INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE TOWN OF NEW FORT. To George Hazard, Henry Merchant, George Champlin, Peleg Clarke, William Tripp, and George Sears, Efqrs. Reprefentativcs of the To-ton of Newport to the Hon. Genera/ Ajfembly of the State oj Rhode-Mand and Providence Planta tions. GiNTtEMEN, IMPRESSED with a sense of the necessity and ruitice of an immediate compliance with the re commendations of the Honorable the Congress, refpecftingthe new form of government for the United States of America, we cannot forbear renewing our inftrudions to you on this interest ing fubjeCt. We are now arrived at a period, when the principles which have actuated an opposition to the calling a state convention in this State, can not operate. All the States (this and North-Carolina except ed) have acceded to the new constitution, and the latter hath ordered a convention to be called. —The unanimity which hath prevailed in the acceding States, in the election of a federal Pre iident, Vice-President, Senators and Reprefen tatives, hath fully evinced their approbation of the prei'ent lyftem of government The new Congreis is formed, and the new government will be soon in regular motion, and operate with suitable energy : The oppofers of it in this State must therefore be convinced, that their oppofi* tion to it hath proved and will prove ineffectual. Let us now advert to some of the ruinous con fluences which will result from the obflinate con tinuance of an oppofitign to ameafure which has been so generally adopted by die United States, and is now established. Thij State cannot exist without commerce, agriculture and manufa pears evident to every feniible person who win inveltigate liis works. He fays,that as he v. as fit ting once at an inn in London, a light appeared in the room, from which issued a voice whieli said (it is afiecfting to mention it) " I am God Almighty, and eat no more," fcc. He fays that angels conversed with him for about thirty years, that they told him of the internal or spiritual fenfc of the Icriptui'es, that they brought, when ever he pleased, various person* from the grave to dispute before hint. He fays, that an anoel brought to him two men out of the mocm, one upon the back of the other, that they were like little men, Homuniciones, though only about three feet high, that they spoke from the Abdo men, and not from the lungs as we do, ex Abdo men et non exptilmone, and that they had rough hoarse voices, which frightened away the foul spirits in the moon from them. He appears how ever, to have had virtues, and in his works are frequent marks of genius. Solitude and study, perhaps, turned his brain, which will often hao pen to men of severe application. Dr. Tiffot "in his Treatise De La Sante des Gens de Lettres, fays, that the famous Pal'chal conceived an abyss of fire always at his hand, and that othei-9 from study and a f'edentaiy life, have fancied that they had no legs and could not walk, that they were butter, and have thrown themselves into wells to be kept cool. MISCELLANEOUS PARAGRAPHS. Ki\csfON, (Jamaica) April 8. Monday lift a new pump, eight inches diameter in the clear of thr fucking pipe, made by Mr. Howard of this town, blacksmith and founder, was tried in t.ic pieft nce of the file wardens, and a concourle of Ipcftatois; the refuit of which was highly to the credit of that mechanic. After the leveral fire engines had been filled, the fucking pipe of the largeit was immersed in a tub, into which the f.ump discharged the water, which it supplied with great ease ; the fucker of the feccmd, - ing applied to the fame tub, both were fully supplied, together with an overflow, nearly fufficient for even a third, at times when the negro who w?s at the pump, exerted himfelf, there beuu but one 10 trie handle at a time : —Upon the whole the purap gave general iarista&ion, and is allowed to be the moll complete ever exhibited in this country.—The new well near the bottom of C lUrcjvSircet, into which Mr. Howard's pump is put, wascali culated to contain about 2q 7 cubic feet, or nearly 60 puncheons ol water, aud was emptied as far as the pump would fuck; (with in a lew inches of the bottom) in twenty-two minutes. Richmond, {Virginia) May 7. By an express just arrived the County Lieutenant of Monongpj the Honorable Exe cutive o this State, we are informed, " that on the 23d ult. two parties ol Indians attacked nearly at the fame time two fa rallies 011 JJunker.creck, about 2o'or 25 miles from Morgan's-town, and killed one man out of one, and the man, his wife and two chil dred, which was the whole of the other family. The alarm given to the inhabitants 111 that part ol the country bvth:s mur der, hath become very fericros, and unlrfs fime speedy afliftance is given, it is the opinion that Monongalia river (which runs through Morgan-town) will be the frontier in a short time." Cionti-TowK, May 7. Wecannotbut congrjtt "i ' our readers on the prolpeft of Pat wmack becoming {oon the common channel of convey, n < e for the produce of the fertile country t rough which it runs. The water carriage is already 0 art ahhfnea, that five waggons are kept for thepurpofeof conlhmily plymg between Wales' branch, the common landing and George town. Colonel Dai Ik's boat lall week, brought down a load of 662 barrels of flour from Shepherds-town, in Virginia, and paifed Snanandoah and Senec» Falls, with fafetv and ease. t he expence of carriage is mnfiderably leiTened, from 8/4 and 1 '10 P^ r barrelfroTn Washington—and the boatmen are very active in folicitmg employ. » I^u' 1 ** 3 ~'- p " lA > May 15- A gentleman, who haslately visit ed the country between the Delaware and the Sufquehanna, has ui.c'i ett , t lat there are Sugar Maple Trees enough in the State ot ttnnfylvania to make as much lugar as could be consumed in the «»i c states. This Maple Sugar has been examined in .Philadel phia, and yields loaves equal inquality to that which is made from* ne jmce o the W eft-India cane. To freemen, its ought to be enhanced by the reflection, that it is not stained with the iweat and blood of Negro slaves. A correspondent informs us, that a number of houfekeepeis in is city iave determined not to purchase or use Lamb in their.fa mi ies. This public spirited resolution coincides with the,recom en ations of the old Congress, ana the example of the new. M ■n't*l- gram and ve S ct » b '--s are declining in price, the farmer vvii m 11s profits conliderably increafcd by the preservation of his lambs, and a careful attention to his Iheep. _ N r~!rr Do , N ' Ma y ß - AMr - Edward Wcyman, of Charles , Ut .-Carolina, har., (by advertisement) or managers of Giafe-Houfes in the United States of America, that t'i s IS sO/f O / e y ac^ in (he secret art and practice of p a e-g a s grinding ; rubbing, polifhiug, diamond-cutting, and_ , aTid is provided with the complcteil apparatus (out ot uiopej to carry on the -above branches : All thole who wiih to cnc°uAmerican manufa&ures, and chufe to correspond on lS a ! *he Ci sting of plate-»lafs, may receive fur- ITl" Wlth rc § ard to the manufa&ure, and the many p. " nt *£ es therefrom, by applying to him, at No. 50* Church-Street, Cba>lcßon. » Published by JOHN FENNO, No! 9, Maiden ant., near the Os wego-Mar'ke t, N e w-Yotr k.