Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 06, 1789, Page 62, Image 2

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[Continued from So. XV.J
WE have been, in a former number, speaking
of the mode of obtaining money for the support
oi Government, in which various and compli
cated difficulties were found to attend the levy
ing the tariff, or impolt, with an equal hand and
nice discerning eye : we now come to the mode
of collection, in which ltill greater difficulties
ariie ;—ln a country pofl'eHing the extensive sea
coast, the innumerable bays, rivers, creeks and
inlets, we have in America, it requires not a lit
tle f'agacity to conftru<ft those guards and barri
ers, to prevent the evasion of the law, which, in
cases like these, mankind have ever been found
orone to seek opportunities of doing—and per
haps the inventive genius and subtle arts of men
have, on this fubjedt, had their full scope and ex
ercise in all other countries; and to presume on
our peculiar virtue, and want of skill or enter
prise, in such undertakings, will be building on
weak grounds, and doing wrong to the American
character : Private interest among mankind, has
been generally found to predominate over public
spirit—and this principle, so strong in human na
ture, will not be likely to operate less faintly here
than with the reft of the world. These observa
tions being assented to, as I think they mull, the
necessity of purfuingfuch measures to prevent as
far as possible, the effecft of this preponderating
principle, as have been attended with fuccefselfe
where, naturally presents itlelf to view : But here
let me renew an observation before made, that
the general scale or standard which governs the
plan of the Import, will efientially affecft the pro
dutft of the Revenue—and as far as this is found
to be reasonable and judicious, will the need of
coercion be proportionably diminilhed ; for in
fucn n position of the cafe, the risque of finuggling
will exceed the objejfl to be thereby obtained—
which consideration will be ever nicely weighed
by the merchant in his calculations .—But to re
turn to the Ipecific point in view—While every
encouragement ought to be held out to the fair
ti ader by the principles of the system—on the
other hand, every proper caution and preventa
tive again ft the pernicious practice of smuggling
Ihould mark the plan of collection, not only to
secure the reyenue, but to preserve the morals of
tiie community from the baneful contagion ari
ftng from such pursuits. Those embarraflinents
which proceed from the natural situation of the
country, cannot be avoided—and while numer
ous harbors and inlets will neceflarily multiply
revenue officers, yet this reffedrion is in a degree
alleviated, by viewing those harbors and inlets
as so many avenues to the encreafing wealth and
consequent strength of our country ; and frequent
inland navigation may be efteeined amongnature's
choicell blellings. It is not to be doubted that
every particular part of the community will hope
to be freed from the disadvantage of going out
of the diretfl path of their navigation, in order to
make their entries, deliveries, clearances, &c. but
it will be in vain to expect the wifhed-for latitude
on this point, unless they consent to a total facri
fice of the revenue, and view the payment of its
officers as the sole objecft for which it was levied.
Every partial inconvenience, in such cases, must
be submitted to, in order to further the general
good ; and until this principle takes deeper root
in the public mind, on all occasions, national
measures will only serve to present in a morecon
fpicuous light our national imbecility.
The mode of reimbursing the revenue officers
for their services, ought to be as far as poflible so
conftrucftcd, as to make the faithful of their
duty fuperiorto any temptation to fraud : It may
be well therefore, to produce this effect, that two
different principles should be adopted in deter
mining their stipends : In large ports, and where
an extensive trade is carried on, let their compen
sation result from a fpecified commifiion on the
a gg re g ate aii'ouut of their negociations,which will
tend to excite their vigilance, and make them
zealous to fill up the money columns in the cuf
tom-honie books : In smaller and less productive
ports, a fixed ialary, in proportion to the probable
service, may be thought a stronger incitement to
duty, or if paid by commilfions, as in the former
cafe, those different powers which in the larger
ports are divided, can here be united inoneper
fon : It will be difficult to exceed in the number
and variety of checks and barriers to prevent falfe
entries, reports, manifeftos, invoices, &c. Here
oct ular demonstrations and critical compares, will
be found serviceable auxilaries to oaths and affir
mations : An immediate dif'charge of duties in
every instance, is rather to be wiihed for, than
expected, where a deficiency of circulating me
dium is evident, and a ready demand and con
sumption often uncertain and irregular : There
fore the giving bond") in i'ufficient security for their
payment at afhort, though future period, will be
iotind expedient—while a discount allowed upon
prompt payment will produce exertion to tiiis
purpose : In regard to articles on which drawbacks
are permitted, it will be found advantageous to
provide public store* for their deposit—lest by
some magic or miraculous power, wine may be
foinetimes converted to water ; and the duties on
merchandize thus dcpofited, will he as in other
cases, bonded for—which bonds ffiall be cancelled
by a certificate from the naval officer of their ex
But I leave any further detail upon this alinoft
exhauftleft fubjeft, to take a view of lome other
fourcesfrom which the public chelt must alfode
rive its supplies : And here let ine observe, that
as national wealth is but a composition of the
wealth of its individual citizens, from a want of
attention to those general principles, which serve
to fill the lefier springs and streams, the great
common fountain must be less productive, or be
come proportionably exhausted ; and without "in
dustry and economy, those handmaids to wealth
and affluence, among the great mass of the people,
America will in vain expect to reach the zenith ol
national glory and splendor.
(To bt continued.)
Turn—The banks oj the Dee.
THE beauties of Flora delightfully blooming,
The ladies ofTrenton, arranging difplay'd,
More splendid :n beauty frefh glory alTuming,
When arches triumphal with them were array'd;
The Hero llluflrious had lately arrived,
Who all the past dangers of War had survived ;
From whom all the blessings of Peace are derived,
On whom the whole burden of Empire is laid.
The brilliant aflembly of beauties advancing,
With harmony soothing, and scenery grand;
While smiles were foft dimpling and graces were glancing,
The Hero himfelf condescended to stand.
Before him young Virgins gay flowers w-re ftrowing.
And all their rich fragrance delightfully blowing,
While mulical {trains were melodiously flowing,
Sensations of rapture what breast could withfland.
Wednesday, June 3, 1789.
The bills for the arrangement of the two de
partments of war and foreign affairs were read a
second time—and afligned for Tuesday next, in
committee of the whole.
A meliage was received from the Senate,inform
ing of their concurrence in a report of the com
mittee of 28thult.refpecfting the printing bufmels.
The Senate also sent a ineflage to inform the
House, that their members were this day to take
the Oath required by the Constitution—and re
quelled the original law refpetfting oaths, which
had been yesterday returned to the House bv The
President. 3
In committee of the -whole.
The Bill to regulate the collection of the reve
nue again under consideration—when further
progress was made in filling up the blank, by a
greeing to the following, as ports of entry and
delivery, viz.
Snow Hill, |> Maryland.
St Mary's,
Norfolk, and Portfirtouth,"
Alexandria, Virginia.
Foley's Landing,
South (^uay.
Charleston, p
Georgetown, > South Carolina. 4
Beaufort, S
Savannah, -1
Sunbury, .
Brunfwick, r Georgia.
St. Patrick's, on St. Mary's river. J
P epperelborough,
Bath, on Kennebec river,
W ifcaflet, on Sheepfcut river,
Machias, [>
1 or k. [Barnftable.
Barnftable, in the county of
she Committee then rose, and the House ad
June 4.
In committee of the whole on the bill to retm
late the colle<sHon of the revenue.
!" Rom the firlt article which provides for the
constituting ports of « entry only" the word
' .only was it ruck out, to insert " and delivery."
The next article which runs thus, " That the: e
shall also be constituted, the following ports
which lhall be ports of delivery only, viz." was
read, and the committee proceeded to fill up the
blank by agreeing upon the following ports, viz.
Kennebunk, Matfachufctts.
Weft Point,
Frederickfburg;, ; ... .
Suffolk, f V ' r g""'-
C Burmuda Hundred, |
£ [City Point, |
Rockets Landing. . J
Burlington, 1
Newark, C New - Jersey.
New Brunfwick, J
Mr. Lawrancf. proposed to insert a clause to
this effecft, that all ihips, or veflels, arriving at
New-York, from any foreign port, and destined
to the city of Hudlon, Albany, Efopus Creek
Poughkeepfie,or Newburg, in Hudson River, lhall
enter atthe port of New- York—and having there
paid the duties, or secured them to be paid, they
may then proceed to either of said ports to deli
ver their cargoes—the collector at New-York
putting on board a land or tide waiter—and tak
ing effectual means to prevent frauds. This
clause was adopted.
Mr. Jackson introduced another clause, pro
viding for the forming the sea coalt of the State
of Georgia into four districts, to include ports of
entry and delivery : This division was agreeable
to the laws of that State. This was adopted as
was also a clause, introduced by Mr. Goodhue,
firnilar to that from Mr. Lawrance—which pro
vided that veflels bound up Merrimack river,
should enter and pay, or secure the duties at New
bui-yport. The committee then rose.
Mr. Baldwin, from the committee appointed
to bring in a bill, or bills, for the arrangement of
the Three Executive Departments, reported a
bill for the Treasury Department—which was read,
and laid on the table.
Mr. Benson gave notice that to-morrow he
should move for a committee of the whole, on the
state of the Union—to take up the proposition ref
pe<fting Rhode llland.
Mr. Benfon's resolution is in the following words.
THE Congress of the United States do resolve uni
declare it to be their mo ft came ft dejire, that the legi
ftature of the State of Rhode IJland and Providence
plantations, do recommend to the people oj that State
to choose delegates to meet in Convention, and to whom
the Conflitution »f the United States is to be fubmittei,
conformably to the unanimous resolution of the United
States in Congress ajfembled, of the llth Sept. 1787.
Friday, June j, i 789.
A meflage from the Senate, which was received
yesterday, providing for the tranfmiflion of the
atfls of Congress to the executives of the several
States, was read a second time and received the
unanimous concurrence of the House.
Mr. Wynkoop asked leave of absence for a
fortnight, which was granted.
J lie bill providing for the arrangement of the
treasury department, was read a second time,
and referred to a committee of the whole House.
Mr. Jackson gave notice, that on Wednesday
next, he fliould move for the appointment of a
committee, to bringin a bill for the establishment
of a system of naturalization for the United States.
Mr. Benson proposed, that the House should
then form itfelf into a committee of the whole, on
the state of the Union, and take into confedera
tion the proposed resolution refpetfiing; Rhode-
Island. ,
This occasioned a fliort discussion, which termi
nated in taking the previous question—Whether
the House fliould now fonn itfelf into a commit
tee of the whole for the above purpose ! This
parted in the negative, and so the proposed
resolution was loft.
The House then formed into a committee of
the whole, on the bill to regulate the collection
of the revenue. The article of " ports of deliver■/'
being under confederation,the following addition
was made to those agreed upon yesterday, viz.
Ipswich, ..
Lynn, •
Claarleftown, ; Majfachufetts.
Med ford,
Swanzey or Freetown.
Peterfburgh, p
Cumberland, f Virginia.
Smithfield, \
Mi. Ames introduced a petition from the Ar
tificers and Manufacturers of the town of
okon which being read, was laid 011 the table.
Mi. Vining gave notice, that on Wednesday
next, he should fubrrrit to the House a resolve,
providing for the eftablifhinent of a fourth fnbor
mate executive department— to be denominated,
the department of the Secretary of the United
ot ™? s ° r Domestic AFFAIRS.
le House then adjourned to Monday new-
\'»utvjy Jo toutaouj