Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, April 15, 1789, Image 1

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To be pubhfked at the seat of the seder a l govern m e nt, and tc
comprise, as fully as pofjible, the following Objects, viz.
I T'ARLY and authentick Accounts of the PROCEEDINGS
communicated so as to form an HISTORY of the TRANSACTIONS
11. Impartial Sketches of the Debates of Congress.
111. ESSAYS upon the great fubjefts of Government in general
and the Federal Legijlature in particular; also upon the national ant)
Am/Rights of the american citizens, as founded upon the Fe
deral or State Constitutions; also upon every other Subject, -which
may appear suitable for newspaper difculTion.
IV. A SERIES of PARAGRAPHS, calculated to catch the
" living manners as they rise," and to point the publick
attention to Objetts that have an important reference to dovnejlick,
facial, and publick happiness.
V. The Interefls of the -United States as conneftcd with their li
terary Institutions—religious and moral Objefts—lmprovements ir
Science, Aits, EDUCATION and HUMANITY—their foftigr
Treaties, Alliances, Connexions, &c.
VI. Every species of INTELLIGENCE, which may affect th<
commercial, agricultural, manufafiuriug, orpolitital INTERESTS ol
through the Medium of an extensive Correspondence with the ref
peflive States.
GENCE, so connected, as to form a general Idea oj publick AJfairs ir.
tht eafltrn Hemisphere.
. IX. The STATE of the NATIONAL FUNDS; also of the IN
DIVIDUAL GOVERNMENTS Courses of Exchange Pr.ce;
Current, &c.
THE Gazette of the United State a shall be printed with thi
fame Letter, and on the fame Paper as this publication.
ItJiiall be publijhed every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, am
delivered, as may be direfled, to every Subscriber in the city, on those days,
■ The price to Subscribers (exekufiveof postage) will A THREE DOL
LARS pr. annum.
The firjh fmi-annnal payment to be-made in three months_/Vtf/n the ap
pear ance oj the JirJl number.
Will be rernvrif in all the capital totsns rrfon the Continent; also at the
City-Coffee-Houfe, and at No. 86, Williarrt-Strect, until the \Ji
o/May, from which time at No. 9, Maiden-Lane, near the Ofwego-
Market, New-York.
JV. B. By a new Arrangement made in the Stages, Subscribers at 2
distance will be duly furnifhed with papers.
postscrYtt. A large impression of every number will be Jlruch off—
so that Subfribers may always be accommodatcd with complete Sets.
AT this important _Crisis, the ideas that fill the
mind, are pregnr.nt with Events of the greatest
magnitude—to strengthen and complete the UNI
ON of the States—to extend and protetft then
COMMERCE, under equal Treaties yet to he form
ed—to explore and arrange the NATIONAL
FUNDS—to reltore and eftablifli the PUBLICK
CREDIT—and ALL tinder the auspices of an un
tried System of Government, will requirethe EN
ERGIES of the Patriots and Sages of our Country—
Hence the propriety of encreaftng the Medium oj Know
ledge artd Information.
AMERICA, from this period, begins a new Era
m her national existence—" the world is all
before her"—The wisdom and folly—the misery
and prosperity of the EMPIRES, STATES, and
KINGDOMS, which have had their day upon the
P'eat Theatre of Time, and are now no more,
ftggeft the most important Memenros—Thefe, with
the rapid series of Events, in which our own Coun
try has been so deeply interested, have taught the
enlightened Citizens of the United States, that
LAWS, are inseparable.
This Conviction has led to the adoption of the
NewConftitution ; for however various the Sen
timents, refpe<!ting the MERITS of this System, all
good mf.n are agreed in the lieceflitv that exists,
A paper, therefore, eftabliftied upon NATION
PLES-— which (hall take up the premised Articles,
"Don a competent plan, it is presumed, will be
uglily interesting, and meet with publick appro
bation and patronage.
1 he Editor of this Publication is determined to
cave no avenue of Information unexplored :—He
0 lcits the afliftance ofPerfons ofleifure and abili
es—-which, united with his own aflicluity, he Hat
ers himfelf willrender the Gazette of the United
* no * unworthy general encouragement
an ls ' w i'"-h due refpeft, the publick's humble fer
x' v c JOHN FENNO.
htu-Yorb, April 1789.
WHICHis ißomilesinlengch, and6oin breadth,
'contained, according to an enumeration in
1787, 102,000 inhabitants—is attached to the fe
deral Government—engaged in organizing her mi
litia, already the beftdifciplined of any in the Lin
ion—encouraging the domeltick arts—and looking
forward to the benefits which will ref'ult from the
operations of the New Constitution. New-Hamp
(hire, from her local adantages, and the hardihood
of her Tons, may anticipate eileiitial benefits from
the operation of equal commercial regulations.
4jo miles in length, and 160 in breadth, contain
ed, according to an enumeration in 178 7, 360,000
inhabitants—Since the tranquility of the State was
restored by the lupprellion of the late insurreCtion,
the whole body of the people appears solicitous for
the bleliings of peace and good government. If
any conclusion can be drawn from elections for the
Federal this State has a decided major
ity in favour of the New Constitution. The great
objeCts of Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures,
and the Fifharies, appear greatly to engage the at
tention of Mailiichufetts. Fabricationt of Cotton,
coarse Woolens, Linens, DUCK, IRON, Wood, &c.
are prosecuting with futceft—and by diminishing
her imports, and increasing her exports, she is ad
vancing to that rank and importance in the Union
which her extent of territory—her resources—and
the genius and enterprilfc of her citizens entitle her
to —and although the collision of parties, at the
moment of Election, ftiikes out a few sparks of ani
mosity, yet the decision once made, the " Calumet
of Peace" is fntoked in lave and friendfhip—" and
like true Republicans they acquiej 'ce in the choice of the
81 miles in length, and 57 in breadth, contain
ed, agreeably to a Census in 1782, 209,150 inhab
itants, enjoying a fertile foil, this truly republican
Stare is pursuing her interelt in the promotion of
Manufactures, Commerce, Agriculture, and the
Sciences—She'itppearS trfbid fair, from the peace
able, loyal, and federal Character of the great body
of her citizens—from the Enterprise of her men of
wealth, and other favourable circuuiftances, to at
tain to a gTeat degree of opulence, power, and
respectability in the Union.
350 miles in length,and 300 in breadth,contained,
agreeably to a Census in 1786, 238,897 inhabitants,
This State appears to be convulsed by parties—but
the CRISIS is at hand, when it is hoped, that the
" Hatchet" will be buried. Exertions on one fide
are making for the re-eleCtion of Gov. Clinton,
and on the other for the introduction of the Hon.
Judge Y a t e s to the chair—both parties appear san
guine as to their success. It is ardently to be will
ed, that temper and tnoderation may pi efide at the
Elections ; and there can be no doubt of it, as that
Freedom, for which we fought and triumphed,
depends lo essentially upon a FREE CHOICE.—
It is greatly regretted, that this refpcCtable and
important member of the federal Republick, (hould
not be represented in the Moil Honourable Senate
of the United States. New-York, however, is rising
in her federal character, and in manufacturing, a
gricultural, and commercial consequence : Eviden
ced in her federal elections—her plans for promo
ting Manufactures, and the increase of her Exports.
160 miles in length, and 52 in breadth, contain
ed, by a Census in 1 784, 149,435 inhabitants. This
State is at prefenttrancjuil, although lately agitated
by a very extraordinary contelled election—which
by a timely interference of the Executive, appears
to be fettled. The inhabitants of this State are
warmly attached to the New Constitution—the bles
sings of peace, an equal trade, and good govern
ment, being properly prized by them. The Arts
and Sciences arc objects of importance in this State,
and many of her foils rank high in the Republick
of Letters.
288 miles in length, and 156 in breadth—by a
Census in 1787, contained 360,000 inhabitants
This extenlive and truly resectable State, is mak
.ing great proficiency in her Manufactures, Agri
culture, Arts and Cominere. Her attachment to
the New Constitution is unequivocal, and with a
: consistency highly honourary to her national cha
racter, ilie has lately made an effort, (which, though
defeated for a time, will undoubtedly be fuccefsful)
! to conform their State Constitution to that of the
Union. Tliepublick buildings in the city of Plii
. ladclphia, have been refpeCifully offered for the j
accommodation of Congress. Theatrical exhibi- :
tions are now permitted by law—and the city lias
been incorporated : Experience will determine the
eligibility of the two latter tranfa&ioßS.
92 miles In length, and 16 in breadth, by a Gen
ius in 1787, contained 37,000 inhabitants. This
State, though circuinfcribed in its limits, derives
great importance from its rank in the Union—at
tached to the New Constitution, and having the
honour to take the lead in its adoption, there is no
doubt of its giving efficacy to its righteous admini
stration. •
134 miles in length, and no in breadth, by a
Census taken in 1 782, contained 253,630 inhabitants.
From its favourable situation in the Union, this
State bids fair for prosperity, wealth, and eminence.
Warmly attached to the New Confthuticn, andep
joying a central situation, the publications there
have teemed with tempting inducements to Con
gress, to make Baltimore the Seat if the Federal
758 miles in length, and 224 in breath—by a
cenft s taken in 1782, contains 567,614 inhabitants.
From the natural ardour of her sons in the caul'd
of freedom, is frequently convulsed in her elec
tions, and has been torn by factions.—Pollening
an extensive territory and a vail income, her funds
arc placcd on a refpeCiable footing) but as herre
prefentatioij in the fjederal legislature is decidedly
attached to the union and the new conftitttion—
there is now no doubt but ths* flie will fee her in
t ere ft and glory finally connected with a few tem
porary facrifices upon the principles of mutual con
cession. ' *
.200 miles in length, and 125 in breath—and con
tains, by a census in 1787, 180,000 inhabitants, an
important member of the union, has appeared late
ly to vibrate between oppoling ientiments—Her
attachment to national meaf'ures we doubt not will
evidentally discover itfelf when all tender lavs and
pine barrens flia.ll be done away. The prohibition of
tlie importation of staves, and the provision lately
made for the reduction of her foreign debt are fe*
deral traits—add to these that their electors have
given an unanimous vote for his Excellency Ge
neral Washington, as President of the United
States—by which the memorable circumltance is
authenticated, that the voice of the WHOLE CON
TINENT has once more called our FABIUS MAX-"
IMUS to rel'cue our country from impending ruin.
600 miles in length, and 250 in breath,. —by a
Census in 1 787, contained 98,000 inhabitants. This
[late is compleating her federal character \y con
forming her state constitution to that of the union
—and being the youngell branch of the family---
and a frontier— : ihe will doubtless experience the
supporting and protecting arm of the federal go
Is 68 miles in length, and 40 ill breath, and
by a Census taken in 1783, contained 51,896
inhabitants. This state has again refn'fed to ac
cede to a union with her filler states, and is now
wholly eftrangedfrom them ;and from appearances,
will long continue so, unless the measure of the
iniquity of her "KNOW YE" gentry should be
speedily filled up—or the delusion which has so
long infatuated amajority of her citizens,fhould be
removed.—Anxious of enjoying the protection of
the union, the inhabitants of Newport, Provi
dence and otlier places, are determined to sue for
its protection, and to be annexed to MaflachrJetts
or Connecticut. This difinemberment of the state
it is to be desired, may be prevented by her be
ing wholly grassed into that stock from whence
through blindness she has been broken off.
Is 758 miles in length, and f 10 in breadth, and
by a census taken in 1787, contained 270,000 in
habitants. A depreciated paper medium, and a
deficiency of political knowledge, are confideredas
the causes of the anti-national spirit of this State.
Her extensive frontier, and being obliged to export
the greater part of her productions through Vir
ginia, it is expedted will ere long evince the neces
sity of her acceding to the confederation. This
indeed appears already to be the predominant idea
of her citizens, by some recent tranfacftions.
Somr of the foregoing Obfcrvaticns are tranf ribrdfrom the Majf.Khi*
fctts Mag. an ingenious periodical publication of I. Tlomasand Co. of Bos
ton, now in the fourth month of its progress as a Candidate for literary
eminence, and pub/ick patronage. The Enumeration of the Inhabitants oj
the federal States, is taken from Mcrfe's AMERICAN CEOCRAPIIY--
a new icork jijl published, which from its very ufejvl and important con
tents, fliould it introduced into every family of the United States.■ '