Itv.ib then inoveii, that a ieledt committee be jiow appointed, to enquire into the Hate of the unappropriated lands m the WciLern Territory, •jnd 10 repoit what Heps are neceflary to betaken for the sale of those lands. This motion was opposed upon various grounds : gome considered it as an expedient to get rid of ihebulinels; others contended that it entered in to the decilion of a queltion, as to the sale of the lands, which the committee were in no meaf'ure fullkiently informed to determine—The motion after coniiderable difculfion, was divided, and ihe latter clayfe, negatived.—A committee was then appointed agreeably to the firlt part, con gfting of Mr. Sco rT, Mr. Hunt in gdon, and JVjr. SHERMAN. Mr. Heis/Ter introduced a resolve to the fol lowing eifeift, That every such member of this present Congress as is not furnilhed with the jour nals of Ihe late Congi els, upon application to the keeper of the records, be furiiiflied with a complete set of i'ucli journals. Tnis rel'olve was adopted unanimoully Mr. Sen ey then moved, that the report of the joint committee upon the I'ubjecft of news-papers, and printing, which had lain feverul days on the tabic, lhould be taken up. This report being read, the firft part which orovides for supplying every member of Congress with " one news-paper" at the public expence ; was objected to—a variety of observations were made, and the clause finally rejected—the latter part respecting the public printing, and giving power to the Clerk of the House, and Secretary of the Senate, to form the neceflary contract; was adopted, aud then the House adjourned. Friday, May 29. The engrofled bill, imposing a duty on ton nage, was read the third time—and palled. Mr.Partridge, from the committee appoint ed to confer with the Senate, on a proper mode of receiving bills and meiiages from the Prelident, reported— fhat until the public offices are efta blilhed, and proper officers appointed, meflages or bills may be received by either House, untter cover, directed to the President of the Senate, or the Speaker of the Houle of Representatives This report, with some amendments, was ac cepted. . A motion was then made, that the bill regu lating the collection of the revenue, lhould be considered in a committee of the whole, 011 Mon day next. —This palled in the affirmative. Mr. White introduced an amendment of the rule of the House, relpeCting the ap pointment of committees by ballot—lt was pro posed, that all committees lhould be appointed by the Speaker, except when the House lhould order otherwile. This was objected to by divers members—and advocated by others :—Several modifications were prcpoibd, as expedients to get rid of the mode of balloting, which was considered as tedious, and occasioning unnecellary loss of time;—but after some spirited observations 011 both lides the ques tion, Mr. Wkite's motion, with every qualifi cation of it, was loft by a large majority—and the rule of the House remains as it originally Hood Adjourned until Motiday next. 1 The following Selection ofMISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE, from European and American papers, comprises the whole, that our limits will permit us to insert this clay.] LAST-ISDIES. At Delhi, a revolution was effe&ed in September, by the Ro nilla Confederates, aided by one of their moil daring Chiefs, Cholan Kadar Cawn, taking advantage of Madajee Scindia's re miffnefg, in negle&mg to station a proper number of troops round the city. The confequencrs were truly terrible to the unfortunate old lung, whose eyes the inhuman Chief deprived him of, putting iiv; robes ot royalty at th£ fame time on one of his creatures, Ack rocd Shaw. •Sctnd'.a did not long leave the tynnt in poflcflion of Delhi; he very shortly gained, not only a compleat victory over the Rohillas. ut pofTcflion of the 11ty< The modern B.ijafcet, Gholan Kadai wn ! saved himfelf by an rapid flight. v The Mahvattah Chief, Scindia, in consequence of this riflory, 't is thoiight, v. ill regain his wonted influence in the Upper Pro vinces, and the miferablc eyelcis Monarch of Delhi once more be rellortd to his throne and regal power. Tne young Prince of Delhi, Johander Shaw, lived not to behold Royal father's miseries; he fell a victim in June, to the , warmth of the climate, having over-heated himfelf in a piousex curiion to Chunar. London, March 31. Government have refo'ved to pursue the ian , t e ydown iome time fmce, in refpeft to the Governorsot 1C uluclc nt fcttlements in India ; who are to reside only a cer- T| in f Ti'' l ' lc ame as ' s customary with the Viceroys of Ireland. 10. em of peculation, so long unhappily pursued in that part ,le 6'°" e > by this step alone ? compleatly done away. WARREN HASTINGS, Esq. totS -V ° U ent a me 'fage by the Mailers in Chancery, c . t C mrnons ) 'nfornaing them of their determination to pre fer w V* tf arrcn Haft ngs,onTucfday the 21ft of April. it "j ln £ s has treftntcd a mojl ingenious and affctting petition to fit the A 1 s >P ra )'* a S that his trial may be proceeded in, and W mtiortany future interritptions.] h of a-letter from Madrid, February 13. nunibr-r f 1 °k u ,g 1S the P resent fta * e of the kingdom: The forccsr °r a ln " a kitants 10 millions and half ; our military . 'nfantry, 18,360 cavalry, and 10,208 battallif n on 8 ln ? King'shoulhold, exclusive of thirty-three Pauits r»n °a S-l* 1 ? com Pa nics of invalids, and some com -1 ichcletts. Our marine forccis arc corhpcied of 72 fliips of tli,; line, »iz. nine of 112, one of no, three of 04. ot 08 forty-two ot 74, fcvcn of 68, and two 64 guns, w°.th torty-fix frigates, sixteen zebecks, &c. in all 238 thips of war, which together carry 8984 guns, and they arc (till building a arge number, at Cadiz, Carthagena and ferroll. The' revenues ot the crown amount to 30 millions of piaftr, s. t accldental oiniiriou of a number in the dray/ing of the late lriih lottery, is like to be produ&ive of very serious °consequen ces Ihe number, it appears, was not put into the wheel* The nrit legal authorities in that kingdom have been consulted, and the leading opinion amongst them is, that the lottery should be drawn over again. The confufion attendant on such a measure, it is much more ealy to imagine than describe. n Ji k ac kwardnefs otthe present spring, is lik ly to be productive of the worst conferences to the northern parts of this ea , fttTn COast Scotland, is at this moment covered with Inow, and the usual tillage cannot take place for some time ; a late leed time, always occafrons in that country a late, and from the ihortnefsoi the fummer,a lcaoty harvelt. A negociatlon, it is said, has lor foine time past beef! 011 the ta pis in London, for the exchange of Canada with France, for the 1 Hands of Guadaloupe and Marie Gallante in the Welt-Indies. arious opinions are tormed refpe£ling the expediency and ad vantages that may accrue to Great-Britain by this exchange. INTELLIGENCE FROM ER'AXCE. I RANSLATED from THE COURI ER J)E LONDRESi February 25, 1789. THE three orders of the Provinces of amtonge and Arigoumom, being met in general alfembly, the c ' r ,>) nobility have unanimously voted to renounce all pecu niae privilrrjes 111 taxation, and to bear any public expences in common with the third, rjlate. As to the manner of voting in the States-General (per or by order) the opinions were divided ; and it was to iubmit, in this point, to the decilion of his Majcity. Ihe following resolution deserves to be noticed * I iie Nobility ot Houlfillon, duly aflemblcd, considering that its members are men and citizens before they are Nobles, and being deiirous to give to their fellow-citizcnSy of the third ejhte, a con vincing proof ot their dilpohtioni to cement the union between J or trs have unanimously agreed on the lolemn resolution to pay, on the principles of a perfect equality, smd each of them in proportion to their fortune, the imports and general contribu tions ot the province, without any pecuniary exemption ; re in- 4l i t0 themfelves <> nl y the sacred rights of property, and those Jiltindlions which are nccetrary in a monarchy, in order to iup port the rights and liberties of the people, the'refpeel due to tiie Sovcieign, and the authority of the laws." We may form an idea of the principles upon which the States- Gen. rj of France will ellablifh iheir Hrlt deliberauons, from the Allowing extract of the public inftruftions, given by the Duke of Orleans to his Reprefcntatitres. 1. Individual liberty. No manfttall be imprisoned but by the srdinary course of law. It lhall be death tor any person to arrift, 3r caule to be arretted, any citizen without the interference of Ins natural judge. a. The liberty of the p*efs, considered as a p'art of individual liberty; with such rcfludions, however, as the States-General lhall think proper. 3. Property fliall be sacred, and no man der rived of jt, even for the public good, withouf a fudicieni comp ufation. 4. No tax or impoll (hall be levied without the special consent if the States-General of the nation i the grant of ltlch tax or im pofl lhall be limited to the time of the next nieeting of the States lo that, if no such meeting place, the said tax or impoik lhall not be continued. .5. The periodical ineeting'of the States-General to be fixed on short terms. 6 I lie Ministers (hall be to the Statees in all matters elntive to the finances, and to the laws of the country. 7. The public debt lhall be coqfolidatcd. 8. The tax (hallfbe laid equally on every citiz'enof the kingdom. 9. Xloimpoll (hall be granted, until all the mealures, relativeto public and private libtrty, (hall have been agreed upon. AMERICA. Baltimore, May 22. The amiable Lady of our beloved President arrived in tiiisplaceon Tuesday Evenin;,and set out arly next morning for New-York. She was met at Hammond's crry by ft veral of our citizens, and received by luch other demon rat ions of affection and refpeft as her (hort ftav admitted. Fire works were difchargrd before and after supper. and (he was se renaded by an excellent band of Music, conduced by gentlemen )f the town. Wefhall only add, that, like her illuilrioushulband, (he was cloathcd in the manufaflure of our country, in which her native goodnefj and patriotism appeared to the greatest advantage. Philadelphia, May 26. Intelligence being received on Thursday lafl, by an express appointed foi that purpose, that the Consort of our illustrious President was on her way from Jlount- Vernon to New-York, and would breakfaft at Cheltrr next morn ing—the t,wo city troops of light-dragoons paraded early on Fri day, and marched to form her escort. His Excellency the Presi dent ot the State, artd the Hon. the Speaker of the Airembly. at tended bv anumerous suite of gentlemen 011 hoik back, preceded the troops—and the whole halting ten miles from the city, wai ted the approach of this mtich-refperted Personage. While they paid the compliment ot military honors due to her exalted rank they offered a (till more grateful tribute of heartfelt regard to the amiable virtues, which dtftinguilh and adorn her character. The present occasion recalled the remembrance of those interfiling scenes, in which, hy her presence, (he contributed to relieve the cares of our beloved Chief, and to soothe theanxiousmoments of his military concern—giatitude marked the recolleclion, and every countenance bespoke the feelings of affeilionatc relpeft. Seven miles from the city (lie was met by a brilliant company of ladies,in carnages,who attended her to Gray's Ferry, on Schuyl kill, where an elegant entertainment of upwards of one hundred covers was prepared at a few hours notice. The repafl being fi n 1 thee;, the procellioii was recommenced ; and the corps of artil lery, being formed on their parade near the city, fainted with a discharge of 13 cannon—the bells were rung, and a joyous con courleof citizens welcomed, with affeftSmate (houts, the much refpe&ed and beloved Mrs. Washington to Philadelphia. Mrs. [Robert] Morris having met her honored guest at Dar by (8 miles from town) condufled her to her house in Market- Street, where, taking leave of her escort, Mrs. Walhington, in the molt gracious manner, thanked thetroops ft* their polite attention. Havingfixed her departure for ycllerday morning, the troops paraded, with an intention to el'rort her to Trenton—His Excel lency the President of the State, and many gentlemen on horseback attending, at ten o'clock the proccffion moved from Mrs. Morris's house, who, in her own carriage, accompanies Mrs. Walhington to New-York. The weather proving rainy, (he requested that the troops might retui n ; and they took a refpeflful leave of her a few miles from the city. During her short (lay in Philadelphia, the citizens have vied with each other in deinondrationc of refpeftful attachment to this mod amiable woman. ARRIVALS AT BOSTON. Ship Diarina Folgier, in 40 days from St. Jago. left at Ifleof May, Capt. Bcntley, of Providence, a brig belonging to Mr. W. Gray, of Salem, and others. Capt. Magec, from Salem, arrived at St. Jago, March 15, and 21 (I failed for Canton. Ship Ceres, Sturges, atfived 16th, and 24th failed for Bombay. NEW-YORK, MAY 30, 1789, Wednesday arrived in this city from Mo tint Vernon, Mrs. WASHINGTON, the amiable con font of Thf. President of the United States. Mrs. Walhington from Philadelphia vas accom panied by the Lady of Mr. Robert Morri* At Elizabethtown point ihe was met by the The I resident, Mr. Morris, andfeveral other gen tlemen of diftint r tion, who had gone there for that purpose.—She was conducted over the bay in the President's Barge, rowed by 15 eminent pilots, in a liandfoine white dress ; 011 palling the I>at Ctry a salute was fired ; and 011 her landing fhe was welcomed by crowds of citizens, who'had allembled to teftify their joy 011 this hupeyoccn fion. Tiie principal ladies of the city have, w : !h the carlieft attention and refpeft, paid their devoirs to the amiable consort of our belov ed Presiuent, \\y. The Lady ot His Excellency the Governor— Lady Sterling—Lady Mary Warn—Lady Kith Duet—La Marcr.iorfcji de Brehan—the Ladies of the Molt Hon. Mr. Langdon, ai;d t:ic* % Most Hon. Mr. Da I ton—the MayoreJ]—Mrs. Lnongjietfof Clu inont—Mrs. Ctwnc-Uor L : vingJlon—the Miss Livirtgfms—Lad, Tempic—Madam de la ForeJI —Mrs. Montgbrneriy—Mrs. Knox Mr . Thornpfon—Mrs, Gerry—Mrs. Edgar—Mrs. M'Comb—Mrs. Lyrtch— Mrs. lloujion—Mrs. Crf i-Mrs Provojl—t.ic Mil's ■Bayardj, and. a great number of other refpettablc, chuta&e s. Although The PuiStDKN r m.kes no formal invitation?, yet the day after the arrival of Mrs. Washington, the following diftin»uithed pertonages dined at his house; er fanille. Thtir Excellencies the Vice-PrefideuS«-the Governor of this State the Ministers of fiance and Spain—and the Governor of trie W'efteui Territory—the Hon. Secretary of the United States for foreign Affairs—the Most Hon. Mr. Langdon, Mr. Wingaic, Mr. Izard, Mr. few, and Mr. M-n/enhirg, Speaker of the Hon. House of Rcprelcntatives 01 tne United States. The President s Levee yesterday, was attended by a very numerous.and most refpeftible company—The circumtunce of tlie President's entering the Drawing Room at 3 o'clock, 110: being universally known, occalioned some inaccurracies as D the time of attendance. By a gentleman who arrived a few days since from Boston, w: are happy to learn, that a favourable disposition prevails towards the proceedings ot Congress, as far as they had then been commu nicated. It was a general determination to support the revenue laws and to difcourucnance every fpecics of fraud or opposition against the iinpoftfyttem. This resolution which was palled, (a* tar ascurfofy and repeated conversation in which fentimenu weie honetfcly exprefied, and tending to the fame point, can be caU iad a resolution) under the lull expeitation that the impost would be laid in a just and reasonable manner ; and whatever Ihape it may wear after pufTmgboth Houses, they will no doubt be a good dilpofition in its favour, among the grpat body of people. Wc arelikewife happyin hearing from the foutliern States, that the minds of the people are accommodating thcmfelves to the measures of the new government, and all denominations of citi zens anticipate better times, as they well know nothing contr.- l.utes so essentially to make timeigood, as such law's as will cncoe ragc indullry, reward the etteits ot enterprise and genius, and' bear tcftimony against the idle, thevicious, and extravagant. The" good examples are fct, by loine diilinguiftud characters, of order, ceconomy,- and diligence, will pioduce most beneficial etfefts. In tracing the historic page, a thousand years contrast into a very limited compals—" We mcafure time by ideas"—And to form some competent idea of the exiftcnce of States and Empires, we inuft attend to those events which have marked the feveralpe riods of their existence—a long series of ages have rolled over'he States and Kingdoms of the Eastern Hemilphere, fmce they were firft noticed by the pen ot hiftoiy; —but their tranfa&ions, their improvements in knowledge, wildom, arts and humanity, make no elevated figure in their annals—a smooth stream of oblivion has rolled over them, from age to age, except when interrupted by that touleft of all imputations u"pon human nature, War-—and has left us little to learn from, or to admire.—But the cafe is far othei wife with America, every page of the volume of independence unfolds some thing new, great and glorious—and there is every icafon to suppose, that conttafted with the dark ages of bigotry and cnthufiatm, if ideas lengthen the period of life, American's may realize an antediluvian existence. Extract of a letter from the State of Rhode-IJland, * dated May 23, 1789. '' Ihe enemies of the Federal Government, triumph more than ever in this State, since the. bill palled the House of lleprefentatives of Con greft, for levying a duty on all foreign merchan dise, exported from this to any other State. As that bill exempts articles that are the growth and manufacture of this State, from being fubjec't to impost, it places the farmers who are generally antifederaiifts in just such a situation as they have wished. They now derive all the benefits that the new government is capable of producing by encouraging the lale of domestic articles ; while they are not exposed to any of its inconveniences. —In addition to this reason, they are exceeding ly gratified at such a stroke levelled against the mercantile interest. Thelegiflature of this State have laid duties iunilar to what Congress impose. Our merchants therefore pay duties at home in the firft instance, and afterwards in the State, to which they export such goods. This operates peculiarly hard, and will, I fear, be a means of hindering our inaiority from, consenting to have a convention called, as they take pleasure in fee ing the merchants crulhed. They fay they have greater advantages without entering into the union, than they could derive by becoming a member of it, I hope Congress will consider our situation and put the different dalles of people in this State in a predicament equally disagreeable, by Subjecting domestic articles to a fimilarimpofi tion as they do foreign, that are exported from this, to any other State. Such a measure would soon draw our obstinate majority into the views of honesty, and the United States." ARRIVALS. MEIV-YORK. Wednesday. Sloop Jamaica, 33 days. 7hurjday. Ship Bell, Boyd, London, 49 davs. Friday. Schooner Catharine, Aitken, Halifax, to davs. Snow Maiia, Walkie, Lcndon, 50 days.