Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, April 22, 1789, Page 12, Image 4

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" Debate and Dijfention not only flow froi/i civil liber
ty, but contribute to preserve it."
TN my last No. I mentioned having pafled anevcir
-t ing with two foreigners. The remarks, made
by one of them, have been communicated. The
reply of the other equally deserves notice. It is
,to the following effect.
" I confefs that your observations appear to be
founded in fact. No inference, however, to the
discredit of this country, can be drawn from such
circumltances. There maybe assigned two reasons
why the cicizens of the United States are prone to
Jpeculative controversy. One of them proceeds
from the nature of their government, and adts as
a permanent cause. The other results from par
ticular incidents, which may be considered adven
titious; but which unites its influence in producing
the general effecft.
" In a delpotick government, where the subject
, has no voice in making the laws, or in eitabliihing
modes of religion, he has little occasion to be a dil
putant. His whole attention is employed, in per
forming the duties that are laid upon him. The
cafe is totally the revcrfe in a country of freedom.
Every man knows that he may be eligible to legi-
Every man feels' a pride and independence
of spirit, that he can clioofe his own religion. This
operates as 6n eflabliihcd' cause of speculative en
quiry and investigation. No reflraint can fafely be
put upon an indulgence, which is in itfelf so falu
tary. 1 here is leis danger from excels than from
" Ihe peculiar situation of this country has af
forded great scope for the difcuflionsof theoretick
men. It has infufed a spirit of altercation into all
ranks of people. Time and experience will corretfl
those extremes of such a temper, which have been
excited by special cau£s. It must have its own
course, and work its own remedy. The love and
the pratftife of difputo, fh ike out light upon the
various fubjefts, relative to government. It habi
tuates men to reflection. I acknowledge it has
been carried so far, as to militate with ufeful oper
ations, and prevented a&s of real utility being in
troduced. Many of the States have totally "new
modelled their governments. This could Tiot be
produced without great deliberation. The fervour
has hardly yet subsided.
" The entire tolerarion of religion has given a
large range to persons prone to controversy. Each
fetft naturally wiflies to extend its influence. The
forms of government and religion will be better
ascertained, and men will have determined what
fide to take, in both. When this happens, the
evil yqu complain of, will in part be removed.
But while the spirit of liberty exists, controversy
is unavoidable."
Thus spoke my two companions. The one point
ed out errors, and the other accounted for them.
Their observations, whether they are new or not,
appear to be just. Such hints ainufe fame people,
while they do injury to none.
ONE finding feature in tliepolitical complexion
of the Dutch Republick is, that the children
of both sexes are, from the moment of the earliest
capability, initiated in some line of indullrious avo
cation among them. Solon and Lycurgus coidd
not have chalked out a wiser line for the service
of the Grecian States. It was an opinion with
Alexander the Great, that boys nurtured and bro't
up in the camp, were ever after fond ofarms—and
practice gave fantftion to the theory. It holds e
qually good, that children, early trained up to in
dustry, ever incline to it in maturity—for, in the
language of the poet, "it grows -with their growti,
and Jfrengthens, vi:th their flrength." To our coun
trymen, we hope the application is evident. If
they accustom their little ones to honest employ
ments (such as will suit their years, constitutions
and choices) they will thereby render them virtu
ous andindeqendent citizens,a credit to tliemfelves,
and an ornament to society. The consequences of
a different conduct are evident.
THIS J udge being in one of the counties, on the
circuit, a poor woman was indicted for witch
craft. The inhabitants of the place were exafpera
ted against her. Some witnefles deposed, that th.2_>
had fecn her walk in the ai;-, with her feet upward
Lord Mansfield heard the evidence with great tran
quility, and perceiving the temper of the people,
whom it wouJ d not have been prudent to irritate,
he thus addrefled them. lC Ido not doubt that thh
woman lias walked in the air, with her feet up
wards, since you have all seen it; but she has the
hono ir to be born in England, as well as you and I,
and confeqaently, cannot be judged but by the laws
of the country, nor puniflied but in proportion as
ha< violated them. Now I know not cne law
that forbids walking in the air with the feet up
wards. We have all aright to do it with impuni
tv. I fc! noreafon, therefore, fqr prosecution ; ant
ilus poor woman may return home when she plcaf'es.
, O F T H E
To be puHifhed at th( seat of the federal government, and to
comprise, as fully as pojfible, t/ie following Objells, viz.
I. TT'ARLY «nd ai.thentick Accounts of the PROCEEDINGS
communicated so as to form an HISTORY of the IRANSACTIONS
11. Impartial Sketches of the Debates of Congress.
111. ESSAYS upon the great fubje£ts of Government in general,
nd the federal in also upon the national nd
local Rights ol the American c i t i zens, as found d upon the fe
deral or State Constitutions; also upon every other Subject, whic})
may appear luitable for newfpapcr dilcuflion.
IV. A SERIES o.*PARAGRAPHS, calculated to catch the
" living manners as they rise," and to point the publick
atttntion to Objects that have an important reference to duiiiejlick,
foci J, and pukluh happiness.
V. The Intertfts ol the United States as connected with their li
terary Inlhtutions—religious and moral Objetts —Improvements \n
Science, Arts, EDUCATION and HUMANITY—their foreign
rreatiei, Alliauccs, Connections, &c.
VI. Every of INTELLIGENCE, which may afTe£t the
Conmc July agricultural., manufacturing, ox political INTERESTS ol
through the Medium of an extensive Corrgfpondcnce with the rcf
peftive States.
GENCE, so conne&cd, as tojorm a general Idea oj publick Affairs in
{he eajlcrn Hcmifphere.
IX. The STATE of the NATIONAL FUNDS ; also of the IN
DIVIDUAL GOVERNMENTS —Couiics of Exchange—Prices
Curnnt, &c.
THE Gazette of the Jhall he printed with the
fine Letter, and on the fume Paper as this publication.
ItJhall be publijhcd every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, and
delivered, as may be dircfted, to every Subjcriber in the city, on thofc days.
The price In Subfcrib'ers (exclufiveofpofbgi) will be THREE DOL
LARS pr. annum.
The Jirft femi-avvual payment to be made in three months from the ap
psarunce of the JiiJl number.
IVifl be yectived in all the capital tows upon the Continent; also at th
City-Coffec-Houfe, and at No. 86, William-Street, until the ift
oj M.iv, from which time at No. g, Maiden-Lane, near the Otwego-
Market, New-York.
N. B. By a new Arrangement 'made in the Stages, Subscribers at a
distance will be duly furniihed with papers.
postsc R i ft.—^—A large impression of every number hill beJlrvck off- —
so that Suf.ribers may always be accommodated taith complete Sets.
AT this important Criiis, the ideas that fill the
mind, are pregnant with Events of the greatest
magnitude—to Ib'engthen and complete the UNI
ON of the States—to extend and protect their
COMMERCE, under equal' Treaties, yet to be form -
ed—to explore and arrange the NATIONAL
FUNDS—to rcftore and eltablifli the PUBLICK
CREDIT—and ALL under the avifpices of an un
tried System of Government, will require the EN
ERGIES of the Patriots and Sages of our Country—
Hence the propriety of encreafnig the Mediums of Know
ledge and Information.
AMERICA, from this period, begins a new Era
in her national existence—" the world is all
be yore her"—The wisdom and folly—the mjfery
and prosperity of the EMPIRES, STATES, and
vINGDOMS, which have had their day upon the
■ eat Theatre of Time, and are now no more,
fa rgeft the most important Mementos—These, with
he rapid series of Events, in which our own Coun
try has been so deeply interested, have taught the
Citizens of the United States, that
LAWS, are inseparable.
This Conviction has led to the adoption of the
lew Conftitutiori ; for however various the Sen
.iments, refpedtiiigthe MERITS of tliisSyitem, all
good men are agreed in th 9 neceflity that exists,
A paper, therefore, eftabliihed upon NATION
PLES—which shall take up the premised Articles,
upon a competent plan, it is presumed, will be
highly interesting, and meet with publick appro
bation and patronage.
The editor of this Publication is determined to
leave no avenue of Information unexplored : He
solicits the afliftance of Persons ofleifure and abili
ties—which, united with his own assiduity, he flat
ters himfelf will render the Gazette of the United
.Stares not unworthy general encouragement
and is, with due refpec r t, the publick's humble ser
vant, JOHN F if N NO.
New-Yori, April! 5, i;Bg.
high Water.
at nf.wyork To-morrow.
Morning, —. 2 minutes after 7.
THE Publick approbation alone can give ftabiU
ty and fucceis to any undertaking which tnulj
ultimately depend upon public opinion: This
idea has generally induced the Editors of new
publications to attempt anticipating that appr o .
Lat ion through the medium ol' projejficns, AvJiich
to lay the lealt, are, too seldom realized: Tit
editor of the. Gazette oi the United Statesi
would avoid, as far as poflible, the imputation
that has been frequently and juflly incurred upon
account of profellions. never fubjlantiated.
Should the Gazette of the United States
prove a faithful register of pubKck tranfattiom
especially tliofe of the great council of the nation'
be patronized by those who feel interested in the
welfare of the union; the patriots and independnt
freemen of our country.
Should it contain a competent detail of foreiqi
and domeltic intelligence; revolutions in com.
merce ; discoveries in various parts of the globe
opening new sources of wealth to enterprizingad.
venturers ; rile and fall of flocks ; prices current
&c. he HOPES it will receive the support of
mercantile characters.
Should the great body of mechanics find that
their important interests are attended to ; thatim.
provements and discoveries in their several branch
es claim an early and conllant insertion.
Should this Gazette be the happy inftnim ;nt of
pointing out various plans, by which the niufic of
the AX and HAMMER may again be heard in our
cities, the Editor cannot but HOPE for their
generous encouragement.
Should fomethhig*worthy the notice of the great
farming interest of our country (the bulworkof
freedom and equal laws) be exhibited from time
to time, the editor HOPES for their patronage,
Improvements in agriculture are of thefirft: conse
quence to our young, our 1 iling country ; and the
labours that tend to affect this clefirable object, are
tlierefultof the purelt patriotism, and lliould de.
tnand the couftant attention of the Editors of pe.
riodical publication.
The Edit or HOPES that the wealtlfy part of the
community will become patrons of this publication,
as itisbutjuft toiay, that every project, which has
been obviouily calculated for publick utility, lias
met with prompt and generous encouragement from
those whom Providence has blefledwith affluence; ;•
without their aififlance,the noble plans now on foot
for the promotion of MANUFACTURES, ARTS
and SCIENCES, mult have proved abortive; their
liberal efforts 011 many recent occafons, have given
a spring to the publick mind. Should the Gazette .
of the United States suggest improvable hints, or
feazible projects, which mult depend npon the
PURSE for their maturity, it cannot fail of being
countenanced by the RICH and public spirited.
The and momentous fubjedt of Education
is hourly appreciating in its importance : Thatpart
of the NEW CONSTITUTION, which opens the
door to every man of every rank, poflefling VIRTUE
and ABILITIES, to the highest honours in the great
American Republick, has expanded the views of
every American.
This idea, places the bufinefsof Education in>
point of light, in which it never has before been
viewed; a point in which it cannot be confidcred
in any other country upon the face of the earth.
ZENS will therefore find yheir account in becoming
fubferibers for this Gazette,fliould it pay a particu
lar regard to this great subject. Full jullice can
not perhaps be done to it; but every attempt to il
lustrate and enforce its importance, muftinfure the
applause of every person who feels the dignity of
a rational being, or who prizes the birthright of
an American.
Ignorance is the,parent of all human degrada
tion ; every attempt therefore to difleminate the 1
rays of knowledge will receive the applause of the
truly benevolent. The happiness of mankind fee
ing inseparably connected with the practice of re
ligious, moral and social duties, it becomes obli
gatory upon the Editors of publick papers, to pay
a diftinguiihed regard to every idea that may te
iuggefled upon these important points, npon gem
ral principles, avoiding tedious diflertations upon
aifiritfe and metaphysealfubjeifts, : Those eflaysthat
have anatural tendency to refine our manners, hu
manize the heart,alid exalt our natures,fhoulil claim
a cliftinguifhed attention. So far as the Gazette of
the United States shall be instrumental in diJufing
sentiments of justice, humanity and benevolence—
those great moral virtues, it will doubtless recei ,e
the support of the Reverend Clergy. i
In fhortjfhoulcl this Gazette support the character
DENT CONVEYANCER to all parts of the Um
on, ofNews, Politics, and Miscellanies, theaap r ,
bation and patronage of a generous publick v
doubtless reward the exertions of
ARE wanted, as APPRENTICES to the Bufmels
of Printing. |
Enquire at A T o. 86, Wilhaif^^rr^
Publilhed by"JOHN FENNO, No" Ite/W'l lliam-
Street, Mew-York.