Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, April 22, 1789, Image 3
tizens in carriages and on liorfeback. On palling the Fort, a federal salute was fired. I Jis Excellen cy alighted at the house of the Hon. John Jay, Esq. A Committee ofbothHoufes of Congress, fpecial ]y appointed for that purpose, attended to congra tulate his Excellency on his arrival. Yesterday a committee of the Senate, consisting of Mr. Strong, and Mr. Izard, conducted the Vice-President to the Senate-Chamber, and Mr. LangDon, the Prefulent, pro tempore, lef. the chair, and * addressing the Vice-President, said, " '1 hat heliadit in charge from the Senate, to introduce him to the Chair of the House, and to congratulate him on his appointment to the office of Vice-Pr esident of the United States ofAme rica. liethen conducted the Vice-President to the Chair, who addrefled the Senate to the follow ing purport. Gentlemen of the Senate, INVITED to this refpe&able situation by the fuffrages of our fel low-citizens, accordingtothe Conftitutton, I have thought it m) duty, cheerfully and readily to accept it. Unaccustomed to refufc anv publick service, however dangerous to rry reputation, or djf proportioned to my talents, it would havebeen inconsistent, to hav< adopted another maxim of conduct, at this time, when the prosper. ity of the country, and the liberties of the people, require perhaps as much as ever, the attention of thofc, who pofiefs any share of the publick confidence. I should be destitute of fer.fibility, if,'upon my arrival in this city and presentation to this Legislature, and especially to this \Senate, I could fee, without "emotion, so many of those chara&ers, of whose virtuous exertions I have so often been a witnefs-jfrom whofecoun tenances and examples I have ever derived encouragement and ani mation—whose cfifinterefted friendlhip has supported mc, in mam intricate conjunctures of publick flairs, at liome and abroad Those celebrated defenders of the liberties of this country, whorr menaces could not intimidate, corruption seduce, nor flattery al lure: Those intrepid aflertors of the rights of mankind, whof< philosophy and policy, have enlightenad the world, in twenty years, more than it was ever before enlightened in many centuries: by ancient schools or modern universities. I must have been inattentive to the course of events, if I -were cither ignorant of the fame or insensible to the merit of those othei charatters in the Senate, to whom it has been my misfortune tc have been, hitherto, personally unknown, It is with fatisfa&ion, that I congratulate th£ people of Ameri ca on the formation of a National Constitution, and the fair prof pe& of a consistent administration of a government of laws. On the acquisition of an House of Representatives, chosen by tTiem felves; of a Senate thus composed by their own State Legislatures. and on the prospeCt of an executive authority, in the hands of one whose portrait I (hall not presume to draw.—rWere I bleflfed with powers to do justice to his charatter, it would be impoflible to in crcafe the confidence or affc&ion of his country, or make the smallest addition to his glory. This can only be effe&ed by a dis charge of the present exalted trust on the fame principles, witli the fame abilities and virtues, which have uniformly appeared in all his former conduct, public or private. May I nevertheless, be indulged to enquire, if we look over the catalogue of the firft Ma. giftrates of nations, whether they have beerw denominated Presidents or Cdnfuls, Kings or Princes, "where shall we find one, whose commanding talents and virtues, whose overruling good fortune have so completely united all hearts and voices in his favour? Who enjoyed the esteem and admiration of foreign nations and fellow citizens with equal unanimity ? Qualities so. uncom mon, are no common blefling to the country that potfTeffes them- By those great qualities, and their benign efFe&s, has Providence marked out the head of this nation, with an hand so distinCtly vifi klc, as to havebeen seen by nil men, and mistaken by none. It is not for me, to interrupt your deliberations by any general observations on the state of the nation, or by recommending, orpro ponng any particular measures. It would be fuperfluous. to gentle men of your great experience, to urge the necefiity of order. It is only necessary to make an apology Tor myfelf. Not wholly out experience in publick afTemblies, I have been more accustomed to take a (hare ;n their debates, than to preside in their delibera tions. It shall be my constant endeavour to behave towards every Member of this Mod honourable Bodyy with all that consideration, delicacy, and decorum, which becomes the dignity of his Ration and character: —But, if from inexperience, or inadvertency, any thing should ever escape me, inconsistent with propriety, I must en treat you, by imputing it to its true cause, and not to any want of ic lp,e£t, to pardon and excuse it. A tiufl of the greatest magnitude is committed to this Tegidatare and the eyes of the world are upon you. Your country expt&s, from the results of your deliberations, in concur rence with the other branches of government, Consideration abroad, an d Contentment at home—Prosperity, Order, Justice, Peace and Liberty . And may Cod Almighty's Providcnce aflift you to anf v-cr their just expectations. April 21. C-l*-] THE VICE-PRESIL ■ 'NT. WHEN Heaven refolv'd COLUMBIA fhouldbe free, And INDEPENDENCE, spake the great decree, Lo, ADAMS rose ! a giant in debate, And turn'd thatvbte* whichfix'd our empire's fate. In Europe next, the Minijler behold, Who Treaties form'd—and melted hearts of gold :f Maintain'cf the honour of our riling name, And as a NATION, gavfe us RANK and FAME ! When ally'd Armies triumph'd in the field, And full plum'd Victory made Grgpt Britain yield, When WASHINGTON commanded ' wars to ccafe,' HE crown'd our triumphs, by 3. glorious Peace. For THESE, his country pours its honours down, And ranks him next—her fir]}, her darling Sou. f-ong may they reign, in sentiment ally'd, COLUMBIA'S SAFEGUARD, GLORY, BOAST, and PRIDE. C . * Vote of Independence. + Loans effected with Hoi anc'. From the firft appearance of the New Conflitu tion, the sentiments of the citizens of New-York were decidedly in favour of its adoption—ln con firmation of this, an uninterrupted series of fac'ts has occurred: The following Arrangement foi the reception of the PRESIDNT of the UNITED STATES, is an additional evidence of their atten tion to the real dignity of the city—and the high veneration in which the illuih ious character it re fers to, is held. ARRANGEMENT. The following Arrangement is agreed upon by His Excellency the Governour, and the principal Officers of the-utate and City, for tlie reception ol :he President of the United States. 1. A Deputation of the State Officers, to confifl of His Honour the Chancellor and the Adjutant Ge neral, accompanied by a Deputation from the Cor poration of the city of New-York, to consist of the Recorder, will receive his Excellency the President of the United States, on the Jersey shore. 2. A salute will be fired from the battery imme diately on the President's embarkation. 3. Should he pass the battery, a second salute will be fired 011 his palling ; and should he land in the city without palling the battery, the second salute will be fired on his landing. 4. His Excellency tlic Governor, and the prin cipal officers of the state, and 5. The Mayor and priucipalOfficers of the Cor poration will attend and receive the President on liis landing ; and thcnce accompany him to his houfc. The citizens who attend on the occasion, will form in such manner, as that the President and his attendants may conveniently pass through their ranks. 6. The Volunteers of the Legion of Gen. Mil cojr's brigade, and Col. Bauman's regiment of Ar tillery will parade in their uniforms. 7. Immediately after the salute onthe President's landing, the bells of the several churches, &c. will ring, and continue ringing half an hour. 8. Ihe colours of the Fort, and of the vefiels in the harbour, will be displayed on firing the firft salute. 9. l'he city will be illuminated from seven to nine o'clock in the evening. The following articles are in the resolutions, but omi tedin the debates that have appeared in our paper, viz. All candles of tallow per lb. 2 cents. All candles of wax or spermaceti 6 do All cheese per lb. 4 f '° Soap per lb. » ~ ( lo Boots per pair 5° '1° On all shoes, flippers™ rgallofhoes 7 lQ ( j q made of leather f All shoes or flippers, made of silk or 7 , Stuff j Every 112lb of unwrought steel 56 do On all cabinet ware On all buttons of metal On Saddles On all gloves of leather On hats of beaver, fur, wool, or mixture of ei titer On all millenary On all callings of iron flit or rolled iron On all leather tanned or tawed And upon all manufactures of leather, except such as are otherwise rated, 7i pr cent advalorem. The moll diftingu fhrd among the sages of antiquity, have lefl ■t upon record, as the diftateof reason and the result of experience " that the only/olid bafts on which to tJlMfli the public happtrefs, is o REVERENCE EOR I HE DUTY." May the People of the UNITED STATES, imbibe this sentiment, with all the additional force with which it comes attended from the SACRhD ORACLES. It is devoutly to be wilhed that the United States in their reve nue system, may avoid the introdu£lion of wnat, .n cant phraf, au .ermcd " Ciijlom House Oaths" such swearing hein n ' often found the moil conv nient paj/port for contraband goods. Our allies the French and Speniaids fct us an example in this business worthy ol mitation. It is an o1»k& of the great eft importance, 'list an uniftterrupted series ot'fedcral sentiments flioul.t be dilleminated through the American nation— Our political connection with each other becomes daily more intimate and interesting : t?iis will, in rime allimulate our minds, our habits, our man ners, our objects, till we 'become one great Peo ple, cemented by national ideas, Ipirit, and national glory. Never since the formation of government and civil society, were the great body oi a people, so jniverfally solicitous and engaged about these important subjects, as the citizens of the United lates, at the pi efent moment. Every ear is open! every mind is full! surely as the great >lr. Adams said orf the American war—" If ever '' there was a Government of the People, this is " the government." The great objects which have arretted the atten ion of our country since the came up on the carpet, seem to have called up the molt latent and astonishing powers of the human mind, which have difcoveied themselves in a great vari ety of instances—in Procejfions— Publications—ln* jentions of Machine Improvements and Me chanical Excellences. In a late Bolton paper is the following para-* grapli ; viz. An elegant Barge is now building in New-York, to waft the great WASHINGTON a cross the Hudson, to be rowed by ten SKA-CAP TAINS, and to a 6: as cockswain. The above Barge i now compleated, and is a most masterly* conftrucYion in its line—it is between forty and fifty feet long, and moulded upon the firleft model. The laudable euriofity of* the publick is daily gratified by a free acceilion to the Galleries of the Hon. House of Representatives, where it is not doubted that the most profound attention and per-" feift decorum will continue to be exhibited by the fpeftators and auditors. A correspondent would enquire, if it is an Order or Rule of the Gillery, to be covered when the Speaker of a certain Hotoi. Koufe is ia the chair ? One day last Week a Bevy of Ladies appeared in the Gallery of the Hon. House of Representatives —-a most laudable euriofity is a Sufficient reason for the novelty of the circumftancc. Arrived in this city lince our last, the Most Hon. Mr. Henry, from Maryland, and the Most Hon. Mr. Gunn, from Georgia, Senators of the United itstcs. ~ The illustrious PRESIDENT of the' United States will arrive in this city to-morrow. The Eagle in the front of the Federal State House is now displayed ; the general appearance of this front is truly august. The Federal Barge was launched yesterday. It should have been noticed in our firll number, that Samuel Allen Otis Esq. of Maflachufetts, is appointed Secretary, to the Most Hon. Senate of the United Stafes, and John Beckley, Esq. of Virginia,, Clerk Hon. House of Representa tives. Extraßs from a Madr'rd paper, January v 2O. " The King of Spain was proclaimed in this cap ital on Saturday the I 7th inft. with all customary ceremonies. The Conde de Altemira, as Alferez Maior of Madrid, bore the Royal Standard, and was accompanied in the procession by a great num ber of grandees onhorfes very richly caparisoned, and alio by theCorregidor, Alguazil, Heralds, and others. The Proclamation was repeated in differ ent parts ofthe city, andfilver and gold coins, pre pared for the occasion, were thrown by the Her alds among the people. Ihe firft Proclamation was made in the great square, in front of the palace. Their Catholick Majesties were present, seated in a balcony, and attended by the Ambafladors, and other foreign ministers, and by the principal offi cers of State. The acclamations of the people were great and expreflive of much loyalty and af feftioii to their Sovereign. Ihe publick mourn ing was suspended during three days, a very large lift of promotions was published, various entertain- ments and balls were given,and there was a general illumination on each of the three evenings. " A royal order has been published at Malaga, permitting for the present, and only atthe custom house of that port, the free transhipping and de posit of such produce, goods and merchandize, as may be entered there and destined for the Barbary or other foreign ports ; as also of such as may ar rive from thole countries, and be destined for the Northern or other ports, including silver in coin, in bars, or wrought ; which as well as all other goods, is to pay, 011 being re-shipped, one pr. cent, on the value, according to the invoice ; and gold ingots, of dust, and all kinds of articles of silver and gold, set or unset with pearls orprecious stones, are to pay half pr. cent. The goods may remain in deposit, till it may be convenieut to fh'ip them, on paying warelioufe rent, as there is not fufficient! room for them in the Cuftom-lioufe. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A JOURNEYMAN PRINTER. Good wages rV will be given. • Enquire at No. 3> Peck s £>lip< April 22.