Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 17, 1789, Page 75, Image 3

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    ■ r t j ve of greater revenue than high' duties,
latter held cut a powerful temptation to
S -the laws : The public voice it was contend-
duties, and accounts
from mercantile characters in various
K sos the Union, confirmed the truth of this
''bfervation : That as the operation and success
of die laws, i n the firft instance, wuft depend up
on the general opinion of their eligibility, it was
ra(h to riik the popularity of the government in
a cafe where no rilk was neceflary : That the duty
on spirits, in particular, was beyond all prece
dent, and would undoubtedly be evaded, as it
was a premium to smuggle.
On the other hand it -was said, that the duties
were in ceneral conformable to the sentiments
of the people—particularly on diltillecl ipirits
—that on bulky articles, high duties could be re
alized with some degree of certainty—that the
probable amount of the proposed duties would
fall ihort of the exigencies of the Union—the
prcmofed deduction in some cases would curtail
it 50 per cent. —that it yet remained to be ascer
tained whether high duties in many cases could
not be collected with as great facility as low—
the prompt collection of both being matter of
{peculation at present—that it was conceded 011
all hands that a revenue 111 uft be obtained, or the
country be ruined.—Direct raxes could not be
jhoujrht of; and even the excise would be unpopu
lar—Thatthe opinion of refpeAable commercial
characters was in favor of the proposed duties:
particularly the duty on spirits, agreeably to their
ideas could be easily collected, even if it had
been set at a higher rate.
June 16, 1789.
House met agreeably to adjournment.
Amotion was made by Mr. White, and adopted, that feats
be provided for such members of the Senate as please to attend the
debates, within the bar of the House.
The House then proceeded to consider the remainder of the a
mendments proposed by the Senate to the Impoll Bill—when the
following being read, were acceded to.—-viz.
To insert Playing Cards at a duty of 10 cents pr. pack.
Cotton, at 3 cents, pr. lb.
, To allow a drawback on Brandy and Geneva, exported from
the United States.
After the words " exported out of the limits of the United
States" to add the following, viz. as fettled by the late treaty of peace.
Toftrike out the sentence which provided for allowing a draw
tack of 5 cents, pr. gallon, on Spirits, distilled from Molafles in
the United States, and exported out of the fame.
The discount of 10 per cent on goods, wares, and merchan
diCe, imported in veflels built in the United States, and owned
byacitzen, or citizens thereof, extended to goods, &c. im
ported in veflels not built in the United States, but which were
owned bv a citizen, or citizens thereof, on the 16th May last, and
continued so till the time of the importation of such goods.
The House did not concur in the time fixed by the Senate for
this ast to be in force, viz. The firft of July next—and fubftitu
tcd the firft of August.
The House then resolved itfelf into a committee of the whole,
to take into consideration the bill for the cftablifhing an execu
tive department, to be denominated the department of foreign
Mr. White proposed that this clause " To be rcmoveable by
the Prdident of the United Stntes" should be flruck out.
This brought on an interesting debate, which continued till
near half after three o'clock, when the committee rose, and the
House adjourned.
A Jketch of this debate in our next.
London, March 17. His Roval Highness the Princc of
Wales met with very considerable indignity from the crowd on
Tuesday night last, in going from Carleton-houfe to the Opera,
and was more than once obliged to hold up his stick in his defence.
His Royal Highness had, in a manner, anticipated what might
happen, and therefore very prudently went on foot. We sincere
ly hope that the Prince will not coniider this event as any want
ofrefpeft of the public at large for his person and chara&er.
The Duke of York having heard w hat his brother had related
of his adventure in reaching thcopera-houfe, was prudent enough
toavo:d any difagrceable confcquences in going home; for hear
ing the mob cry out " Pitt for ever," on his getting into the street,
2nd feeling himfelf jostled about, he, with a spirited exertion,
forced himfelf through the crowd back again, and reached the
house, where he pulled off his liar, which enabled him to make
htf second retreat fuccefsful.
Dublin, March 21.
The Pool o f Siloam, at Jerulalcm, so eelebaated in Jewish
story— now a Tan Pit.
The superb columns which once graced the Temple of Diana,
uowp.acrd at one of the gates of the Saraglio, inverted. The
gardens of Nero, formerly watered with the blood of the firft
hriftians, butchercd bv that inhuman tyrant —now adorned with
temple which far ouilhines the ancient glories of the capitol,
«nd dedicated to thcfervice of the fame persecuted religion.
Greece, once the native land of liberty, the birth-place of ge
nu's, the school of h'-roes and patriots.—Greece, in whose he
-1711 pherethe fun of science flamed with unusual splendor, for up-
Ua ! 7 00 vcars. now the land of ignorance, superstition,
| n ,f m °ft abject slavery; religion and politics united to fetter
tne mind and the body, to repress injury, and inspire a
overeign contempt for every book except the Koran.
Hali fax, May 16. Sir Richard Hughes is appointed Admi
,a on thisfktion, in the room of Sir Charles Douglas.
Y' —a, June 11. We have received so much pleasure
3n from a late publication by Mr. Morse, giving
the C °"' ra^" f '°^ cr 'P t ' on tb c United States, that prefuining on
growingpainon for American manufa&ures of every denomi
cannot refrain from recommending it to the notice of
k C1 or < j IUr c °untrymen, as begin to set a proper estimate on the
of°th ? C of thr own country, its manners and habits.—Most
deri C , f ormatlon hitherto given refpe&ing America, has been
littj VC " tne P art ' prejudiced accounts of foreigners,
p e , \ ac( l ua,ntt d with the natural curiosities of our country or
„ F' c ' ; ~r^ e,,ce i it is no wonder that both should be liable to
kafed^' re ? rc^ cntat * ons ' an< * the genius of the people so much de
af W option of the literati in Europe, as to have furnifh-
i cr , JVA inquiry to their most eloquent wri-
America are by historians, that on the firft discovery of
of a\ I'e ,C, P an^ar^s were conndercd by the nat ves as beings
10rdert .° themselves ; that there frighted imaginations
em even into Gods.—Fanciful and accidental diftintti
ons of lupciiority have often given birth to the mod unjust claims.
It appears, that the pride and arrogance of Europe, availing it-
Telf of this firft impreflion on an unfortunate race, would wil
lingly believe it founded in nature, and by an easy transition, ex
tend the degrading comparison to those descended from thtm
lelves.—Such a dclufion inculcated on infant minds, would n<
doubt facilitate their ichemes of tyranny towards us. As it is
Lime our youth should be weaned of their predile£Hons of ever\
lort in favor of Europe, and its manners, we mull hope that a
book, whofe.objeft is to make them intimately acquainted with
their country, and the abundant materials of future greatness
Ihowered on it by Providence, connot fail meeting with the pa
tronage of those entrusted with their care.
George-Town, (Patowmack) June 4.
Extratt of a letter from, a farmer in Washington-county, on Patowmack.
to a gentleman 0) the Patowmack company, dated May 20, 17 89.
" Living near the banks ot this river, and viewing yefterclay
thirteen long loaded boats, and seven this morning, p.ifs down
under full fail, with colours flying and various music, in joyous
trainand good order : Under luch pleafmg profpe£ts,*permit nit
to orfer my sincere and grateful thanks, as a just tribute, due to so
noble an undertaking, in eftablilhing the navigation at present
upwards of 150 miles above tide-water, through a rich and fer
tile country —which, from its various ufeful branches, draws the
produce into the main channel, from 40 to 50 miles on each iide,
exclusive ot the near and convenient communication it has with
the Ohio, which in all human probability will bring on commer
cial connexions, that will unite a tie of laftingintereft and friend
lfrip. The advantage of carriage in the present infant Hate of the
river, already saves from 250 to 3001. on the flour I annually ex
port : compare this with the community' in general—what will
it be when fully accoinplithed ? And it mult lead us into many
plcalmg reflections on your laudable undertaking. Long may
you all live to receive toll—particularly your leading members
who have for many years used their exertion and influence to
bring it on." '
Philadelphia, June 13.
ExtraEl of a letter from London to a gentleman in this city.
' lam now engaged in a work that will cost more than one
hundred thousand pounds ; have now at least forty pictures finifh
ed, lome of which cost 500 guineas each, many 300 to 200. Am
now building a gallery in Pail-Mall, inorder to (hew thepi&ures
to the best advantage : It will cost above live thousand pounds—is
nearly completed, and will be opened this spring. The front is
of stone, ornamented with three statues in a large niche of 11 feet
high and 10 broad—ln the middle is a fine figure 7 feet high of
Shakefpear seated upon a pedestal, on his right hand a beauti
ful female figure, representing Poetry, with the tragic and comic
mafquesupon her head, a lyre in one hand, the other crowning
Shakefpear with a crown of laurel. On his left hand Painting
reprelented likewise by a beautiful female figure, in her left hand
a pallet and pencils, the other presenting Shakefpear to the public.
Shakefpear has his left hand on the Ihoulder of Painting, as if in
treating her to exert her utmost abilities to represent his works to
the greatest advantage."
Extract of a letter from New-York, dated June 5.
" Rcfpe6fcing two of the three great departments or Secretary
lhips, little has been said, as a general supposition prevails that the
prtTent incumbents will be continued. The other is much more
a topic of conversation and conjecture. The eyes ot many would
be turned towards Mr. Morris if it was not thought incompatible
with his Senatorfhip ; but if this obje&ion did not exist, there
would be others raised which would require attention from other
circumstances if not from their merits. There are prejudices
against as well as for him. Three persons have been a good deal
talked of: Mr. Ofgood, Mr. Pettit, and Mr. Hamilton. Which
of these would be the most proper, or whether either of them, I
do not undertake to determine, as I have but little personal know
ledge of them.
" The fir ft is deemed* what is commonly called a good fort of
■ man, but it is thought that a sphere of less extent would be more
suitable for him.
The feeond is supposed to nnderftand the fubje&s which be
long to the Treasury department better than either of the others.
His talents and his integrity are well spoken of by many ; but I
find others, especially some from Penfylvania, do not seem to like
•us political opinions and conduct, though they will allow him
merit and understanding in other refpe&s. If he mnft be in Of
fice they would rather fee him one of the judgesora Commiflloner
of the Customs than Financier. This perhaps may be accounted
for from your state politicks, as he is faidto be nouaf the party
with your members now in Congress.
" The third is certainlv a man of considerable talents for his
years and experience; but it is thought that his present qualifications
are better adapted to the law department than that of the treasury.
He has obtained a high degree of popularity in this city, and if he
has (kill to manage it properly, his consequence must increase.
But when the pulse of party beats so high as it has lately done, the
tide of popularity is liable to great changes. At present the
people of this city think no office too high for him, and hence he
is the most talked of among us for the head of the treasury.
" The appointment of the judges isalfo a matter of great ex
pectation. We are told your State to furnifh a chief.
What your reasons is for this expectation I shall not now enquire;
but this I can tell you, that some of you think more highly of the
man you propose than the people of other States do. Perhaps
you will make a like remark refpe&ing our popular charaCter;
but remember he is yet but in the morning of life, and has not
been long enough above the horizen to have extended his rays so
far as one that has reached if not pasTed his zenith."
Ext raft of a letter from a gentleman in Lebanon, to his friend in this
town, dated May 24.
" The extraordinary cures performed by the Rev. Mr. Willi
liam Stoy, minifterofthe German congregation in this town, on
persons bit by mad dogs, will no doubt remove your anxiety for
the recovery of your friend. He has saved the lives of at least
300 persons within thefc four years past, 60 of whom were cured
lince Chriftmaslaft; some of them were brought with all the
fymytoms of the horrid disorder; in particular a Mr. B ,
a reputable merchant from Ne«v-York, come to this town last
fall, in the height of the hydrophobia, and in fa£t raving mad—
the medicines had the most miraculous effeCl ; it restored him to his
senses in the small fpaceof twenty-four hours. This perhaps will
appear fabulous to some, but the fa£t can be proved by thousands,
who saw the unfortunate object before and since the experiment
took place. Mr. Stoy is about laying his discovery before Con
gress, on condition of being allowed a reward."
Boston, Tune 9.
On Thursday 28th ult. arrived at Providence, the brig Ran
ger, Capt. Bahoon, from a whaling voyage, with 500 barrels of
Extraß of a letter from Bojlon, dated June 6, 1789.
" The period is at hand, when the appointment of officers for
the executive branch of Government will commence. We all
have perfect confidence in the judgment and impartiality of our
illustrious President. If in any instance it is supposed better men
might be appointed, it Ihould not occasion complaint; because
we are led to believe, that the candidates for office must produce
unequivocal credentials of their merit. No difficulty is appre
hended from appointment of chara&ers who are not meritorious ;
but our only fear is, that some modest men, who are eminently
deserving, will not offer themselves as candidates, merely be
cause they are unwilling to be seen in procuring testimonials in
their own favour.—Under such circumstances, is it not rather cri
minal for men, who have reason to believe their services will be
ufeiul, and who ihouldnot doubt the success of an application, to
hold themselves aloof, and by that means keep back their abilities
tr om promoting the public good ?"
While we fuller our lands to lie waste andufe
lefs, which ought to be appropriated as Iheep
walks—while we cut off the prospeCt of a large
and plentiful supply of wool, by killing the lruiibs,
co pamper our appetites—while we liegleCt the
railing of hemp and llax, andlpend our time idly,
uid in unavailing complaints ; fay, are we taking
the neceilary iteps to eltablilb a solid independen
cy, or to raise and support our national character?
While we feel ourselves dtpendent on any foreign
country for the very cloaths that we wear, can it be
laid that we are an independent people.
The rage of the present day Appears to be ex
periment—and in the opinion of many persons
very improperly, considering the particular cir
cumstances of the Union. Every new project is
attended with some surprize, suspension, and re
laxation of the human faculties, till the relult is
known : at a time when every nerve ought to be
on the ltretch to retrieve our circumstances, by
pursuing thole objects which a happy and fuccefs
ful experience has taught us, will conduce to the
general interest—l fay at such a time to be war.---
dcring in the unexplored regions of experiment,
either in enaCting laws that lhall have a sumptu
ary operation, or a temporary influence in favor
of particular manufactures, is foregoing the cer
tain advantages ofßevenuefortlie uncertain and
unproductive effeCts of a fyltem of Projects.
That a Revenue may be derived from the Im
port, trade must be encouraged : That our own
manufactures may be promoted, prohibitions mult
be laid upon foreign article's : thefemay be
made compatible in a series of years, is perhaps
true ; but it may require conlideration whether a
br'tjk Commerce } and a productive Revenue, will be
the immediate consequence of an attempt to
promote trade and manufactures at the present
" To incapacity and demerit is generally added
infolence —Every low minded fellow looks upon
the man of genius, capacity, and virtue, as his
natural enemy. He regards him with an evil eye ;
and hence undermines or defames him, as one
who thwarts his views, queltions his title, and
endangers his expectations. He must have had
little experience in the world, who has not among
every order, met with flagrant characters of this
kind, and instances of this truth."
" Let it be impressed on the mind of every
American, that honest industry, limplicity, fru
gality aud sobriety, with all the social and moral
virtues, alone constitute the sacred palladium of
our liberties—with these, we never can be en
slaved : without them, we muftceafetobe free—
nay, bereft of these we should be too abjeCt—too
vile, to retain a relilhfor heaven-born freedom."
A motion lately made in the House of Rcprefentatives ot Maf
fachufctts, to petition Congress to take up the fubjett of Amend
ments, fell to the ground, for want of an auxiliary to support it.
Saturday afternoon arrived from Philadelphia,
the Lady and Son of the Hon. Frederick Au
gustus Muhi-Enburgh, Speaker of the Hon.
House of Representatives of the United States,
escorted by Col. Melcher.
His Excellency John Sullivan is chosen President of the
State of New-Hampftiire.
The Legislature of the State of New-York, is, by Proclamation
of His Excellency the Governor, to meet at the city of Albany on
Monday the 6th day of July next.
Sunday. Brig Resolution, Jenkins, Dublin. 66 days.
Schooner Charlotte, Townfend, Island of ? j
St. Johns, Gulph ot St. Lawrence. $ a^S *
Sloop Nabby, Smith, Baltimore, n days.
Monday. Schooner Experiment, Smith, Baltimore. 9 days.
Sloop Matilda, Burke, St. Croix. 19. days.
Sloop Peggy, Little, Curracoa. 17 days.
Sloop San Souci, Crozier, Peterfburgh,Virginia.4days.
Tuesday. Ship Jenny, Thompson, Canton.
Brig Tom, Hand, Glasgow. 71 days.
June 17, 1789.
Jamaica Spirits, ...
Antigua Rum, - - - f - 5 r
St. Croix, do. - 4yg.
Country, do. - - 2f&. a 2JII.
Molafles, - sf>2. a 2/3.
Brandy, ... 5 J6. a 5/9.
Geneva, -
Do. in cases, - . - 29\Jl
Muscovado Sugar, - - 56f. a 72\Jl
Loaf, do. - 1/3.
Lump, do. - -
Pepper, - - - - 2/8.
Pimento, - IJg. a if.
Chocolate, - \j2.
Cocoa, - - "7 5f- & 80s.
Coffee, - . 1/8. a 1/9-
Indigo, (Carolina) - - 4f. a 6f.
Rice, , - 22 /6- a 23/.
Superfine Flour, - - - 46f.
Common do. - - 42/6. a. 43J.
Rye do. ... 26/ I a 27f.
Indian Meal, ... igr
Rye, - - pr. bujh.
Corn, (Southern) - - 3^9.
Do. (Northern,) - a 4J6.
Beef, firft quality, - - 48f. a 50f,
Second quality, . - - 4\f6.
Pork, firft quality, - - 81/6.
Second quality, - - 76f6.
Lard, - - Bd. fr. lb.
Butter, « - - yd. a 8//.
Hams, - 6d%. a yd.