of artists; and agriculture alone is capable of maintaining those thousands and tens of thousands, who perilh in supporting the falfe claims of Princes. The men, who mult lose their lives in a single battle, accompanied with some of those damfels,who facrifice their days in convents to family pride under the malic of devotion, Would easily find that provision in any of our States, whether new or old, which would induce them to exchange a life of rapine or of celibacy, for the comforts of domestic life. Pro fligacy, which ranges at large in courts, camps, cities, and villages, would here be rendered ufe ful to society. Religion, instead of being confi ned to a convent, like a candle under a bufliel, might illuminate regions as yet in Pagan dark nels ; large diftricfts where the foot of man has scarcely trod, might be turned into Edens ; and the golden age, which never existed but in the brains of enthusiasts, might in some degree be realized in the American republics. Of STYLES and TITLES. HOW is it, if titles are not consistent with the genius of the people of America, as is aflerted by foine—that in almoftall the Constitutions of the several States, there are express provisions made, for titles of diftincftion for the Supreme and other magistrates ? And how is it, that common fon fent in every State, so readily agrees to the llyle of Honorable being given to various officers—fuch as Counsellors, Judges of various tribunals, Pre lidents of political bodies, Generals, &c. if they are really repugnant to the feelings and wijhes of the people ? Majf. Centinel. ARRIVALS. NEW-YORK. Wednesday, Packet Telemaque, L'Hotelier, Bourdeaux. Thursday, Ship Flora, Sinnolt, Newry, 36 days. Schooner Rebecca, Gale, Nova-Scotia, 24 days. Friday, Schooner Dove, Riggs, Baltimore, 15 days. — Sydney, Todd, do. 11 days, Sloop Polly, Sowers, Ptuadelphii, 3 days.