The RIGHT CONSTITUTION of a COMMON WEALTH EXAMINED. \Gontinncd from our la/I.] The next year, 371 diflentions were renewed with more acrimony than ever. Manlius, whole Ipirit was not accultomed to humiliation, was ex afperatedat his imprisonment, Coll'us having not dared to proceed with the decision of Cincinna tus against Melius, and even the jenate having been compelled to give way to the discontent ot the people, was animated to attempt a reforma tion of the constitution. " How long," laid he to the people, "will you be ignorant of your own ltrengtb, of which nature has not thought fit that bealls themselves Ihould be ignorant ? Count your number, and that of your adversaries ; shew the war, and you will have peace : Let them fee that you are prepared, and they will immediately grant what you alk ; determine to be bold in un dertaking, orrelblveto fufFer theutmoltinjuries. Howlong will you fix your eyes upon me ? Mull I repeat the fate of Calfius and Melius ? I hope the gods will avert such a misfortune from me : But tliofe gods will not descend from heaven to defend ine. You mull remove the danger from me. Shall your resistance to the senate always end in fubmillion to the yoke ? That disposition is not natural to you ; it is the habit of fuffering them to ride you, which they have made their right and inheritance. Why are you so cou rageous againlt your enemies abroad, and so loft and timorous in defence of your liberty at home? Yet you have hitherto always obtained what you demanded. It is now time to undertake greater things. You will find less difficulty in giving the senators a malter, than it has colt you to defend yourfeves againlt them, while they have had the power and the will to lord it over you. Dela tors and conjuls must be abolijhed, if you -would have the people raise their heads. Unite with me ; prevent debtors from the rigours of thole odious laws. I declare myfelf the patron and protestor of the people; if you art for exalting yonr chief by any more splendid title, or illultrious dignity, you will only augment his power for your sup port, and to obtain your dehres.—Ego me patro num pi ofiteor plebis : vos, li, quo inligni ma«is imperii honorifve nomine veltrum appellabitis ducem, eo utemini potentiore ad obtinenda ea qua vultis."_ Liv. This is a manifelt intention ol introducinga balance of three branches. In this oration are all the principles of the En glifli conititution. The authority and power of the people to demolilh one form of government and eretft another, according to their own judg ment or will is clearly aliened. The neceflity of abolilhing the dictators and consuls, and giv ing to one chief magiftratethe power to controul the lenate, and protect the people/is pointedout. The senate is not proposed to be abolished, nor the aflemblies of the people, nor their tribunes ; but the abolition of cruel debtors laws, and re dress of the people's grievances, is to be the con sequence. The arriltocracy was at that time a cruel tyranny ; the people felt it ; Manlius ac knowledged it : Both saw the necelfity of new modelling the constitution, and introducing the three branches of Romulus and Lycurgus, 'with better and clearer limitations; and both were desirous of attempting it. (To be continued.) \ Jin ESSAY on FREE TRADE and FINANCES : Written by a citizen of Philadelphia, in 1783. [Continuedfrom our /«/?.] • This mode of taxation, saves the whole sum of the tax to the States, while at the fame time it wends the habits and health of the people : For 'tis plain, that if the consumption of such imported goods is leflened by the tax, a less quantity will be imported, and of course a less sum of money need be lent abroad to pay the firft cost of these goods ; and this excels of money which is thus laved from going abroad, (from whence it would nevei return,) is paid by tax into the public treasury, from whence it ifi'ues on the public fer ■\ice, ana is directly thrown into circulation again through the States, and of course becomes a clear laving, or balance of increase of the cir culating medium, and consequently of realized wealth in the country ; whillt at the fame time the peopie are better served and accommodated by the reduced consumption, than they could have been by the excellive one. V. It appears from what has been just now ob served, that this mode of taxation naturally increases the circulating of the States, and every one knows what a spring, what vigor this gives to every kind of bulmefs in the country, whether of hus bandry, mehcanic arts, or trade. There is no comparison between the advantages of carrying on any fort of business, in a country where ca/h circulates freely, and in a country where cafli is scarce. In the one cafe, every kind of business will ftourrfh, and ihduftry has every fort of en couragement and motive for exertion ; in the other, all business must be sadly em ban ailed, and of course make but a feeble and How progress. We can scarce form a conception, what a dlife rent face these two circuiultaiices will ghe a country in a short time; iu the one cafe, buildings rife, hulbandry improves, arts and manufactures flouriih, the country is alive, every part of it abounding with indultry, profits and delight; the other can produce lit tle more than languifhment, decay, dullness and fruitlefs anxiety, disappointment and wretched ness. VI. The tax I propose, •will operate in a way oj general equality, jup ice, and due proportion. A tax on general consumptions, can not fail to bring the burden in due proportion on individuals, be cauie every one will pay in proportion to his conl'umption ; and the presumption is, that the man who ipends moll, is belt able to spend. If this proportion admits of exceptions, they are generally in favor of the econdmift, the careful penurious man, and again It the prodigal, who diflipates his estate, and will operate as a Itrong check upon him if he is not past all considera tions of interest. If this is the cafe with him, the sooner his ellate is run through the better it is, both for himfelf and the public, for when this happens, he must either die or work for his living, and of courf'e do some good in the world, or at Icaftceafe doing hurt; he will then no longer be able to let an example of idleness, extravagance and diUolutenefs, and draw other gay spirits in to his pernicious pratftifes, and if his constitution shall happen to outlall his estate, he may by tem perance enjoy some good degree of health, and his adversities may perhaps bring on serious re flections, sincere repentance and amendment of life, and if his fortune is desperate in this world, he may at least find Itrong inducements to pre pare for the next ; so that he is in no sense inju red by the tax, but may by prudence derive great benefits from it : Besides, I am of opinion, that government ought to leave every man mas ter of his own eftate,and permit him to judge for himfelf how fact and in what way he will spend it; he knows well what tax he pays on every ex penditure, and exery part of it is fubjef CONGRESS—its LAWS, ACTS, and RESOLUTIONS communicated so as to form an HISTORY of the TRANSACTIONS f the FEDER AL LEG IS L ATURE., under the N Elf CONSTITUTION. 11. Impartul Sketches of the Debates ol Concreij. J". tSSAYS upon the great fubjefls of Government itl general, and the Federal Legislature in particular-, also upon the tutioulini local Rights of the american citizens, as founded upon the Fcdeial or State Constitutions ; also upon every other Subject which may appiar suitable for newspaper discussion. I\. A SLR lES of PA R AGR A PHS, calculated to catch the l IVING manners as they ri s e and to point the public attention to Obje&s that have an important rcfercnce to dome/lie. loLiu/, and public happinejs. V. The Intcrefts of the United State?,is connetf td with their li terary Inflitutions—religiousand tnoral Ohjefts— Imprcvcmentsin Science, Aits, EDUCATION ;nd HUMANITY—their foreign Treaties, Alliances, Connexions, See. VI Every fpea'es of INTELLIGENCE, which mav afTeflthe ■cmmercial, agricultural, manufacturing, or politicM INTERESTS of he AMERICAN REPUBLIC. VII. A CHAINof DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES, coMed hrnugh the Medium of an extenfivc Correfpondencc with the res pective States. VIII. A SERIES of FOREIGN ARTICLES of INTELLI GENCE, so connected, as to fotin a general Idea of tub lie Alfsiriin 'he eajlern Hemisphere. IX. TheSTATEofthe NATIONAL FUNDS; alfooftht IN DI\ IDUAL GOVERNMENTS— Courses of Exchange—Price* Current, &c- CONDITIONS. I. IHE Gazette of the Uniti dSt\t f sfhall with tic tame Letter, and on the fame Paper as this publication. 11. It shall bepubliflied every WEDNDSDAY mi Ichvered, as maybe directed,to every Subfcriberin the city, onthofeieys. ' 111. /;!'f" r,ce toSuifcribers (cxclufive of postage) will be THREE DOL LARS pr. annum. IV. hefirjl Jf mi-annual payment to be made in three months from the up* oearance oj theJirji number. % SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 recetv cd in all the capital towns upon the Continert; affo at the lty Cofhe-Houfe, and at No. g, Maiden-Lane, near the Ofwcgo- Markct, New-York. Ly a new Arrangement made in the Stages, Subscribers at a distance will be duly furnifhed with papers. post sc R i pt.——A large imprejfion of every number will be firudoj- Jo that Subscribers may always be accommodated with complete Sets. . To the P U B L I C. tins important Crisis, the ideas that fill the mind, are preg nant with Events of the greatest magnitude—to strengthen and rrTvf T ION °f l^c States—to extend and protest their i i ILRCE, under equal Treaties vet to be formed—toexplore l ' le NATIONAL FUNDS—to restore and eftablilh Tq A CREDIT ~ and ALL under the aufpicesof an untri en oyftem of Government, will require the ENERGIES of the patriots and Sages of our Country— Hence the propriety of tncrtajing the Mediums of Knowlege and Information. 1 1 1 from this period, begins a new Era in her nation a• fJ C f ' THE WORL I> IS ALL BEFORE H E RThe Qtatcc" folly the misery and profpentv of the EMPIRES, . KINGDOMS, which have had their day upon e great I hcatre of 1 ime, and are now no more, suggest the most important Mementos—These, with the rapid series of Events, in which our own Country has been so deeply interftcd, have thc I cnl,shtcncd of the United States, that FREE DOM and GOVERNMENT— LIBERTY and LAWS, areinfe parable. T his Conviction has led to the adoption of the New Conftituti n",' or however, various the Sentiments, refpefiing the M£- > v ° s System, all good men are agreed in the necessity that ex ills, of an EFFICIENT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. PFv?> a £x,V herclore ' cfta hlifhed upon NATIONAL, INDE PENDENT, and IMPARTIAL PRINCIPLES—which shall a I p r emised Articles, upon a competent plan, it prelumed, will be highly interesting. and meet with public ap probation and patronage. 1 he Editor of this Publication is determined to leave noav(T." e ot information unexplored:—He solicits the affiflance of Person» lj el u [ c abilities-—which, united with his own affiduilVi "alters himfelf will render the Gazette of the United Stat is n»- unworthy general encouragement and is, with due rein'tt, the public's humble servant, 7 0 UN F E N A 0. New-York, April , 5 , I? 8 g . ' Publifhedby JOHN FENNO, No. 9, Maidfn- Lane, near the OfwegoMctrht, Nf.w-Yohk.—[3 tlol-pr-"" :