~ i: is "prefslydeclarej by the Con ■"r' \ Conerels (hall have power to reguiate trade, o oblige vessels to enter and clear, t It'purHe' s this power given r_Caa they be laid to nd expenditures of monies by him, for and on account ot 1 hi President's Household, to such person as The President ma\ appoint to mfpeS the fame ; together with the several bills and re ceipts of payment for those articles which maybepurchafed byhmi where such bills and receipts can be obtained And it is l.kewif, tronelv inculcated upon the Steward, to guard againftany waste o xtravjgance, that might be committed by the lcrvants ot the family AMERICAN AtAKUTACtCRE. The Pa esident of the United States, on the day of his inau guration, appear id dressed in a cwftete•fuit oj Homespun ClGaths ; but the Cloth was of so fine a fau.iic, and so handsomely f;- nished, thai i' Jjas univc rjally nijlakekfor a foreign maaufudurtdfu.- perjine-Cloth. This fact,the 'Editor fetes, uillTipohgizjC' fp) his not having mentioned, in /us taji. a £, akich tnjjl.be ccvfidefcdas not onlyfiaitning tocur Man l fact uk ers farlv.xlarft but interefling to our Coukirvjiln t n generd/. 4 .. His Excellency The Vi ce-Pr esmunt, appears alio in a suit ©£» .•" American Mshufaflure—and fcvtral Members of both Houses aie by»the Tame token of artcnt on to tie mmuFaCttiring iatereftof their country. From this.bright Era, fee Colunwia rift' * ' Her Empire prop'd b, him who > ireh'd the Skies ! Fre dom and hdependence—AßTS, aid Peace, Shall crown the Scene till fine and Nature ceife. By accounts from Boston it appears, that the Trad'fke* and Ma nufaclurers of that metropolis, a. - following the patno.ic example of Ltic: r b. thrcn of Bultimoie, Philadelphia, and Ncw-Yojk, in oflb ciating t\?r the promoting of the of the UnioH : They all are turniftg tneir attention to the Giand Council of the Nrsticn, as tiie only adequate fourceof relief—thepropof their h pr, and from vvhofc power alone, such great NATION ALOIiJECTS can receive competent encouragement, lupport and protection. Tne Duck Manufacture in Boston, is patroniz-d by gentlemen of _ ■ the firlfc character and fortune in that p'aCe; «nd there is the greatest lrob:;t)ii'ty, that the ra vi ration of thai State, will in a !. j w years, be - rafted to every quarter of the globe, by canvas from the American Booms. The Manufacturing House CorDitckin Boston, is pleafahtly ri;ua :ed at the South Weft part of the town. The building is 180 feet lone; —two stories high—the upr>er part is improved by the spinners of the chains, or warp of the Duck— lxtetn young women, and as many gnl* 5 under the directiou of a steady mairon, are here employed. In the lower part there are twenty-eight Looms, which can turn aut two pieces of Duck: of 40 yards each, pr. we<-k. This Manufa&ure is a very great public benefit, as it employs a great number of the poor. Yesterday the Company fit The PRisident's house, was ex tremely numerous and refpettablc. The late intimation, that a GREAT PERSONAGE, will riot expe£t tilits on Sundays, has received the appteufe of all orders of citizens: The f, rious part of the community feel highly gratified in this mark of refpe& to what they con ider a DiV 1 N'h IN JUNCTION —while those, who do not re:i.£ upon the fubjeft lb solemn a point of view, yet, as good m mbc isof society, th.-y rejoice in thrctrcumftance as fanttioninj a wife and political mllU tution.—Happv talent ! of adopting such regulations, as meet the Ipprobation ot all ciafl< s, and give ollen:e to none. The-public addreffts pref:nted to "THE PRESIDENT of the United States, wear a different complexion from o?i simitar occzfions, heretofore offered to diftinrovih characters : It has been remarked, that these addrdlt* are replete with the im preilivt sentiments of the heart, a.id produce corresponding fenfa t ois in the minds ot every reader. A National ft ir it d:ftinguifhes and adorns the prcfent age—lt is difcoveitd ir. , rivate circ. ■>. in village in towns, and cities—lt 11-.ines in the ads and doings of the associated bodies ot mecha n:cs, farmers, and me i hants, by their emulation, industry, and rnterprize, by their improvements in arts, agriculture, manufact ures and patriotic contributions ahd exertions, to pmnv.te plans of ffc&lic Utility ; but the full force and * ! ory of this SPIRIT bla7es with meridian lustre in the great national council, wnrre, even lo cal interns are advocated only upon NATIONAL PRINCI PLES, and as they may ultimately advance the happiness and prof pcntyof the Union. The la ft Post brought us the full number of the COURIER DE BOSTON, a paper, publilhed at Boston, in the French language, By M. J. P. D£ Nancrede. The utility of such a properly conduced and fbpported, Will be very generally allowed : Theacquifition of the French Lan guage, is now become an object of importance, and to have the news, politics, occurrences* See. detailed inthat language, will prove a medium of acquiring the French tongue, wth the happiest facility. LHKATUM. In The President's Speech to both Houfcs of Cor.grefs, publifhtd In our lasl —lafl col. 3d pige,for " concluded," read included. PRICES CURRENT. BOSTON. New-York Currency. Wine, Madeira, - - l7 f- a *8/8. Lisbon, - - 9./4* Port. - - 9/4> — Faval, - - - 4/ Rum, Jamaica, - - 4f. Windward Ifbnd, - 3/«. Salt, firft Quality, - - 2/8. Bufhela — — Lisbon, - IJO. Ditto. Tobacco, James-River, - - per C. Maryland, - Sugar, in Grain, - - 72^ Lump, - - - 11^10. Loaf, - - - ifi. Brandy, - - 3 a 4- Biflcct—Ship Bread, - - 26/8 a 3°/.C. Plank, - 53/4 a *°f' Butter, - - - Bd. Coffee, - - 1 _/p. Cotton, - - 1 ft. Cocoa, - \o6fß C. Candles, Tallow, - - Bd. Spermaceti, - - 3/4- Flour, Fine, - - 45/4- 2d Quality, - - 37y 4°- Flaxfeed, - - 6jo Bulhel. Codfifti, Salted, - - 18f 8. C. MolafTcs, - - if 7 Gallon. EXCHANGE Upon London, Bills 5 per Cent, advance. ARRIVALS. At the Port of Neio- York. Saturday, Brig Hembcre:, Cadiz, 102 days. Schooner Pilgrim, Robins, Baltimore, 8 days- t Edward j Smith, Shelburne, 8 days. Sally, Mann, Edenton, 7 days. Schooner Esther, Swift, do. 7 days. Sunday, Schooner Sincerity, White, Baltimore, 8 days.; Lively, Major, Shelburne # 13 days. Sloop Brother , Walton, Digby, 13 days. Monday, Ruth, Smith, St. Croix, 20 days. Tuesday, Brig Columbia, Brown, St. 18 days. In future f this Paper will be printed and pub'fhed at No. 9, Mai dai'Lant) near the Ofixego Market.