s h erman fuppqfed there tvould be an • c'nriety in appointing a committee, unlel's ihould tiilt rel'cindj their former vote— X ' K ' ht that to make "the journals appear con ( "this was a previous question. ! f ckson' observed, that although he was i opposed to titles and diftinOtJons as any : '.V! ~iaii whatever; he thought however, that ■ as a propriety in appointing a committee ' -conference, that the result being known, prevent the publication of ridiculous and ' 'a""* contradictions and titles in the news-pa '.r. which had a tendency to bring the govern fuer.i into contempt. v, Madison thought that J Ir. Sherman's : j f - nor just. he supposed that a commit • ce'mi'bt be appointed with as much propriety .-"i.-efent cafe as in any other, and alligned "\viftvof reasons to p'-ove thatt I .': fubjeec was o "diicvUHon, and that every dictate of po licv and found judgment, pointed out the expe dic' -j paying all poiiibie i efpect and attention \tc t j lC communications of the Senate. Mr. Sen £ y exnreffed his mind fully iji oppofi t'c:i ta a committer, as he coniidered the mea sure frui:lef-,and occaiioned a loss of time—wifli edthat Mr. Packer's motion might be adopted, and ail end put to the bufmefs. Mr. Clv " er was oppoled to the conferring of titles, observed, that the moil impotent nations ail'umed the moil pompous addreiles—that they were r.i>t indicative of power and influence wai evi eiitjfi om fads, fcr when the Kings of Eng land, had or.;/ the title of HIGHNESS, then j'c.e'S'.tivo was mli- li greater than it had been lince under that of Molt Sacred Majeilv.—lie pilfered however, from gentlemen, who l'uppo fed that the peaple were uverfe fromdiftinCtions. Jt was evident he laid from a variety of fac'ts, that they had a powerful predilection for them, ar.c! rhispropenlu;. tie thought should be counter acted and checked Mr. Page obfer\ed, that titles nam rally led to honors and distinctions not founded always oil meiit, till In time the Supreme ixecutivc comes to be confides ed as the fountain of honor. Inducing a train of coni'equeiices derogatory to the dignity of a ft ecman. Mr. Lee moved that the previous question Ihould be taken in words ta the follow ing effedt! Whether the House would now proceed to con sider the fubjedt of the meflage from the Senate, —this palled in the affirmative. A variety of motions were then introduced— and the one from Mr. Trumbull, w as adopted tc the following effect. '1 hataconnnitteebeappoint ed to confer with the committee of the Senate, upon the difference which appears in the votes of \)ie two Houses, upon the evidence in report of the joint committee, itpon the question ref pcifting titles the vote of the Senate; ap pointing a committee to take up the lame fub jed upon quite opposite principles. This "nio.lon being adopted, Mr. Madison, Mr. Trumbull, M*. Page, Mi'-Sherman, and Mr. Benson, were appointed. A meliage from the Senate was then lead, in forming the House, that ih&y had appointed a committee confiding of Mr. Few, Mr. Macklay, and Mr. Strong, to join with a committee of tlic House, for the purpose ot viewing the appart ments in the city-hall, and to determine how they should be appropriated—Mr. Scott, Mr. White, and Mr. Stcrgis, were appointed. The House then resolved ltfelf into a commit tee of the whole, when the impost bill was ta ken up.—Mr. Gerry proposed, that fix cents on molafies fliould beftruckout, and two inserted— This produced a debate, in which Mr. Ames, and Mr. Ma dison, were the principal speakers, but the House adjourned without coming to a vote upon the proportion. TuEshAY, May lv. A petition from J didiah Morse, author of the American Geography, praying the interposition of government to secure to him his property in that publication ; also, that the law may extend to the prevention of curtailing, epitomizing, or altering that work, or the maps that it con tains, to the injury.of the author and compiler. A petition from some of the inhabitants of New-Jcrfey, in opposition to a former petition upon the futjeel of the election of that States' national Representatives, was read. Committee of elections reported a number of papers (titles and refer ences to which were read) as adaii'l Ue evidence in the cafe of the Hon. Willi ah, Smith, member from South Carolina. 1 he House then took up the Order of the Day, and proceeded to the choice of a Serjeant at Arms. The petitions and accompanying certificates from t ie several candidates were th;h read—and the ballots being collected, it was found that Mr. — Whe to n . was chosen. The report of the cominiftee appointed to con fer with a committee q( the Senate, refpe<fting 'he (lii-.'jf'al 0 ; ; jn e public papers in the ofiice of I ie lu;e Continental Secretary was read, by which appeared, rhaf those papers were removed from .c 1 ■-<*- office, were now deposited in a room in the C ity Hall : The committee stlfo reported, v-w/'i'w/efs would probably think proper,from the nature and. importance of tliofe papers, to make some arangement respecting tliem,accepted. In Committee of the whole. The Impost Bill was taken up, and the debate upon the duty of 6 cents anmolafles wasref'umed. Speeches upon this occasion, were similar to those which had been made upon the previous discussion of the subject : Many of the former ideas in favour of a reduction of the duty, were amplified, and the substitution of an Excise on Rum and other spirits distilled in the country, was contended for—on the fide of the question the speakers were Mr. Ames, Mr. Gerry and Mr. Goodhue—their observations were closed by a proportion, to strike out fix cents and leave a blank forthe sum to be annexed—The speakers on the other fide were Mr. Madison, Mr. Fitz simons and Mr. Sherman—This part of the question had 'fequal justice done to it, and the vote on the above proposition being taken, it pafled in the affirmative. It was then moved that the blank fliould be filled with five cents, this after some further de bate pafled in the affirmative, byavote of 2Jto 23. A mefluge from the Senate, was at this stage of the business announced, when the commit tee rose—The purport of this meflage was, that the Senate concurred with the House in the ap pointment of a c6jnmittee, to confer with the committee of the Senate upon the disagreeing \ otes of the two Houses on the report of the joint committee, upon\the fubjetft of titles pro ne. to be annexed to the President and Vice- Prefldent—The Speaker having again left the chair.—The House in corhmittee of the whole continued the consideration of the impost bill, when the several articles from molalles to teas ini'li::ive, were read and accepted in committee in the bill.—Hyson tea was substituted in lieu of " fuperipr green tea." Adjourned. PHILADELPAIA, May 8. Ext raff of a letter from New-York, May 3. " I w s extrcmeU anxious to ai rive hen-, in order to be pre sent at the meeting of the President and the two Houses. That event, however, did not tyke place till Thursday lad, when Ins !' i.s"iDF.NT was on.ilifted in the open gallery of the Con gress House, :n the fight oi many thousand people. The fcenc w.'s f.lenin and aw'.ul, bey lui dt ter 1 p'.i'>n. It would seem cx traoi c;; 1. ;ry, that the adminiflration of an oath, a ceremony so ve ry common and familia , ftiould, in so great a degree, excite the pub'i eurlofity. But the clrcumitance> oi his fle£lion—'lie im pieff.on of hh pr.ft fer\ ices—the concourse of fpeftators—tlie de vout i\'iv r. v with v. l■. hh, repeat.d the ouh —and the revere 11- rial niana r in which he bowed down and kilTed thefaered vo, luint—all these eonfpired to render it one of the mod august and lilt- letting (pedaci.: ever exhibited on this globe. It deemed,from i. : e number 0} witnelfs, to be a solemn appeal to lleaven and e?:th at once. Upon the fuj>ie£t of this great and good Man, I maw pei h?ps. be an t nrhufiaft, but I confef,, tl:at I was under an iv tul and religious peifualion, that the gracious Ruler of the imuv 1 ie wis! (v.k-p'; d-»wn at th.it moment v. iih pec uliar compla > siM y' '< «>n aCr.wtm li to a p «*t ot bis creatuies was so very impor tant. Under this impression, when the Chancellor pronounced, m 'v v.. : 1 -1:: 1 ir Miner. " Lono live George Washington," my fcmiturtv was wound up to fin h a pitch, that I could dq 110 more than.Wave my hat with the reft, without the power of join ing in the repeated acclamations which rent the air." NEW-YORK, MAY i 3. I all Saturday the M \yor and Membeisol the Corpoi ition of this City, attended by the proper Officers, waited on The Pr esi de roi the I ItidSt at es, and presented the following AD DRIS6S: To the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES. S I R, The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New- York, be ; leave to oiler you -»ur most refp ctiul and alTeftionatc ■ ongratuiations on your l.ife arrival in this Metropolis, and at the time time, to exprels the geneialjoyof our fellow cih/ ns, of every order, on this auspicious event. In thus prefrnting ourfclves before von, we experience all emotions which naturally ariie from a hi; 1 veneration for your eiiaraCier—an t:\altedfenfeof yourfervicts—and a perfect con viction that a trull, trc mod momentous which could be confer ed by a lie< pe».pie, h.>a been committed to a citizen, who has given u 111 (j 1:1 \ oc,!i nr., «i s of hi> po(T< (Tingall the good and great qualities, rcquifite to its fuccefsful discharge. W.th peculiar pU afure, Sir, we recall to mind that illuflrious difpl.:\ ot w;.'dom, virtue, and valor, which difhnguifhed your military commind. With cv.;ual pleasure we recollect the exemplary moderation wh'ch marked your ictreat from the head o! a victorious army to the shade 0} private life. Permit us to add that we contemplate with pious latitude that unparalelled coincidence of circumstances which has conftramed you, hy mo. lives that patriotism could not refill, to re-engage in the arduous duties of a public Ration. Long in the habit of revering you as the father of our country, we rejoice at the happmehof b'-inj; once moie placed under your plote&ion; we consider the unjnunity which prevailed in your .ipp'ointment, as a presage that oui national government will be firmly eftabliftied in the hearts of all the people, and receive their %jnitcd and zealous support; and we are fully persuaded that under the diyine favoi, will be productive of the most cxtonlive bcnc&t| and bicffings, and render the union respeCtable in peace, as under your auspices, it w»s triumphant in war. To our most fervent wishes for your personal happiness, and for the success of your administration, we should not do justice to the fentunents of our fellow-citizens, if we did not add the strongest a flu ranees of their inviolable attachment to you, and of their earntft disposition to render you all the support which can flow from the most cordial respeCt, gratitude and confidence. Signed in behalf of the Corporation, 1 JAMES DUANE, Mayor. May Q, 1789. To which the President was pleased to make the following answer To the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York. Gentlemen, The afte&ionate address prefenttd bv the Magistrates, and the general joy teftified by thq citizens of New-York, on my arri val in thi< metropolis, have filled my mind with the mingled emotions of gratitude and fatisfaction. lit accepting the momentous trust, which has been fpontaqe oufly committed to me by a free people, it was not enough to have felt a consciousness of having aCted in conformity to the dictates of patriotism; it was not enough to have known that I met the wishes of my fellow-citizens; but it seemed that thefc far ther pledges were wanttng to overcome the diffidence I lud in my dwn abilities, and the relu&ance I experienced, at engaging in such new and arduons affairs. Unelated by your too favorable appreciation of my pad fervi ccs, I can only pour forth the effufions of ? grateful heart to Heaven, if I have been made in any degree an indrument of gobd to my country* And, although lam far from claiming any me rit for retiring in the manner I did, from a military command, to the (hade ot private life; yet I am pleased to find that yotir candour has done justice to the principles by which I hive been a&uated on the present occasion. No circumdance, in my con ception, can be more consolatory to a public hian, especially to one truly sensible that the purfcft intentions cannot always pre lerve hi in from error, than a knowledge that his countrymen 2re disposed to consider the motives for his condu& with that libera lity, which is reciprocally neceflary for all whb are fubje£t to the frailties of Jiuman nature. In this place I cannot avoid exprefling an anxious apprehension, that the partiality ol my countrymen in my favor hr\s induced .hem to expert too much from the exertions of an individual. It is from their co-operation alone, I derive all my expectations ot fuccefs.—lndeed, the unanimity which has prevailed in some i'ndances, is a happy presage that our national povernmmt w:!l be firmly eitablifhed in the hearts of the people, and receive their united and zealous support.—From the accommodating spirit which has been displayed in relpeft to the condicution, I anticipate that the government will, in its operation, be produc tive- ot the mod extensive utility, by rendering the Union as rc!- pcftable in peace as it was triumphant in war. I feel a just sense of your fervent wiflies for my personal hap piness and the fucccfs of my adminidration. I pray you, gen tlemen, to accept in return, my cordial thanks for these demon- II rations of your affe£lion, as well as for the assurances you have given of the attachment of our fellow-citizens. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Extratt of a letter from Madras, Sept. 10, 1788. " The Englifti it is said are a! War with some of TippoSaib's family ; but the people here are in such perfect slavery and fub jeftion, that no particular information can be obtained. I saw large quantities of military {lores and troops embarked from this place, with the utmod di(patch. ' Three large (hips, filled with troops, failed five days pad ; but nothing has tranfpued since." Extracts of letters from Bojlon—April 29, 1789. " Ycderday there was a considerable seizure of Goods, run in from Philadelphia, Silks, Calicoes, &c. in bread-casks ; as also a quantity of Sugars, for (hort entry. " There will be great vigilance to detefl smuggling, when'the Federal a6ts are in force—you may depend on it." May 7, 1789. " Wehavejud received from New-York, the Speech of our POLITICAL FATHER, to both Houses of Congress. It con tains sentiments, which warm every heart, and animate every seri ous mind. " I read it to a circle of friends,but could not avoid involuntary pauses, nor suppress the rising tear, with aspirations to Heaven for the author. " There is but one fentimcnt refpe&ing it here UNIVER SAL APPLAUSE. 4t To the virtuous, which always includes the sentimental part of the community, it causes sensations too pleasurable and strong, to Ik tranferibed from the heart—as it seems to insure a blefling upon the government, and felicity to our country, agreeably to the woj-ds of inlpiration, " when the righteous arc in authority, the beopie rejoice. 44 May every legislator, and every officer in the United States, imitate the sublime example before them, and our Nation will loon rife to glory." ' Yederday the Company at Th e President's was highly re fpedablr, and much more numerous than utual. We hear the State of Connecticut are about presenting every Member of the New Congress, with cloth fufficient for a suit of zloaths ; and that it is to be manufactured in that State, and of one :olour. In His Britannic Majefly's Packet, Tankerville, came paffen- Francis Van Berkel, Esq. Resident from their High Mi s '!itine(les the States General of the United Netherlands, to the Linked States ; and Mis. Cm; kh, daughter of the Hon. Phihu Scuyler. THEATRE. On Monday evening, The President of the United States, His Excellency the Viee-Prefident, His Excellency the Governor, His Excellency theCounr De Moudier, and several other foreign ers and natives of didin&ion, honored the Theatre with their pre fenee. There was a mod crouded house, and the ladies who were numerous made a mod brilliant appearance. The judici ous choice of performances for the evening, and the proper af (lijnmentof the parts to suitable charatters, rendered the exhibi tion in a high degree entertaining. On the 28th ult. died, at Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, Thomas Hutchins Esq. Geographer-General to the United States ; a gen tleman, whose abilities, aud moded deportment through life, gained him the applause and edeem of all who were acquainted with him. Mr. Fenno, AN American Citizen wiflies to know, from your Correfpon dent> whose remarkis published in your paper oj the qth injl. what Officer under the American Government, in the Diplomatic, or other line, is en titled to the Jlyle or title of Excellency. He has read the Conjlitution with attention—has been a Jlrenuous supporter of it—but the part cl 'uded to by your Correspondent has escaped his notice. 12th May, 1739. SUBSCRIPTIONS for the « COURIER DE BOSTON," c new weekly paper, published at Bojlon in the French Language, are re reived at No. 9, Maiden Lane. [Theutility of apaperintnis almod urnveiial language need not be hinted to those, who widi to ac quire the French tongue.]J ERRATUM. In " The Tablet," 2d hue, of id paragraph, for <c cultivation" read civilization. » THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSEHOLD. WHEREAS, all Servants and others, employed to procurc provisions, or supplies, for the Household of The President of the United St at es, will be furnifhed with monies for those purposes. Notice is therefore given, That no accounts, for the payment of which the Public might be considered as refjpon tible, are to be opened with any of them. Samuel Fraunces, Steward of the Household. May 4th, 1789. ARRIVALS. At the Port of New-York. Saturday, Ship Eagle, Colquhain, Glasgow, 10 days. Brig Indudry, At water, New-Providence. 33 days. Sunday, PacketTankerville, Bell, Falmouth atid Halifax 56 days. Ship Bridol, Adamfon, Bridol, 49 days. Monday, Sloop Mary and Edher, Webb, Charledon, 8 days. Tucfday, Sloop Hancock, Brown, Rhode-Island, 2 days. Sloop Rambler, Peterfon, Ditto, 2 days. Sloop Lucianna, Fipes, Charledon, 6 days. Sloop Two Fritnds, Hopkins, Eden ton, 9-day#.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers