Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 06, 1789, Page 63, Image 3

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    domestic articles.
nucHMOND, May 27.1 DIED, on Monday the
oR instant, in the 33d year of his age, Mr.
tOHN M'LEAN, Printer, at Norfolk, a native
J?rlaArow In this amiable Character were
u tiHpJ the polite Gentlemen, kind Matter, molt
£tnate £iend, and the universal Philan
Now mourn ye sweet Nymphs of the Dale,
for the Pride of our Village is fled:
• Let Tcari of Affli&ion prevail,
And descend like the Dew on his head.
Why withers yon Rose in its Bloom,
And why twinkle yon Stars thus so dim ?
The Li"ht which they borrow'd is gone,
And Affli&ion i> fill'd to the Brim.
A Dawn of bright Hope yet appears,
And though our dear Strcphon's no more,
The Heart that difpell'd others Tears,
Shall be fill'd with' Bills evermore.
[Philadelphia, June?.] Wehearthebu.
/; nc f s of calico printing, is likely to be underta
ken by forae Europeans here. There is a great
field for profit, it being supposed, that one hun
dred and fixty-five thouland pieces are annually
Extratt of a Utter from a Swedijh gentleman in Lon
don, to his friend in this city, dated Feb. I 5.
" All Europe is amazed at the nefarious, and
never hitherto heard of dil'obedience in the Swe
difli army, which has fruftrated the best designs.
The malcontents have long ago rued their crimi
nal folly- The people have with alaudable zeal
i'upported the King in defence of the country.
Corps of volunteers are formed every where. The
little Island Oland * has armed jooo young coun
try fellows : all the other provinces have done in
proportion: the interior parts of the country,
which are lheltered from invasion, have made
large contributions of money and provilions. I
have with the warmest emotions of joy perused the
Swedifti Gazettes for some time part, and am per
suaded that the nation in general feel for their
King and country as true Swedes.—Sweden, like
all other countries, is pestered with some fordid
creatures, who cannot refill; the illurements ol
avarice and ambition. These impudent traitors
pretend to be champions for public liberty, but
every body knows that tliey were purchased by
Ruffian rubles and splendid promifesof indepen
dence in Finlandf.
* An island in the Baltic, 80 miles long and 9or 10 wide.
+ The Em pre (a of Ruflfia had formed a plan for separating
country from Sweden, under colour of making it independent.
[New-Haven, May 27.] A few days since,
a Mr. Pritchard, of \Y aterbury, being on his
land dicing a ditch, dug up a root, which his
curiosity led him to taste of—he soon found him
felfdifordered, and returned to his house (with
the root in hishand) which, as soon as he enter
ed, informed his wife that he had eat of it, and
apprehended he was poifoned—oll which he fell
down, was suddenly fiezed withconvullions, and
expired in a few hours. The root proved to be
what is commonly known by the name of wild
NEW-YORK, JUNE 6, 1789.
Yesterday the following ADDRESS from the
Central Aijanbly of the Prefbytcrian Church, in the
United States, at their late Meeting; in Philadel
' O
phia, was presented by a committee of that body,
consisting of The Moderator,
The Rev. Dr. M'WhortEr,
The Rev. Mr. Roe,
John Bayard, •>
J ' t. F. [quires,
John Broome, )
S I R,
THE general aflembly of the Preibyterian
church, in the United States of America, embrace
the eailieli opportunity in their power, to teftify
the lively and unfeigned pleasure which they,
with the reit of their fellow-citizens, feel 011 your
appointment to the firft office in the nation.
We adore Almighty God the Author of every
perfedt jiift, who hath endued you with such a
rare and happy aftemblage of talents, as hath
Rendered you equally neceflary to your country
m war and in peace.
Jour military achievements ensured fafety
and glory to America, in the late arduous con
jitt ior freedom ; while your disinterested con
and uniformly just discernment of the pub
jc uitereft, gained you the entire confidence of
T e people. And in the present interesting peri
-0 ot public afFairs, the influence of your perfo
c laradter moderates the divisions of political
P f r V eS ' . a ! ld p ro 'nifes a permanent eftabliffiment
01 trie civil government.
r°m a retirement more glorious to you than
nrones and sceptres, you have been called to
your piefent elevated liation, by the voice of a
great and freepeople ; and with an "unanimity of
fuffrage that has few if any examples in history.
A man more ambitious of fame, or less devoted
to his country, would have refufed an office in
which his honors could not be augmented, and
where they might possibly be fubje<ft toareverfe.
We are happy that God hath inclined your
heart to give yourfelf once more to the public.
And we derive a favourable presage of the event
from the zeal of all clafles of the people, and
rlieir confidence in your virtues ; as well as from
the knowledge and dignity with which the fede
ral councils are filled. But we derive a presage
even more flattering from the piety of your cha
racter. Public virtue is the moll certain mean ot
public felicity, and religion is the surest basis of
virtue. We therefore esteem it a peculiar hap
piness to behold in our chief inagiftrate a stea
dy, uniform, avowed friend of the Christian re
ligion ; who has commenced his adminiftratiou
in rational and exalted sentiments of piety, and
who, in his private condutft adorns the doiftrines
of the gospel of Christ ; and on the most public
md solemn occasions devoutly acknowlcges the
government of Divine Providence.
The example of diftinguilhed characters will
everpoflefs apowerful and extensive influence on
the public mind ; and when we fee, in such a
conspicuous ftatjon, the amiable example of pie
ty to God, of benevolence to men, and of a pure
and virtuous patriotifni, we naturally hope that
it will diffufe its influence, and that eventually
the most happy consequences will result from it.
To the force of imitation we will endeavour to
add the wholesome inftruiftions of religion. We
shall consider ourselves as doing an acceptable
service to God in our profeflion, when we coil
tribute to render men sober, honest, and indu
strious citizens, and the obedient fubjeifts of a
lawful government. In these pious labours, we
hope to imitate the most worthy of our brethren
of other Christian denominations,and to be imita
tatedbythem; afl'ured, that if we can by mutual
and generous emulation, promote truth and vir
tue, we shall render eflential service to the re
public ; we ffiall receive encouragement from
every wife and good citizen, and above ail, meet
the approbation of our divine mailer.
We pray Almighty God to have you always in
his holy keeping , may he prolong your valuable
life, an ornament and a blessing to your country;
and at last bellow on you the glorious reward ol :
a faithful servant.
iSigned by order of the General Assembly.
JOHN RODGERS, Moderator.
Philadelphia. May 26, 1 789.
To which the President was pleased to return
the following answer.
I RECEIVE with great sensibility, tlieteftimo
nial, given by the General Aflembly of the Pref
byterian Church in the United States of America,
of the lively and unfeigned pleasure experienced
by them, on my appointment to the firft office
in the nation.
Although it will be my endeavor to avoid being
elated, by the too favorable opinion which your
kindness for me may have induced you to express
of the importance of my former conducft, and
the effeift of my future services : Yet, conscious of
the difinterellednefs of my motives, it is not ne
ceflary for me to conceal the latisfacftion I have
felt upon finding that my compliance with the
call of my country and my dependence ontheaf
ftftance of Heaven to support me in my arduous
undertakings, have, so far as I can learn, met
the universal approbation of my countrymen.
While I reiterate the profeffions of my de
pendence upon Heaven as the source of all pub
lic and private blessings ; I will observe that the
general prevalence of piety, philanthropy, ho
neily, iuduftryand economy seems, in the ordi
nary course of human affairs, particularly necef
fary for advancing and confirming the happiness
of our country. —While all men within our ter
ritories are protected in worshiping the Deity ac
cording to the dictates of their consciences ; it
is rationally to be expected from them in return,
that they will all be emulous of evincing the fin
cerity of their profeflions, by the innocence of
their lives and the beneficence of their a<ftions.
For no man who is profligate in his morals or
a bad member of the civil community, can pos
sibly be a true christian or a credit to his own re
ligious society.
I defile you to accept my acknowledgments for
your laudable endeavors to render men sober,
honest and good citizens, and the obedient fub
jecfts of a lawful government ; as well as for youi
prayers to Almighty God for his blessing on oui
common country, and the humble instrument
which he has been pleased to make use of in the
administration of its government.
i'aajicus will be attendtd to next week ; as will the continuation
of an Eflay on Trade and Finances.
His Excellency GEOIIGE CLINTON, Iseledl'
Governor of the State of" New-York.
Philip Livingfton, John Cantinc,
Philip SchuyLer, Alexander Wcbfter,
Volkert P. Douw, I Edward Savage.
James Carpenter,
Last Evening was prelented that excellent Co
medy the Clandestine Marriage.
The President of the United States and his
Lady—the MoftHonorable Robert Morris and
Lady—the Gentlemen of The PrClident's Suite—
Honorable General Knox and Lady—Baron
Steubhn —and many other refpedtable and dis
tinguished characters, honored the Theatre
by their presence.
The reiterated plaudits bellowed on the vari
ous parts of the performance, designated the me
rit of the atftors—and it is but jult to fay, that,
animated by the countenance of l'uch illustrious
auditors, the characters Were supported with
great spirit and propriety.—Mrs. Henry and
Mrs. Morris,played with their usual naivete and
svith uncommon animation.
One great reason why people are disposed to
evade payment of taxes for the support of go
vernment, is, because they do not realize, that
individual delinquency enters into a total fubver
(ion of the public peace, happiness and security.
Such invaluable blessings mull be paid for : It is
the ordinance of Heaven—and they are worth the
The GREAT- WHOLE, being constituted by
the dipititt members of society—it is of infinite
importance, that every one fliould feel their in
tegral consequence in the community: They
fliould realize that they have important rights to
be defended : These can be supported only by
juftand equal laws ; and that government alone,
is competent to their preservation.—That their
personal security, andthat of their property, are
the principal objecfls for Avhich laws are institu
ted : These ideas fliould enter very deeply into
the mind of every citizen.—Reflections of this
kind, would make the importance of good go
vernment appreciate in their estimation, and in- ■
iuce a chearful and cordial payment of those re
venue!, without which, these important blessings
cannot be realized or enjoyed.
There is neatness, conciseness, and perspicui
ty, in the firlt ACT which has palled the National
Legislature : These constitute the true fublinie !
May those ambiguities, fubtilties, verbosities, and
redundancies, which are the source of endless
perplexities, never confound the minds of our ci-.
tizens while learning their dilty from the LAWS
IF the great principles of religion, honor,
and public spirit, are weak, or loft, what effec
tual check can there be, to controul the unboun
ded pursuits of avarice, ambition, and vanity ?
The effects that are naturally produced by the
vanity, dissipation, and rapacity of a diflolute
people, are, carelessness with refpedt to their
public affairs—debility of genius—and a sense
less facrifice of their dearest interests—till they
become inveloped in a maze of perplexity, and
embarrassments, and finally fall into the hands
of a proud usurper.
A defect in national principles, and manners,
generally precedes the ruin of a people: This
deficiency is a worm at the root of national uni
on, strength, and dignity.
Every great national scheme mult depend ulti
mately, in every free State, uponcorrefponding
sentiments in the great mass of the people ; for
the vigour and success of public measures, are
suspended upon the general opinion of the eligi
bility of those measures in the minds of the great
agent, the people: In despotic governments, this
is by no means the cafe, for there the people are
only the machines of the powers that be.
On the 3d ult. the legislature of the State of
Connecticut, by adt, prohibited the exportation
of wheat, rye, Indian corn, wheat and rye Hour,
and Indian meal, out of that State, by land or
sea. In consequence of this art, his Excellency
the Governor of that State has iit'ued his procla
mation, commanding all persons within the State
to yield implicit obedience to said a<ft.
H'ednefday, BrigSwanzey, Slater, Cork, 42 days.
Schooner Polly, Travers, Baltimore, 9 days.
Sloop Fanny, Ingram, Turks Island, 22 aays.
Sloop General Green, , Alexandria, 13 days.
Thursday, Ship Ann and Susan, Seeds, Bourdeaux, 43 days.
Brig Patty, Maltiby, St. Thomas, 20 days.
Brig Sally, Raymond, Cape-Francois, 18 days.
Schooner Lark, Lewis, St. Martins, 16 days.
Sloop Amity, Dickenfon, Turks Island, 19 days.
Sloop Rainbow, Cunice, N.Providence, 17 days.
Sloop Active, Greenleaf, St. Thomas, 20 days.
Friday, Brig Isabella, Taylor, Newfoundland, 14 days.
Schooner Pilgrim, Rpbins, York-Town, 7 days.
Sloop Betsey, Goffinger, Richmond, 7 days.
Sloop Dispatch, Summers, Philadelphia, 3 dayj.