Tht RIGHT CONSTITUTION *f a COMMON WEALTH EXAMINED. [Continued from our It oui author meant another affair of 4 f>, it is still less to his purpole, or rather still more' con duit vely againlt him. It was so far from bein* true in the year 454 , the molt fjmple and frugal pe riod or Roman history, " that none but honest, 41 generous, and public (pirits desired to be in au thority, and that only for the common good," and that there " was no camaffing for voices," that the molt illustrious Romans offered them selves as candidates for the consulship ; and it was only the diftreis and imminent danger of the city trom the Etrurians and Samnites, and an univer lal alarm, that induced the citizens to call their eyes 011 Fabius, who did not Hand. When he saw the fufFrages run frqm him, he arose and spoke • " Why should he be solicited, an old man, ex " haufted with labours and satiated with rewards, " to take the command? That neither the strength " of his body or mind were the fame. Hedread " ed the caprice of fortune. Some divinity might think his success too great, too constant, too " much for any mortal. He had succeeded to the " glory of his ancestors, and he saw himfelf with " joy succeeded by others. That great honors " were not wanting at Rome to valour, nor va " lour to honors It was extreme age, not the " slender advantages of honors," that occalioned Fabius's dilinclination, as it did that of Cincin nati on another occasion. This refufal, how ever, only augmented the desire of having him. Fabius then required the law to be read, which forbad the re-eledion of a Consul before ten years The Tribunes proposed that it should be dispensed ■with, as all iuch laws in favour of rotations ever are when the people wiJh it. Fabius asked why laws were made, if they were to be broken or dis pensed with by those who made them ; and de claied that the laws governed no longer but were governed by men f. The Centuries, how ever, persevered, and Fabius was chosen. " May " the gods make your choice fucce Fabius fought, conquered and returned to Rome, to preside in the election of the new Conluls, and there appear circum stances which iliow, that the great zeal for him was chiefly ariftocratical. The firlt Centuries all ariftocratics, continued him. Appius Claudius' of consular dignity, andfurely not one of our au thor's " lionelt, generous, and public spirits " nor one of his "single and plain-hearted men'" but a warm, interelied, and ambitious man, of fered himfelf a candidate, and employed all his credit, and that of all the nobility, to be chosen Consul with Fabius, lels, as he said, for his private interest, than for the honor of the whole body of the patiicians, whom he was determined to re eltablifh in the poffeflion of both confulfliips.-— Fabius declined, as the year before ; but all the nobility surrounded his feat, and intreatedhim to be sure; but to do what ? Why, to rescue the consulship from the dregs and filth of the people to restore the dignity of consul, and the order of patricians, to their ancient ariftocratical splendor Fabius appears, indeed, to have been urged into the office of Consul; but by whom > By the pa tricians, and to keep out a plebeian. The Senate and people were checking each other; ftrugo]i nt r together for a point, which the patricians ?ould cany in no way but by violating the laws, and forcing old Fabius into power. The Tribunes had once given way, from the danger of the rimes ; but this year they were not so disposed The patricians were still eager to repeat the ir regularity; but Fabius, although he declared he should be glad to aflift them in obtaining two pa trician Consuls, yet he would not violate the law so far as to nominate himfelf; and no other pa trician had interest enough to keep out L. Vo * Ouid fc jam fenern, ac perfunftum laboribus, laborumque p-smns, folhcitarent ? Ncc coipofis, nee animi v.gorem rcma ncrc eundum, et fortunam ipfam vcrcri, ne cui dcorum niinia j®m inle fortuna, rt cdnitSiuior, ijuarfi velint humanae res vidca lur. Et f ; - gloria: feniorura fuccrcvi®, ct ad jloriam l'uam cou lurgentes alios latum ad fpiccif. Kcc honors mag, ws viiis lortif fimis, Rome, ncc honoribus decfle fortes vires. Liv. + J' 1 " "gi leges, non legcre. lumnious, the plebeian, who was chosen with Ap pius Claudius. Thus farts and events, which were evidently created by a struggle between two orders in a balanced government, are adduced as proofs in favour of a government with only one order, and without a balance. Such severe frugality, fucli perfetft difintereft ednels in public characters, appear only, or at leait molt frequently, in ariitocratical govern ments. Whenever the constitution becomes de mocratical, such austerities disappear entirely, or at least lose their inliuence, and the I'ufFrages of , the people; and if an unmixed and unchecked people ever choose such men, it is only in times I °f diltrefs anddanger, when they think no others can save them : As soon as the danger is over, they negle mentioning that, I trijft the Deouil nfn • i ernmenf . After demean themselves as good citi '~ir will v' who vinced, ,h« 1 shall Sfe W b'"COn pati on of genuine, vital ,ci . i uft a!^re ' ? nJ ,m P«ual 1 iu P- «he pJi&TTS ing your prayers at the throne of grace for me ,u ~ wife implore the divine benediflions on yourlclves,„J llkt " giou. community. G. WASHWgTo^''" [The following Ast, being the firft: which has ..(M .u,, • branches of the National Legislature, received Yh. Sf *'' dent's aflent on Mondaylaft.] «tsi- An ACT to regulate the T,me ard Manner of Uminijlermg certiia BE it traded ty the Senate and Rem* e*(nt*ti If* On,ted States of America, in Congress ajfenbled, That thecal affir inaiion required by the iixth article of the Constitution nf.l"' L uited States, shall be administered in thefoim followln. wit: "'i A. B. do folemnlv swear, or affirm fjj tht c r that I will fupportthe Conft.tution of the United Suu™ Y $ laid oath, or affirmation, (hall be administered within ihrf, / after the palling of this a£t, by any one member ot il > S "" the PieliJent ot the Senate, and by lum to all the membtlT' to the Secretary; and by the Speaker of the Houleofß f «U tatives to all the mcmuers who have not taken a similar ™1, t £l if .°i 4 P artlc " lar ."fulution of thefaid House. and to',fee Clerk. And in cafe of the absence of any member from the r v,ce of either House, at the time preferred tor ukCthe r'i oath or affiimation, the fameffiall be administered to such t ber, when he shall appear to take hi, feat m ™- And be "fu,there,.ailed, That at the -firft session of Conrref, afier every general election of rrprefenta.ives, the oath or aft™ ation aforefaid admin,ffercd by any'one mX o l£ House of Reprefentattves to the Speaker, and by him to all * members preient, and to the Clerk, previous to entering on a£ other bufmefs; and to themembers who ffiall afterwards apW previous to their feats. The,n of the Sena" fc the time being (hall also adm.nifter the fa,d oath or affirmation, each Senator, who (hall hereafter be elefled, previou, to histak tng his (eat. And many future cafe of a President of th- Senate be a°H 7' T. Ct l '"u hf h ' d oalb or affimation, the fame shall A 2Tw-'t b y any one of the membe.sof the Senate uffl , /Ui I r' J ),at,he members of the several State legislatures, at the next feffior.s of the (aid legislatures refpeSi"' ly, and all executive and judicial officers of the several State- who have b.en heretofore chosen or appointed, or who (hall be chofea then be'in offi fh n' i Y°f next ' 3nJ wh ° ' 'r C thin onemonth thereafter, takcthefarrt oath or affirmation, except where tl.ey (hall have taken it before of .h ST/ . J any person aul horifed by the law the Stateinwhich (uch office (hall beholden, to admin,Oer oaths And the member of the feveaal State legislatures, and all exec,itive and judicial officers ot the several States, who (hall be eholen or appmnted after the said firft day of August, (hall, before they proceed to execute the duties of their refpe&ixe offices, take the foregoing oath or affirmation, which frail be administered by h™r'l°, n °J P er^ ns ', who by the law of the State shall be ac thorifed to .dm.mfte r the oath of office, and the person or perfom a oath hertb y quired to be taken, (hall cause hv .Z'f ° r Tl' lC r ,h L CrCot to bc madc f-me manner a, And be "further enadid, That all officers appointed or hereafter hrtvf aP , P ° mt i Und L Cr the au thority of the United States, Ih.II, affirm I 7 , , rcf P eaiv( ' «he lame oath or IhofhTk L 'I' 4 , administered by the p. rton or perlon. refnrA " b y law to admmifter to such officers their ■ m°a r ° ,° Ilc1 lc , e : aßd such (hall incur the fame faiW I " ft " llbe * m P°fcd by law in c>(e of failure n taking their oaths of office AndU "further tnadei, That the.Secretary of the Senate, and , of ' he " < " lfe , of Repi efentatives, for the time being, (hall, »Vk ff" 8 E oath or affir mation aforefaid, eaehtake -n oath or affirmatlou, ,n the words following, tow,t. " lA.B. Secjetary of the Senate 01 Clerk of the House of Reprefenta ,, (l ? r " may bc ) of thc Uni,cd States of America, do (i lolemnly swear or affirm, that I willtruly and faithfully dif ■' and S abiHi-- U " CS fa ' d ° ff ' Ce ' t0 the beflofm l knowW 6 5 Jredsrick Augustus Muhlenuerg, Speaker oj the House of Jieprefentativts. John Adaks, V tcc-Frtfidert of the United States, ~. , „ And President of the Saatt. Approved—Jnne-ift, j 7 Bg. J J GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States. NATIONAL MONITOR No. VII.~ 1 o think, and to judge araifs, even concerning tie ways of Providence, is the lot of our iniper feo: nature." A people that enjoys for a /tries of years, the lltf >'"S i °J pence, and good government, will cotifidtr e ~ L "- r J •■vent that threatens their tranquility, as the at ir, tger of misfortune : without conftderiug wit er t eir prtfent situation is the mofl eligible in which >ey can oe placed ; -without etiquiriug -whether their future profpefts do not warrant, and call for public ex irtion and interprife, lulled into a jlatt of fupinenef, an torpidity, by the charms oj indolence, they -will, if not titer informed than the generality of mankind as eenin all past ages, rather fuffer the encroach ments oj arbitrary power, and loss of freedom, than the novelty of experiment, to extend their Iphers oj adion and open a boundless prcfpeCl of felici ty, to present and future generations .—The late American war, may be considered in this point of light; eK J°y tn & 'OjnejUc east and happinefs 9 we engaged in it with relufiance; unparellelled injuries /lowly rcufed USiO a L f o,l > an d while clouds and thick darkness re jit A '" 1 ' 'IF ue > " Me thought that all was againf} us: hit, Itnce the designs of Providence artfully disclosed, by ' P Lac ?, liberty, and independence of America: w - r e especially when those designs are contemplated n ' ne J cene > tlat await our country, under the admi "J > c...0n of the new constitution. —JVe may -well ex c aim in the language oj inspiration, " our enemies igned us evil: but God meant all these things ror our good". c. « S Z* hs t UT ' l > m pid Stream, tuhen foul uith Pains, Upufhing torrents and defending rains, Z o '}? "M clear, and as it runs' refines, ~nn I dc S r '" the floating mirtorfhines— «JJ eac/l f 1 ""-'" 'baton its bolder grows, " d " neuj Heaven in its fan bosom fihows!" neu, rIAI S * B j SCJiIP Jl ONS S or " :e "COURIER DE BOSTON" 4 ceived n A'/ u"j at Lofton Ir. the French Language, are re ur iverf ,I' 9 ' Unt ■ [The utility of a paperin atoo!f auirr T? n^u^ e not be hinted to those. who wish to ac quire the French tongue.] FENNO, No. 9, MaJden* i-ANE, neat the Oswico-Market, New-York.