Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 17, 1789, Page 74, Image 2

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    We liave changed the place of meeting from
that of laftyear ; so that none of you should have
reason to complain : It i» your own ground, ana
on that land we wish to renew our former'trade
and friendships, and to remove every thing that
has blinded the path between you and us.
We are now governed by a President, who is like
the old King over the Great Water. He commands
all the Warriors of the Thirteen Great Fires. He
will have regard to the welfare of all the Indians ;
and when peace lhall be established, he will be
your father, and you will be his children, so that
none shall dare to do you harm.
We know that lands have been the cause of
dispute between you and the white people ; but
we now tell you that we want no new grants ;
our obje>ftis to make a peace, and to unite us all
under our Great Chief Warrior and President,
who is the Father and Proteeftor of all the white
people. Attend to what we fay.
Our traders are very rich, and have houses full
of filch goods as you were used to get in former
days ; it is our wish that you Should trade with
them and they with you, in ftridt friendfhip.
Our brother George Galphin will carry you this
talk ; listen to him, he will tell you nothing but
truth from us. Send us your answer by him.
Andrew Pickens of the U,,,ted State,
7 > for Indian Affairs in the South-
H.Osborne. \ J ern Department.
April 20, 1789. [_A true copy from the original.]
From Sherlock's Letters.
Travellers are often mistaken in judging of the
Italian, especially the Neapolitan. They think
he has no sense, because he wants ideas. A man
can have but few ideas when he has never been
out of his own country, and when he has read
nothing; but examine the Neapolitan on all the
subjeCts with which he is acquainted, and you will
fee whether he wants natural capacity. He re
sembles the foil of his own country : a field well
tilled in Naples produces the moll plentiful ci ops ;
neglected, it yields but briars and thirties. It
is the fame with the genius of the inhabitants ;
cultivated, it is capable of everything ; untilled ;
it produces only folly and vice.
WHAT art thou ! Thou who canst steel foft
pity's tender bread, and at thy feign'd revenge,
teach her to greet the agonizing groan, and eye
the reeking dagger with a smile 1
i hou, who canlt soothe the rooted anguish of
the fmai ting foul, and turn its trickling streams
to bathe thy painted wounds !
I hou, who canlt arrest the callous thief*—
suspend liis pilfering rage—teach him to feel—
and drop an honeji tear 011 thy fictitious grief!
Thou, who canst wring the Stoic's ltubborn
heart, and force the maiden tear !
Thou, who canst melt the Miser's flinty foul,
and make him weep andgive J
What art thou ! the dazzling meteor of a stint
ed day ! A splendid transient wonder! great, but
confin'd ; and where unseen, unknown ; for alas !
thine is a trackless path, where no vestige can di
rect to trace thy glory: The unseen Beauty fee
bly thrills in story ; and as when radiant Phoebus
dii'appears, the pale-face Moon comes forth, and
faintly cheers us for the loss of day—so fonie less
brilliant light, not rilen, or now loft in thy su
perior blaze, when SIDDONS sets, lhall glitter in
its turn, the idol glory of a darker hour. E. C.
* It was said that a thief wasfo much affr&cd with Mrs. SidJon's
actin , that he was detected in the of picking a pocket, by neg
lecting to withdraw his hand.
- ——" Hcrretlatcri iethalis Arundo."
AGAINST Slander there is rto defence. Hell
cannot boast so foul a fiend ; nor man deplore so
fell a foe : It stabs with a word—with a nod
with a shrug—with a look—with a fiuile : It is
the pestilence walkingin darkness, spreading con
tagion far and wide, which the most wary tra
veller cannot avoid : It is the heart-searching
dagger of the dark Aflaflin : It is the poisoned
arorw, whose wound is incurable : It is the mor
tal fling of the deadly adder : MURDER is its
employment: INNOCENCE it's prey—and RUIN
itsfport. E. C.
IT has been a fubjet r t of enquiry, how it comes
to pals that the profeflions of law and phyftc ap
pear to have preserved a decided pre-eminence
of all others, in all the variation of principles
and manners, that have obtained among man
kind ?—This may be accounted for si om this con
federation, viz : That their obje<ft is the security
of the h:alth and property of individuals. The
most felfiih and effeminate of mankind will al
ways be more attentive to the preservation of
those, in proportion as they are less attentive to the
public welfare, and loft to all generous afFections
and regards.
To a Young Gentleman—dijfuading him from poetical purjuits.
AND would'ft thou then in talks of vcrfe engage ?
Throbs thy young bosom with poetic rage ?
Oh, trust th' experiene'd ; trust me, dearest boy,
The walks of Pindus leldom lead to joy.
In thole green paths, while yet 'tis morning play ;
Cull the wild flowers that rife along the way ;
In chafing butterflies consume thy prime,
Adorn thy temples with the shoots of rhyme :
A while thou may'ft, if thus thy fancy leads
But range not long in those enchanting meads.
To grave purfuits?.nd serious talks retire,
Ere manhood rises to meridian fire ;
Left thou fhould'ft fee (the noon in trifling past } )
Thy fun descend in poverty at last.
Yet Wisdom's voice, thy foul did wisdom fvvay,
Would wjkint turn thy felf-deluding way ;
Not one short moment given to youthful heat,
One pause of dalliance, in the Muses' feat :
Within their bowers a thousand demons bide,
A thousand snakes within their flow'rets hide.
A plastic God informs the Poet's mind,
He makes the beauteous which he does not find,
Displays th* ideal paradise around,
And fmilesthe barren heath to fairy ground ;
His Midas' hands ennobled objects hold,
And feel and touch the meancft dross to gold.
Ah fatal gift, what comfort canst thou bring ?
Less to the Bard than to the 1 ydian king.
Attendant Fancy, from the wilds of air,
Convokes the smiling families of Fair,
The beauteous elves that o'er creation rove,
Delightful children of almighty Love :
Prompt at her call, the bright ideas throng,
And rush profufely through the bloomy song.
At Fancy's fide, the young-ey'd Paflions Hand,
Sweet blushing boys, in form, a cherub band ;
The foul expands, to lodge the smiling train,
Ah, little fearful of the future pain !
Beneath his wings each veils a barbed dart,
Till deep it quivers in the bleeding heart,
Then marks, with cruel pride, his guilty (kill,
And flutters round, in wantonnefs of ill.
Saturday, June 13, 1789.
In committee of the whole, 011 the bill to regu
late the collection of the revenue.
Mr. Trumbull in the chair.
The bill this day received such further discus
fion, as to alcertain the general sentiment ol
the committee ; agreeably to this, several amend
ments were introduced. Many observations were
made refpecfting the most eligible mode of rea
lizing the duties into the public treasury, in ca
ses of bonds, insolvency, and non-payments:
But previous to any decision, Mr. Kitzsimons
moved, that the committee should rife—and that
the bill with the amendments should be referred
to a select committee, who should report a new
bill.—This motion was adopted, and Messieurs
Goodhue,l'itzsimons, Laurance,Burke, Li
vermore,Sherman and Jackson were elected.
Mr. Gerry proposed arefolution, that it should
be a {landing order of the lioufe in future, al
ways to adjourn from Friday to Monday—laid 011
the table.
Mr. Leonard proposed a resolution, that the
conllitution, should be prefixed to the firft volume
of the laws to be printed—laid on the table.
Adjourned until Monday.
Monday, June 15.
Mr. Brown, member from Virginia, and Mr.
Sedgwick, member from Maflachufetts, appear
ed in the House, had the oath prescribed by the
Conllitution administered to them, and took their
Upon motion of Mr. Goodhue it was voted,
that two members be added to the committee ap
pointed to bring in a new bill to regulate the col
lection of the Import: throughout the United
States.—Mr. Smith of Maryland, and Mr. Par
ker of Virginia were accordingly appointed.
Mr. Scott, from the Committee to consider the
state of the unappropriated lands in the weltern
teriitory, reported—this report contained a very
particular geographical account of that country.
Voted, that this report b<v referred to a com
mittee of the whole upon the state of the Union.
'1 he House then proceeded to the considera
tion of the amendments, which had been pro
posed by the Senate, to the bill for imposing du
ties on goods, wares, and merchandise import
ed into the United States. 1
The enablingftile of the bill, viz. The Con
gress of the United States, was amended
by the Senate, by proposing to insert " The
Senate and R-ep^f.sentatives of the Uni
te dS i ate s—this amendment was non-concurred.
That clause of the bill which made a difcr" ■
nation between States and Kingdoms iii
with the United States, and those which at-' 1100
with refpecft to the duty on distilled spirits • Th''
Senate proposed should be struck out—A ret
tulation of arguments used in the former n?'"
grefs of the bill on both fides of the queftLT
with little variation took place the result
non-concurrence with the Senate. ° Vas '
The following amendments proposed by t }i
Senate, were alio non-concurred by the House v' '
A reduction of the duty on fp'irits of Jamais
proof from 15 to 10 cents—on other lpirus f ro „,
[2 to 8 cents. Dl
The amendment which provides for the re-luc
tion of the duty on the following articles \ vas a "
ceeded to, viz.
Molafl'es from j to 2 1-2 cents.
All Wines exept Madeira 15 t0 iocent"
The next amendments were to reduce the duties
on the following articles ,viz.
Madeira Wine from 25 t0 f8 cents
Beer, Ale or Porter in calks, from Bto $ cents''
Cider,Beer,Ale or Porter in bottles, 25 to 16 cent-
Cables from 75 to 60 c^.'
Tarred Cordage from 7Jto6ocent<
Twine or Pack Thread from 2Ciotoi jocenV
On Coal per bufliel from 3 t0 t cen "
—These reductions were non-concurred.
The Senate introduced the article Indigo, with
a duty of 16 cents per pound—this the House con
curred in.
The next amendment was to add to the follow
ing paragraph refpeeting Teas, viz. On all
Teas imported from China or India in fhipsbuilt
within the United States, and belonging to a
citizen or citizens thereof—this clause, viz. « or
in (hips or veflels built in foreign countries, and
011 the 16th of May last the property of a citizen
or citizens of the United States, and so continu
ing until the time of importation."
This was agreed to.
The next amendment was to enhance the datv
on all Green Teas other than Hyson, imported
as aforefaid from 10 to 12 cents per pound.-
Agreed to.
The next amendment was to strike out the fol
lowing clause—
On all I eas imported from any country other
than China or India, in any ship or veflel, what
soever, or from China or India in any Ihiporveflel,
which is not wholly the property of a citizen
or citizens of the United States, as follows:
On Bohea Tea, per pound 10 cents.
On all Souchong or other Black Teas 1 j
On all Hyson Teas, 50
011 all Green Teas, 18
and to substitute—
" On teas imported from Europe in (hips or
veflels built in the United States, and wholly be
longing to a citizen or citizens thereof, or in Ihips
built in foreign countries, and on the 16th of
May lall the property of a citizen or citizens of
the United States, and so continuing till the time
of importation, to wit :
011 Bohea Tea, pr. lb. 8 cents.
On Souchong, or other black Teas, 13
On Hyson Teas, 26
On other Green Teas, 16
" 011 Teas imported in any other manner,
Bohea Tea, pr. lb.
Souchong, or other black Teas, 22
Hyson Teas, \ 4$
Other green Teas, 27
The following clause was proposed by the Se*
na te—" 011 all other goods, wares, and merchan
dize imported in Ihips or veflels not built within
the United States, aud not wholly the property
of a citizen or citizens thereof, or in veflels built
in foreign countries, and 011 the 16th of May last
the property of a citizen or citizens of the United
States, and so continuing till the time of importa
tion, twelve and an half pr. cent. ad. valorem.
This was adopted.
The next amendment was to insert, " On gun
powder, and paints ground in oil," ten pr. cent.
ad valoiem. Adopted.
Another amendment was to enhance the duty
on gold, lilver, and plated ware, from seven and
an half pr. cent, to 10 pr. cent, and to add there
to gold and lilver lace, and gold and lilver leaf—
this was agreed to.
There were several other amendments to raise
the duties on articles enumerated, from seven and
an half pr. cent, to ten pr. cent.—which were non
A general concurrence with the Senate in their
amendments to the bill, was urged by several
gentlemen—They observed, that much time had
already been expended in the difcuflion of [he
fubjec't—that further delay would be lacrificing
the revenne—that there was danger ofourloling
the benefit ofthefall importations—that the hig
duties which had been voted by the House, w ere
contrary to the opinion of a large minority; 1 13 V
ing been carried by a veryfmall majority —to
minority, was now added, the almost unanimous
voice of the Senate, therefore to reje.3 the amend
ments of the Seriate was hazarding the fate 0
the present bill—The sentiment in favor of lo*
duties, was fanJtioned by the invariable e%p
enceof the commercial world—they were al ir 2)-