Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 13, 1789, Page 70, Image 2
iurrounded by 400 youths in uniforms, and three discharges made from one hundred pieces of cannon. lir the evening there was a general il lumination, and the chief club of the old re presentatives finiflied it by giving a supper to the principal magiltrates. 1 he affairs ot Poland remain in the fame state ot uncertainty as they have done tor some time pall. Dil'patches have been received from Gibraltar, which were brought over in the Active Cutter, arrived off the Mart. They are dated the 10th 111 ft. and contain an account of two Barbary cor sairs having palled that place with an American bark in tow ; the corsairs were under jury-malts, und that provilions were very plenty and reason able. Ext raft of a letter from Paris, March 16. " The Prince of Naflau let offfor Madrid on the 5 th. charged, it is thought with some commiilioii fioni the Empress to the King of Spain, he being the only Monarch wliofe mediation Ruliia has 1101 rejec'ted. The expedition of the Prince of Aaf lau is extraordinary ; for in less than forty days lie will have paid his court to five Sovereigns. He stopped three days at Warsaw, five at Vienna, ieven here, in eight days he will be at Madrid, and thinks on returning to Peterlburgh before the Bth of May. It is thought that the King oi Spain, who, when Prince of Afturias, had a greai regard for him, will appoint him a Lieutenant- General, two ol his Cadets, Camp-Marshals, hav ing already been raised to that rank. He will likewile have the order of the golden fleece, which was promised by the late King. Though ftil] young, his hair, owing to fatigue, begins to be come grey, but he is in good health, and will certainly be in the Black sea before the month oi June, ready to face the Captain-Patlia again." COMMERCIAL. The silks imported from Piedmont into Great Britain, in the course of last year, amounted to not less than two hundred thousand pounds. Piedmont and Bologna furnifh the very finelt wrought silk in Europe. One grand advantage which we have in the commerce of the Levant, is, that the Sicilian silks are confined to a parti cular season of the year, whereas those of the Levant are brought at all times. The January are Very richl y loaded with the very . *l lks > those of February and March contain an inferior fort. The Dutch, in the course of lalt year, imported seven thousand bales of silk from Caflembazzar in the East-Indies. This place furnifhed, in the whole, that year, upwards of twenty thousand bales ; each bale weighed one hundred pounds. The French, in the fame year, imported into Lyons fix thousand bales of silk iixteen hundred of which came from Sicily. ' MK. SECKAR, During the time of hu retirement, wrote a very excellent work on the importance of religious opinions, calculated to Item the torrent of infidelity which so generally prev,,ls u, Eu rope. "It appears to me, " fays he in the introdudf on, •• that there are interests which may be confidercd as patriotic by intel ligent and feeling beings; and while the inhabitants of the fame country, and the fuhjefi, of the fame prince, employ themselves diligently in one common plan of defcncc, the ritizens of the worM ought to be incessantly anxious to give every new and puHi ble support to those exalted opinions on which tlj- true gieatnefs of their exiffence is founded ; which preserves the imagination irorn that frightful fpeftacle of an existence without origin, of ac tlon without liberty, and futurity without hope. Thus alter hav ing, as I think, proved myfclf a citizen of Jra/ice by my aehni mftration, ai well as my writings, I wish to unite my'fclf to a fra ternity still more extended, that of the whole human race; it is thus, without dispersing our sentiments, we maybe able, ne\c'rthe- Jess, to communicate ourselves a great way off, and enlarge, in some mealure, the limits of our circle; glory be to our Junking faculties for it! to that spiritual portion of ourselves which can take in the pall, dart into futurity and intimately allbciate itfclf with thedeftiny of men of allcountries, and of all ages. Without doubt a veil is thrown over the greater part of those truths to which our cunofity would willingly attain; but those which a be. nificent God has permitted us to lee, are amply fufEcient lor our £tnde and iiiffruftion; and we cannot for a continuance divert our attention without a fpecn-s of flothful negligence, and a total indif ference to superior interefls of man. How little is everv thing in deed when put in competition with those meditations which give to our existence a new extent,and which in detaching us from the dull of the earth, fcem to unite our fouls to an infinity of space. and our duration of a day to thecternity ot tune! Above all it is lor you to determine, who have sensibility, who feel the want of a Su preme Being, and who seek to find in Him that support so necessary to your weakness; that defender,and that aflurance, withoutwhich painful inquietude will be perpetually tormenting you, and trou bling those foft tender affeaions which constitute your happi ness. The whole of this cxcelleat work dcfctve, a veiy attentive perusal. [London-Derby, March 17.] It is with the fmcerefl plea sure we intorm the public, and especially the citizens of Derry that in confluence of the laudable exertions of the corporation to forward the ereaion of a bridge over the river Foyle, Mr' Thompson and Mr. Cox, of Boston, in New-England, arrived in tlus city They are Itrongly recommended for their knowledge in bridge building: and, we underltand that they en tertain not the fmallcft doubt of being able to cocftrucf a bridge over our river, upon the fame plan of those which they lately crcfted near Boston. * The corporation and citizens of Derry have now an opportunity of accompiifhing a mealure of the greatel! public utility. Every exertion ftjould, therefor, be used to arrange matters'for begin ning a bulinefs, which promises to encreafe the trade and profpe. rity of the city of Derry, and the adjacent conntry. March 24. Since our last the engineers who lately arrived here from America, have founded the river across at the Ferry-quay, and we have authority in faying, that it is their decided opinion,' a wooden bridge, on the confti uaion of those lately erected near Bolton, is very pi a&icable at said place. The tate KING of PRUSSIA'S Character of GEORGE 11. GEORGE was firm in his purposes, more covetous than eco nomical, capable of labour, but dcftitute of patience, violent, brave, and governing England by the interest of his ele&oratc, yet too little mailer of himfelf to direst a nation whose idoi is li berty. Character of the KING of PORTUGAL, by the fame» THIS country, in the year 1740, made no figure in Europe. Don Juan was remarkable only lor his extraordinary paflion for the cercmonies of the Church. By the Pope's brief, he obtained the right of having a Patriarch, and by a lecond brief, that of faying mass. Ec cle fistic a 1 fun&ions formed his whole delight; hit buildings were convents, his soldiers monks, and his miitrello nuns. The char after of CZAR PETER, avdof the RLSSI ANNtS t is defcribea ms forcible in fewer words. " THE Czar operated 011 the Kullians like aqua fortison iron." The political rank of HOLLAND is also painted hy a finglefiroke. AFTER. England comes Holland, which takes its direflion from the former, like a iznall lhallop from a ihip of war to which it is attached." His Prussian Majcjly ikus charaflerfs the POLES. POLAND is in a liate of perpetual anarchy. The great fa milies have all of them (eparate interelts,and all preferring them selves to their country, they agree only in feveritv towards theii vafials, whom they treat more like beasts than human creatures. The Poles arc vain, insolent in good fortune, servile in adverfny; thjy stick at nothingto a mass money, which having obtained un jultly, they spend it prodigally ; as fickle in their judgments aj frivolous in their taiies, then meafuies are adopted capriciously, and abandoned without reason. The unfteadinels of their cha rattcis is continually pmnging them into difficulties. They have laws ; but no one observes them, for want of coercive authority." The KING'S character of HIMSELF, in a letter to Voltaire, 1737. MY dear Cefanon has given too advantageous an account of me. How fortunate it is to have such a friend ! But alloy me to unde ceive you, and to trace my own chara£ler in a few words. I hav< but little merit and little knowledge, but I have an extraordina ry love for both, and an inexhaustible fund of esteem for per. sons of diftinguifhcd virtue. Together with these qualities, ] feel myfelf capable of all that conltancy which true friend (hit requires ; with judgment fufficient to do justice to your great ta. Jents, but not enough to hinder me from writing bad verles." AMERICA. Maryland. Extra# cf a letters torn 1 gentleman in Old.Ttfwn, to his friend here, dated May 6. [Frederick-Town, March 20.] " It pleases me much to hod the Patowmack navigation-info flourifhmg a Hate. I arri vtd here, on my way to ihe western country. This place put! me very much in mind of a sea-port, so many sailors, or rather boatmen, in their (hort jackets and caps, walking the streets, and the maltr is running up and down, difpoling of their cargoes of rum, wine, &c. and pureha&ng wheat and bacon to take down »gain. Since the navigation o» the Patowmack is so far advanced we have great reason to hope the work will be fully completed' and th«n the country about the head of Patowmack will flourifh amazingly." Extract cj a Utter from Berlin, a town on the Patoumad River, on the Maryland trait, dated May 21. May 27. "A few days ago pailrd by this town, five boats, from Opequan, the South-Branch, and Old-Town, together with a large raft of pine plank, which floated from abov? 100 miles back with several horses on it.—One ot the boats belonging to u J P r P'.'BB' of Old-Town, came from that place with 21 hog (heads of tobacco to Watt's Branch, near the Great-Falls, 111 one day and an half, reckoned to be 180 miles." [Baltimore, June 2.3 Last Saturday morning, (at a Villa fr„m C r V ' C T y °' th ! Stown : M n r - J ohn Dublain, a gentleman from Cape Francois, being in a state of infamty, put a pe.fod to his exiflence, by Ihuotmg himfelf through the head with a muf [Philadelfhia, June to.] The wonderful exertions of this country in (Economy and industry affoid the mod heartfelt latisfaUion to the patriots in every situation : Men in public ftati ons in almoftevery State are cloathing ihemfelves in the manufac turesot the country-thc old branches aredaily improving—new ones mtioduced—and domejlu manufactures extending bevoud any thing ever Known heretofore. This f.lent prog,eh of induf ry in this latter way has been evidenced by the wonderful f 4 le< of jpinmng uheel iron, in ihisciiy, which in the year last past in twoftorc,, have amounted to 5860 sets. It is with high pleafurt we add, that a great number of wheels have been (hip ped in the coaiters to the (hores of the Chefapeak. It is supposed that the great rednftionin the prime cost of cot ton goous in Europe is owing to the infant eftabliflrmeuts in that ine m this country, A-hich the European manufacturers naturally (V / u> dlkoura g<-- If they will maintain a fair rival ex'euions Cl " notblamc thcin > let it spur us to due Laftweek John Lucas, Esq. of Boston, fubferibed Hve (hares to inl this city, -and the 1. giflature of the State have fubicribed one hundred (hares. The principal objects of attention have been cottons dyed and printed, fuftians, jeans, de rnrns,couonades waistcoat patterns and fcederal ribs, all of which have a cotton filling and flaxen warp. The mar.ufactory of Taylors threads has been attempted here and executed with great perfection by three very valuable citi^ machrnes. y ' ICndj " The ' r operations are principally by We hear that five additional paper-mills are now erecting in this State, and that the company of paper hanging pnriteis from Francehave commenced their establishment near this city. INFORMATION FOR WEAVERS. <irdl" '™P™ vcm<-m ° n 'he weavers (huttle has lately been made in Scbtland. tour friction wheels, somewhat thicker than a dollar are infeited in it so far, as iuft to enable the {hurtle r the projecting parts with great ease and velocity. The wheels is made ot wood, and the wheel, of U steel T w„ „ t Many things (fays a correspondent) formerly fuooofed k p&rssx&te&igsz, *«Fr pie to the (landard of truth a H P refer 'ng jatner to raise the peo furd notions of anv uartofiK tha " to stoop ,0 the''.b- Chief lylagiftrates wc ada rets them, than with a high founding tklc. Highness, Excellency,'Efquire, and Honorable,in .ts pofrT?, and degrees, and let our rulers when they fee them, fuppoie ihat they are only intended to aifr o « Ixtraß of a Utter from a person <f experience and judgment intkebUi, <><><* f'tthng f >■«" country, dated the i s ti of Apr,l, at dJ~, i on Lake Orjcgo. ' "I think it would be advifeable to take effeflual Heps toward, ereft;ng pot-ash works in your neighbourhood, (on the Pennsylvania, near the state line and New-York government, only tor your own advantag,, but that of the fetllers. The Deem, here act. for clearing our heaviest timbtr'd lands, four poual acre, and find theralelves—or to have the alhes forthelr pay L tlioie who live convenient to pot-alh workschoofe to pavne a Sn price, rather than give up the aihes. So that ,t is reduced Z I country'"' aIV ' w '" lor cI «" D S any sand ta 7i^ In order to (hew the extreme danger of trusting all the leirilk. live power of a State to a fmgle rcprefenlation, we be? leavt ■„ tiMfcnbe a few f litencts from a letter, writteu by the Honorable John Adams, Esq. Vice-Pietident ot the United States, to 0 a? ot his friends in North-Carolina, who requeued him to far,„ him with a plan of government for that State, in the year i-fi' I his ll uftriom citizen, who is lecond to no man in America jt an inflexible attachment to the liberties of this country, aojto republican forms of government, writes ajfollow : " I think a people cannotbe long free, norever happy wh*/ettuni ment ts in one ALembly. My reafjns for this opinion areasJol.oui ,'• " //'"a 1 ' Ajfcmbly is liable to all the, follies and friilia of an individual,fubjid to ft, of humour: Start* ofpafhns,- flub, of entnunafm : partialities of prejudice, and confeauently pruuditc ,( t.afly refu!t> andabf.udjutL mints. All these 'errors ««•/,( tebecmij. id, and defeclsfupphed by fume controuling pouer. 2. '• A finale Afjcmbly is apt to be avaricious, and in tinu anil m It ruple to exempt itjelf from hut dens, which it v,U lay, uithnt lib. pundion, upon its conjttturnts. 3. A jingle AJembly is apt to grow ambitious, and after at,,„ will not htjltate to vote itfilf perpetual This Ms one fault of the /«, parliamentbut more remarkably of Holland, whose Ajfemtly ir fl v Jd themf Ives from annual to fcptenmal, itunfor lile, and after am,H iJ'fi'" f** r vacanaes happening by death, or other wife, fhtuU ie pi eapy themselves, without any application to conjlituenfs at all. 4. " Becaitfe a Jingle AJfembly pojfejjed of all the pvicers of goien* ment mould mute arbitrary laws for their own interefl, and adiud/t all contmerfies in their own favor." ' 0 If any thing could be ueceiTary upon this fuhjeft, after fudi m authority, we might here add,' that Montesquieu, Harrington, Milton, Addifon, Price, Bolingbroke, and others, the wild lUtelmen, and the greatest friends to liberty in the world, but lett tcilimonies upon record of the extreme folly and danger of a people being governed by a single legiftature. " * A Committee of the Convention, which formed the ConJlitutm,[ Pennsylvania, pubhfhed in the I'ennflvania Packet of OSober it, 1776, as an apology for one of their Ordinances that was tnought to be ailurs ry and unjujt, that it was pas/ed " when the minds of the Cenvatu* were agitated, and their passions inflamed." SKETCH of PROCEEDINGS of CONGRESS. In the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of tht UNITED STATES. Wednisday, June 10, 1789. In committee of the whole, on the bill to regulate the collec tion of the impost. b Mr.TiuMßVit in the chair. On motion of Mr. Madison, a clause was inserted, whicb provides, " that there shall be a surveyor at each of the ports of tk ry c *«pting certain ports to be enumerated. motion of Mr. Ames, which was withdrawn yesterday, * again brought forwajd by that Gentleman—and adopted as a claule, to be inserted id the bill—lt provides, That every maftrr or perion, having charge or command of a ship or veffel bound to any port of the United States, shall be obliged to po lice, on uemand, to any officer, or per Ton authorised for the purpo e, two manfclls, fpecilying in words, the true contents ot rl C c^.& oon oar< i such Ihip or vessel; one of which manifffti ie o cer is to endorse, and return to the Captain,noting the time the fame was produced to him. The other he is to trans mit to the naval officer of the port where the said vessel is bound to. several other propositions were produced, and debated; but not accepted. The committee then rose, and the Houfc adjourned. Thursday, Junk u. in committee of the whole, on the bill to regulate the collcc- Lion of the impost. 5 M r - Trumbull in the chair. r. rARkIn moved to insert the following clanfe in the bill, viz. rovided that no ship or vessel, not belonging wholly to a citizen or citizens of the United States, shall be permitted to e»- U "i r3t ot^lcr » than the following ports, viz. is clause, the Gentleman observed, was necelTary to hold up a preference to our own navigation—to secure to the citizens of /r» tal ?, S exc j. u f lv ely, thecoafting trade ;it would conduce more ?e,ua y[P ecu ring the revenue, and was a provilion fandioncd } the practice of other commercial countries. oeveral other observations were made, when Mr. Fitzsimo.ns £, ro |?° 1 clause ihould be amended by adding—" nor r 3 ° r f rom India, China, or beyond the Cape of o° and bound to the United States, enter, or unlade, but at the following ports, viz. This clause, with the amendment, occasioned confiderabledif- u U 'A° n °ppofition to the firft, it was observed, that the re* n ion could not with propriety be confined to foreign vefffls, on account of smuggling, as our own citizens, poffefling fupericr vantages for that business, would more probably evade the fSTY V 3O ran S crs : That it would operate altogether in favour of i d I w "0 employed no foreign (hipping; and as 2 A nC t0 cncoura g c our navigation, it was to be ex pected that the motion would be withdrawn.—With refpeft to cne clause rcftndmgveffels from India, it was said, that it would cn to the creating monopolies— to give an undue advantage to particular posts, to thei aggrandizement and that of individuals rending i n or near such ports, while it would deprive those who !" C 3 from them, and whose capitals were limited, noma venturing in those voyages, as was now the cafe. "1 lnpport of the clause, it was observed, That foreigners could wit propriety be reftrifted from entering those ports, which they . a accuflomed to frequent— and for this reason 110 in jury wonld be done to the persons refidino- at such places —but to K'A Cr r OUr own navigation within narrower limits than it ecn used to, would be produ6tive of extensive ill conff quence—it will cut off a great proportion of the trade of the i> - Mates, and in a manner depopulate the sea coast : Thatex per-ence ot ©ther countries was in favour of reftrifting foreigners n..i rower limits than our own citizens; they could not be fup p *- to be actuated by'any motives of attachment to the govern- Vvf vf Co s in * r y> to induce a compliance with the revenue laws. frr>r^ lL f to the reftriftion on India lhips, it was said, That other > t 3t COUDtr y "were more easily smuggled than any , ls re^r '^' on wa s of the last importance to the re- Dofttk 35 ° n f - oat load of lndi£ would pav a greater im p it than a who e cargo from the Weft-Indies: That it would be po i tic tQ Juffer this uade to be carried on from ports favorably