The perfecft propriety of having a national ju diciary, to interpret the laws made by a nation al legillature; and to decide upon the causes which naturally come within the cognizance of thole laws, intuitively produces conviction in the mind, from only a cursory glance of the jubject; and that this ellablilhment, co-equal with the ob jects it involves ihould alio be co-exillent with tliofe objects, is what as readily ltrikes the mind with its necellity aud propriety : The application of this will difepverthe need of commencing the judiciary with the revenue fyltem, as that may perhaps be almoil as productive of causes subject to its infpeciioii and deciiion, as of income to the public treasury; but the multiplicity andvariety of disputes ana contentions, which the pride, the anger, the desire of revenge, the avarice, the knavery, and the operation of the diveri'e pre judices and paifions of mankind, give rile to re innumerable, and How as natural from their va rious sources, as ftr'eains from their several foun tains—and their recital (if pofiible) would only lerve to torture the benevolent inind, and wring with auguilli the Softer sensations of the hulhan heart: i hat every moment of time,prelents addi tional reasons for laws aud regulations, among men, all will be to acknowledge :—How to form thole laws and regulations, in a manner moll advantageous, and inoit completely, so as to alle viate the evils, and foften the ill efFetfts, which accrue to mankind, from an unlimited lway of their paliions ; as also to avoid the diladvantages, which, in many cases, mull spring to them from these very forms, and the abulie of law practices; a talk honorable in itfelf, and mull be peculiarly grateful to the fine feelings which actuate the mind of the enlightened philosopher and accom plilhed statesman : Though the national Conili tution, whjch is no more than general principles thrown into form, for the guide of our Legillators, and to be readily recurred to, could not take cog nizance of every cafe and particular objetft; and though it has not explicitly provided for a trial by jury (that inestimable privilege of freemen) in all causes, yet it has no where oppoledor for bid it: And the operation of those feelings and pi inciples abovementioned, will, 1 am confident, from the characters of the men who have the plan of the judiciary fyllem now in contemplation, prompt them to grant every latitude, in this and all other refpedts, which a regard to freedom and the rights of human nature demand, and whicS will not involve in its conferences greater evils and embarrallinents, than those which it is in tended to* remedy their uniform patriotism, their tried integrity, claim this presumption up on their conduct, and the liberal mind will be hurt to withold it:—But here fuifer me again to observe, what cannot be too often urged, or too strongly inculcated, that in framing the judiciary fyllem, a l'acrifice of local .views and partial pre judices, will be found peculiarly neceflary, to ef tablilh it-on proper grounds—to alfill its great and good design—to avoid expence, and produce the moll ease and benefit to the fubjetft.—Private "virtue, and public liappinefs, are inseparably con nected ; and while the comprehensive eye of the statesman takes a view of the happy effect of this principle, his able hand will be extended by all polfible means to preserve the morals of the com munity, in giving every encouragement to vir tue, industry, and good conduct, on the one hand, and by the rigid pnni/hment of vice, in all its haggard forms, oh the other; —he will nicely watch the various fluctuations, which arise from many sourceS, to marr the happiness of society, and carefully endeavour to preserve those ba lances between the contending pa/Jtons and op pofingintereftsof mankind ; which, without fwch direction, mull lead toconfufion and misery, but with it, may be made to produce Order and hap piness. AMLERICANUS. ARTILLERY ELECTION Boston, June 3. On Monday last, agreeably to their charter, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery of this Commonwealth held their anniversary ele&ion. After attending divine service, which was ,performed by the Rev. Mr. Barnard, of Salem, who delivered an ingenious ser mon adapted to the occasion, a PROCESSION was formed ift the following order, escorted by the company, and preceded by a Band of Music, all in elegant uniform. Lt. Gov. ADAMS.—Hon. Mr. Bowi>oin. The Hon. Council. Tre/idcnt—and other Senators; Judges of the Supreme Court, Speaker, and other Members of the f louse. The Selectmen, and other Town Officers. The Clergy. The Hon. Consul of Franco, Continental Civil Officers. Officers of Cadets—CMlle William—Light Infa ntry—Arti'llery**- Fuzilrcrs—all in uniforms, Capt. LINZEEy and five other Officers of jhis Britannic MnjefVy's frigate Penelope. Honorary Members, &:« The whole amounting to about 200,- prov! ceded to Faneuil- Hall, where they all partook at a fumpiuous find elegant enter tainment. After dinner, the following, among other fe<§ acts were given, 1. The llluflrioua THE PRESIDENT of the United States— [three cheers."] His Exc Set up their claim. By faith lei's foes com pell'd To tread the sanguine field, Unfkjll'd in war, This Injhtution made To teach its martial trade, To wield the Ihining blade The foe to dare. While the fame martial fire, did their breafls inspire* Our bosoms warms, May we with equal zeal, Pursue the public weal, Nor fear the bloody Heel, If call'd to arms. Illustrious F'ounders hai!, This day your patriot zeal, Your Sons proclaim. Yoiir names we generate, Your glOry emulate, * ' And tell our sons how great, Their grandfires fame. 1 Hark ! The loud trumps proclaim WASHINGTON'S glorious name, Charge! Fill again, Fill the bowl—fill it high, First born Son of the Sky, May he never, never die, Heaven jhout—AMEN> After which the company marched into the Tquarfc op the common, prepared for its reception—and ele&ed Brigadier-Generai HI LL, Captain. Major ANDREW CUNNINGHAM, Lieutenant, and Captain TURNER PHILLIPS, £nf»gn. We miffl not forget to mention, that among the voluntaries > their Most Christian and Britannic M-jellies' healths drank i Nor to omit mentioning the polite and plealing deportment of the officers of his Britannic Majefly'S frigate—who heartily joined in the universal hilarity—aud who received from everyone pre sent all due attention, agreeably to the spirit of our memorable Declaration of Independence, which declares, that " we hold the King and fubjefls oj Creat Britain, Vu we do the reft of the u>orld, inlmils j*War, m Peace friends." The Hall was elegantly decoratcd. At the entrance was a bower, and at the upper end Eleven connected" Pillars, all of evergreen: Between the centre pillars was placed a full-length portrait of the Slluftrious President of the United States, over which was s/n obe- Jiik, eiglu. feet in length, defigncd and finely executed by Joh n son, representing at the top the all-pervading Eye y diffufing its in fluence on our Fabius, with the words, " Fideles Protego t " wrote over it.—ln the centre, a winged Cherub, crowning The Presi dent with a Chapiel of Laurel, incircling the words, 44 Premium Virtiitis"—the words %i Jic itur ad AJiraon a garter extending on each fide of the Cherub—and from the wall huog several judici oufiy placed fefloous and clusters—the whole decorated with flow efc of various tints—<-which, while dispensing an agreeable odour, struck the eye very p'eafmgly. Two large American colours* half displayed, and attached to the v/all on each fide The Presi dent, had a fine effe£l. To the credit of the gentlemen who ex ecuted these decorations, we add, that the thousands who visited the Hall to view them, had but one opinion of them-—and that an applauding one The PUBLIC GOOD.—An ODE. DRIV'N out from Heav'n's ethereal domes, On earth insatiate Discord roams, And spreads her baneful influence far; On wretched man herfcorpion flings* \ Around the afliduous fury flings, Corroding every bliss, and fliarp'ning ev'ry care. Hence Demon} hence* in tenfold night Thy stygian spells employ* Nor with thy prcfcnce blafl the light Of that auspicious dayj that gives COLUMBIA joy; But come thou fofter deity, tairefl unanimity ! Not more fair the star ttyt leads Bright Aurora's glowing fleeds, Or on Hefper's front that lhines, When the girifh day declines ; Bring thy uiual train alottg, Festive dance and choral long, Loofc rob'd fportj from folly frec^ And mirth reftrain'd by decency. United, let us all those blessings find, The God of nature meant mankind; Whatever oferrof- ill redreftj Whate'cr of paflion, ill repreft, Whatever the wicked have conceiv'd^ And folly's heedless sons believ'd— Let all lie buried in oblivions flood, Aud our great cement be the PUBLICGOOD. Enough of war thepenfive muse has sung, Enough of slaughter trembled on her tongrte, Then fairer profpetts let her bring, Than hcftile fields and scenes of blood ; Since happier hours arc on the wing, Hafle ! let's promote tht. public good. No more our tears again shall flow, Shut are the portals of our woe. Bright ey'd thy pleafmgpower, Gilds at length the present hour, Every anxious thought beguiles, _ Dreftes every face in smiles* Nor lets one transient cloud the blifsdeflroy, Of this auspicious day, that gives C&LUMB I A joy. The POLITICI AN. ' " # » AN EXTRACT. A Politician should have $ large and elevated foul. It is not fufficient, that his penetration is rapid, that his judgment is acute, that he is pof fefled of that vast and happy species of imagina tion which invents, distributes, conneds ; which fees at once the whole, and all its parts ; which puts the mass in agitation, and gives warmth and vigor to all its dependencies : He must join to all these an elevation of sentiment, or his character is imperfeiS;. SKETCH of PROCEEDINGS of CONGRESS. In the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of tht UNITED STATES. Monday, June 8, 1789. Hon. Michael J. Stone member from Mary, land appeared in the House, and took the oath. Mr. Goodhue introduced a petitiou from Nicholas Pike of Newbury-Port, Maflachu fetts—the prayer of which was, that Congref'i would pass a law, to secure to hinihis property in a work which he had published with great la bor and expense, entitled A COMPLEAT SYS TEM OK ARITHMETIC —this was referred to the committee appointed to bring in a bill to se cure to authors the benefit of their publications. Upon motion it was voted, that the several pe titions from Tradesmen and Manufacturer-, fhouldbe transmitted to the Senate. Mr. Mad 1 son, agreeably to notice, moved that the House now form itfelf into a committee of the whole, uponthe state of the Union, to take into consideration the subject of amendments a greeably to the jth article of the Conftitutioni Mr. Smith (of South-Carolina) fuggelledthe inexpediency of taking up the subject at thepre. sent moment, in a committee of the whole, while matters of the greatest importance and of im mediate consequence were lying unfinifhed. The great business of the revenue appeared to him to claim a constant and uninterrupted attention till com pleated—he moved therefore, that instead of referring the subject to a committee of the whole, a select committee should be raised, to take into consideration the amendments proposed by the several Stares. Mr. Jackson —I am opposed, Sir, to taking up thelubjectof amendments to the Constitution, till we have had some experience of its goodor bad qualities.—Tlie Constitution may be compar ed to a ship that has never yet put to sea—she is now laying in the dock-—we have had no tryal as yet; we do not know how she may fleer—what fort of a helm she carries—we can not determine with any precision, whether Ihe fails upon an even keel or no—Upon experiment she may prove faultlefs, or he-r defects may be very obvious— but the present is not the time for alterations.— Very important and urgent business now requires the attention of this honorable body—bufinefsof such consequence as that of revenue, without which the constitution is of very little importance in. itfelf considered.—Should amendments now be taken up, it will be months perhaps before we can get through with them—mean time the im portant interests ofour constituents are facrificed. The State that I have the honor to represent, has ratified the Constitution without fpecifying any amendments, they are fatisfied with it, in its present form ; till experience shall point out its defects—l move therefore, Sir, that the conside ration of the subject of amendments be poftpo* ned till the firft day of March, 1790. Mr. Goodhue observed, that though he con sidered it as being premature to take up the sub ject of amendments at the present time ; yethe could not conceive the propriety of poftponingthe matter to so long a period—it certainly was the general idea that amendments fhouldbe consider ed, and a regard to the wishes of our conftituenti required that they should be aitended to asfoon a) public interest permitted. Mr. Bu ke made some objections of a similar import with those which fell from Mr. Goodhue— ■and thought that the fubjedt of the revenue, was of the greatest importance to be immediately at tended to. Mr. M di so N observed, that the fubjeft had been postponed from time to time—that the mem bers might have opportunity more fully to make up their judgments upon it—a fortnight has elapsed since the firft alfigned period, and if the motion for a further distant period should be a dopted,it would be construed into a design, to take no serious notice of the business—the propositions for amendments to the constitution came from va rious quarters, and those the most refpectable> and therefore to give some degree of fatisfaction, it seemed neceflary, that Congress ihould as soon as poflible, attend to the wishes of their constitu ents—He did notpropofe that a full investigation should immediately be gone into —but to quiet the apprehefions of a great many persons, refpefting the securing certain rights, which it was flip pofed were not fufficiently guarded, he thought it neceflary, that Congress ihould commence the enquiry, and place the matter in such a train as o infpirea reasonable hope and expectation, that full justice would eventually be done to so impor tant a subject—He therefore renewed his motion for the House to go into a committee of the whole* that the investigation of the business might at least commence. Mr. SHERMANfuppofed,that takigup the sub ject of amendments atthis time woulcl alarm more persons than would have their apprehensions quieted thereby—He thought that the necessity of amendments would be best pointed out by t' l( dcfects, which experience mav discover in the constitution.