Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, April 18, 1789, Image 1
t . > /V" , / r i r r X } mvfr ?; - ; *C" :- sv'-s-' -,' V c V *>A-'-L. v r •>• V T»" ■"*• ~V -4- ;• •♦> v '.;,"5-' r ; ' 7 ' ' ■ ,'/ ' r / / Number 11. From WEDNESDAY, Atril ij, to SATURDAY, xB, 1789. trice six tence. [The Revolution of Amcrica, it was very early predicted, would have a great influence upon the publick affairs of the European «y #r ld hut the moil fanguinc advocate for the Liberties of Man^- kind could not have anticipated those fiTrprifmg Events, which have already tranfpircd to distinguish the annals of the present a<T(f Our generous, and magnanimous Allies, the French nation. in their publications upon laws, government, and Freedom, dif- i •cover a noble ardour in the bed of causes—and the following communication will shew, that tinder the Auspices of the be ft of Kings, they are on the eve of establishing a new, and a free Con ilitution.] FORE IGN INTELLIGENCE. .LONDON", DEC. 20. POLITICAL STMT: OF FRANCE. [TRANSLATED FIOM THE FRENCH.] THE warmth and zeal with which forae provin ces have of late reclaimed their ancient pri vileges, though hostile to the general welfare of the kingdom, has readied the municipalities, and even a great number of indi - . idaals, who have been considerably alarmed ; but all at once, and a: a most unexpected period, the eyes of all the good citizens have been turned with affection and com placency towards the Dauphinians, who by means of a noble and steady conduit have obtained from the government whatever tlicy have solicited ; their neighbours, the States of Beam, filled with admiration, and willing to follow their lteps, tho't proper to consult them on this momentous fc.b jei't; but the new States of Danphi«e, not having as yet met, and their Syndics not being elected, a Committee appointed for that purpofewns ordered to feud them the following truly patriotic!. ans wer, wliich has been much applmuled throughout the kingdom, and has been read by all ranks of people. " ANSWER from tb ■ STATES of DAUPHINE to the SYNDICS of the STATES e/fIV.ARN. " G2.ESOBLE, 26th Sept. 1788. " GENTLEMEN, " We take 011 oui fclves to answer your letter, though addrefied to our Syndic s v\ ho have not as yet been chosen, as our new States arc not entirely organized. The tli e - orders of this province pie fented some time ago to his Majesty, a iuw jiro viiicial Conlikution, free from the many errors oi the obsolete one, which hasfince received his molt gracious approbation and lanci ion. " Youaikus, gentlemen, what were the motives which formerly determined the inhabitants of tliis province to fend deputies to the States General; as you seem to fear left the right or g 'anting subsidies in our provincial afiemblies, v. uich you hold in common with us, should be infringed. " The people of Dauphine represented in their provincial ltates, it is true, have the right oi with holding or granting subsidies to the monarch ; it is equally true that we ssight find in ourancicrt char ters some plausible pretence for not fending depu ties to the States General, and perhaps tor exempt ing ourfelvts from paying our ihareoffjch gener al taxes as areimpofed by the majority of national deputies; but fortunately the in habitants of this province have never thought it would be advan tageous not to afiiftthe nation with their councils, whenever she is deliberating 0:1 her most impor tant concerns. Whether the antient States of Dauphine have ever recorded their real'ons For so doing, is more than we can fay, the States having never been called fincc the year 1628, and though this period is not very distant, yet we have obser ved nothing in their proceedin- ; rcl.Hiiig to those deputies ; but v/e find in tliofc of the States Gener al,heldin 1484,1588 and 1614 manifeft proofs that we were then represented. Those who think they held a fepcrate liieeing as deputies from an inde pendent Stale, entertain a most palpable error ; they voted with those of the other provinces in 1384, as well as in the three last ones. " Dauphine is not the only province, wnichtho' it enjoyed the rights of granting or withholding subsidies in its particular States, yet fuinni te ! to the national deliberations ; Pi ovence, Languedcc, Bretagne, Normandy, &c. have formerly given the fame example. What advantage could this province reap from "ot fending deputies to the States General ? Could its inhabitants flatter themlelves with the idea of pofleiling more wisdom and pursuing the steps of a founder policy, than the whole nation aflemblcd ? Are we not obliged to contribute our lhare of the expenfeg neceflary to the preservation of order ant: publick tranquility, as well as to the fafety oi the Kingdom ? Become independent, could we find a inong ourselves a greater decree of strength, with which to oppose the ihares of intiigues, and repel the encroachment of aiithoi ity ■ Whilst Jn individual may hold up his char ters, and sometimes oppofethemfuccefsfully to the rapacity of power, can he at the fame time dispense with attending national aflemblies, met to deliber ate on the remedies required by the calamities and general diftrelles of the nation ? (< Until now, gentlemen, France has not had a pofifive,'nor a fixed Constitution, fufficiently de fined to guarantee the refpe<ftive lights of the so vereign and of the subjects ; hitherto the provin ces, the different orders, nay the very individuals have been too widely separated ; no bond of real union has ever existed between the parts oftliisvaft whole. Each, circumscribed within the narrow circle of their own private concerns, have not re flected how much their division led them to inabi lity and weakness, and how much their exclulive attention to their particular privileges, made them neglect national and individual liberty, as well as the rights of private property ; hence the strong tide of power has progreifively (wallowed up every thing. " Provinces ought never to have fcparate inter ests hut when they form federal republicks, each poflfefling a so vereign power : In a monarchy,.we never can be free, uiilefs impelled by the fame views and closely united, in order to maintain in its full vigour, the general Constitution. " Let us forget what we have been, in order to think more attentively on what we wi(h to be ; Frenchmen enjoying under a King a proper lhare of freedom; Avhen the lleprifentatives of this great iiation are met to deliberate oil tlie best means of healing her wounds, on those of preserving to the throne, that neCellary lhare of splendour and dig l? sry ; on those of paying the debts of the state ; on those in short of leading France towards that summit of power and glory 'to which nature has called her ; we arc well allured, gentlemen, that then both the Beamois and Dauphinians, will not be the lall to appear and offer their honest tribute of counsels and personal services. " We are of opinion, gentlemen, tliatyou ought not to conlider as an indefeafible privilege that of granting in your particular States the neeelfary lubfidies. There is no province in the kingdom, nay no town or borough, hut what at some time or other has enjoyed the fame rights, the welfare of the great community to which we belong, and the ncceffity of rendering the holding the States f~ t ." .|1 frfqitfTi*- Tilt' nulifp l .iTTTTIc, mult hence forth become our great and leading principle. The only privilege which provincial States ought to enjoy, is the laying and collecting fucli taxes as may be granted by the great national aflembly, in fpe(Tting their own publick works. How could those inferiour provincial assemblies know the real wants of the state ? How could they obtain fuffi cient knowledge of the national finances ? How cor Id they oppose fuflicient barriers to unjull pre tensions ? If the Beamois and the Dauphinians, really and sincerely mean to become free, let all France become free alio, then the freedom of each province will he under the fafeguard and guaran tee of the whole. We inuft despair of ever ob taining a complete system of national rights and privileges, if we mean to retain any of our old oncS, those which may not be incompatible with the c-encral welfare, and not detrimental to the reft of onr fellow citizens ; henceforth this exten sive kingdom rnuft be our country; the more wife ly governed we shall be, the dearer it will become to us. Let us therefore lay aside those obsolete ideas ; let us give up what was merely partial and local, and form but one wide extended family.— Beamois, Dauphinians, Bretons, Normands, Pi cards, Lorrains, let us all glory in becoming truly Frenchmen, let us feel and fulfill the duties which that name imposes on us, and fly without delay to the afliftance . nd relief of our dear country. Directed by the three orders of Dauphine, to be written. To the Syndics of the States of Beam. SPEECHES of the KING, and the KEEPER of the SE.4LS, at the opening of the Afcmbly of Notables, held a: VsrfculL s, the (>th of Nov. 1788. HIS MAJESTY'S SPEECH. " GENTI.E.MEN, " THE manifold proofs I have lately had of your knowledge and abilities, as well as of your zeel and publick Ipirit have delerminedme to meet you again. " 1 have appointed the beginning of the follow ing year for holding the States General of my kingdom, and you may reft allured that my heart impatiently waits for the moment, when surround ed by the representatives of my Faithful fubjeClr, 1 lhall have it in my power to devise and confuli with them on the heft means of healing the wounds of the State, and without weakening the authority which I have received from my people's future happinels ; as long as I Eve, such will be the priii cipal aim of all my artions, and of my Left wifties. " But before the Convocation of those States is to take place, I wish to consult you, gentlemen, on the molt eligible mode of rendering that impor tant meeting as ufeful to my kiligdoin as pofhble. For that purpose, I have ordered, that every infor mation, and papers which may tend to elucidate the principle object of your meeting, flyjuld be laid before you. lam confident that your zeal, the celerity of your debates and deliberations, V. ill hasten the completion of this important talk, for which I have called you together, and that your labours will defcrve all my confidence, and answer the expectations of the publick." S*EECH ofrhc KEENER of the SEALS. " GENTLEMEN, " THE Notables of the kingdom have never been called but on the molt urgent occurrences, and in consequence of the molt important circum- Itances, it is in tliofe momentous ones, that amo liarch, whose firft v. ilh is the publick good, loves to meet the wife councils of his people, and to sur round himfelf with the light of their knowledge. " Such has been the condurt of those of our 10- vereigns whose names have been handed down, and are exhibited to their fucceflors, as patterns of good kings ; such w as the condurt of that mag nanimous one, whose memory becomes dearer every day, as we tracc his \ irtues in the heir of his throne. " The convocation of the States General will become one of the molt memorable events of his retgn ; what greater boon could the nation expert from his goounefs and justice ? But the tender so licitude of his Majesty is not limited to the meer calling of this great aflembly ; he wiihes also to re move every obstacle, to smooth eveVy difficulty which can poflibly be forefeen. He wants to know which is the inoft perfect mode of calling them, and that which may become the most ufeful to the people. Infteadof fruiting to his own wisdom, or applying to the advice of his council for the in vestigation of this question, rendered ltill more momentous the great number of yeais elapsed since the meeting of the lalt aflembly, as well as by the increase which the kingdom has received since, his Majesty requires that you should let him know which are the surest means of accpmplifhing the mcft arduous measure of his admirrillratioii, and •at the fame time the one molt intevefting, as hav ing for its object the publick felicity. " The King comes in the m;dft of you gent le men to hear the voice of the nation, henceforth to be tile basis of publick opinion, to derive from your collective wisdom, information and sentiments, some part of his power and peculiar happiness ; the fuccelsFul trial he has already made of it, en courages and juftifies his confidence. " That you may be enabled at one glance, to per vade the whole extent of the business which you have to run over, and adopt some precise ideas concerning the various points of disquisition which will be proposed, his Majesty has ordered his Mi nister of the Finances to lay before you a fei ies of questions to which he expects the molt explicit ans wers. This measure, as plain as it is natural, will greatly facilitate yourlabours and by circumscribing them within proper bounds, will enable you with out delay to meet the just impatience of the mon arch to know your opinions. " It will be a glorious ta(k, gentlemen, thus to have prepared the way f»r the convening this great and solemn aflembly, which will be truly conliitu tional—an aflembly from whose wisdom, and salu tary determinations, the people of this kingdom ex pert to derive a degree of energy, strength and lustre hitherto unknown. Hasten therefore to undertake and fulfil those honourable funrtions :—The eyes of the whole na tion are already turned towards you, while she re collerts with gratitude the proofs you gave in the year i 787, of your zeal and ofyourlincere assertion to the true interests of the state. "Ye ministers of the altar, whose virtue and learning France has long since refperted and ad mired, you will diftinguifli yourselves no doubt, by that aptitude to business which is due to your ftudioushabits, by that spirit of love and concilia tion which springs from the holy religion you teach. " Andyou, generous nobility, whose hereditary honours and military services have been so ufeful to the monarch, as well as to the monarchy, shew by the wisdom of your councils, that you are as fit to watch over the internal regulations of the pub lick weal, as t6 defend it by your valour and your courage. " First magistrates of the kingdom, you who preside over those venerable and ancient corps, learned expositors and refpertable depofiirories of our laws, what may not the nation expert from your consummate experience, your well known zeal, and your attachment to those maxims on