THE tablet.^ NUMBER VI. " It ii h no mean! fortune that hi/es the world ; for this we m.xy appeal ti fever a! nations, who have had a long Jules as prosperities, wheu they a Bed upon a ccrtui/i plan ; a,id an uninterupted course of mis for ruhes t when they cojiducied thc'/ufelves*iipoji another. There ar ' general c.t.Jnatural or thoral, which operate in every Jlate ; which raije, fipport or over turn it." II is the opinion of many philosophic men, that'fociery lias nor f'een its belt days. ouch an idea nut- not be coiili.leretl as the rhapsody of an e;. rim hail, or the dream of a poet. Ihe fatal de clentiori ofllatesmay be rationallv accounted for, without prpluppoling any eilential propenftty, in individuals or communities,to fall into excellive de pravity. It l'trikes the view of even 31 careless ob server, that no age or nation has exhibited a per fpecimen ol a people, who have combined a li-11 knowledge of tin? human character, with a thorough knowledge oi the principles of govern ment. 111 all periods of the .vo.ld, there has been an ailoniihing deficiency in one 01 these respects, and very otten inboth./ Morality hasfeldom bgen heiil in eltimationas a L.'.uce. Men of genius and leisure have too much employed their attention, upon abitradt fciertces, wliich have no influ ence upon the happinels of foeiety; or inframing fylienis of re.'.gious delufiori, which are not cal culated to promote the beit i:i:ereli oi rational be ings. rheimprovements Oi tlieiaoral faculty have not kept pace wkh the attainments of the intellec tual. 1 liis important atquilition fceris to have beenrefrirved lor the present, orfomt future age. It will be the result of aitiperior degree of know -1 cH<*e, bothwitli respect to men and goveiiutient. The humanfnind seems to be changing us course of thinking. Legislators know how to manage mo re dk'd fully tlis vices,the pailions,and the weak neiles or men. They do not as formerly waits th ir time in lamenting, in unavailing complaints, the wan; o. patriotifui s Which, accjrdii: m to the comi 1011 application of the word, has been one of the molt terrible scourges, that ever punilhed the wickednelsi or tormented the peace of society. V\ hen we lookback to the hillory of nations, the molt celebrated for this virtue,we Ihould conclude from their condu<fl, that men were only born to make each other wretched. We will however Jhut our eyesagainft these hoi ridfeenesofantiquity; and anticipate the p niod, when reason and philo fonhy thail bear for is sway, in the management or human afFairs. It will tlienbegiu to be known, rhat the human race were created for loine other purpofe,thantoperfecuteand devour one another. Should that happy hour ever arrive, good men will wish, that for the honor of hinnan nature, veil might be forever thrown oVor past transac tions. " IVarm from tJie heart—and true to all its /ins." The following ADDRESS was presented to his Ex cellency Gk.ok.ce Washington, soon after his departure from Mount-Vernou, 011 his journey to this city. To GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States, ire. o 0. AGAIN your country demands your care Obedient to its wifhes—unitiri jful of vour own' ease, we fee you again relinquiliing tji'e bliss of retirement; and this too, at of life, when nature itfelf seems to uuthorifj a preference of re pose. Not to extol your glory as a soldier : Not to pour forth.our gratitude for past services : Not to ack nowledge the juftice__ of the unexampled honor which has been co.iferred upon you, by the spon taneous and unanimous luffrage of three millions of freemen, in your election to the Supreme Ma giltracy : Not to admire the patjriotifm which di re As your conduct, do youi: Neighbours and Friends now addtels you.—Themes less Iplendid, but more eudeaiihg, impress our minds.—The jfirft and belt of citizens mult leave us ! Our Aged mult lose theirOnia lent ! Our Youth their Model ! Our Agriculture ies Improver! Our Commerce ia Friend! Our iitf.wi*- Ar a.lemy its Patron ! OurPoortheir Be nefactor!! And the interior Navigation of the Po tomac, an event replete with the inoft extensive Utility, already, by your unremitted-exertions, brought into partial ufe—itslnftitutor ajid Promo ter ! Farewell ! —CTo—and make a grateful people happy—a pecJple, who will be clqnibly grat«foJ, when they contemplate this recent Ifacrifice for tiiei" interest. To that Being, who maketh and umnaketh at Ills v. ill, we commend you ; and, after the accom pKih'HeiU of the arduous business to which yon are called, may He reilbre to us again the beit of Men, and the molt beloved Fellow Citizen. 111 behalf of the Feople of Alexandria, ■DENNIS RAMS AY, Mayor. April 16, 178^. his excellency's answer. To the MAYOR, CORPORATION, and CITIZENS of ALEXANDRIA. Gentlemen', ALTHOUGH I ought not conceal, yet I cannot deicribe, the painful emotions which I felt, in being called upon to determine whether I' would accept, or refufe, the Presidency of\tlie United States. The unanimity in the choice—the opinion oi my friends communicated foom different parts of Europe, as well as America—the apparent wish of thole who were not entirely fatisfied with the Conflitution in its present form, and an ardent de sire, on my own part, to be inltrumental in con ciliating the good "tl ill of my countrymen towards each other, h;Vve induced an acceptance. Those who know me best (and you, my fellow-citizens, are, from your situation, in that number) know better than any others, my love of retirement is so great, that no earthly consideration, short of a conviction of could have prevailed upon me to i-epart Irom my resolution, " never more to take any share in transactions of a public nature." Fqr, at my agp, and in my circumstances, what possible advantages could I propose to myfelf, from einb.irking on the tempestuous and uncer tain ocean of public life ? I do not feel myfelf under the necessity of mak ing public declarations, in order to convince you, Gentlemen, of my attachment to yourselves, and regard for your interests. The whole tenor of my life lias been open to your iyfpection : And my past actions, rather than my prefeiit declarations, mult be the pledge for my future conduct. In the mean time, I thank you mod sincerely foj; the expreliions cf kindness contained in your valed'.tovy address. It is true, just after having Lade adieu to my domeltic connections, this tender proof of your fiiendfhip is but too well calculated Hill further to awaken my fen Ability, and increase my regret, at parting from the enjoyments of pri vate life. , A ll tliat now remains for me, is to commit my felf and you, to the protection of that benificcnt Be ing, who on a former occasion, hath happily bro't us together, after a long and diftrefling Separation. Perhaps the fame gracious Providence will again in dulge us with the fame heart felt felicity. But words, my Fellow Citizens, fail me. Unutterable sensations muit then be left to more exprefiive si lence, while, from an aching heart, I,bid you all, my affectionate Friends, and kind Neighbours farewell ! 6 ' G. WASHINGTON. NATIONAL MONITOR. NUMBER 11. " No incidental events can make a nation little, while the principles remain, that made it great."' AS America is just fitting out in her political course as a nation, it is oj infinite importance to her future welfare, that her fir ft principles fiould be drawn from tne pejt fobrceX —that they Jbould bear the 'wiprejjions of trut. < and right reafon —Thefie are superior guides to all ' ex p cr -ince of ancient times—the force of precedent and ; ower of example. , , r/ "i revolution of America is not the efeCi ofieaufes that have operand to produce those mighty changes •< whicr,i have marked the fluctuating periods of other na tions. Ambition, fraud, and violence—-fuflion, ignor ance, and accident, have at different intervals, boajled tne power to overturn one kingdom, and erect and efi-ablijh another ; but the dismemberment of this IVefi \ Empire from tne crown of Britain, was the result of fenthnent —a labor:ous investigation of the principles oj Liberty, and the Rights of Humanity : Information audwifdom marked the road—Juflice and fortitude fub po'-ted our foot-jhps—and the favour of Heaven to our spirit, enterprise, and bravery, carried us triumph a fitly through.——-Crowned with Peace, Liberty, and Inde pendence, fairy land, and Utopian profpeits, cheated onv *e.tided imaginations, 'till-j/e almojl began to doubt the eligibility oj our present situation, compared to our former one.—Happily fir in and our posterity, ere the Demon of Anarchy had worked up the 'political fillies oj day to a phrenzy, we werearrefted in our career to ruin—And now, what are our pro/pelfs ? All that wifdorn, virtue, and patriotism, car fancy or Diner!fied in principles, manners, v'iews.and habit's bay, do im at this day feel the force ofi any of those maxims as, a r.ation, which can make a people %reat ? J think zee. do. If must be acnoiolidged, that a fii'ifi of the importance of Government, to preserve life, liberty end propTTty, appears to pervade the mind of the pc pie t.:ro::gn t!:e Union. This is a proper foundation, upon Which may be reared the pillars of National Tuftice, National i appinef», and National Security: This principle has produced wonderful effeOs already—and it is the :jl baps on which to ere ft natioul habits manners and sentiments. A proper idea, ofi the necel fity and importance of a firm, efficient Government is the ftrorgefi lamer to licentioufinefis,faClion, and lojs oj freedom, that Deity itfilf can create : This to f 'fk for America, which will render he, durably great and glorious. C. P L X A N Or THE GAZETTE of the UNITED STATES A NATIONAL PAPER. To be publiflitd at the seat of the federal government ,1 comprije, asjully as pofjiilt, the following Objects, viz. ' I. ARLY ana- nthenticK Accounts of the PROCEFnivr. -L< of CONGRESS—'tsi-AWS, ACTS, iindRESOLLI in \n : •mmuiiicatfd so as to rxji an HISTORY of the TR 4XI it t/,h' 2/ FEDERAL LEGISLATURE, X'AWIO.Y,/j® 11. Impartial Sketches of the Debates of Cono R[ss IJI. ESSAYS upon the great fubjefls of Government in 6emrl i nd the Federal Legiflatme in particular; also upon the n ahml , ' focal Rights of the American ci tizens, as found.duppnihti' dcral or State Constitutions; all > upon every other Sul 'eft w h t I inay appear suitable for newspaper difcuflion. J I\ . A SERIES of PARAGRAPHS, calculated to catchtk. ■' LIVING M \NK ER S AS they rise," and to poin.t inc pn'oilct I ttention to Objects that have an important reference tu dL.kt i facial, and puhlick happiness. • /W > , V. The Intercftsof the Unite d States as connefled with their h terary Inftltutions—religious and moral Objects —Improvtmtnt, \ 1 Science, Arts, EDUCATION and HUMANITY— their lor™ eatics, Alliances, Connexions, &c. VI. Every /pedes of INTEL!. ICENCE, which may affect th ••••••• ;<" •'■■■" ■: ' !■'! >, oj /cl lical U\"ItRKTS,| the AMERICAN REPUBLICK. VII. A CHAIN of DOMESTICKOCCI'RRENCES,colltfttj through the Medium of an cxtcnfive with the ret peftivc Sta:cs. , VIII. A SERI FS of FOREIGN ARTICLES of INTELLI GENCE, so connefttd, as to form a general Idea of tut lick Aim* jßgaJlcrn Htmifphere. IX. The STATE of the NATIONAL FUNDS t also of the IV. DIV I DUAL GOVERNMENTS—-Courfts of Exchange P-- Current, 4c. 6 CONDITIONS. I. TIIF. G a ett kof the United St at eb Jhali be printed ai'jJ tf, fame Letter, and on thejapi: Paper as this publication. 11. ItJhatlbe pullfhed every WEDNESDAY ard SATURDAY, W delivered, as may be directed, to every Subscriber in the city, on ttwfeita 111. The price to Siifcribers (exclusive of postage) uill be THREE DOL LARSpt. annum. IV. 7 hefrjlfemi-annualpayment to be made in three months frmthtii. fief ranee oj the jujl number. J f SUBSCRIPTIONS Will he received in aU the capital towns upon the Continent; Mittl/ City-Coffee-Houfe, and at No. 86, William-Street, untillhe ill Of May,/rem which time at No. 9, Maiden-Lane, near the Otwcto. Market, New-Y-rk. 6 N. B. By a new Arrangement made in the Stages, Subscribers ati diilance will be duly furnilhed with papers. f °"' r R r PT -~ ; targe impreffiem of every number mill he Jlruchif— so that Subscribers may always be accommodated with complete bell. To the P U B L I C K. AT this important Crisis, the idfas that fill the mind, are pregnant "with Events of the greatest magnitude—to strengthen and complete the UNI ON or the States— to extend and protedt their COMMERCE, under equal Treaties yet to beform ed—to explore arid arrange the NATIONAL FU N D S—to restore and establish the PUBLICK CREDI ] —and ALL under the auspices ofan un tried System ot Government, will require the EN ERGIES ct the Patriots and Sages of our Country— Hence the propriety of encreafmg the Mediums of Knm ledge and Information. 1 AMERICA, from this period, begins 1 new Era in her national exillence—"the world is ah bekore her"—The wisdom and folly—the misery and prosperity of the EMPIRES. r 7ATES, and KiNGDOMS, which have had their day tipon the great rheatre of Time, and are now n# more, fuggeftthe most important Mementos—Theft, with the rapid series of Events, in which our ov. n Coun try has been so deeply interested, have taught the enlightened Citizens of the United States, that FRE EDOM and GOVERNMENT—LIBERTY ami LAWS, aie inseparable. T nis C onviction has led to the adoption of the :now Conltitution ; for however various the Sen timents, refpetfting the MERITS of this System, all good men are agreed in the neceflity that exists, ofan'EFFICIENT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. A paper, therefore, eftabliihed upon NATION AL, INDEPENDENT, and IMPARTIAL PRINCI PLES—which fliall take up the premiled Articles, upon a Competent han, it is pr "fumed, will be ' *'g- *>' interesting, and meet with publick appro bation and patronage. S .ie Editor of thjs Publication is determined to ;eave no avenue of Information unexplored:—He v solicits the assistance of Pevfons ofleifure and abili ties—which, united with his own alliduity, he Hat ters himfelf will render the Gazette of the United States not unworthy general encouragement and isj with due respect, the publick's humble ier- JOHN F E NN 0. X T ew-Yorh, April 1178^. TWO YOLNO SPRIGHTLY LADS ARE wanted, as APPRENTICES to the Bufinels of Printing. Err attire ?t Ho* 86, Wjlh^rn-Strett.^ Published by"|CH?Oi;NNO, No. 86, Wiu«*' . Street, New-York.
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