Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, May 06, 1789, Page 26, Image 2

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    But by the revolution in. 1757, the company's
servants obtained a mighty afVendant over the
native Princes of Bengal, who owed their elevation
to the British Arms. The company, which was
new to that kind of power, and not yet thoroughly
apprized of its real character and iituation, conli
deied itfelf still as a trader in the territories of
a foreign potentate, in the profperky of wliofe
country it had neither interest nor duty. The ser
vants, with the fame ideas, followed their fortune
in the channels in which it had hitherto ran, on
ly enlarging them with the enlargement of their
power, tor their firft ideas of profit were not
official; nor were the;r oppreilions those of ordina
ry defpotifin. The firft inftrumeilts of their pow
er were formed Out of evafionsof their ancient fub
jedions. The paflport of the company in {he hands
of its lervants was no longer under any restraint;
and in a very ffiort time their immunity began to
cover all the mercharidifs of the country. Coffiin
Aii khanj tlie fecjoud of the Nabobs whom they
had let up, wasbut id dlfpofed to the iiillruments
or his greatness. He bo:etheyoke of this impe
lious commerce with the utiaoft impatience: he
fsw his f<: l>j"<.ts excluded as aliens from theirown
trade, :vnd the revenues of the Prince overwhelm*
c ! :n '.he rein of the commerce of his dominions.
Finding his reiterated remoriftrances on the extent
and abuse of the paflprrt ineffectual, he had re
cou; fe, to an expedient, which was to
declare his refoluaon at once to annul ail the da
ties 0.1 trade, luting- it equally free to fjibjedts
and to foreigner;.
;H. vefvyas the method of defeating the oppref
fioiis of, monopoly more fycible, more fimplc, or
mo'-e equita'le: no fort of plaufiWe objections
could be mad'*; mul it. was U) vain to' think of evad
ii.'g it. It was therefo •<; met with the confidence
of avowed and determined injufticb. The preli
dency of Calcutta openly denied to the Prince the
power of protecting the trade of his fubjejfts, by
the remiiiion of his cty.ii da ies. It was evident
tha' hi. author!'y dew to its pes-io.l; ni any "re a
foils and motives concurred, and his fall was hast
ened by the odium of the cppreflior.s which he
< xercifed voluntarily, as well as those to which he
was cbliged to
V hen this example was made, TaiTier'Ali Khan,
who had been disposed to make room for the last
a<ftor, was brought from penury and exile to a sta
tion, the terms of which he could not niifunder
ftand. Duiing his life, and in the time of his
children who fitcceeded him, parts cf the terri
torial revenue were aligned to the company; and
the whole, under the name of residency at the
Nabob's court, was brought diretftly or indirciflly,
under the cotitroul of British fubjeifl?. The com
pany's servants, armed with authorities delegated
from the nominal government, or attended with
what was a stronger guard, the fanieof their own
power,, appeared as magistrates in the markets in
winch they dealt as traders. It was impossible for
the natives ;n general to diftingniQi, in the pro
ceedingsof the fame perfons> what was tranfac rt
ed-onthe company's account, from what was done
on their own; and it will ever be so difficult to
draw this line of diftincftion, that, as long as the
company does, directly or, aim at any
advantage to itfelf in the purcliafeof any commo
dity whatever, so long will it be impracticable to
prevent the servants availing themselves of the
fame privilege.
The servants therefore, for thetnfelves, or for
their employers, monopolized every article of
frade, foreign and donieftic ; not only the raw
merchantable commodities, but the manufactures,,
and not only these, but the neceflaries of life, or
in these countries, habit has confounded
with them; not only silk, cotton, goods,
opium, ihltpetre, but hot nnfrequently fait, to
bacto, betel nut and the grain of most ordinary
confiimption. In the name of the country govern
ment they laid on or took off, and at their plea
fare height'med or lowered, all duties upon goods :
tlie whole trade of the country was either destroy
ed, or in fhdckles. The acquisition of the Duan
ne, in 1 765, bringing the Englilh into the imme
diate government of the country,'in its most ef
fential branches, extended and confirmed all the
former means of monopoly.
In the Progress of these ruinous measures,
through all their details, innumerable grievances
were fuffered by the native inhabitants, which
were repiefented in the strongest, that is, their
trite cclotirs, in England. \\ hilft the far great
>r nart of the British in India were in eager pur
suit of the forced and exorbitant gains of trade
carried en bv power, contests naturally arose
ainoJ g the competitors: those who were over
powered by their rivals, became loud in their
coin plaints to the court of directors, and were"
very captd le, from experience, of pointing out
t very mode of abuse.
Am.cdote oySwiFT and Addison.
O'VE evening, duujijr a icte-a-tete r.onverfation between Addifo*
ii.t. Swili, the various char &ers in Scripture •were cam'afled, and
tl.Mt merits and demerits were fully difcuflVd. Swift's favourite,
however, was. Jofepli, while Addi'fon contended strongly for thf|
arivable* Tonathau. The difpulc lasted some time, when the author
of Catoobfervcd, thk it was very fortunate they were alone,.as the
chara&er which he h<-d been prailingfo warmly was the name-lake
cf Swift—while the other, ol which SwKr h?d been folavifh in l is
commendations, the namefnke of Addifor.
By the Ship Jane, Capt. Hay nes, who arrived here
on Friday Evening, in 49 days from London.
LONDON, February 26.
THE letter which Mr. Pitt received from Kew on Monday
night, vvhich commanded his atterfdance there 011 his M:ijeily, the
following day, was in the King's owrn hand wiHting, and is one of
the firft letters which His has written fmce the happy reco
very from his late dreadful illneis.
We are informed, that when the Ambafladors of Tippo Saltan
were taking leave at the court of Vei failles, they requeftcd to know
wh t mark of friendfhip from their mailer would he fnoft fatisfac
t->ry to the King of France : 011 whieh the King declared, "that
'he liberty of any Englilh officers orfoldiers, who might still be de
tained' prifbtitrs in the Saltan's dominions, and more especially of
-lose who had been priloners with M. Suffrein, would be the
greatest test of regard tor his Majesty." A declaration, which re
il-fif honor upon the throne from which it proceeded, and which
exalts its author above the rank of Kings ! The Prate&or of Hu
manity !
"It was not, we are informed, the intention of the court of France
( • make this inter eft ing requell known, till ; t took a kappy effc£l in
India-: The Indian AmbaffadoVs gave the full public intimation of
thexequeft : M. Suffrein wrote upon the fame fubjefl a very strong
i :ler to Tippo. and orders have been sent to the French governors
m India touie every pottihle influence at the court of Tippo to car
1v a point equally, interesting to humanity, and to the policy of an
enlightened and powerful nation.
The particulars of a negotiation, so creditable to its author, and
which displays so happily the liberal Iroirit of the age, cannot and
ought not to remain long unexplained.
[Ths above article exhibits a,i evidence, among & thou fund, others, that
inly occur, of the encreafmg urbanity, and refinedJenfburty oj the pr J, nit
&■■*£■ —and u vie it extorts a jujl tribute of applause on the MONARCH
OF FRANCE, the generous acknowledgement of the Eng/ijk is highly
coir'ptmtirtkry to their charaSer.~\
Feb. 28. By His Maiefty's command the Physicians* report
to be discontinued from this day.
By pnvate letters from Madras we learn, That Tippo Sultan has
latfcly made on the frontiers of the Carnatic, some military move
ments that indicate a strong defiire to break a peace to which lie
confuted foI*reluctantly.1 *reluctantly. Educated in camps, and accuflomcd liom
his infancy to the dmot war, that turbulent and enterprising Prince
will never cease to employ a<*aiiijl the Englijjb, eVcry engine of forcc
or fraud, till such time he has driven them from the Carnatic, 01
ruined himfrlf in the attempt."
Mj. Hastings' trial is to be re fumed on the 16th of April next.
Tin- Kir?; we are liappy to fay, is recovered. He is now asper
f< <:lly himfelf lis he ever any period of his life. All thai re
miins to be guarded against, is, the poflibility of arelapfe, A gain f]
[ nis, thci c are icafons as well grounded as the bed observations o
phyfi i-uis can pollibly be.
On that observation, His May fly's malady has been held to be
not kn Inf.initv, but a Delirium —and for this reafon—ln Cases o
Infaiiity,'the diiordei is little affc£led by the pulse. The pattern
retains hi£ disorder, be the pulse high or low.
In <*as s of Delirium; the thing is dire£lly the revcrfe : As th<
fever Aecre'afes, the patient recovers his mental faculties.
It has happened exa&ly so to His Majesty. When his pulse wi'
v 126, his malady was at its height. His pul r e now is at 64, and
he i* perfectly recollefled : and it will be a fatisfafl on to the pub
lic to know, that cases of detipum cease with the cause, and scarce
! v ever return. Thr King now fees, and couverfes with pertett
compo.fure, with different people ; and so sensible is he atprefent of
what has pasTed, that he only requests they would not talk to him
00 public atfaiis—" Let me be-quiet for the present." . ,
tVing announces a second campaign against the Turks. The
>aipunyof miners, commanded by Capt. Chatel et, quitted
Piefs some time fmce to go to Gradilka; they are ordered to march
as f-jft as poflible. The next campaign we will be opened
by the siege of Birbir.
The peace of the North, which many have exprefled a hope to
fee eftabliih d, does not leem likely to be fettled without a farther
appeal to arms. Foi although the King of Swelen, on the 25th
uit. declared b Vtfjnd to the Diet of that Kingdom, yet their con
tinuing to arm vigor, and the general unanimity that prevails
between the Ki'ngf and his States, are strong motives to excite our
belief, that war will continueon the part of Sweden.
Nothing could poflibly be more incommode to opposition, than
the recovery of the King, A noble Lord, fuppofmg his appoint
ment to the Lieutenancy of Ireland certain,had bespoke all his live
ries, which were uncommonly ornamented with lace. They were
actually finifhed, and ready to be packed up. The new Favorite's
coach-maker indeed waslefs precipitate in his operations. A fpleh
did carriage, lined with rose—colored satin, was ordered, but coun
ter-ordered before any progress in the work was made.
Theatre, Covent-Garden.
A few minutes before the curtain drew up, on Saturday night,
Dr. Will 1 s took his feat in the King's Box : His green glafles
were on, and he kept them on during the whole Evening. The
moment he wasfeated, the band, as if by previous intimation, struck
up God save the King. And at the end of the play, the a£lors
came on the stage and sung it. And, as Garrick said, all this
for Dr. Wi l
What a pity Dr. Willis was not sent for, previous to the break
ing out of the American war. Who knows but he might have fa
veo America, as well as an hundred millions of money, and a hun
dred thousand lives.
Thursday, March 5, 1789.
Regency Bill.
The Lord Chancellor left the Woolsack, and said, the idea their
Lordships had gone upon in their late adjournments, had arose
from their wishes that his Majesty might have as much time as pos
sible allowed to him for the 1 re-establishment of his health as could
be allowed, consistent with the pressure of public affairs, before
he took any part in the public buiinefs.
Since their last adjournment, his Majesty had found his health so
far re-eftablilhed and confirmed, that he had exprefled his intenti
on of fignifying on Tuesday next, to his parliament, what business
was neceflary to be taken ; he should therefore move their Lord
ships to adjourn to Tuesday next.
Ordered rem. dif.
At five o'clock the House adjourned, till Tuesday next.
'Thursday Marc fl 5, 17 89.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer rose and said, from the pre
sent happy state of his Majesty's health, he had the pleasure to in
form the House it wzs probable that they would receive a commu
nication from the King on Tuesday next: he should therefore move
the House to adjourn to Tuesday next. i
The King's (of Great-Britain) personal property amounts to seven
millions Sterling.
Copley is casying on the fiegeof Gibralter, withthofe flowand
regular which cannpt fiail of success. One barge of
Marines, formsa pr'neipal-feature of the work, and isdifpofed with
a dexterity, and a fertility of invention, peculiar to this great master.
March 7.
The commotions in Brabant seem now drawing to a crisis ; for
no doubt can now remain of the Emperor's intention. That he
has fold the country to Fiance appears evident ;/for no power can
be so great a stranger to the intrigues of that cpurt, as to allow it
<o garrison Us fortified towns on the faith of having them restored.
Ws have long intimated a fecrat correspondence which has nf
fed between the courts, oi Vienna and Versailles. The Queen h
been trying every art to give tne Emperor some effe&ual alfttfan/*
and it now seems that the country oi Brabant is to be the price of
it. It only remains to be Jftiown in what manner the Fleming
will refill fach an ufurpatlon.
THe Emperor has presented Prince Potemkin with a far 0 f
the'value ol 1 b0.600 "florins*.
Letters from Wurfaw, do red February 8, fay, that the spirit of
>ppofition between tiie lwo pmjcipal parties wiiich divide that re
public,,_far from diminishing, augments daily; they are nolonr er
content with differing in opin,>>n only, but even proceed to thofc
fctal marks ot diltindion wiiich, without doing the least good, , x
cite divisions, and produce many other evils. The triumphal
party wear red caps with gold ; those of the King's green on fs
with gold lace. The latter use all their endeavours to re-eftablift,
the pi 1 manent council ; and it is altomflnng how they resist the
opposite party, efpeciaily as it seems neither the court of Ruflia nj r
Vienna will luppoit them against the patriotic party, which ad.
pears to be fuppo>ted with the approbation of a powerful poten
tatc, and will no longer hear of a permanent council, but meant,)
form another under the title of "a council of vigilance, which wiil
be of a quite different form, and where his Majtiky will have ve.
ry little jnflunece.
Pera, Dec. 21. This morning we were astonished to hear that
Oczakow had been carried by the aflault of the Ruflians.-— Tnu
news was so little expelled, that moll part of the foreign mini,
ft-rs had sent advices to their courts of the fuge having been raised
Monday, M.y 4, 1739.
The House met agreeably to adjournment.
A petition from the ihipwrights of the to\?n of
Baltimore was prefentedby Mr. Smith, and beinj
read, was referred to a committee of the whole ot
the state of the Union.
Mr. Madison gave notice, that on the fourth
Monday of the pretest month, he ihould introduce
the fubjeifl of amendments to the Conftiturion,
agreeably to the fifth article of the Conftiturion'
He thought it necelfary thus early to mention the
business, as it was weighty and important, and up
on motion,the time proposed by the gentleman was
Mr. Ames presented three petitions from private
persons, wiiich were ordered to lie 011 the table.
Mr. Goodhue then proposed, that the remain
der of the report of the committee, rel'peotiiig
tonnage, Ihould be taken up.
The firft article was then read, viz. Thatallvef- .
lels belonging to a citizen or citizens of the United
States, Ihould pay a tonnage duty of 6 cents.
Mr. Br. a nd proposed an amendment, whichwas
seconded, viz. That these words Ihould be ad
ded—excepting veflels bound from one port to a
nojher within the United States.
The gentleman observed, that as the article now
flood it was contrary to the express letter and
meaning of the Conftiturion, which provides that
veilels bound to or fioni one State, (hall not be
obliged to enter, clear or pay duties in another.
Mr. LawrenC'. was opposed to the amendment:
He thought that the Conftiturion fully warranted
the laying a tonnage duty—that the article the
gentleman referred to was plain in its meaning,
and ought to be construed only as referring to en
trances and clearances at a third port —coaftingvef;
I els were greatly benefited by light houfes,pilotage,
&c. and it was but reasonable that they Ihould pay
for those advantages.
Mr. Madison was in sentiment with Mr. Law
rence, in his conftrudtion of the meaning of the
clause in the Conftitutioh. The ideas of some
gentlemen upon it, he obferved,were unreasonable
and inconsistent, he conceived, with the Conllitu
tion, and inuft in their opinion totally defeat the
revenue—for if veilels were not obliged to enter
and clear at some port, the whole duties might be
evaded : He thoiught the conftrudlion of the arti
cle simple, and eafyto comprehend.
Mr. Bland replied, that he was not convinced
of the impropriety of his motion—the gentleman's
reasoning, he conceived, went too far —here was
a plain,poffitiVe declaration,and if we were tofup
pofe, that because the Conftiturion gave Congress
neceflary powers, it gave them every power, they
would be absolute at once : The article was defi
nite, he conceived ; but gentlemen have put differ
ent conftru<ftions upon it—it was however well
known, that the Convention in framing this article,
designed to encourage the coasting trade.
Mr. Li vermor e, Mr. Baldwin andMr.CiYME*
coincided in sentiment with Mr. Madison.
Mr. Boudinot observed, that this amendment
would deprive Congress of all power to raise a re
venue : The Conftiturion had veiled such power s
in Congress, and they were sworn to support the
Conftiturion : When these powers were duly
considered, heprefumed, that it would not be con
tended, that they had not this in particular : The
idea of the Convention in the conftruCtionofthe
clause, was to preclude all partiality to any indi
vidual State : It moreover extends, he observed»
to all veflels indifcrimmately, so that theconftruc
tionof the gentleman goes to exempt all from any
obligation to pay duties—Sir,lhall a veflel bound to
Europe not pay tonnage,becaufe she may collet hei
cargo at different porrs upon the continent this
would entirely overset the whole fyftein of r£ '
venue. " ■ '
Mr. Bland replied that the Constitution was expr£ ,s »
that no duty ihould be imposed or paid by one-State on
the articles of another ; Tonnage was a duty ofihis de